[R] - dunn.test gives strange output

2015-04-22 Thread Joachim Audenaert
| 0.0517 | swirskii | -1.475148 | 0.0701 | swirskii | 1.494306 | 0.0675 Met vriendelijke groeten - With kind regards, Joachim Audenaert onderzoeker gewasbescherming - crop protection researcher PCS | proefcentrum voor sierteelt - ornamental

[R] - Obtaining superscripts to affix to means that are not significantly different from each other with R

2015-04-23 Thread Joachim Audenaert
something similar exists in R? Met vriendelijke groeten - With kind regards, Joachim Audenaert onderzoeker gewasbescherming - crop protection researcher PCS | proefcentrum voor sierteelt - ornamental plant research Schaessestraat 18, 9070 Destelbergen, Belgi� T: +32 (0)9 353 94 71 | F: +32 (0

Re: [R] - Obtaining superscripts to affix to means that are not significantly different from each other with R

2015-04-23 Thread Joachim Audenaert
Is there also a version for non parametric tests like: pairwise.wilcox.test {stats} Met vriendelijke groeten - With kind regards, Joachim Audenaert onderzoeker gewasbescherming - crop protection researcher PCS | proefcentrum voor sierteelt - ornamental plant research Schaessestraat 18

[R] : automated levene test and other tests for variable datasets

2015-04-14 Thread Joachim Audenaert
e know how I can improve my way of working. In short I would like to build a script that can compare the means of different groups of data and check if they are statistically diiferent Met vriendelijke groeten - With kind regards, Joachim Audenaert onderzoeker gewasbescherming - crop protecti

Re: [R] : automated levene test and other tests for variable datasets

2015-04-15 Thread Joachim Audenaert
riendelijke groeten - With kind regards, Joachim Audenaert onderzoeker gewasbescherming - crop protection researcher PCS | proefcentrum voor sierteelt - ornamental plant research Schaessestraat 18, 9070 Destelbergen, Belgi� T: +32 (0)9 353 94 71 | F: +32 (0)9 353 94 95 E: joachim.audena...@pcsierte

Re: [R] : automated levene test and other tests for variable datasets

2015-04-15 Thread Joachim Audenaert
Hello Michael, thank you for the reply, it realy helped me to simplify my script. Basically all my questions are a bit the same, but with your hint I could solve most of my problems. Met vriendelijke groeten - With kind regards, Joachim Audenaert onderzoeker gewasbescherming - crop

[R] melt function chooses wrong id variable with large datasets

2015-04-16 Thread Joachim Audenaert
melt(dataset,id.vars=dataset[1,], na.rm=TRUE) Error: id variables not found in data: norm, jaar Are there alternative ways to create a good reshaped dataset? Met vriendelijke groeten - With kind regards, Joachim Audenaert onderzoeker gewasbescherming - crop protection researcher PCS | proefcentrum

Re: [R] melt function chooses wrong id variable with large datasets

2015-04-16 Thread Joachim Audenaert
value <- y[,2] and can then perform a levene test as follows: LEVENE <- leveneTest(value~variable,y) When the dataset is small, lets say less than 100 values per column everything works great. I get the message: No id variables; using all as measure variables When the dataset is much b

Re: [R] melt function chooses wrong id variable with large datasets

2015-04-16 Thread Joachim Audenaert
as it does when the dataset is small. Met vriendelijke groeten - With kind regards, Joachim Audenaert onderzoeker gewasbescherming - crop protection researcher PCS | proefcentrum voor sierteelt - ornamental plant research Schaessestraat 18, 9070 Destelbergen, Belgi� T: +32 (0)9 353 94 71 | F: +

[R] - help with the predict function

2012-06-05 Thread Joachim Audenaert
) with some values of which I would like the predict function to give me function values What am I doing wrong? Kind regards, Met vriendelijke groeten, Joachim Don't waste paper! Think about the environment before printing this e-mail ______ Joachim Audena

[R] - detecting outliers

2012-06-06 Thread Joachim Audenaert
2 20 23 19 20 6 20 4 21 18 25 5 13 13 9 8 8 4 7 7 8 5 11 9 Kind regards, Met vriendelijke groeten, Joachim Don't waste paper! Think about the environment before printing this e-mail ______ Jo

[R] gnm and gnlr3

2012-04-02 Thread Joachim Audenaert
t the environment before printing this e-mail ______ Joachim Audenaert Adviesdienst Gewasbescherming Proefcentrum voor Sierteelt Schaessestraat 18 B-9070 Destelbergen Tel. +32 9 353 94 71 Fax +32 9 353 94 95 E-mail: joachim.audena...@pcsierteelt.be www.pcsierteelt.be

[R] regression for poisson distributed data

2012-04-03 Thread Joachim Audenaert
0 3 60 2 60 2 60 5 60 4 Kind Regards Joachim Don't waste paper! Think about the environment before printing this e-mail ______ Joachim Audenaert Adviesdienst Gewasbescherming Proefcentrum voor Sierteelt Schaessestraat 18 B-9070 Destelb

[R] automatically scan multiple starting values

2012-04-16 Thread Joachim Audenaert
13 45 9 49 12 45 11 56 12 59 15 52 11 54 10 51 12 55 12 61 13 55 12 54 10 55 12 Kind regards, Met vriendelijke groeten, Joachim Don't waste paper! Think about the environment before printing this e-mail ____

[R] error estimating parameters with mle2

2012-04-18 Thread Joachim Audenaert
Kind regards, Met vriendelijke groeten, Joachim Don't waste paper! Think about the environment before printing this e-mail ______ Joachim Audenaert Adviesdienst Gewasbescherming Proefcentrum voor Sierteelt Schaessestraat 18 B-9070 Destelbergen Belgium Te

[R] non-numeric argument in mle2

2012-04-19 Thread Joachim Audenaert
ment before printing this e-mail ______ Joachim Audenaert Adviesdienst Gewasbescherming Proefcentrum voor Sierteelt Schaessestraat 18 B-9070 Destelbergen Belgium Tel. +32 9 353 94 71 Fax +32 9 353 94 95 E-mail: joachim.audena...@p