Dear Konrad,
I presume that the system can be written as follows, where h0, d0, ga0, kga and
kd are given:
err1 = h + hd + hga - h0;
err2 = d + hd - d0;
err3 = ga + hga - ga0;
err4 = hga - kga*h*ga;
err5 = hd - kd*h*d;
All error terms should be zero.
Do you need (a) the symbolic solution or (b
Fit NLE - was: [R] computer algebra in R
Original post:
Dear Kornad,
I think I have started to understand what you try to achieve. The problem is to
fit a NLE and compute the parameters of the NL-Eq. I have included the R
Dear Rich,
It depends how the data is generated.
Although I am not an expert in ecology, I can explain it based on a biomedical
Certain variables are generated geometrically (exponentially), e.g. MIC or
MIC = Minimum Inhibitory Concentration for bacterial resistance
Titer = di
Dear R-Users,
Is there a way to skip over without plotting the jumps/discontinuities in
I have not seen such an option, but maybe I am missing something.
plot.gamma = function(xlim = c(-6, -1), ylim = c(-1,3), hline = NULL, n = 1000)
curve(gamma(x), from = xlim[1], to = xlim[2],
From: Duncan Murdoch
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 6:05 PM
To: Leo Mada ;
Subject: Re: [R] Skip jumps in curve
On 13/02/2024 10:29 a.m., Leo Mada via R-help wrote:
> Dear R-Users,
> Is there a way to skip ove
Dear R-Users,
I am interested in the optimal strategy for optim:
Q: How to formulate the optimization problem?
Q1: Are there benefits for abs(f(x)) vs (f(x))^2?
Q2: Are there any limitations for using abs(...)?
Regarding point 1: my feeling is that the gradients should be more robust with
the a
Dear R Users,
Are there any tools to extract the function names called by
I would like to group these functions using clustering methods based on the
co-occurrence in the reverse-dependencies.
Utility: It may be possible to split complex packages into modules with fewer
f code. On the other hand, the
help page for codetools::checkUsage is quite cryptic. But it's good to know at
least where to look.
From: Ivan Krylov
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 10:36 AM
To: Leo Mada via R-help
Cc: Leo Mada
Dear R-Users,
Are there any packages that enable the modifications of highlighted areas /
annotations in pdf documents?
It seems feasible - I have explored some R code (see below). However, I would
rather avoid to reinvent the wheel.
The problem:
When highlighting pdf-documents with Microsoft
ot;modify pdf documents in R" brought
up the staplr package. A quick web search with the same query brought up the
pdftools package.
These were cursory efforts, so you may well find more. You will have to
determine whether and to what degree any meet your needs.
-- Bert
On Sat, Jun 1, 2024 a
Dear Shadee,
If you have a data.frame with the following columns:
n = 100; # population size
x = data.frame(
Sex = sample(c("M","F"), n, T),
Country = sample(c("AA", "BB", "US"), n, T),
Income = as.factor(sample(1:3, n, T))
# Dummy variable
ONE = rep(1, nrow(x))
r = aggrega
Correcting a small glitch - see new code.
From: Leo Mada
Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2024 8:34 PM
To: Shadee Ashtari
Subject: [R] R code for overlapping variables -- count
Dear Shadee,
If you have a data.frame with the following columns:
To: Leo Mada via R-help
Cc: Leo Mada
Subject: Re: [R] Tools to modify highlighted areas in pdf documents?
� Sat, 1 Jun 2024 16:16:23 +0000
Leo Mada via R-help �:
> When highlighting pdf-documents with Microsoft Edge, the bounding box
> is sometimes misplaced, and quite ugly so. It als
Dear R Users,
Is this desired behaviour?
I presume it's a bug.
# 0+Infi
# 0+1i
atan(1i) / 5
# NaN+Infi
There were some changes in handling of complex numbers. But it looks like a bug.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
= NaN+Infi ?
> Inf*1i
[1] NaN+Infi
clarifies why it is *not* a bug.
(Boy, did that jog some long dusty math memories :-) )
-- Bert
On Thu, Sep 5, 2024 at 2:48 PM Duncan Murdoch>> wrote:
On 2024-09-05 4:23 p.m., Leo Mada via R-help wrote:
Dear Thomas,
Unfortunately, I do not know if any packages implement this functionality.
Though, it is a topic that interests me.
Unlike the "classic discriminant", I prefer to work with the reduced
polynomial. This "discriminant" is generalizable to a superset of Chebysev
polynomials (which I
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