is there a specific/appropriate function/package to perform post hoc tests
when running a two way repeated measures anova? I'm looking for something
that will be equivalent to the 'TukeyHSD()' for between subjects anova (with
'aov()'). For one way repeated measures anova, the 'pairwise.t.test
27;, but those are obviously wrong
with my design.
i'm quite clueless (and i haven't found any convincing piece of information
about how to correctly use 'lme' or 'lmer'). So, any advice along that line
is more than welcome.
Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
what is the appropriate syntax to get the random error correct when
performing repeated measures anova with 'lme'.
let's say i have 3 independent variables, with 'aov', i would write
something like: aov(dep_var~(indep_var1*indep_var2*indep_var3) +
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