Re: [R] deSolve question

2009-06-12 Thread Karline
for solving differential equations. Btw, why use daspk ? It is really meant for solving DAEs, not ODEs. lsoda or lsode or vode might be a better choice. Cheers, Karline insun nam wrote: > > Dear All, > > I like to simulate a physiologically based pharmacokinetics model using R &g

[R] Using axis limits with plot3D

2014-08-07 Thread Karline Soetaert
) y.limits <- c(-2, 2) slice3D(x,y,z, colvar=p, xs=0, ys=c(0, 4), zs=NULL, scale=F, ticktype="detailed", plot = FALSE) plotdev(xlim=x.limits, ylim=y.limits) This should work. Karline Message: 25 Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2014 23:21:04 + From: "Waichler, Scott R" To: "R. H

Re: [R] Control color palette and legend in filled.contour

2014-09-19 Thread Karline Soetaert
<- ramp.col(c("blue", "red")) image2D(z = volcano, col = Col, xlab = "", contour = TRUE, colkey = list(side = 1, length = 0.5)) Hope it helps, Karline Soetaert >Original Message: 1 >Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 01:53:05 -0700 >From: "Thiago V. dos San

Re: [R] can we visualize water flows with 3d in R?

2016-10-13 Thread Karline Soetaert
... and maybe she can find some inspiration at this website: Karline -Original Message- From: Duncan Murdoch [] Sent: donderdag 13 oktober 2016 15:20 To: Thomas Adams ; David Winsemius Cc: r

Re: [R] diagram package treearrow help

2009-07-02 Thread Soetaert, Karline
Try: openplotmat() pos <- coordinates(c(2,4),hor=FALSE) Parr<- treearrow(from=pos[1:2,],to=pos[3:6,],arr.side=1:2,path="V") text(Parr,"hello") dr. Karline Soetaert NIOO - CEME PO box 140 4400 ACĀ  Yerseke the Netherlands Phone: ++ 31 113 577487 fax: ++ 31

Re: [R] Windowing issue with diagram package & R 9.1

2009-07-02 Thread Soetaert, Karline
Robert, It is a windows thing: Try: par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for(i in 1:4)plot(i) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) and then scroll/resize. Karline __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http

Re: [R] arr.lcol in plotmat from diagram package

2009-07-11 Thread Soetaert, Karline
.frame(M) arr.col[2,1]<-"red" arr.col[4,2]<-"black" arr.col[3,4]<-"darkgreen" arr.col[1,3]<-"orange" pp<-plotmat(M,pos=c(1,2,1),curve=0.2,name=letters[1:4],lwd=1,box.lwd=2, cex.txt=0.8,arr.type="triang

Re: [R] drawing hmms

2009-07-11 Thread Soetaert, Karline
to clean the frame (new=TRUE) c. create the plot d. restore the size of the original figure (0,1,0,1) something like this: pos1 <- pp$comp[1,] fig <- c(pos1[1]+0.2,pos1[1]+0.4,pos1[2]-0.1,pos1[2]+0.1) par(new=TRUE,fig=fig) plot(1,2,pch=16,ylab="",xlab="") par(

Re: [R] diagram package graph margins

2009-07-11 Thread Soetaert, Karline
Rajesh, To change the margins, use par(mar):: M <- matrix(nrow=4,ncol=4,data=0) M[2,1]<-1 ;M[4,2]<-2;M[3,4]<-3;M[1,3]<-4 par (mar=c(0,0,0,0)) pp<-plotmat(M,pos=c(1,2,1),curve=0.) Karline [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __

Re: [R] arr.lcol in plotmat from diagram package

2009-07-12 Thread Soetaert, Karline
me(M) arr.col[2,1]<-"red" arr.col[4,2]<-"black" arr.col[3,4]<-"darkgreen" arr.col[1,3]<-"orange" pp<-plotmat(M,pos=c(1,2,1),curve=0.2,name=letters[1:4],lwd=1,box.lwd=2, cex.txt=0.8,arr.type="trian

Re: [R] Solve linear program without objective function

2009-12-04 Thread Soetaert, Karline
F<- f.rhs[1:2] H<-f.rhs[-(1:2)] require(limSolve) lsei(E=E,F=F,G=G,H=H) xranges(E=E,F=F,G=G,H=H) xs <- xsample(E=E,F=F,G=G,H=H) pairs(xs$X) Hope this helps, Karline [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ m

Re: [R] non-linear fourth-order differential equations

2010-11-30 Thread Soetaert, Karline
-order DEs. For use in deSolve, you need to rewrite the 4th order DE as a set of 4 first-order equations: d''''y /dt = f(t,y) then becomes: dy1 = y2; dy2 = y3; dy3 = y4; dy4 = f(t,y) Hope this helps, Karline Message: 32 Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 22:47:59 +0100 From: Yanik

Re: [R] deSolve - Function daspk on DAE system - Error (Vince)

2011-10-03 Thread Soetaert, Karline
ere is a special R-mailinglist that deals with this type of problems: Hope this helps, Karline - Original message: Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 20:20:10 -0700 (PDT) From: Vince To: Subject: [R] deSolve - Function daspk on

[R] ode() tries to allocate an absurd amount of memory

2012-02-04 Thread Karline Soetaert
o solve problems of the order 1e5 variables with these functions. If it is not a PDE, and it cannot be solved with adams or ode45, then you might try method = "lsodes" which will select a sparse solver. Hope this helps, Karline By the way, there exists a mailing list, called R-sig-d