[R] Create data frame from header only

2008-08-04 Thread Etienne Bellemare Racine
Hi all, Given a string list, > paste("A",1:5,sep="") [1] "A1" "A2" "A3" "A4" "A5" I would like to create an empty data frame using that list as the header, so I can access my data frame column using, > df [ list [ i ] ] Anyone ? Thanks, Etienne [[alternative HTML version

Re: [R] Unrealistic dispersion parameter for quasibinomial

2010-03-04 Thread Etienne Bellemare Racine
Ben Bolker wrote : The dispersion parameter depends on the Pearson residuals, not the deviance residuals (i.e., scaled by expected variance). I haven't checked into this in great detail, but the Pearson residual of your first data set is huge, probably because the fitted value is tiny (and hence

Re: [R] skip for loop

2010-04-05 Thread Etienne Bellemare Racine
you can use break : for(i in 1:5) { #e.g. a <- sample(1:10, 1) # important part : if(a==3) break } a or while : a <- 0 while(a != 3){ # an operation that change a : a <- sample(1:10, 1) } Etienne Le 2010-04-05 10:46, Ravi S. Shankar a écrit : > Hi R, > > > > I am running

Re: [R] choose.files limit?

2009-12-09 Thread Etienne Bellemare Racine
Gunnar, Did you find a solution, I'm facing the same problem (would like to load 2868 files in one go). Is it a bug, or just something that should be documented in the help. Also, the error message is misleading, as it say it «cannot find» a certain file (the name given here is truncated in my

Re: [R] Separating variables in read.table

2009-04-17 Thread Etienne Bellemare Racine
see ?attach Etienne Richardson, Patrick a écrit : > If I have a table (we'll call it, "test") containing two columns (as below): > > i x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 y > 0 1.125 0.232 7.160 0.0859 8.905 1.5563 > 7 0.920 0.268 8.804 0.0865 7.388 0.8976 > 150.83

[R] Working with LiDAR .las files

2008-06-15 Thread Etienne Bellemare Racine
Hi, I am working with airborne LiDAR data and R. Do you know of any package or project designed to achieve that goal ? Largely, if you are using R and .las files (or lidar data), I would like to hear about your work flow. Otherwise, if you know of a package that can help handling x,y,z data (i

Re: [R] ggplot: problem with fill option in stat_smooth()

2009-02-04 Thread Etienne Bellemare Racine
Maybe you could try to open the pdf in Inkscape http://www.inkscape.org/ and export it as a .emf or .png ? Etienne Ian Fiske a écrit : > Hi all, > > I am using ggplot2 and continuing to find it very useful and pretty. > However, I am trying to create some graphics for publication that would be

[R] Get user system name

2009-03-16 Thread Etienne Bellemare Racine
I would like to get the name of the user form the system. Is it possible ? Something like >system.user() returning something like [1] "etber12" Thanks, Etienne [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://s

Re: [R] Get user system name

2009-03-16 Thread Etienne Bellemare Racine
; > On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Etienne Bellemare Racine > wrote: > >> I would like to get the name of the user form the system. Is it possible ? >> Something like >> >system.user() >> returning something like >>

Re: [R] Get user system name

2009-03-16 Thread Etienne Bellemare Racine
This one is the one working for me. Thanks ! -- Etienne Gábor Csárdi a écrit : > Etienne, > > >> Sys.info()["user"] >> > user > "csardi" > > Best, > Gabor > > On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 11:04 PM, Etienne Bellemare Racine &