[R] Can't install or upgrade the "PKI" package on a Debian testing system

2016-12-05 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Dear list, It seems that recent changes in openssl somehow broke the installation or update of the PKI package. This is probably specific of my setup(s) (Debian testing, updated frequently). Copy of a mail to Simon Urbanek (PKI maintainer), sent 5 days ago without reply nor acknowledgement s

[R] Followup [Can't install or upgrade the "PKI" package on a Debian testing system]

2016-12-05 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
ttps://www.rforge.net/')", NOT install.packages('PKI',,'http://www.rforge.net/'), which, for some inscrutable reason (runaway proxying ?) fails the same way as before. A big Kudos and Thank You to Simon Urbanek, on behalf of not-so-stable distributions users !

Re: [R] shapiro wilk normality test

2008-07-17 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
This one should (I am tempted to write "must") make its way to fortune ()... Thankyouthankyouthankyou ... Emmanuel Charpentier On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 14:58:13 -0600, Greg Snow wrote : > For those people who feel the need for a p-value to test

[R] Possible buglet (wart ?) of odfWeave 0.7.6 (with workaround)

2008-08-12 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
e (and not attached): [1] grid_2.7.1 tools_2.7.1 Hoping this might help, Emmanuel Charpentier PS : don't try to answer to my subscribed address (charpent (at) bacbuc (dot) dyndns (dot) org), which is the apparent source of this message : bacbuc (dot) dyndns (dot) org is down and will quit

[R] Possible buglet (wart ?) of odfWeave 0.7.6 (with workaround)

2008-08-12 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
e (and not attached): [1] grid_2.7.1 tools_2.7.1 Hoping this might help, Emmanuel Charpentier PS : don't try to answer to my subscribed address (charpent (at) bacbuc (dot) dyndns (dot) org), which is the apparent source of this message : bacbuc (dot) dyndns (dot) org is down and will quit

Re: [R] Lattice: problem using panel.superpose and panel.groups

2008-08-20 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Le dimanche 17 août 2008 à 09:36 +, Dieter Menne a écrit : [ Snip .. ] > Trellis graphics are a bit like hash functions: you can be close to the > target, but get a far-off result. Nice candidate for a fortune() entry ... Emmanuel Charp

Re: [R] FYI: APL in R

2008-08-20 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
enlightening... Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Sending "..." to a C external

2008-08-22 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
d enough to have first-hand knowledge of this history. I was born, but not weaned, when McCarthy unleashed Lisp on an unsuspecting world ... I learned that ca. 1978-9, while discovering VLisp. While I can't really help you (I still think that processing "..." at C level is eit

Re: [R] Bootstrap inference for the sample median?

2009-08-30 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
distribution with only very few possible values, at most as many value as the sample. Exercise : derive the distribution of median(x)...). To convince yourself, look at the histogram of the bootstrap distribution of median(x). Contrast with the bootstrap distribution of mean(x). Meditate. Conclude.

[R] (quite possibly OT) Re: how to make R running on a Linux server display a plot on a Windows machine

2010-02-22 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
o do with mathematics, science or engineering|technologies, it would be smart to at least consider this seriously. In short, you should discuss your options (memory, X server, VNC/RDP, Linux) with your *local* friendly help. Again, the R help list is *definitely* *NOT* the right place for learni

Re: [R] Use of R in clinical trials

2010-02-23 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
em to save *serious* money or to *seriously* streamline their current process. We all know it's possible, but the economic|financial case still has to be done. An implementation of such a system in a new sector (namely medical devices), using the "Bayesian headstart" and the FDA incenti

Re: [R] R on Linux - a primer

2010-03-16 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
ld have render myself unable to work with those d*mn Word files for about a month, or forced me to do a maual repair (which I hate...)). So consider Debian as a (desirable) alternative to Ubuntu. HTH, Emmanuel Charpentier, DDS, MSc

Re: [R] recommendations on use of -> operator

2010-03-18 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
An old (Lisp ? C ?) quote, whose author escapes me now, was : "syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon" .. but nowadays semicolons are rarely used in "real-life" R. Emmanuel Charpentier PS and, BTW, neither C nor Lisp have muc

Re: [R] recommendations on use of -> operator

2010-03-18 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Le jeudi 18 mars 2010 à 15:49 -0400, Duncan Murdoch a écrit : > On 18/03/2010 3:10 PM, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote: > > An old (Lisp ? C ?) quote, whose author escapes me now, was : > > > > "syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon" > > > > ..

Re: [R] ANOVA with means and SDs as input

2009-06-26 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
art is fast forgotten, if not totally lost. If you insist, I might try to unearth my copy of Winer's handbook (ca. 1959) and look up specific questions. HTH, Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org m

Re: [R] questions about meta-analysis

2009-06-27 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
or" package seems also quite interesting. Another (smarter(?)) alternative is to ask yourself *why* you need Z and p. Z is just a computing device allowing you to use a known density. And the real meaning of p and its usefulness has been discussed, disputed and fought over at exceedingl

[R] odfWeave : problems with odfInsertPlot() and odfFigureCaption()

2009-06-30 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
erely, Emmanuel Charpentier Annex : log of compilation with fig=true, results=xml. > odfWeave("Test1Src.odt", "Test1.odt") Copying Test1Src.odt Setting wd to /tmp/RtmpenMTgz/odfWeave3023572231 Unzipping ODF file using unzip -o Test1Src

Re: [R] NaiveBayes fails with one input variable (caret and klarR packages)

2009-06-30 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Le mardi 30 juin 2009 à 14:51 -0400, Max a écrit : > I just put a new version on cran... Now, *that's* support !!! bug report at 17:31, acknowledgement at 20:12, (probable) bug fix at 20:51. Bravo, bravissimo, Max ! Try that, SAS support !

Re: [R] odfWeave : problems with odfInsertPlot() and odfFigureCaption()

2009-07-01 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
w that you tell it, you got me a nice idea for a workaround ... :-) > So, back to your question, the relevant code for captions is in > odfWeave:::withCaptionXML (odfInsertPlot uses this to write the xml). > You can try that and I might be able to look at it in the next few

Re: [R] Unix commands on R

2009-07-08 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
ile (reusable...). HTH, Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented,

Re: [R] How to perform a Likelihood-ratio test?

2009-07-13 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
find any help on how to do that. > > Could you help me and tell me what to do? Or tell me where to find help on > this topic? ?anova? Check the "test" argument ...:-) Emmanuel Charpentier __

[R] odfWeave : sudden and unexplained error

2009-08-01 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
tation and the r-help list archives didn't turn up anything relevant. This error survived restarting OOo, restarting R, restarting its enclosing Emacs session and even rebooting the damn hardware... Any idea ?

Re: [R] Testing year effect in lm() ***failed first time, sending again

2009-08-05 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
e a good complement to somewhat incomplete help pages : what in h*ll are valid arguments to mcp() beyond "Tukey" ??? Curently, you'll have to dig in the source to learn that...). HTH Emmanuel Charpentier _

Re: [R] Testing year effect in lm() ***failed first time, sending again

2009-08-06 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
hat...). > > Not so: they are clearly stated in ?contrMat. Oops.. I oversaw that. With my apologies, Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLE

Re: [R] Multilevel modeling with count variables

2010-03-27 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
ic graph and that the distributions of you variables are either from a "standard" family available in BUGS or that you are able to express the (log-)density of the non-standard distribution you wish to use). But, again, no p-values in sight. Would you settle for Bayes factors between tw

Re: [R] logistic regression in an incomplete dataset

2010-04-05 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
* work, be difficult and not always succeed (numerical difficulties. Furthermore, the results of a Byesian analysis might not be what you seek... HTH, Emmanuel Charpentier Le lundi 05 avril 2010 à 11:34 +0100, Desmond Campbell a écrit : > Dear all, >

Re: [R] [R-pkgs] SOAR - Stored object caches for R

2010-04-08 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Le mercredi 07 avril 2010 à 18:03 +1000, William Venables a écrit : [ Snip ... ] > [ ... ] The effect is > somewhat like that of the use of the .Data directory in S-PLUS, (a > program not unlike R), though somewhat more manually driven. I'm not sure

Re: [R] glmer with non integer weights

2010-04-18 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
hoice of epsilon, whic tends to indicate that, at small epsilon values, the "sharp" "impossible" values dominate the evaluation of the oefficients they are involved in. Beta models (not shown) give similar results, to a lesser extend. In short, your "sharp" data are essent

Re: [R] glmer with non integer weights

2010-04-18 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
903 0.5083574 0.5672021 But again, we're exploiting a shortcoming of the asin(sqrt()) transformation. HTH, Emmanuel Charpentier Le vendredi 16 avril 2010 à 00:15 -0800, Kay Cichini a écrit : > thanks thierry, > > i considered this transfor

Re: [R] glmer with non integer weights

2010-04-19 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
gis), is kind enough to choke on this (i. e. returning back Inf values, which will make the regression program choke). So please quench my thirst : what exactly is MH.Index supposed to be ? How is it measured, estimated, guessed or divined ? HTH, Emmanuel Charpentier __

Re: [R] glmer with non integer weights

2010-04-22 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Sorry for this late answer (I've had a seriously nonmaskable interrupt). Since I have technical questions not related to R, I take the liberty to follow this up by e-mail. I might post a followup summary if another R problem arises... Emm

Re: [R] lme4 and incomplete block design

2009-11-08 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
is a factor, so you get an estimate for each treatment level except the first, to be interpreted as difference of means with the first level. I fell in that trap myself a few times, and took the habit to give evels to my fctors tht cannot be interpreted as numbers (such as f<-paste("F&quo

Re: [R] Models for Discrete Choice in R

2009-11-08 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
x27;ve been unable to use it recently (numerical exceptions). > By the way, my dependent variable is ordinal and my independent > variables are ratio/intervalar. Numeric ? Then maybe some recoding/transformation is in order ... in which case Design/rms might or might not be us

Re: [R] Models for Discrete Choice in R

2009-11-09 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Le dimanche 08 novembre 2009 à 19:05 -0600, Frank E Harrell Jr a écrit : > Emmanuel Charpentier wrote: > > Le dimanche 08 novembre 2009 à 17:07 -0200, Iuri Gavronski a écrit : > >> Hi, > >> > >> I would like to fit Logit models for ordered data, such as thos

Re: [R] What parts of 'Statistical Models in S' are not applicable to R?

2009-11-11 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
ocument will get produced in the foreseeable future. Frequent R-help reading and note-taking is the second-best option... To come back to R-vs-S+ topic : unless I'm mistaken, R seems to be currently the dominant version of the S language, and most published S material will nowadays (implicitly) b

Re: [R] How to use SQL code in R

2009-11-16 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
y to use external code (I'm thinking of the rpgsql language, which allows running R code in a pgsql function in PostgreSQL). HTH, Emmanuel Charpentier BTW, there exist a R database Special Interest Group, with a mailing list. Lookup their archive, and ma

Re: [R] Help with lme4 model specification

2009-05-06 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
,drop=TRUE]}) AAT<-lmer(y~S+A+(1|SAH),data=AT,REML=TRUE) > :confused: Enlightened ? Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-pr

Re: [R] Do you use R for data manipulation?

2009-05-11 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
entry. Epidata entry > is much more professional. Irony squared ? This *must* go in the fortunes file ! Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLE

Re: [R] How to save R "clean" sessions in BATCH mode?

2009-05-17 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
"bar" > bar("Foo1.RData") [1] "filename" "Foo" # Note : by default, ls() list the function's # environment, not the global one... **> no "bar" here... [1] 0.8030422 0.6326055 0.8188481 0.6161665 0.5

Re: [R] How to google for R stuff?

2009-05-20 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
last two months. Time for a FAQ entry ? (It does not seem to exist : I checked...) Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting

Re: [R] Linear Regression with Constraints

2009-05-27 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
way to express your objective function, not an independent parameter). Of course, if it's homework, get lost ! Emmanuel Charpentier > Is "optim" in the stats package the right function to use?

Re: [R] Linear Regression with Constraints

2009-05-27 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
lower=c(-Inf,0,0), + upper=c(Inf,1,1))) utilisateur système écoulé 0.004 0.000 0.004 > > D2.bound $par c1 c2 c3 2.0995442 0.2192566 0.000 # The optimizer bangs is pretty little head on the c3 wall.

Re: [R] Can I Compile R with MS Access 2003 Developer Extensions?

2009-05-31 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
t touch a Windows computer for years... HTH, Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html an

Re: [R] montly mean temp plot

2009-06-02 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Le mardi 02 juin 2009 à 16:32 +, ms.com a écrit : > Dear all > i got a problem in monthly mean temperature. here i am attaching the data set > as well as the plot i got with the following command > plot(month,type='n') > plot(month,X1999) > > this command gave the plot where the month names a

[R] Small mystery : passing a "subset=" argument to lme|lm through "..."

2009-06-04 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
aluation rules, and it turns out that lme() doesn't evaluate extra arguments like subset in the parent environment", but this does not tell me why a "..." argument is *not* found. Different frame of evaluation ? May some kind soul point

Re: [R] New Meta-Analysis Package (metafor)

2009-06-05 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
for assessing the model fit and obtaining case diagnostics. Thank you very much ! I think that this package was expected ... Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/li

Re: [R] p-values from VGAM function vglm

2009-06-06 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
mu)-1.7037 -0.82997 0.072275 0.78520 1.72834 > > log(shape) -2.5152 -0.32448 0.254698 0.58772 0.70678 > > > > > > # NEED P-VALUES HERE # > > Perhaps: > > dt(summary( modl2 )@coef3[ , 3], 1) ??? 1) dt() is the density. didn't you mean pt() ? 2

Re: [R] large numbers of observations using ME() of spdep

2009-06-06 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
p with your *real* problem... Emmanuel Charpentier > And we are left with > nothing: no result file was produced since the calculations were > interrumpted! > Consequently, I am looking for a way to accelerate calculation

Re: [R] User defined GLM?

2009-06-22 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
ataset) independent linear equations with nrow(dataset) unknowns (the beta[i]), whose solution is trivially beta[i]=log(x[i]/n[i])-log(sum(x)/sum(n), except when n[i]=0 in which case your equation has no solution. Could you try to re-express your problem ? Em

Re: [R] LME as part of meta-analysis

2009-03-28 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
understand that Douglas Bates has already way too much work and not too much time on his hands, and I doubt he might be coaxed to work in this direction right now... A suggestion : you might forward your question to the "r-mixed-models" SIG mailing list with some profit...

Re: [R] Calculate directions between points

2009-03-28 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
nction that returns a matrix of the direction of the vectors between points > (angles 0-360°)? > > testdata <- matrix(1:8, nrow=4, ncol=2, > dimnames=list(c("A","B","C","D"), c("x"

Re: [R] Discriminant Analysis - Obtaining Classification Functions

2009-04-03 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
reauire(MASS) ; ?predict.lda should enlighten you. Glancing at V&R4 might be a bit more illuminating... HTH Emmanuel Charpentier Le vendredi 03 avril 2009 à 22:29 +0200, Pavel Kúr a écrit : > Hello! > > I need some help with the linear

[R] [OT ?] rant (was : Re: Conversions From standard to metric units)

2009-04-03 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
ies with meaningless conversion factors... Emmanuel Charpentier who has served his time with pounds per cubic feet, furlongs per fortnight, BTU and other

Re: [R] [OT ?] rant (was : Re: Conversions From standard to metricunits)

2009-04-04 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Le vendredi 03 avril 2009 à 20:01 -0400, Murray Cooper a écrit : > For science yes. For pleasure I'll still take a pint instead of 570ml! Yes, but do you realize that you'll have to pee in fl. oz ? Aie ... Emmanue

Re: [R] Basic doubts on the use of several script files in R batch mode

2009-04-04 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
language. I don't know zilch about it ... HTH Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provi

Re: [R] Cross-platforms solution to export R graphs

2009-04-09 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
sn't need any intermediary step, thus allowing for automatisation. Be aware, however, that the embedded EPS images are not editable in-place by OpenOffice nor, as far as I know, by MS Word. But my point was to *avoid* post-production as much as humanly possible (I tend to be inhumanly lazy...).

Re: [R] F test

2009-04-16 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
es being the "residual degrees of freedom" of the model) or by the F value, which will fluctuate as a Fisher F statistic with 1 and n_res dof, which happens (but that's not happenstance...) to be the *square* of a t with n_dof. May I suggest consulting a textbook *before* flunking A

Re: [R] F test

2009-04-16 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
that will pass a medical journal's reviewer unquestioned), you can always use SAS' proc mixed. But I wouldn't swear this answer is "exact", or even sensible, as far as I can judge... Pr Bates seems to answer readily any (sensible) questions on the ME mailing list, where you

[R] Modelling an "incomplete Poisson" distribution ?

2009-04-18 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
with unobserved "0" values ? Sincerely, Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org

Re: [R] Modelling an "incomplete Poisson" distribution ?

2009-04-18 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
d) ears... Of course, I could also bootstrap the damn thing and study the distribution of my contrasts. I'd still been hard pressed to formally test hypotheses on factors... Any ideas ? Emmanuel Charpentier Le samedi 18 avril 2009 à 19:28 +0200, Emmanuel C

Re: [R] Modelling an "incomplete Poisson" distribution ?

2009-04-19 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Dear Ben, Le samedi 18 avril 2009 à 23:37 +, Ben Bolker a écrit : > Emmanuel Charpentier bacbuc.dyndns.org> writes: > > > > > I forgot to add that yes, I've done my homework, and that it seems to me > > that answers pointing to zero-inflated Poisson

Re: [R] graph with 15 combinations

2009-04-20 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
e.html in the graph > "Four circles surrounding illusion"). > > Does anybody has a nice solution, ideally with a possible solution in R? Plot on a torus. Should be trivial in R once you've found the torus feeder for your printer... :-)

[R] Multiple imputations : wicked dataset ? Wicked computers ? Am I cursed ? (or stupid ?)

2009-04-22 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
mix) runs perfectly (and fast !). = I might be particularly stupid and misunderstanding manual and the "textbook" examples of one or two packages, but five ! Visual/manual/graphical examination of my dataset does no

Re: [R] Loess over split data

2009-04-25 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
lines(final.weight~birth.vec, type="p", data=my.data) ; lines(center~time, lty=1) ; lines(lb~time, lty=3) ; lines(ub~time, lty=3) }) Adding your empirical centiles to this graph might help... NB : on your example data set, there is a big gap between the earliest point

Re: [R] Multiple Imputation in mice/norm

2009-04-25 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
: coxph(Surv(min(x,,na.rm=TRUE), !is.na(x),type="left")~) to do this on-the-fly). Another possible idea is to split your (supposedly x) variable in two : observed (logical), and value (observed value if observed, if not) and include these two data in your model. You probably will

Re: [R] Multiple Imputation in mice/norm

2009-04-25 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Danke sehr, herr Professor ! This one escaped me (notably because it's a trifle far from my current interests...). Emmanuel Charpentier Le samedi 25 avril 2009 à 08:25 -0500, Frank E Harrell Jr a écrit : > Emmanuel Charpentier wrote: > >

Re: [R] Multiple imputations : wicked dataset. Need advice for follow-up to a possible solution.

2009-04-27 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Answering to myself (for future archive users' sake), more to come (soon) : Le jeudi 23 avril 2009 à 00:31 +0200, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit : > Dear list, > > I'd like to use multiple imputations to try and save a somewhat badly > mangled dataset (lousy data collec

Re: [R] rounding problem

2009-04-27 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Seconded ! Emmanuel Charpentier Le lundi 02 mars 2009 à 21:06 -0700, Greg Snow a écrit : > > -Original Message- > > From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r- > > project.org] On Behalf Of Prof Brian Ripley >

Re: [R] Do you use R for data manipulation?

2009-05-06 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
a) import data in an SQL database, and b) prepare some routines to dump SQL tables / R dataframes in Excel tor returning back to the original data author... HTH Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing l

Re: [R] system vs shell wait command

2010-01-24 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
indows "share") ? - port gencont.exe to linux ? :-) (this might seem silly, but might be the easiest solution if this program is (as it seems according to your partial explanations) a simple "filter" (read data, munch them, spit output) not using windows-specific functions or system calls). HTH, Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] What are Type II or III contrast? (contrast() in contrast package)

2010-02-03 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
ucation than an R specific question. Nonwhistanding David Winsemius' closing remark, I'd like to add something that should be requested reading (and maybe hinted at in lm()'s help page) : http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/MASS3/Exegeses.pdf (BTW, despite is age, MASS *is* r

Re: [R] What are Type II or III contrast? (contrast() in contrast package)

2010-02-03 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Le mercredi 03 février 2010 à 09:23 -0600, Peng Yu a écrit : > On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 2:12 AM, Emmanuel Charpentier > wrote: > > Le mercredi 03 février 2010 à 00:01 -0500, David Winsemius a écrit : > >> On Feb 2, 2010, at 11:38 PM, Peng Yu wrote: > >> > >&

[R] Data views (Re: (Another) Bates fortune?)

2010-02-07 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Douglas Bates' description of the lmer() algorithms for a nice, big counter-example, or consider MCMC... But coming closer to such an organization *seems* possible : see for example biglm. So I think that data views are a a worthy but not-so-easy possible goal aimed at various data structure proble

[R] Of possible interest for (Win|Open)BUGS users on Linux platforms

2010-10-22 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
able to install these two packages on Ubuntu Lucid (64 bits, using the g++-multilib package) and Debian Squeeze (32 bits) and to test BRugs quickly without apparent problems. HTH, Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-

[R] (S|odf)weave : how to intersperse (\LaTeX{}|odf) comments in source code ? Delayed R evaluation ?

2010-12-11 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Weave, in the "text" part), and spice it with \end{verbatim} comments.. \begin{verbatim} chunks. This way, I lose any guarantee of consistency between commented text and effective code. Any other idea ? Emmanuel Charpentier

[R] Summary (Re: (S|odf)weave : how to intersperse (\LaTeX{}|odf) comments in source code ? Delayed R evaluation ?)

2010-12-12 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Dear list, see comment at end. On Sat, 11 Dec 2010 22:58:10 +, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote : > Dear list, > > Inspired by the original Knuth tools, and for paedaogical reasons, I > wish to produce a document presenting some source code with interspersed > comments in the sour

[R] Second summary [( S|odf)weave : how to intersperse (\LaTeX{}|odf) comments in source code ? Delayed R evaluation ?]

2010-12-13 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
can Murdoch, who was able to give a *correct* solution before I have been able to *correctly* state the problem. Emmanuel Charpentier On Sat, 11 Dec 2010 22:58:10 +, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote : [ Snip... ] ___

Re: [R] Multivariate binary response analysis

2010-12-14 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
es to BUGS, as you might have guessed, but the "public health warning" that the Spiegelhalter gang put in front of the WinBUGS manual still apply : "MCMC sampling can be dangerous". To which I add "model checking, convergence assessment and validation might eat more time

Re: [R] Including a text file (JAGS model) in an R package

2010-08-16 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
censoring notation, which cannot pass for R syntax. The R2WinBUGS package has a write.model() function, which I shoplifted, simplified (JAGS doesn't seem to be as picky as WinBUGS in tne numerical notation department), extended (to take advantage of the JAGS' "data transform" featu

[R] odfWeave 0.7.17 stutters on Debian testing 64-bit amd64 systems.

2011-05-14 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
cross-posting to r-help and r-debian-sig, but I think that the issue is ... complicated and might not be as Debian-specific as it seems at first view. Sincerely, Emmanuel Charpentier Dear Max, A few days ago, I started to have problems with odfWeave 0.7.17 on

Re: [R] odfWeave 0.7.17 stutters on Debian testing 64-bit amd64 systems.

2011-05-14 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
ons (and, on amd64, the discrepancies between Ubuntu 11.04 and Debian testing, which are easier to explain : Debian has slightly more recent version). I'll try to downgrade the R xml package (easier) and report results. Again, thank you very much ! Emma

Re: [R] odfWeave 0.7.17 stutters on Debian testing 64-bit amd64 systems.

2011-05-14 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
d" to 3.4.0 by the "update.packages(ask=FALSE)" I'm used to do ... Thank you again ! Now I can again use a multiprocessor eficiently to run the same analyses on 18 datasets (thanks to mclapply (multicore)). A serious win in my case...

Re: [R] Dataframe horizontal scrolling

2010-05-10 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
(you know, the sort of ... thing ... that hit the fan when you've been coaxed to accept Excel spreatsheet as "dats sets"). HTH, Emmanuel Charpentier Le lundi 10 mai 2010 à 16:06 -0400, Michael H a écrit : > R experts, > > I am wor

[R] FYI : XML 3.4.2 still breaks odfWeave 0.7.17

2011-08-14 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
an help. Sincerely yours, Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, sel

Re: [R] Graphics device storable in a variable

2007-11-15 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
input and control pipes once for good), but might be difficult to set up in pl/r (does this implementatin allows I/O from/to external files ?). The fourth is much more problematic... HTH Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Writing a helper function that takes in the dataframe and variable names and then does a subset and plot

2007-11-15 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Dear Daniel, May I point you to Thomas Lumley's paper in R News 2001-3 ("Programmer’s Niche: Macros in R\n Overcoming R’s virtues) and to the defmacro utility of the gtools package ? HTH Emmanuel Charpentier Daniel Myall a écrit : > Hi,

Re: [R] sample nth day data in each month

2007-11-15 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
if some of the dates are non-trading day, how can i tell "R" to use > "modified following" or "following" data? Dunno : what is a"non-trading day" ? HTH Emmanuel Charpentier _

Re: [R] odf and unzip: unzip not found

2007-11-17 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
verbose = TRUE) Arguments: zipCmd: a string for the zipping/unzipping the 'odt' file via a system call. The token '$$file$$' will be gsub'ed with the file name. [ ... ] HTH, Emmanuel Charpentier ___

Re: [R] analysis of large data set

2007-11-17 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
nouncement tent to be a bit ... overlooked (seen, read and almost immediately forgotten, I confess...). Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the

Re: [R] Getting Annual (Conditional) Averages

2007-11-17 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Dear Lucia, lucia a écrit : > Hello, > I'm very new to R, and so my question is simple. > > I have data record with 80 years of daily temperatures in one long > string. The dates are also recorded, in YYMMDD format. I'd like to > learn an elegant simple way to pull out the annual averages.

Re: [R] Equal confidence interval arrowhead lengths across multiple-paneled lattice plots with free y-scales

2007-11-17 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
;>> "inch" instead of an absolute one like "native". Does that not work? > > Of course, that should have had 'absolute' instead of 'relative' and vice > versa. a good candidate for the "fortune()" hall of fame ?

Re: [R] multiple comparisons/tukey kramer

2007-11-23 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
offered in ?glht[1] is beyond me. Google ("multiple comparisons") will offer you some dubious and quite a few good references... HTH Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat

Re: [R] Unweighted meta-analysis

2007-11-26 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
> Both approaches would appear to be fraught with risks; for example in > the regression approach, it is probable that the error distribution of > an individual randomised regression might not be normal - would this > then invalidate the whole set of regressions? Again, you'd work

Re: [R] pass lm( ) a char vector as the variables to be included

2007-11-26 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
e complicated automation, the ideas and examples from Bill > Venables Programmer Niche article in the R newsletter from a few years > ago might be of use: > > [39] Bill Venables. Programmer's niche. R News, 2(2):24-26, June 2002. > [ bib | PDF |

Re: [R] newbie polr() question

2007-11-26 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
. (from what I can tell) The documentation > of the polr() doesn't explain the output or the theory... I've done web > searches on polr() and the MASS library and have found little of direct > help to my question. Brian Ripley probably means "Modern Applied Statistics

Re: [R] meta-analysis on diagnostic tests (bivariate approach)

2007-11-30 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
curve has : as far as I can tell, a physician does *not* choose (reliably) his/her sensitivity level, and therefore cannot "move" his/her operating point along this hypothetical ROC curve. If one accepts the hypothesis that sensitivities and specificities are the only relevant data, the DO

Re: [R] odfWeave error

2007-12-03 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
ic. As far as I can tell, recent versions of Office and OpenOffice.org correctly render Encapsulated Postcript files, thus freeing you from another Windows demendency. Unless you *have* to have an EMF output (it happens, I know ...), youd'better use use this format directly. HTH

Re: [R] Which Linux OS on Athlon amd64, to comfortably run R?

2007-12-05 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
en ? Thank again ! Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented, minima

Re: [R] simple problems

2007-12-06 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
of the process of understanding the problem. Which was probably the point of this (probable) homework... Emmanuel Charpentier __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do

Re: [R] using "eval(parse(text)) " , gsub(pattern, replacement, x) , to process "code" within a loop/custom function

2007-12-06 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
annel,query), ...) ... } If you already use a DBMS with some connection to R (via RODBC or otherwise), use that. If not, sqlite is a very lightweight library that enables you to use a (very considerable) subset of SQL92 to manipulate your data. I understand that some people of this list have under

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