[R] Saving misclassified records into dataframe within a loop

2011-05-12 Thread John Dennison
[i,]<- as.data.frame(row.names(kyphosis[c(i),])) } } } this does not work. results object does not get saved. Any Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks John Dennison [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing

Re: [R] Saving misclassified records into dataframe within a loop

2011-05-12 Thread John Dennison
so you could start from there. >- Phil Spector > Statistical Computing Facility > Department of Statistics > UC Berkeley >

Re: [R] Saving misclassified records into dataframe within a loop

2011-05-12 Thread John Dennison
14 48 15 50 16 51 17 60 18 63 19 68 20 71 21 72 22 74 23 79 why the two different 'results'?? Thanks John Dennison On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 6:06 PM, David Winsemius wrote: > > On May 12, 2011, at 5:41 PM, John Dennison wrote: > > Having poked the problem a couple more time

Re: [R] Saving misclassified records into dataframe within a loop

2011-05-12 Thread John Dennison
lts) >> save(results, file="results") } } >> >> >> predict.function(x) >> >> >> results >> >> output: results >> 1 >>1 1 >> >> >> load("results") >> >> results >> >

Re: [R] Saving misclassified records into dataframe within a loop

2011-05-13 Thread John Dennison
lue is x==y you could replace !(x==y) with > x != y > so the following is equivalent to what you wrote > isMisclassified <- (kyphosis$Kyphosis=="absent") != > (prediction[,1]==1) > (and, in my opinion, the latter is easier to understand). > > Finally, you defined a function of one arg

Re: [R] arules package question- apriori/S4 object export question

2011-01-30 Thread John Dennison
Thanks for the help. I am working through the write.csv command and the using Google Refine to clean it up into a table. Great Program: http://code.google.com/p/google-refine/wiki/GettingStarted Ill look into the XML parser that may be

[R] transaction list transformation to use rpart.

2011-03-06 Thread John Dennison
So there are a couple parts to this question. I am trying to implement the rpart/random forest algorithms on a transaction lists. That is to say i am trying to train models in order to deduce what are the most predictive transactions within a customers history in order apply this model to future te

Re: [R] Preferred way to create bubble plots?

2011-03-07 Thread John Dennison
I'm not sure if this exactly what you need but it is a good introduction. and a great website to boot. http://flowingdata.com/2010/11/23/how-to-make-bubble-charts/ John [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list

[R] Parametrized object name in Save statement

2011-04-22 Thread John Dennison
Greetings All, I am looking to write a parametrized Rscript that will accept a variable name(that also is the name of the flat file), transform the data into a data frame and preform various modeling on the structure and save the output and plot of the model. In this example i am using a rpart dec

Re: [R] Parametrized object name in Save statement

2011-04-22 Thread John Dennison
I have found the solution. i need to use eval() to execute my text parse like eval(parse(text =as.expression(paste("save(cart_", args, ", file=file)",sep="" I hope this helps someone else. John On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 3:42 PM, John Dennison wrote: > G

[R] storing the return of system() function

2011-06-30 Thread John Dennison
n 30 21:48:20 UTC 2011 However when i try to store this return(something i need to do for my purposes) nothing is stored(or at least not what shown on the R prompt) > store<-system("date")Thu Jun 30 21:49:27 UTC 2011> store[1] 0 How do i capture the return of system()?