[R] Functions similar to step() and all.effects() that work for lme() objects?

2008-07-18 Thread Jon Zadra
milar functions for either exist? If someone could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated. Thanks! Jon -- Jon Zadra Department of Psychology University of Virginia P.O. Box 400400 Charlottesville VA 22904 (434) 982-4744 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://www.google.com/

[R] Prevent sequential repeated values in data frame column

2009-08-11 Thread Jon Zadra
11 30 860 7 0 830 10 0 1060 ...... Can anyone recommend a simple way to do this? (Bonus if it could be implemented for more than a single column!) Thanks in advance, Jon -- Jon Zadra Department of Psychology Uni

[R] Adding error bars to xyplot()

2010-04-21 Thread Jon Zadra
ult require(gplots) plotCI(x = time, y = means, uiw = SE, add=T) Thanks in advance! - Jon -- Jon Zadra Department of Psychology University of Virginia P.O. Box 400400 Charlottesville VA 22904 (434) 982-4744 email: za...@virginia.edu <http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=jzadra%40gma

Re: [R] Adding error bars to xyplot()

2010-04-23 Thread Jon Zadra
way." Thanks, Jon Jon Zadra Department of Psychology University of Virginia P.O. Box 400400 Charlottesville VA 22904 (434) 982-4744 email: za...@virginia.edu <http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=jzadra%40gmail.com> On 4/21/2010 6:47 PM, David Winsemius wrote: On Apr 21, 2010, a

[R] Change global env variables from within a function

2010-10-13 Thread Jon Zadra
lace "dframe" with "tempdf" in the evaluation, so it seems to be a problem of looking at some variables within the function environment but others in the parent environment. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jon -- Jon Za

[R] Problems with aggregate() function in stats package

2011-09-15 Thread Jon Zadra
gregate(x=DistRatio, by=list(Condition), FUN=mean)) Group.1x 1 Congruent 1.700215 2 Mismatch 1.859795 So, am I doing something wrong or is this function just not working as advertised? Thanks, Jon -- Jon Zadra Department of Psychology University of Virginia P.O. Box 400400

[R] plot separate groups with plotmeans()

2011-11-08 Thread Jon Zadra
rouping argument listed. Any help is appreciated, including pointing to a more robust function for plotting means. Thanks, Jon -- Jon Zadra Department of Psychology University of Virginia P.O. Box 400400 Charlottesville VA 22904 (434) 982-4744 email: za...@virginia.edu <http://www.google.

[R] Remove top/right border from lattice plots

2012-04-24 Thread Jon Zadra
ll removes all 4 borders: / par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = 0))/ xyplot( Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Length, auto.key=T, data=iris, par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = 0))) Thanks in advance, - Jon / / -- Jon Zadra Department of Psychology University of Virginia P.O. Box 400400

[R] A shorter version of ".Last.value"?

2008-07-07 Thread Jon Zadra
er it would be nice not to have to type the () every time. Is it possible to change something in R to essentially replace the location where ".Last.value" has the recent evaluation assigned to it with 'ans' instead? Or might it be possible to make an object 'ans'

[R] Nesting order for mixed models

2009-03-10 Thread Jon Zadra
e trials are going to differ depending on the subject. If trials should be grouped under subjects, then do the condition or distance belong as well, since the trials will be most similar within each distance within each subject? Thanks in advance! - Jon -- Jon Zadra Department of Psyc

[R] Strange seq() behavior

2008-11-25 Thread Jon Zadra
> targets[6]==.6 [1] TRUE > targets[7]==.7 [1] FALSE > targets[8]==.8 [1] TRUE > targets[9]==.9 [1] TRUE Thanks, Jon -- Jon Zadra Department of Psychology University of Virginia P.O. Box 400400 Charlottesville VA 22904 (434) 982-4744 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://www.google.