Read the Value section of ?mclapply. That error is an encapsulated error from
the forecast function.
I suggest not debugging your code running in parallel... temporarily replace
mclapply with lapply to debug so you can step into your worker fictions. You
may also want to temporarily reduce the
t;), second4 = "Jones2"))
bind_rows(lapply(employees4List, function(x)
Sarah Goslee
__ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
Your question is notable for what it is missing... any trace of R code.
[1][2][3] Do read the Posting Guide.
I don't see "Sargan" in base R, so your analysis likely used a contributed
package... there seem to be a couple, so your example code would clarify. I
don't see the number of IVs listed
Use "top" at the bash prompt.
Read about the "mc.cores" parameter to mclapply.
Make a simplified example version of your analysis and post your question in
the context of that example [1][2][3]. You will learn about the issues you are
dealing with in the process of trimming your problem, and wi
and more, see
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
First3 = NA, Second3 = NA, First4 = NA, Second4 = NA)
df3 = data.frame(First1 = "Al3", Second1 = "Jones", First2 = "Barbara", Second2 =
First3 = "Carol", Second3 = "Adams", First4 = NA, Sec
Google offers [1], which probably seems like a vague response but your question
omitted a reproducible example and is contaminated by posting in HTML (read the
Posting Guide).
On July 2, 2018 1:22:39 PM PDT, Paul B
Gabor's solution seems to optimize 'simpler'.
More efficient is to learn that in R a vector is not a matrix, but a matrix is
just an ornamented vector.
fastWolfgang <- function( v, vec ) {
matrix( c( v, rep( vec, length( v ) ) )
, now = length( v ) )
On July 3, 2018 6:28:45 AM PDT,
Sorry trying again...
fastWolfgang <- function( v, vec ) {
matrix( c( v, rep( vec, each = length( v ) ) )
, nrow = length( v ) )
On July 3, 2018 8:21:47 AM PDT, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
>Gabor's solution seems to optimize 'simpler'.
>More efficient is to
This looks like homework (which is off topic here per the Posting Guide). Also,
please send your emails in plain text format to avoid us seeing your message
differently than you do.
On July 4, 2018 3:21:34 PM PDT, Nelly Reduan wrote:
>Dear all,
>I would like to generate N random numbers with
It is a feature of ggplot that points excluded by limits raise warnings, while
base graphics do not.
You may find that using coord_cartesian with the xlim=c(0,500) argument works
better with ggplot by showing the consequences of points out of the limits on
lines within the viewport.
There are
Using dput and sending your questions with the plain text option as described
in [1] will allow you to share your data with less ambiguity. To be sure you
have supplied all the code needed for us to reproduce your problem, use [3].
Read the vignette at [1], which mentions the Read me.txt file [2]. I found both
links using Google... you could too.
On July 8, 2018 7:08:53 AM PDT, Farshad Fathian
>notified by
>8:54:06 PM
>On Sun, Jul 8, 2018 at 7:34 PM, Jeff Newmiller
00, 1000, 1,
barfill <- "#4271AE"
barlines <- "#1F3552"
pdf("display.ggplot2.ecdf.LENGTH.pdf", width=10, height=6,
ggplot(file, aes(LENGTH)) +
_ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
TL;DR: If you want to do this, go ahead and use a temporary file or text
Others have pointed out that write.csv returns NULL rather than a file
connection, but I haven't seen comments on your impulse to avoid the use of
*nix operating systems are admirably efficient with mul
perhaps geom_path rather than geom_line?
On July 9, 2018 12:40:15 PM PDT, Hasan Diwan wrote:
> results from the following code:
>ggplot()+borders("world", colour="gray50",
>fill="gray50")+geom_line(aes(x=Longitude, y=Latitude), birds)
>It's ugly, but it will give yo
a) There is a mailing list for package development questions: R-package-devel.
b) This seems like a job for the sysdata.rda file... no explicit environments
needed. See the Writing R Extensions manual.
On July 13, 2018 5:51:06 PM PDT, Michael Hannon
>Greetings. I'm putting together a s
t;TIBCO Software
>On Fri, Jul 13, 2018 at 6:17 PM, Jeff Newmiller
>> a) There is a mailing list for package development questions:
>> R-package-devel.
>> b) This seems like a job for the sysdata.rda file... no explicit
This mailing list is plain text only (read the Posting Guide). When you send
HTML-formatted email, what we see is often not what you saw. The solution is
for you to figure out how to send your email in plain text format to begin
with. Since the syntax in your code below is not valid, I am guessi
Thank you for for reposting a readable question, though the origin of
quantstrat and IKTrading on github still took some study, and I cannot see
where mktdata was supposed to come from.
If you get no expert response here, you might get a more appropriate set of
users if you ask this question on
Roll back your version of R, or find another way to accomplish that
calculation. This "abuse" of undocumented functions inside base R has been
warned against for a long time [1], so the real puzzle is how you managed to
get this far.
Isn't this what I showed you how to do in [1]?
On July 14, 2018 10:16:36 PM PDT, Bogdan Tanasa wrote:
>Dear all,
>please would you advise on how I could make an even display of unevenly
>spaced number on a graph in R. For example,
ng ecdf() function in ggplot2.
>Now, i would like to know, how I could evenly space on the x axis the
>values (0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10). Thanks again, and happy weekend ;) !
>-- bogdan
>On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 10:25 PM, Jeff Newmiller
>> Is
I think you are missing a parenthesis around your condition [1][2].
For future reference:
a) You should post the code you ran as well as the error message... it is
unusual for the error message alone to be enough to figure out the problem. In
fact, try to make a "reproducible example" [3][4][5].
I an sorry that I cannot answer your question, but you don't seem to be very
effective in your use of this resource.
While sometimes you might get responses to this kind of question here, you
really ought to read the Posting Guide:
"Questions likely to prompt discussion unintelligible to non-p
This question is interesting, but sadly off-topic here as there is nothing
specific to R in it. Fortunately there are many resources for getting an
answer... e.g. a quick search with Google finds [1] which addresses both
centering and scaling.
It is hard to help you do the right thing when you don't tell us what you did
or what you wanted to do or what data you had to work with. See [1][2] as [3]
for help on how to ask a question regarding R.
Also, "solnp" is not part of R... such a function exists in the Rsoln
contributed package, b
list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Jeff Newmiller
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...
DCN:Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go...
EASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
__ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and
Agree with Bert, but Google sez [1] might also be helpful.
On July 21, 2018 7:28:55 AM PDT, Bert Gunter wrote:
>As this appears to be a Mac specific issue, if you don't get help here,
>should try posting on the r-sig-mac list. Maybe even be
Read ?mean.
Look at the argument list.
The mean function only applies to the first argument.
On July 21, 2018 9:39:42 AM PDT, John Kane via R-help
>Either I am doing something very stupid or my R installation has a
>glitch. What am I missing?
>dd1 <- 50
>dd2 <- 54
>mean(dd1, dd2)
Each Mint version builds from an Ubuntu version. I don't use Mint. but this [1]
web page tells me you should be pulling from a Bionic repo. Artful may work for
you now, but in general it is risky to mix distribution revisions.
Note that this informative discussion should have occurred on the R-s
Depends somewhat on what you are doing in the loop and how much of a
performance hit you are willing to accept. [1]
On July 24, 2018 3:17:41 AM PDT, Christofer Bogaso
>Let say I am imple
The Export option from the interactive Plots view is a terrible option for any
publication-quality graphics.
There are many [1] ways to make publication-quality graphics in R, and there
can be some operating-system-specific downstream tools considerations that
affect what works best for you. I
:dim(x)[1]) { x$intersectB[i] <- list()}
nothing is happening. Thank you very much !
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
__ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
In general, analysis functions in R return objects. When returned alone on an
interactive console the default print method for that object gets printed.
However, you can put it into a variable with the <- assignment operator, and
use the str function to see what values are inside the object, and
Er, rbind is not merge... expects the function you specify to handle
all the elements of the list in a single invocation... Reduce will work with a
two-argument function.
Reduce(merge, df.list, accumulate=TRUE, by='date')
For clarity: apply and the like have for loops inside them, so th
You can also look at the knitr-RMarkdown work flow, or the knitr-latex work
flow. In both of these it is reasonable to convert your data frame to a
temporary character-only form purely for output purposes. However, one can
usually use an existing function to push your results out without damagin
Eventually you will think to read the Posting Guide, which discusses which
attachments are likely to be allowed on the mailing list. Most users find that
pasting a minimal amount of data into the main body of the email is the
simplest way to be sure the info will get through to someone who can h
Sorry, RPsychic package not found. Please install package reprex, apply it to
your problem and try again. Note that if this problem can only be produced from
within a package then there is an R-package-devel mailing list that would be a
more appropriate place to ask. Also, if the problem is actu
I think it is important to point out that treating dates or times as serial
numbers should only be done for importing or exporting data. Rather, once the
conversion to one of the ?DateTimeClasses has occurred you are better off
leaving it as such to reduce the brittleness of your code. For one t
Daniel, if you wish to learn from your mistakes them you must listen. Peter is
not someone whose input you should dismiss. The function you have showed us
never worked as you have described it. However, if you give .GlobalEnv as the
first argument in the call to ls() then it should work.
You wi
> Windows can occasionally be flaky
> about multiple instances of a single
> program.
John... I run multiple instances of R and RStudio on Win7 regularly. About the
only poor behaviour I encounter has to do with updating packages used by those
other instances.
However, I would never run R as A
There is a package called sos that helps you answer such questions yourself.
There are also Task View pages on CRAN that help you identify useful packages.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 4, 2017 9:28:32 PM PDT, Ruchika Salwan
>Is there any package in
There is no conclusively client-free solution, which is why it is not in the
Posting Guide.
However, as a general rule, start with a fresh email to start a thread, and
reply-to-all to the message you want to reply to. The threading is managed by
hidden message ids, not subjects.
Sent fro
You always need to set your timezone somehow when converting to POSIXt.
Technically the method for doing this varies by OS, but on all environments I
have worked with you can set the default timezone with something like
Sys.setenv( TZ="Etc/GMT+5" )
In your example, some timezones supporting da
I cannot imagine a less desirable solution. This is the opposite of portable
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 6, 2017 5:29:08 AM PDT, Sebastien Moretti
>I have just found the solution.
>We have a custom Linux distribution that allows us to have
, nrec = n()
%>% filter( nrec == ifelse( "Day"==timeslot, 16, 8 ) )
thanks for the help
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
This is a plain-text mailing list. Your chances of communicating
successfully when
R does a poor job of supporting timezone-specific objects... you have to
transfer the necessary attributes explicitly for many operations. (It does no
job of supporting element-specific timezones so don't go there.)
The good news is that R is pretty good at working with points in time, since
I think it is a fundamental characteristic of graphics drivers that output will
look different in the details... you are on a wild goose chase. Postscript in
particular has a huge advantage in font presentation over other graphics output
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brev
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] termstrc_1.3.7
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] zoo_1.7-14 sandwich_2.3-4 tools_3.3.3 Rcpp_0.12.10
[7] grid_3
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Jeff NewmillerThe .
Change to the desired directory before starting R.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 8, 2017 10:40:13 AM PDT, Da Zheng wrote:
>By default, the home directory of R is "/usr/lib/R" in Ubuntu.
>Everything works fine.
>However, when I installed Jupyter notebook an
Ggplot does not do xyz. Look at package lattice or package rgl instead.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 10, 2017 11:16:54 PM PDT, dncdd via R-help
>R 3.3.2
>When I have data like:
Someone might respond here anyway, but I think this is more of an R-devel
Anyway, as long as the package file after installation has appropriate file
names for where it is installed, what does it matter what is in the files
before installation?
Sent from my phone. Please excuse m
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 12, 2017 6:28:24 PM PDT, Val wrote:
>Hi all,
>I have two variables x and y. X has five observation and y has three.
>I want combine each element of x to each element of y values to
>produce 15 observation. Below is my sampl
For future reference, this kind of question should usually be accompanied by
information about your OS such as the sessionInfo function returns... but in
this case just read about the wait argument to ?system2.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 13, 2017 8:06:04 AM PDT, A
Have you ever used the seq_along() function?
If you want to delegate the decision of how many elements you want to process
to some earlier point in your (or someone else's) code, then the most logical
way to create a result vector that is the same size as some input vector, even
if that vector
You don't follow instructions very well. Read the Posting Guide more carefully.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 14, 2017 9:39:30 PM PDT, Ashta wrote:
>DF1 is a data frame. I am suspecting there might be non date value
>in that column. My question is how to remove a
You type each expression interactively at the R console and look at the path it
prints. Then you know where to look, or if no file exists there then you know
where to put the file you want to be there.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 15, 2017 12:14:32 PM PDT, BR_email
Well, to be fair, .Rprofile is an R configuration file, so it was merely the
subject line that was off-topic.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 15, 2017 4:24:06 PM PDT, Rolf Turner wrote:
>On 16/04/17 07:57, BR_email wrote:
>> Boris:
>> As before, you assume that I, Bruc
! is a logical operator... it means "not". When you write
lidx <- seq_along( mtcars[[ 1 ]] ) %in% train_indices
you end up with a vector of logical values for which ! makes sense. Since R
supports logical indexing this can be a very convenient way to select one group
or the other.
If you give
The mailing list has tight restrictions on attachments, so your attachment was
not let through. Read the Posting Guide, and note that sometimes success
requires some extended understanding of how your mail software works, and we
probably don't know the details either. You might have success chan
You are sending your email to a whole mailing list of volunteers, not a
specific "maintainer" (and I am not one). However, your assertions convey
unfamiliarity with statistics rather than deficiencies in R, and this mailing
list is not a stats tutoring list. I did a quick Google search and found
>040 o n t e n t _ T y p e s ] . x m
> 6f6e74656e745f54797065735d2e786d
>Jim Holtman
>Data Munger Guru
>What is the problem that you are trying to solve
Doing anything as Administrator means you are probably already in file
permissions hell. R works great if you avoid Administrator mode entirely...
using it raises the complexity of every step you take drastically.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 17, 2017 7:41:18 AM PDT
"" is not looked for in "C:/Users/BruceRatner/Documents/". That
file belongs in the R.home("etc") directory. I suggest you stay away from the
system wide configuration and focus on your personal configuration file
I also recommend putt
Please stop posting html email per the Posting Guide. You are only going to
reduce the chance of successfully communicating your questions to experienced
users on this list.
Re cat vs print: the purpose of print is to show values much as they are
entered in source code, so quotes and escaped ch
I am assuming that you are referring to your emails from last October and last
month regarding nlme.
A) Read the Posting Guide, which mentions things like the fact that you should
set your email program to send plain text when posting on this mailing list ,
and that there is a dedicated R-sig-m
I am no expert, but I think any attempt to save your OAuth data is doomed to
fail. Solution is don't do it.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 18, 2017 11:38:10 AM PDT, "Raquel D."
>can someone help me? How fix this error?
>My code:
For next time I recommend reading the Posting Guide mentioned in the footer of
this and every post on this list.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 18, 2017 8:18:01 PM PDT, Shadrack Mutuku wrote:
>I have successfully installed the cardinal package
stored though I don't know the details.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 19, 2017 2:40:05 PM PDT, Philip Rinn wrote:
>On 12.04.2017 at 08:09, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
>> Someone might respond here anyway, but I think this is more of an
A simple explanation inevitably omits information. Whether the omitted
information would have been useful to you is something only you can judge,
which means you end up having to review the details anyway. Hadley Wickham's
Advanced R is worth Googling, and don't forget to RTFM.
In a nutshell, S
Since you are generating html you can use html syntax.
You might also be interested in the ReportR package.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 20, 2017 2:30:43 PM PDT, BR_email wrote:
>All is perfect, almost - after I ran your corrections.
>Is there a way I can h
e to
provide a more convincing argument for applying it than you have so far given.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 19, 2017 3:56:38 PM PDT, Philip Rinn wrote:
>Am 20.04.2017 um 00:32 schrieb Jeff Newmiller:
>> I think we are (I certainly am) going to n
Your guideline #1 is invalid for R... compare 5L/3L to 5L %/% 3L. If you want
to avoid automatic conversion to double then you have to be cautious which
operators/functions you apply to them... merely throwing in L everywhere is not
going to help.
#2 refers to S3, but that is a completely diff
FAQ 7.22
And don't send HTML email... you are the one making it difficult for us to read
your question.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 21, 2017 8:27:20 AM PDT, George Trojan - NOAA Federal
>Consider the following example:
s plotted before, does
>it mean it is plotted twice now? Looks as a strange design.
>I did check the "Plain text mode" in Chrome, you should see only the
>text part.
>On 21 April 2017 at 16:27, Jeff Newmiller
>> FAQ 7.22
>> An
lot(plot(cop1, main = "cop1 function"))
>Thanks again.
>On 21 April 2017 at 20:32, Jeff Newmiller
>> Your original function created the cop1 plot object but did nothing
>with it. It then created the cop2 plot and returned it from the
>function. Since
Response5x <- Response[ rep ( seq_along( Response[[1]] ), 5 ), ]
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 22, 2017 4:47:44 AM PDT, BR_email wrote:
>This is my last query on this issue.
>I thank you, again, for your patience,
>without perhaps your not understanding what
You have a lot of limitations... haven't left much room for success. Not sure
how to help.
I am told that Microsoft provides a cloud solution in which R can be used, but
I don't think you would get much useful help in setting that up on this free
mailing list... generally you have to pay to pla
Coming from an Excel background, copying and pasting seems attractive, but it
does not create a reproducible record of what you did so it becomes quite
tiring and frustrating after some time has passed and you return to your
Nitpick: you put the setdiff function in the row selection
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 25, 2017 11:27:01 PM PDT, Sanjeev Kumar
>I am a Research Scholar at Central University of Karnataka and I am
>working on SWAT (Soil And Water Ass
Not the right forum... try
I suggest you learn R interactively (not via OpenCPU), but packages are not
that hard to build if you use RStudio.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 26, 2017 3:05:05 PM PDT, Jake Stone wrote:
>I'm brand new to
gg$timestamps <- as.POSIXct(as.character( gg$timestamps ) )
Factors are integers with the appearance of character data, so you are
converting the integers to POSIXct. I usually try to avoid letting R
automatically convert character data to factors, e.g. using
stringsAsFactors=FALSE in read.csv
Ah, if you have been following along the thread.. use the patched version.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On April 28, 2017 9:06:21 AM PDT, Robert Baer wrote:
>Is there an easy work-around for the update.packages error I'm getting
>on Windows 10 with R 3.4.0?
> > update.pac
All approaches have strong points and weak points. Your question has no clear
I happen to like dplyr for many things (including lots of timestamp values),
but base R is always there to solve problems if the analysis framework-du-jour
has troubles. So learn base R ways of doing things if
You have already been told this is the wrong list for these questions. Go ask
in the OpenCPU support areas.
My very limited understanding of OpenCPU is that what you are asking for is
specifically not supported. You need to setup your own function that does
everything before it returns.
;Opencpu website recommends this site.
>You might want to clarify with them.
>On Apr 28, 2017 5:23 PM, "Jeff Newmiller"
>> You have already been told this is the wrong list for these
>questions. Go
>> ask in the OpenCPU support are
Break it down. If you have a scalar value val and you want to know if it is in
a vector vec, using val==vec gets you a logical vector as long as vec. You can
use val %in% vec and you get a logical vector as long as val (e.g. 1). If val
is a vector of, say, length 2, then you will get a length 2
mber of column of the
>Please let me know if this is not clear.
>Many thanks
>From: Jeff Newmiller
>Sent: 29 April 2017 10:11 PM
>To:; Bert Gunter; abo dalash; R-help
>Subject: Re: [
My reaction is... why do you think this is a good approach to pursue?
Avoid using assign!
library( fortunes )
fortune( 236 )
If you really need another level of containment, put your multiple lists into
another list:
lst <- lapply( 1:10, list )
lst[[1]][[1]] <- 5
Sent from my phone. Plea
It is not a question of whether lattice "understands" the unsorted data...
imagine trying to plot 4 points to form a square instead of a trend line... you
would NOT want lattice to sort those points for you. That lattice leaves your
data alone gives you more flexibility, even while it adds work
sep = ""), list())
# I hope to assign 5 to list_?[[1]], but I don't know how to code it.
# list_1[[1]] <- 5 # works, however
assign(paste("list_", i, "[[1]]", sep = "", 5) # does not work
How to do? Is there any alternatives? Many thanks!
The answer is yes. However there are quite a few online resources (including
blogs and the CRAN Spatial Task View and vignettes for packages mentioned
there) that describe various tools and step you through how to do this, and you
have not provided a reproducible example, and there is a whole ma
Post plain text (you reduce your own chances of getting feedback by failing to
do this in your email program)
Provide sample data and code
Buy more RAM
use data.table package and fread
load and analyze subsets of data
Put the data into a database (e.g. sqlite?)
If these sugge
Since the problem is with rJava, why don't you tell us why you think you have
Java or rJava working on your computer? Be aware that there are both 32-bit and
64-bit versions of the Java runtime, and one or the other is often missing
though both versions of R are normally installed on Win64.
201 - 300 of 3947 matches
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