[R] How do you impute missing data using Latent Class Model (poLCA package)

2012-07-04 Thread Christopher Choi
My problem is I have data with both categorial and numerical data, currently only the categorical number contains missing data, was wondering do I make a new dataframe containing only the categorical columns? How would you use Latent Class Model specifically poLCA to impute the missing data? http:

[R] How do you rotate axes in ctree - (Party Package)

2012-08-15 Thread Christopher Choi
I have a classification tree analyzed using ctree() was wondering how can one rotate the terminal nodes so that the axes are vertical? library(party) data(iris) attach(iris) plot(ctree(Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepel.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width, data = iris)) ___