Recently a course with this title, from Vose consulting, was announced
on the list. Does anyone know of any books/websites/downloadable
tutorials etc that cover the same ground.
ie not just quantitative risk analysis, but specifically on using R
for risk analysis and as an alternative to @Risk/Cr
While agreeing with how good the texts that have been suggested are,
the questions to me (language + systematic) suggests
Braun and Murdoch " A first course in statistical programming" or/and
Chambers " Software for data analysis: programming with R"
These would seem to take you through developi
Thanks I will give this a look, it seems the focus is on credit risk
(where I am more interested in environmental risks) but it should
still be useful.
2008/8/28 Tobias Verbeke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dear Graham,
>> Recently a course with this title, from Vose consulting, was an
> 1) What are your 3 most useful R package?
On the assumption that we mean those packages that add some generic
functionality, then
Car and Hmisc (i know that is four)
So similar to others peoples list
I have others that are always first to be installed, but specific to
my interes
> I am afraid not the paragraph's title is a bit of a give away:
> Proportion Data and Binomial Errors
> The sentence reads:
> " are dealt with by using a generalised linear model with a binomial
> error structure".
> with the example:
> glm(y~x,family=binomial)
> You
> I need a R script that compare known curves (e.g. logistic, exponential)
> with my curve. That curve was generated fitting data of forest cover
> (hectares) measured in 10 road distances (buffers).
> I´d like that comparison should be done using AICc to select the best model,
> that is,
I am trying to modify some code from Good 2005.
I am trying to resample the mean of 8 values and then count how many
times the resampled mean is greater than 10. But my count of means
above 10 is coming out as zero, which I know isn't correct.
I would appreciate it if someone could look at the c
means less than 10.
It seems I misjudged the probabilities.
Thanks again.
2009/11/15 David Winsemius :
> On Nov 15, 2009, at 12:12 PM, Graham Smith wrote:
>> I am trying to modify some code from Good 2005.
>> I am trying to resample the mean of 8 val
> dim(smpls) <- c(n, N)
> cnt <- sum(colMeans(smpls) > threshold)
> cnt
> I hope it helps.
> Best,
> Dimitris
> Graham Smith wrote:
>> I am trying to modify some code from Good 2005.
>> I am trying to resample
When a text file starts with a few lines commented out with # can you
read those line from within R.
read.table ignores the comments to load the file, but it would
sometimes be useful to be able to read what these comments say.
Thanks all.
I assumed it would be easy, but searching yielded nothing useful.
__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
and prov
Although this is really a bibtex/Jabref question, I am hoping this
might still be the best place for help.
The bibtex entry in Jabref is like this
title = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
author = {{R Development Core Team}},
organization = {R Founda
I am just beginning to use Sweave with Lyx on a Mac (R2.8.1). I have
12 chunks of Sweave code that work fine, but this piece:
ried a similar recode() command using Sweave on a Windows system
> (not through LyX) and it worked fine.
> I hope this helps,
> John
>> -Original Message-
>> From: []
> On
>> Behalf Of Graham
> I just tried a similar recode() command using Sweave on a Windows system
> (not through LyX) and it worked fine.
> I hope this helps,
> John
>> -Original Message-
>> From: []
iginal code, but run using the with command.
Its now working.
Thanks to everyone for there help.
2009/6/12 Graham Smith :
> I am just beginning to use Sweave with Lyx on a Mac (R2.8.1). I have
> 12 chunks of Sweave code that work fine, but this piece:
> <<>>=
> l
> Could anybody give me some pointers about existing books/articles
> about the greatest inventions/discoveries in statistics? And topic
> list?
You could have a look at
I asked the same question on R-sig-eco, and Ben Bolker provided this
solution, which as I assume this should show up in a search I copy
However, if someone can come up with a single function, that would be good.
09:41, Jim Lemon wrote:
> On 07/09/2010 07:23 AM, Graham Smith wrote:
>> I asked the same question on R-sig-eco, and Ben Bolker provided this
>> solution, which as I assume this should show up in a search I copy
>> here.
>> However, if someone can c
Although, I can fix this, I am trying to sort out something as
straighforward as possible for my students, and I have some questions
that hopefully someone can help me with.
My data is:
Species DistanceCount
A 5 0
A 10 5
A 15 5
Thanks for your help on this. Obviously a bit of a mental block on my
part, as it seems painfully obvious now.
__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.
Ben's solution is excellent, I just thought I would add an alternative
starting with the X dataframe:
Thanks, very useful to see an alternative appr
I have started to read r-help on Gmane using Thunderbird as a reader.
Before that I had messages sent to gmail account.
The first post through Gmane needed moderator approval, but then I got a
message from
Your friendly autoauthorizer at
You are now authorized to post to th
The moderator approval is being applied by the R-help server
(mailman) at, the home of R-help, not by Gmane. If you
look at the headers of your latest message (the one to which I am
replying) you will see the header:
Thanks for the explanation.
The message is "Posting by a non-me
I assume this has a "proper" name, but I don't know what it is and wondered
if anyone knew of a package that might do the following, or something
As an example, assume I have borrowed and read 10 books on R , and I have
subjectively given each of them a "value" score in terms of how usef
> Perhaps you can specify your question more precisely, or differently.
> The way I interpret it, if there are no interactions in price
> (e.g. you get a discount for buying more than one book at a time)
> or in value (e.g. you learn more from one book having read another),
> then you get t
> I think a similar argument "at the margins" would show that even if the
> task were specified as maximal value with a budget, simply ordering by the
> value/price and buying until the cumsum of the price was greater than budget
> would solve the alternate statement of the problem. I s
> Are you perhaps thinking of conjoint analysis?
Thanks, but as far as I can make out, having just looked at conjoint
analysis, it looks like some form of discriminant analysis, which is not
what I am looking for.
I only have two variables cost and value. I am ignoring how you estab
Try this:
> > require(sos)
> > findFn('cost benefit')
> found 12 matches
Thanks, I wasn't aware of sos, however, following up the hits hasn't moved
me any further forward, except to demonstrate that such a function I want
doesn't exist.
But I will try some other search options.
> Good grief. Adding a report function is not going to make R less flexible.
> Don't
> you want to use a tool that's relevant to the rest of the world? That world is
> much bigger then your world. This is ridiculous.
How big a world do you want , Google use R successfully , and it is
being used b
Vegan has just been updated due to a problem with BiodiversityR and R 2.13,
not sure if its the same issue you are having, but updating vegan could be
worth a try.
On 1 June 2011 20:08, János Korponai wrote:
> Dear List!
> I installed R and quite a few packages I use. When I
So TreeAge fits models but won't predict from them? That seems like
> bizarre behavior.
Nothing bizarre about TreeAge, just a different tool in a different
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> 1) Is there a way to populate html form element values directly into R or
> is it only possible to get the values into a db or an excel file or a csv
> file and import it for data analysis.
I realise this isn't exactly what you are asking, but it is a possible
solution. If you google or sea
I am sure I am opening myself up to looking stupid, but I have two samples
with medians of 613.5 and 189 (difference in location of 424 compared to
the difference suggested from the wilcoxon of 291.5)
> wilcox.test(pipwtCount,pipwdCount,, na.rm=TRUE)
Wilcoxon rank sum test
I am sure I am opening myself up to looking stupid, but I have two samples
> with medians of 613.5 and 189 (difference in location of 424 compared to
> the difference suggested from the Wilcoxon of 291.5)
After a rather frustrating search, with it only explained in one of the
books I found. I
> I am sure I am opening myself up to looking stupid,
> Or exposing a failure to read the help page.
Well no, and of course I did read the help pages as well as several
introductions on Wilcoxon before posting, but as I said in my other post it
is generally not at all clear, the
I have been getting a object not found error trying to access the CRAN
package directory since the 30th December. I have tried several mirrors
with the same error. A search here only shows a single question on this
from anyone else (on the 30th December) which wasn't answered.
I am surprised that
Thanks Brian,
The short answer is that this needs someone in Vienna to fix (people do
> have vacations and take weekends off), and that the web/packages directory
> is pure sugar: the packages are still there, the check results are there
> ... just the summary pages are missing and they are access
Yes I am an active spatstat use
On Wednesday, 28 March 2012, Rolf Turner wrote:
> This is a cry for help. My apologies for taking up bandwidth
> with an issue that is not really on topic. But I really do want
> to acquire the requested information.
> In the course of preparing my PBRF (perf
Have a look at TextMate
2008/6/18 Sebastian Leuzinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dear R-list
> I am (forced) to change from Linux to Mac and am now looking for a new
> editor for R. I would like one that features a split window (console +
> editor) as well as syntax hi
Maybe this is more a Ubuntu question,but...
I am trying to get synaptic to work with R
I have added as the URL and
hardy/ as the distribution.
But when I reload the repositories, I get an error
Failed to fetch
Thanks for this. I think I have done as you suggest but still get the public
key error. Do I need to reboot to get it to work: here is the script:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ gpg --keyserver --recv E2A11821
gpg: requesting key E2A11821 from hkp server
gpg: key
Thanks for this, in fact I did notice the error after posting. I didn't
know there was an r-sig-debian list, I shall join and use it for any future
questions of this type.
2008/6/21 Dirk Eddelbuettel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 06:03:39PM +0100
I have used smooth.ppp in spatstat to create a smoothed surface plot based
on randomly selected depths across a lake (as marks).
I wonder if based on the smoothed surface plot if I can calculate the
average depth for each 10x10 grid square across the lake.
I can't see any obvious way of doing thi
I would like to produce a chart that looks like a Gantt chart (or
shingle plot), but instead of tasks you have variable names and
instead of start and finish dates you have an upper and lower numeric
If that makes sense, is there an obvious way of doing this.
> You could consider modifying the code for gantt.chart in plotrix.
Not sure that I have the skills, but I was tempted when I found
plotrix earlier today, to see if it could be modified someway.
__ mailing list
it to look.
> On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Graham Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I would like to produce a chart that looks like a Gantt chart (or
>> shingle plot), but instead of tasks you have variable names and
>> instead of start and finish dates you
> Gabor is right, gantt.chart comes close but you will have to change all the
> POSIXct axis calls to plain old axis calls and manually create the list of
> with the x values as numbers.
Mmm, I have had a quick look at the code and it seems a bit beyond me,
but it could be a good
> Then try something like this. We plot it as a stacked
> horizontal bargraph where the first bar in the stack is white
> and with border = 0 so its not visible.
> # test data - rows are from and to points and
> # column names are the labels
> mat <- matrix(1:10, 2, byrow = TRUE,
> Wondering how can I generate "Akaike weight" with R? I know the description,
> but is there any function to generate by R on the web-site or R library?
> I am using GLM or GLMM (family=binomial), so would be appreciated if you
> help me.
You could have a look at this.
> Seems pretty clear from a quick glance at that page (and in retrospect, even
> from the URL itself) that Graham misspelled the package name, Try looking
> for package, aod (without any caps.)
Yep, mea culpa (and I have probably spelt that wrong as well), it was
quick after thought as I almost ju
I am trying to suppress the tick labels on the x-axis of the following:
I have tried col.axis="white"
I have tried removing the axis all together with axes=FALSE
I have tried xaxt="n"
I have also tried labels=c"(label1", "label2") to replace the
I am trying to use R2HTML (just downloaded from CRAN) to paste R (2.6.0)
results output via the clipboard to OpenOffice Writer and Calc
(version 2.3on WinXPPro)
Pasting into Excel gives a formatted table of results (as expected), but
pasting into Calc simply pastes the HTML code. Trying paste spe
TED]> wrote:
> Graham,
> I'm not sure what the issue is, but I would suggest using OpenOffice
> directly with the odfWeave package.
> Max
> -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of Graham Smith
54 matches
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