I think this looks like a question about statistics. I suggest you review the
documentation for the functions you are using and study the references to
better understand the algorithms you are using. If you think the algorithms are
not behaving according to theory and the packages are part of th
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...
t.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
The answer is "don't do that" because that function abuses par. Use lattice or
ggplot2 with grid graphics to plot multiple heatmaps.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On July 23, 20
This is not the QGIS (whatever that is) support forum. Perhaps you should
return to basics and confirm that you have installed R and can start R
yourself, without asking QGIS to do it. If you can do that, perhaps you should
"click here" as the error message suggests. If you can start R yourself
You can compare the elements that make sense to compare, and fill in the ones
that don't make sense to compare yourself using the c function.
Hint: no looping or if function are necessary.
v[ seq( 2, length( v ) ] == v[ seq.int( length( v ) - 2 ) ]
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my bre
Not a reproducible example, so a bit of guessing here, but
a) don't try to assign results to variables inside the ifelse. That is, remove
all the single-equals signs and "test" variables. If you really need to
conditionally assign variables then use "if"... but chances are good you don't
I don't know anything about Rcmdr, but perhaps you are forgetting or never knew
that each x.y minor version starts a new package library, so any packages you
had installed in the preceding minor version have to be reinstalled.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On July 24, 2017 4
What an impressively zombified thread. Though wondering how 53 bits were
supposed to fit into 32 might just warrant revivification.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On July 20, 2017 5:33:34 AM PDT, peter dalgaard wrote:
>> On 10 Jan 2013, at 15:56 , S Ellison wrote:
1) Definitely yes. They are on CRAN. Just type
install.packages( c("dplyr", "tidyr" ) )
at the R console.
2) Don't know, but most likely the answer is yes. Since all R packages on Linux
are compiled by R when installed, you either need to activate your virtual
machine, compile the packages, an
>/usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required
>Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘dplyr’
>Execution halted
I suspect this is by design. Questions about "why" should probably cc the
contributed package maintainer(s).
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On July 27, 2017 7:49:47 AM PDT, Dimitri Liakhovitski
>To clarify: my question is not about "who could I exclude NAs from
I think you should be more suspicious of yourself, Dimitri. A letter T variable
can easily arise in the problem domain when you are not thinking of logical
values at all, at which point your cavalier use of T as a synonym for TRUE can
suddenly become a bug.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse
Looks like you need to pay attention to how you read in your data. In general,
you should always execute one statement at a time until you know your script is
working. All the errors after the first one are unhelpful to you or us.
If you actually pay attention to what is in your horse.data da
True, except that the head of their file had periods in the numbers.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On July 27, 2017 12:36:13 PM PDT, peter dalgaard wrote:
>> On 27 Jul 2017, at 18:03 , Jeff Newmiller
>> Looks like you need to pay atte
A function MUST return one object.
That one object may consist of a list of objects, but you have to separate the
parts out after the function call yourself.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On July 27, 2017 10:54:08 PM PDT, Vijaya Kumar Regati
>Can someone pl
2 17 269.6 67.2 no
>24 2 17 300.0 75.6 no
>25 2 17 300.0 114.3 no
>26 2 17 36.3 16.9 no
>> str(horse1.data)
>'data.frame': 26 obs. of 5 variables:
> $ raceid: int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...
> $ nbChev: int 9 9 9 9
>- Mail original -
>De: "Jeff Newmiller"
>À: san...@free.fr, "R-help"
>Envoyé: Samedi 29 Juillet 2017 00:11:26
>Objet: Re: [R] Error in `[[<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, alt.name, value =
>integer(0)) with mlogit
>I don't
Read the help file for the survival package. Probably use the data function to
retrieve it, and write it out using the write.table function.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On July 29, 2017 8:47:51 PM PDT, Ted via R-help wrote:
>"Data set flchain available in the survival pa
1) Very few attachment types are permitted on the R mailing lists. Study the
Posting Guide and for best results put code and data within the body of your
2) This is not the debug-my-script mailing list, it is the R-help mailing list,
which means helping you understand one or a few state
You should read the section on Indexing in the Introduction to R document that
comes with R, regarding $ and `[[`.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On August 1, 2017 2:44:18 AM PDT, Dimlak Gorkehgz wrote:
>You are right, maintainer does keep a list of model's packages.
>So how
This is a perfect example of a question that should have gone to the R-sig-mac
mailing list. (Mentioned in the POSTING GUIDE... read it.) When you post there
I recommend that you include the output of sessionInfo().
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On August 2, 2017 9:07:42 PM P
You can wrap the list-creating function call (e.g. lapply) in a call to
?setNames, or you can use the ?map function from the purrr package.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On August 4, 2017 3:14:44 AM PDT, Ulrik Stervbo wrote:
>Hi Giovani,
>I would create an unnamed list and
Not possible to debug your specific problem without sample data [1][2][3], but
learning how to setup and manage factors is a key skill for getting this right.
You will also make it less likely that the email you send gets damaged in
transit if you send plain text email instead of HTML.
The lapply loop and the for loop have very similar speed characteristics.
Differences seen are almost always due to how you use memory in the body of the
loop. This fact is not new. You may be under the incorrect assumption that
using lapply is somehow equivalent to "vectorization", which it is
The direct question seemed to be how to pass many optional parameters through,
which seems obvious once you know it but the OP might not have seen it yet...
f1 <- function( x, y=1, z=2 ) {
x*y + z
f2 <- function( x, ... ) {
x <- x + 1
f1( x, ... )
f2( 2, y=3 )
Sent from my phone.
My guess is that you have either forgotten to load the package
or you have upgraded from R3.3 to R3.4, and such minor version changes lead to
using a fresh package library and you need to (re-)install the maps package for
the new version of R:
so that th
Which step do you need HELP with? Read the Posting Guide... you should be
posting plain-text-formatted emails, with example code and data showing how far
you have come. This is not a free programming service.
Of course if this is homework then you should be asking your instructor or
other supp
>-Original Message-
>From: Jeff Newmiller [mailto:jdnew...@dcn.davis.ca.us]
>Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2017 6:31 PM
>To: r-help@r-project.org; Полтораднев Максим Сергеевич;
>Subject: Re: [R] map_data
>My guess is tha
This sounds an awful lot like a bug. Read the Posting Guide to know what to do
about bugs. And delaying making the reprex is _always_ a bad idea.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On August 14, 2017 7:26:32 AM PDT, "Szumiloski, John"
>When doing some data manipu
If you don't get a response it is because you did not read the Posting Guide
which indicates that the R-sig-ME mailing list is where this question would
have been on-topic.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On August 16, 2017 6:17:03 AM PDT, b88207...@ntu.edu.tw wrote:
>Hello de
Indeed, that solution is usually the most straightforward one. For better or
worse, this question is really about your operating system and its use of file
access permissions, which is completely outside the scope of this mailing list
and is for most people a hairy mess of complexity. For simila
AFAIK the short answer is no.
Longer answer is yes, but you would have to invest some likely significant
effort into learning how to compile source code for Android operating system.
It has been done before.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On August 16, 2017 11:29:17 PM PDT,
You just need to READ the error messages and use Google.
Don't try to install tcltk.
The other two packages are not available through CRAN... they are Bioconductor
packages. (Not supported here... use Google.)
And learn to post plain text in the future to avoid scrambling what you thought
The advice to use require is incorrect.
The only time you should use require is if you are testing the return value
from the require function AND you have a plan of what to do if the package is
not available. 99% of the time raising an exception when the package is
missing is the correct behav
j <- as.ltraj(mysamplexy, mysampletime, id=ID)
Ddat <- BRB.D(datltraj, Tmax=21600, Lmin=36)
BRBdat <- BRB(datltraj, D= Ddat,type=c("UD"),Tmax=21600,Lmin=36, hmin=100)
kernel.area(BRBdat, unout=c("km2"))
# unfortunately my data are not a very good example. Sorry about t
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R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
PLEASE do read the
ed, reproducible code.
Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...
DCN:Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go...
Live: OO#.. Dead: OO#.. Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/Bat
You might get someone on this last willing to invent something from scratch,
but really this mailing list works best if you give very specific information,
such as a verbatim copy of several records worth of your data file including
all the stuff you want to skip over. Usually if someone is plan
The actual question posed was whether R behaves differently than RStudio at
parallel computation, which is like asking whether apple pies grow better than
apple trees.
The answer is that RStudio doesn't do any computation... it is a programming
environment that hands off all computation to a se
The actual question posed was whether R behaves differently than RStudio at
parallel computation, which is like asking whether apple pies grow better than
apple trees.
The answer is that RStudio doesn't do any computation... it is a programming
environment that hands off all computation to a se
You need to study how reading files works in your operating system. This
question is not about R.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On August 22, 2017 5:53:09 AM PDT, raphael.fel...@agroscope.admin.ch wrote:
>Dear all
>I was thinking about efficient reading data into R and tried
y, that
>is, the reading from file and storing to "memory" or a different
>storage location. This was via regression with a
>singular design matrix, but one can get a minimal length least squares
>solution via svd. Possibly relevant today to try
>to get at slow links on a net
Please don't start a new thread with the same question. My usual suggestion at
this point would be for you to respond to the answers that have already been
posted to your last question, but I think at this point that you need to
correspond directly with the maintainer of the likert package.
Looks like a bug to me. I think you need to correspond with the package
(tidyr?) maintainer, perhaps by putting a bug report on GitHub.
Next time please make your example reproducible by including the necessary
"library" function calls.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On Aug
You found that not all deviates are larger than m.
Comparing the formulas quoted in Wikipedia and in your email it is obvious that
m is not the same as x_m.
If you don't find the rmutil formulation useful you can try another such as the
one in PtProcess, or write your own.
Sent from my pho
w I can solve this problem?
Thanks & Regards
Niharika Singhal
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R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
PLEASE do read the postin
more, see
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...
Clearly you are being too specific about the structure of the sku. In the
absence of better information about the sku you need to focus on identifying
the delimiters and position of the sku... one way might be:
ecommerce$sku <- sub( "^(.*)[ \n]+([^ \n]+)$", "\\2", ecommerce$producto )
Please l
I think that this response should be added to R for Windows FAQ 3.5.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On August 26, 2017 11:45:55 PM PDT, Uwe Ligges
>On Windows, if you load a dll, this is locked.
>Hence, for package installations, close all R instances, start one
Omar, please remember that this is R-help, not R-do-my-work-for-me... you have
already been given several hints as to how you can refine your patterns
yourself. These skills are key to real world data science, so you need to work
at being able to take hints and expand on them if you are to be s
Double quotes are not legal SQL syntax. Use single quotes.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On August 29, 2017 2:21:44 AM PDT, Eric Berger wrote:
>I have been successfully using RODBC for a long time (years) to connect
>MS SQL Server from R.
>This week I wanted to try using o
You are sadly confusing R Notebooks with other knitr-based processing formats
such as bookdown/LaTeX, as I have in the past. The features available for
cross-referencing are strongly tied to the underlying handling of knitr output.
This area of "knitr" functionality is a recurring area where ne
This seems to be a case where the question exists because the asker thinks R
acts like Excel, instead of learning how R does work.
Data frames in R are lists of columns. Each column is a vector, and all
elements in a vector are the same type. [1] Since a number can be stored in a
character str
All elements of a vector must be of the same type.
Rephrasing: You cannot change one element of a character vector to a numeric
value. The numeric value WILL be converted into character before it is put into
the target element.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On August 30, 20
You already know the answer. Why ask?
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On September 1, 2017 7:23:24 AM PDT, Andrea Altomani
>I have a time series x, and two other series obtained from it:
>x <- structure(2017, .Tsp = c(2017.417, 2017.417, 12),
>class =
Thank you very much.
Have a good week!
Best regards,
Yingrui Liu
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R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
I agree, since one reason for block commenting is to include
syntactically-invalid information (such as broken code) in the source code.
However, block commenting is not wholly a good thing, as both the R parser and
human coders often find it challenging to identify where the end of the block
Yes, this is intended behavior, and it has everything to do with where the
parameters are first referenced and nothing to do with debugging.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On September 2, 2017 10:22:22 AM PDT, Matthias Gondan
>Dear R developers,
>sessionInfo() below
>In the future, I’ll avoid dependencies between parameters.
You don't need to cut off your nose to spite your face... you are the one
writing the code that breaks the dependency, so you have the option to not
write your code that way (e.g. by using force() as Rui suggests).
Sent from my phon
Why does an unreliable fit have to provide "reasonable" results?
More specifically, p-values arise from observed distributions... if your slopes
are "in the noise" then the slope estimate's location within that distribution
could be anywhere relative to the center and spread of that very narrow
Indeed, Ben, but the question was something more like it is not a Dependency,
just Suggested, so why the error...
If you read the Introduction to the 'raster' package vignette, it indicates
that some input formats are supported within the raster package and some rely
on other packages. C
The unequivocal answer is that it is possible, and most likely you have bad
data or are referring to an incomplete lookup table.
For us to see what your problem is would rewquire a reproducible example, but
what you have provided is not reproducible [1][2][3].
I recommend that Maria read [1], [2] and especially [3], since the latter helps
you verify that your example is in fact reproducible before sending it out for
us to have problems with and complain about.
No-one is preventing you from unsubscribing, and we are not empowered to do it
for you. Follow the instructions at the bottom of this and every posting on
this list.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On September 12, 2017 7:57:25 AM PDT, Where's YK wrote:
>Thank you.
>from ca
It contains the output of one call to dput, but several objects were missing
and the name of the object provided in the text file was not specified.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On September 12, 2017 10:22:36 AM PDT, Michael Dewey
>Dear Maria
>The file you attache
The messages tell you that the package files were successfully downloaded and
extracted, but could not be added to the package library. Try making sure all
instances of R are closed down before running the install.packages function.
Also, just to be clear, avoid running R "As Administrator" unde
The messages tell you that the package files were successfully downloaded and
extracted, but could not be added to the package library. Try making sure all
instances of R are closed down before running the install.packages function.
Also, just to be clear, avoid running R "As Administrator" unde
I think you should consider whether the advantages of making an object-aware
collections class are worth the effort... lists are the standard tool for this
task in R, and are normally handled using the functional programming paradigm.
Just make sure a sufficiently-complete set of methods are ava
Should also make the example reproducible [1][2][3] when you do post there
because some mismatch between the model and the data is frequently where the
problem turns out to be, and without an example that triggers the problem it is
very tough to figure that out.
No. However, you can modify the global environment from within a function if
you understand how variable scoping works. [1] See `<<-`. Be warned that this
leads down a perilous path of confusing code (side effects) if misused.
[1] http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Environments.html
Sent from my phone.
These environment variables are _inputs_ to the R startup sequence, and
optional ones at that. If you don't set them then R makes default settings.
Read the R Installation and Administration manual that comes with R for more
You also need to understand the scope of environment var
"Label" is not a clear term for data frames, but most data frames have
rownames. If dta is a data frame, not a tibble,
rownames( dta )[ !duplicated( dta ) ]
Or could use row indexes directly
which( !duplicated( dta ) )
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On September 18, 2017 6
Greg, I think you should stop using noquote, because it is doing something that
will not be useful to you for preparing your data for analysis.
Please follow Duncan's advice and provide us with a sample of your data. Also,
please set your email program to send plain text rather than HTML format
This practice is not portable, as not everyone's default file creation
permissions allow others to read those files, so putting them outside your home
directory isn't necessarily helpful. It is much better to use the default user
library within your home directory as suggested by the R install p
... which begs the question... how does the my.env variable get from the myApp
function into the server function?
Perhaps read [1]?
[1] https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/function.html
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On September 21, 2017 8:13:15 AM PDT, Thierry Onkelinx
FYI: Most files you might attach to an email sent to the mailing list will not
transmitted to us due to virus propagation policies of the mailing list (they
are removed see the Posting Guide). The best method for sharing binary
files is to to put them on a website like Dropbox or Google Driv
Still failed.
The first secret is in your email program settings, to use Plain Text format
(at least for emails you send to this mailing list).
The second secret tool to use is the reprex package to let you verify that your
code example will do on our computers what it is doing on your compute
The use of aperm is unnecessary if you call array() properly.
ms <- array(c(rep(0, 5),so,sa*m,sa), c(5, 2, 2))
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On September 28, 2017 9:10:26 AM PDT, Evan Cooch wrote:
>Sure -- thanks -- only took me 3-4 attempts to get aperm to work (as
All HTML emails have a plain text part along with the HTML part... but it is
usually invisible to the author and is automatically generated by the email
composing software and some software is better than others at that job (by a
lot). However, without a doubt, sending the email in text form at
You are asking about (a) a contributed package (b) for a package version that
is not in CRAN and (c) an R version that is outdated, which stretches the
definition of "on topic" here. Since that function does not appear to have been
removed from that package (I am not installing a development ver
I tend to regard GitHub as a bit of wild west... anyone can upload anything
there, working or not. CRAN packages at least have to compile so there is some
additional verification in being there.
GitHub does have the advantage that you can easily download it and run an
example if the authors hav
You won't deliver your question successfully to the mailing list if you don't
follow the Posting Guide, particularly with regard to attachments. The most
reliable way is to include your question in the text of your PLAIN TEXT format
email with no attachments. Yes, there is an option in Gmail to
Change the columns into factors before you give them to the coxph function, e.g.
df$treatment <- factor( df$treatment )
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On October 7, 2017 5:01:19 PM GMT+01:00, "Ted Beginner (RStudio) via R-help"
>For adjusted survival curves I took t
data_2 <- read.csv("excel_data.csv",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
column_1 <- data_2$data1
column_2 <- data_2$data2
result <- match( column_1, column_2 )
Please read the Posting Guide mentioned at the bottom of this and every
posting, in particular about posting plain text so that what we see will be
Off topic. Read the Posting Guide.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On October 14, 2017 11:02:50 AM GMT+01:00, Stephen Berman
>On Fri, 13 Oct 2017 22:36:48 +0200 Stephen Berman
> wrote:
>> I just built the latest R-patched from source (SVN-Revision: 73548,
>> Chan
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On October 14, 2017 12:07:37 PM GMT+01:00, Stephen Berman
>On Sat, 14 Oct 2017 11:49:16 +0100 Jeff Newmiller
> wrote:
>> Off topic. Read the Posting Guide.
>I did do that before posting; the choice seemed to be betwe
(Re-)read the discussion of indexing (both `[` and `[[`) and be sure to get
clear on the difference between matrices and data frames in the Introduction to
R document that comes with R. There are many ways to create numeric vectors,
character vectors, and logical vectors that can then be used as
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On October 20, 2017 7:37:12 AM PDT, Evangelina Viotto
>Hello I´m need fitt growth curve with data length-age. I want to
>which is the function that best predicts my data, to do so I compare
>Akaikes of different mo
What time zone are these data in? Does daylight savings adjustment apply?
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On May 22, 2016 9:48:08 AM PDT, Bhaskar Mitra wrote:
>My apologies for the earlier posting. There was an error with regard to
>query :
>I am trying to mer
outer( p, a )
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On May 22, 2016 3:34:31 PM PDT, Jim Lemon wrote:
>Hi Steven,
>On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 8:22 AM, Steven Yen wrote:
>> Dear R users:
>> > # p is a vector if length 10
>> > # a is a vect
I am not familiar with any function called "toFactor". It may be part of some
contributed package that you need to re-load.
However, one does not ordinarily need to use a package to convert one column of
a data frame into a factor, since factors are supported by base R.
MyDF$ID <- factor(
ds_example <- ds_example[ with( ds_example, 1 < ave( Debitor, Debitor,
FUN=length ) ), ]
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On May 23, 2016 6:57:04 AM PDT, g.maub...@weinwolf.de wrote:
>Hi All,
>the solution for my question is as follows
>## Filter duplicates and corr
Scalar values in R are just vectors of length 1. The "promotion" you are
thinking of is "recycling" that automatically occurs when vectors of different
lengths are supplied to certain operations.
One shortcut might be to put them all into a data frame using the data.frame()
function. Otherwis
would warn against using POSIXlt for
merging, though, for poor efficiency reasons.
On Mon, 23 May 2016, Bhaskar Mitra wrote:
Dear Jeff,
Time zone is UTC. No, daylight savings time does not apply.
On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 4:10 PM, Jeff Newmiller
What time zone are the
This is almost certainly a message from a contributed package, not from R
itself. Please figure out which package you are using and read the
documentation for that package.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On May 23, 2016 1:37:22 PM PDT, Fabian Schalle
>I’ve n
This is a design feature of data.table objects, which don't conform to the
normal functional programming paradigm that R is usually designed to adhere to
and which Reduce expects. Specifically, they normally modify in-place rather
than leaving the original object alone.
In short, don't do that
You forgot to show the commands to us that you used to read the data in with
(your example is not "reproducible"). This step can make all the difference in
the world as to whether your analysis commands will work or not.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On May 25, 2016 11:59:06
.csv file to R_help. What should I send?
>> Best regards,
>> James
>> On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 2:52 PM, Jeff Newmiller
>> wrote:
>>> You forgot to show the commands to us that you used to read the data
>>> with (y
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
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