b. In my opinion it is easy to
> install and maintain and has very good support for R (take a bow,
> Dirk).
Kevin E. Thorpe
Biostatistician/Trialist, Knowledge Translation Program
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences
Faculty of Medicine, University of Toron
> \title{Sweave Example 1}
> \author{Friedrich Leisch}
> \begin{document}
> \maketitle
> In this example we embed parts of the examples from the
> \texttt{kruskal.test} help page into a \LaTeX{} document:
> <<>>=
> data(airquality)
gt;>> pstex and pstex_t file. However, in order to get the right pstex_t
>>> file (that is, with the text of the original figure) I have to change
>>> the font and special text variables in the fig files.
>>> I would like R to do this font changing job, but
I asked because I have found the plotmath capabilities in R to be
sufficient for LaTeXish text on plots. Then there are no
intermediate steps. It didn't seem that from the OP that
anything incredibly complex was being attempted.
Kevin E. Thorpe
Biostatistician/Trialist, Know
t then
the error "sh: line 1: xdvi: command not found" appears.
I started a terminal and a "which xdvi" returned the path
where it found xdvi. So, it appears that xdvi is in the
My apologies, I forgot to get her sessionInfo() but I think
she is running R 2.6.?
Kevin E. T
remember and example in one of them.
> On Jan 23, 2008 9:22 AM, Kevin E. Thorpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I am posting this on behalf of a student in my class. I have been
>> introducing them to R.
>> I suspect that the problem I
; I don't think that addresses the problem. If xdvi is truly in the
>> system path then the problem is very strange.
>> Frank
>>> On Jan 23, 2008 9:22 AM, Kevin E. Thorpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hello.
Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
> Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
>> It eliminates Hmisc and R by giving you a tex file. Now its up
>> to you to figure out how to handle tex files on your system.
> I have suggested the student try options(xdvicmd="fullpathtoxdvi")
> to see
Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
> Charles C. Berry wrote:
>> On Wed, 23 Jan 2008, Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
>>> Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
>>>> Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
>>>>> Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
>>>>>> It eliminates Hmisc and R by
Charles C. Berry wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Jan 2008, Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
>> Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
>>> Charles C. Berry wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 23 Jan 2008, Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
>>>>> Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
> Charles C. Berry wrote:
>> On Wed, 23 Jan 2008, Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
>>> Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
>>>> Charles C. Berry wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 23 Jan 2008, Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
like you
created your own dummy variables for your categorical variables. Did
you? Or did you use factor variables for your categorical variables?
If the latter, then I REALLY don't understand your question.
Kevin E. Thorpe
Biostatistician/Trialist, Knowledge Translation Prog
re will be one fewer coefficients than
categories. One level is a reference group which probably explains
PEM_Sscat and SOIL_NUTR each "missing" one coefficient. For ORG_CODE,
there were 4 DF in the starting model, 4 DF in the final model with 4
coefficients. So the 6 missing categories a
s yet arrogant and short-sighted?
Kevin E. Thorpe
Biostatistician/Trialist, Knowledge Translation Program
Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto
email: kevin.tho...@utoronto.ca Tel: 416.864.5776 Fax: 416.864
Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
On Mon, 2 Feb 2009, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 2/2/2009 8:46 AM, Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
I tried to use write.foreign() to export to SAS this morning and got
an error.
When I looked at the code for writeForeignSAS() I saw this line:
dfn < -df
which I think should
s methods base
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.8.0
and my version of foreign is 0.8-30
Kevin E. Thorpe
Biostatistician/Trialist, Knowledge Translation Program
Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto
email: kevin.tho...@utoron
Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 2/2/2009 8:46 AM, Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
I tried to use write.foreign() to export to SAS this morning and got
an error.
When I looked at the code for writeForeignSAS() I saw this line:
dfn < -df
which I think should be
dfn <- df
So, I tried to run update.pa
,span=0.75,degree=2)) and see if that helps.
Kevin E. Thorpe
Biostatistician/Trialist, Knowledge Translation Program
Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto
email: kevin.tho...@utoronto.ca Tel: 416.864.5776 Fax: 416.864.6057
an iterations argument which is related
to the robustness of the estimates. I would think that could also
account for tail departures especially.
I don't gave the gam package installed, so can't test these myself
at the moment.
- Original Message -
From: "Kevin E. Thorp
Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
Ravi Varadhan wrote:
Good try, Kevin. But that doesn't seem to do it.
x <- sort(runif(100))
y <- sin(4*pi*x) + rnorm(100, sd=0.2)
ans.lo2 <- loess(y ~ x, degree=2, span=0.75)
ans.gam2 <- gam(y ~ lo(x, degree=2, span=0.75))
attached base packages:
[1] splines stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
[8] base
other attached packages:
[1] Design_2.1-1 survival_2.34 Hmisc_3.4-3lattice_0.17-2
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] c
;PATH"),"/usr/texbin",sep=":") )
After doing this, latex() worked as desired when R is started
from the MAC Finder.
She and I thank you.
Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
> Hello.
> I am posting this on behalf of a student in my class. I have been
> intr
on called km in the event package.
> Is there an update for that because when I choose to download packages in
> R,. there is no package called event, even though I have selected all the
> repositories.
> Thanks in advance,
> Eleni
Kevin E. Thorpe
akes farimsa objects]
> Does anyone know of such a likelihood ratio test?
I think anova(model1,model2,test="Chi") will do what you want.
Kevin E. Thorpe
Biostatistician/Trialist, Knowledge Translation Program
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences
attached base packages:
[1] "splines" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "utils" "datasets"
[7] "methods" "base"
other attached packages:
cmprsk survival
"2.1-7" "2.31&
Peter Dalgaard wrote:
> Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
>> Dear List:
>> I have a data frame prepared in the couting process style for including
>> a binary time-dependent covariate. The first few rows look like this.
>> PtNo StartEnd Status Imp
Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
> Peter Dalgaard wrote:
>> Kevin E. Thorpe wrote:
>>> Dear List:
>>> I have a data frame prepared in the couting process style for including
>>> a binary time-dependent covariate. The first few rows look like this.
> The line is about eleven (11) characters too long.
> Thanks,
> Keith Jones
I'm not sure if it affects the echoed commands too, but inserting a code
chunk like
(replace 60 with the width you need) controls the width of the
> Where is f77 and f2c with linux 10.3 ??
> Thank you do much
In SuSE 10.2 I found it in the gcc-fortran package. I don't recall if
it is required, but there is also a gcc41-fortran. It may well be the
same in SuSE 10.3.
Kevin E. Thorpe
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