[R] [R-pkgs] acs version 2.1.0 update: download and analyze data from the US Census in R

2017-07-13 Thread Ezra Haber Glenn
t; user guide at <http://dusp.mit.edu/sites/dusp.mit.edu/files/attachments/publications/working_with_acs_R_v_2.0.pdf>. -- Ezra Haber Glenn, AICP Department of Urban Studies and Planning Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Ave., Room 7-346 Cambridge, MA 02139 eg

[R] [R-pkgs] acs version 2.0: an R package to download and analyze data from the US Census

2016-03-21 Thread Ezra Haber Glenn
_2.0.pdf>. Special thanks to package beta testers (Ari, Arin, Bethany, Emma, John, and Michael) and the entire acs-r community, as well as to Uwe and Kurt at CRAN for their infinite patience and continuing care and stewardship of the system. -- Ezra Haber Glenn, AICP Department of Urban Studies

[R] [R-pkgs] acs package version 1.1: download and analyze census data from the ACS

2013-07-19 Thread Ezra Haber Glenn
onal support, worked examples, and more can be found on the CityState blog (<http://eglenn.scripts.mit.edu/citystate>), as well as through the acs.R user group mailing list -- visit <http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/acs-r> to subscribe and view archives. -- Ezra Haber Glenn, A

[R] [R-pkgs] acs package: analyze data from the U.S. American Community Survey

2012-03-19 Thread Ezra Haber Glenn
and/or <http://eglenn.scripts.mit.edu/citystate/2012/03/acs-package-updated-version-0-8-now-on-cran/>. -- Ezra Haber Glenn, AICP Lecturer in Community Development Department of Urban Studies and Planning Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Ave., Room 7