Re: [R] Generating model formulas for all k-way terms

2010-04-13 Thread Heather Turner
Hi Michael, You need to substitute the value of i for the symbol i in your formula, i.e. update(mod, substitute(.~.^i, list(i = i))) So, with some other tidying up: Kway <- function(formula, family, data, ..., order=nt) { models <- list() mod <- glm(formula, family, data, ...) mod$call

[R] Call for proposals to organize useR! 2023 as a global online conference

2022-03-14 Thread Heather Turner
queries should be sent to (after a careful read of the call!). Best wishes, Heather Turner on behalf of the R Foundation Conference Committee ___ mailing list

[R] Call for proposals to organize a hybrid useR! in 2023 or 2024

2022-11-01 Thread Heather Turner
hosts will have support from the R Consortium to underwrite event management provided or managed by the Linux Foundation Events Team. Any queries should be sent to (after a careful read of the call!). Best wishes, Heather Turner on behalf of the R Foundation Conference

[R] Dates and location for useR! 2024

2023-07-17 Thread Heather Turner
Dear All, We are pleased to announce that useR! 2024 will be a hybrid conference, taking place 8-11 July in Salzburg, Austria. The conference website is yet to be set up. In the meantime, you can keep up-to-date the following ways: useR! LinkedIn Page:

[R] useR! 2020 survey

2020-08-03 Thread Heather Turner
Dear All, We hope you have been able to watch/attend some of the breakout sessions, keynotes, R core panel, contributed tutorials, or online tutorials that were part of the useR! 2020 program. We'd appreciate it you took 5 minutes to let us know a bit more about yourself and what you thought o

Re: [R] nls + quasi-poisson distribution

2010-07-07 Thread Heather Turner
Dear Suresh, The gnm package for generalized nonlinear models might be what you want here. This allows you to specify nonlinear models with family=quasipoisson. For an introduction to the package see the article in R News: If your model requir

[R] *REMINDER* useR! 2011 call for tutorials

2010-10-18 Thread Heather Turner
Elke Thönnes and Heather Turner __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] useR! 2011: announcement and call for tutorials

2010-08-10 Thread Heather Turner
offering more information on the `useR!' conference is available at We hope to see you in Coventry! The organizing committee: John Aston, Julia Brettschneider, David Firth, Ashley Ford, Ioannis Kosmidis, Tom Nichols, Elke Thönnes and Heather T

[R] The R Journal Vol. 3/1 now published

2011-06-23 Thread Heather Turner
Dear All, The first issue of the third volume of The R Journal is now available at Thanks to everyone involved. Heather -- Editor in chief ___ mailing l

[R] The R Journal Vol. 3/2 now published

2011-12-20 Thread Heather Turner
Dear All, The second issue of the third volume of The R Journal is now available: Thanks to everyone involved. Heather -- Editor in chief ___ mailing li

Re: [R] Statistic community?

2009-02-25 Thread Heather Turner
When discussions do burst out on the allstat list, people are usually pointed to one of the following alternatives: HTH Heather Peters Gj (PSYCHOLOGY) wrote: > Hey Antje & list, > > Antje wrote: >> I'm very glad to

Re: [R] nls: Fitting two models at once?

2008-11-07 Thread Heather Turner
Dear Martin, You can use the same idea of concatenating the data in R. The following reproduces your example: spec <- c(asfe, dias) n1 <- length(asfe) n2 <- length(dias) CYT <- c(28 * CYTF, 24.6 * 2 * CYTB6) B559HP <- c(B559HP, numeric(n2)) B559LP <- c(numeric(n1), B559LP) C550 <- c(numeric(n1),

Re: [R] Citing R in journal articles (or the failure to)

2008-11-14 Thread Heather Turner
Hi Achim, Thanks for pointing us to the code from the colorspace package - a good example of how to keep the citation information up-to-date automatically, something I had not considered... Heather -- Dr H Turner Senior Research Fellow Dept. of Statistics The University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7

Re: [R] Understanding glm family documentation: dev.resids

2008-11-14 Thread Heather Turner
Hi Peter, You are right, the dev.resids function does compute the square of the deviance residuals. Equivalently, dev.resids computes the d_i values, where d_i is the contribution of the $i$th observation to the deviance. The d_i can be defined directly and it is useful to have a function that re

Re: [R] R course in Scotland

2008-11-21 Thread Heather Turner
Hello Peter, If you want to use R for bioinformatics, you probably want a course using Bioconductor ( To combine with a introduction to R, the following should be good: but some time to wait til