Re: [R] Add annotation text outside of an xyplot (lattice package)

2016-09-22 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, Yes, you can use "latticeExtra" package and use a text layer on top of your current chart. Thanks, Carlos Ortega 2016-09-22 16:04 GMT+02:00 Jun Shen : > Dear list, > > Just wonder if there is a way to add annotation text outside an xyplot, > (e.g. the bottom of the

Re: [R] Lattice equivalent to ggplot function

2016-10-24 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, Yes, it is available in "latticeExtra" package in function "panel.smoother()". Thanks, Carlos Ortega 2016-10-24 15:13 GMT+02:00 Sébastien Bihorel : > Hi, > > The ggplot2 includes the very convenient stat_summary function to summarize &g

Re: [R] Converting a list to a data frame

2016-11-04 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, You have also "rbindlist()" function in package "data.table" that does exactly what you need. Kind Regards, Carlos Ortega 2016-11-04 13:37 GMT+01:00 Kevin E. Thorpe : > There is probably a very simple elegant way to do this, but I have b

Re: [R] MatLab SimBiology

2009-10-31 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hello, Please look here: Regards, Carlos. On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 6:12 PM, wrote: > Is there any R package that implements the same capability of MatLab > toolbox called SimBiology ? > We are expecially interested i

Re: [R] (2nd part) variable name substitution

2010-01-19 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hello, You can loop in the subset you need by storing in a variable and looping on that variable with indexes: seq.dat<-c(seq(7,10,1), seq(12,17,1)) for( i in 1:length(seq.dat) ) { j<-seq.dat[i] with(ssfa, twoplots(TO_POS, ssfa[[j]])) } Regards, Carlos. On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Ivan C

Re: [R] (2nd part) variable name substitution

2010-01-19 Thread Carlos Ortega
=ylab) boxplot(y ~ x, main=paste("Boxplot of", ylab, "by", xlab), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab) } Regards, Carlos. On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Ivan Calandra wrote: > Thank you for your answer, I got the second part! > Ivan > > > Le 1/19/2010 17:03, Carlos Orte

Re: [R] OT: Software for specific visualisation of data...ideas?

2010-01-19 Thread Carlos Ortega
MS PowerPoint (version 2007 or beta 2010) although difficult for so dense graphic. Prefearable: MindManager although is $$. Use the Trial. Regards, Carlos. On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 5:27 PM, Gavin Simpson wrote: > Dear List, > > A student in the Department where I work would like to produce a gra

Re: [R] Mapping 2D to 3D

2020-09-18 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, There are some further references in the own "RStudio Community" and in StackOverflow: - - Kind Regards, Carlos. On Fri, Sep

Re: [R] merged data frame with

2020-09-29 Thread Carlos Ortega
00:00 18 2005-11-14 08:30:00 19 2005-11-14 09:00:00 start 20 2005-11-14 09:30:00 start 21 2005-11-14 10:00:00 22 2005-11-14 10:30:00 end 23 2005-11-14 11:00:00 24 2005-11-14 11:30:00 end 25 2005-11-14 12:00:00 start Regards, Carlos Ortega On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 10:13 AM Ivan C

Re: [R] multilabel classification XGBoost and hyperparameter tuning

2021-05-27 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hello Agnes, Yes, it is true, "xgboost" is not oriented for a "multi-label" classification. "xgboost" can handle "multi-class" but not "multi-label". Bue in "mlr", you can handle "multi-class" problems although not with "xgboost" a base learner algorithm. You can see here how you can handle that

Re: [R] NAs error in caret function

2022-04-21 Thread Carlos Ortega
sion, start including more complexity in the trainControl function. Thanks, Carlos. On Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 12:59 AM javed khan wrote: > Carlos Ortega, thank you for your answer. > > Class label has three values (Bug, Codel smell and Vulnerability). X is a > text-based feature t

Re: [R] data.table installation on intel macOS Ventura 13.6

2023-09-25 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, Yes, on Mac, it takes a while to even get the build to allow data.table to be used on multithread. See this installation guide which has sections specially dedicated for Mac. - You will see that you will most likely have to modif

Re: [R] data.table installation on intel macOS Ventura 13.6

2023-09-26 Thread Carlos Ortega
ackage can be loaded from final location > ** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation > path > * DONE (data.table) > > library(data.table) > data.table 1.14.8 using 1 threads (see ?getDTthreads). Latest news: > > ** >

Re: [R] How to create a readable plot in R with 10000+ values in a dataframe

2020-07-29 Thread Carlos Ortega
leaving ggplot ecosystem: Thanks, Carlos Ortega. On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 11:31 AM Jim Lemon wrote: > Hi Ritwik, > I haven't seen any further answers to your request, so I'll make a > suggestion. I don't think there is any sensibl

Re: [R] SQL vs R

2014-05-02 Thread Carlos Ortega > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. > -- Saludos, Carlos Ortega [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list https://stat.ethz.

Re: [R] SQL vs R

2014-05-06 Thread Carlos Ortega
of how to work with it here: Regards, Carlos Ortega 2014-05-06 11:12 GMT+02:00 Dr Eberhard Lisse : > Jeff > > It's in MySQL, at the moment roughly 1.8 GB, if

Re: [R] implementation for genetic algorithm

2014-05-13 Thread Carlos Ortega
of what you are looking for. Regards, Carlos Ortega 2014-05-12 11:31 GMT+02:00 nourhan iyte : > Dear All, > I am a beginner for R programming > Do you an example for implementation for genetic algorithm > or how to use it in distance between cities algori

Re: [R] Download CSV Files from EUROSTAT Website

2013-11-04 Thread Carlos Ortega
semination. Regards, Carlos Ortega. 2013/11/4 Adams, Jean > Lorenzo, > > You might want to post this is a new question to get some new eyes on it. > > Or, you could try posting your question to > Scraping the web is a common topic for that group.

Re: [R] possible to plot number line in R?

2010-07-01 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hello, If I understood well, you can compose that with "text" or "mtext" functions. Regards, Carlos. On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 1:38 PM, jim holtman wrote: > ?segments > > Do provide an example of the data and what you what to do with it. > > On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 7:18 AM, Kroepfl, Julia > (julia

Re: [R] Knowledge discovery

2010-07-02 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hello, For the first question, you can use "table" function. Read how to apply it, it is very straitghforward. Once you have the most common combination, you have to investigate further this combination to apply a statistical model to it. What model?. It depends on what are you looking for. Rega

Re: [R] Combining several plots besides a dendrogram?

2010-07-02 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hello, Check for function "layout". With it you can create separate plotting regions one for each graph. And these regions can be customized depending on the size of the objects you want to plot. Regards, Carlos. On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Tal Galili wrote: > Hello all, > > I would like t

Re: [R] decision tree with weighted inputs

2010-07-26 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, In the R-Help history there have been similar questions to yours. As a starting point you can check this: Regrads, Carlos. On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 6:37 PM, David Shin wrote: > I'd like to train a decision tree on a set of weighted

Re: [R] Code for The R Book

2010-12-16 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hello, You can find the code here: <>Regards, Carlos Ortega. On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:31 PM, Paul Miller wrote: > Hello Everyone, > > Does anyone have the

Re: [R] k-nn hierarchical clustering

2011-06-10 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, Yes, check for function ann in package "yaImpute". Regards, Carlos Ortega On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Christian Hennig wrote: > Hi there, > > is there any R-function for k-nearest neighbour agglomerative hierarchical > clustering? >

Re: [R] Fancy Page layout

2010-06-03 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hello, You can the same as trellis but with the standar graphics library in the direction you are exploring. Use par(mfrow=c(5,2)) to display your graphics. The size and location of the graphics can be managed with the layout() function, present in the graphics library. And with mtext and text fu

Re: [R] consulta

2011-03-08 Thread Carlos Ortega
to que sería necesario que consultaras alguno de los múltiples manuales (algunos en español) de introducción al R. Saludos, Carlos Ortega 2011/3/8 Valeska Yaitul > Hola > soy novata en el programa R, pero lo encuentro súper interesante, tengo un > par de consultas..

Re: [R] trunc function

2011-03-09 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hola Felipe, Sí, la función es round(). Por cierto, tenemos una lista de ayuda del R en español. Te puedes suscribir aquí: Saludos, Carlos Ortega On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Luis Felipe Parra < felipe

Re: [R] fitting a distribution to a ecdf plot

2011-03-15 Thread Carlos Ortega
es the "nls" library, but also you can use nlwr() as well. Or check the library NISTnls for particular examples. Regards, Carlos Ortega On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 5:23 PM, Lathouri, Maria <> wrote: > Actually I have already done

Re: [R] Find Principal Component Score per year

2011-03-22 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hello, First, you can try to split your data frame in this way: list.year<-split(pca, unique(pca$year)) And then apply the principal component analysis over the list "list.year". Regards, Carlos Ortega On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 12:35 PM, mathijsdevaan

Re: [R] multiple variables Y and X

2011-04-04 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hello, You can do that like in the example included in the function step() lm1 <- lm(Fertility ~ ., data = swiss) But my advise is that prior to doing that, you should check this old thread in this list: Regards, Carlos Ort

Re: [R] monthly boxplot

2011-08-09 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, Yes. Use lines() Regards, Carlos Ortega On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 4:17 PM, Fernando Andreacci wrote: > It worked, thanks. > > Is there a way to put a trend line through the boxplots? > > > On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 10:58 AM, David Winsemius >wrot

Re: [R] problems with function read.table

2011-09-08 Thread Carlos Ortega
sider the division by cero with a "IF" and get back a NA if that happens. And finally, instead of using na.omits use option na.rm=T to get done your calculations: > mean(c(12,23,24,45,67,NA), na.rm=T)[1] 34.2 Regards, Carlos Ortega On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 4

Re: [R] "rpart" or "tree" function issue

2011-09-08 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, Use packages "rpart.plot" or "maptree" to enhance the tree drawing. Or another alternative, use "party" package that offers much more graphing possibilities. Regards, Carlos Ortega On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Brian Jensvold wro

Re: [R] global optimisation with inequality constraints

2011-09-08 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, I think this other post could help: Regards, Carlos Ortega On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 3:54 PM, Liu Evans, Gareth <> wrote: > Dear All, > >

Re: [R] Need formatting help - ctree - - node_hist

2011-09-08 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, You can get something better in this way: plot(mtree,terminal_panel=node_barplot(mtree, ylines=1.2, gap=0.05)) Check node_barplot() for details, although it does not offer for barplots the possibility to graph it horizontally. Regards, Carlos Ortega On Thu, Sep 8

Re: [R] Colour code y-axis labels on a dot plot

2011-09-15 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, You can use scales() and parametrize it with a list where you can define colors, fonts, etc. I could not test it on your code because variable "Commodity" is not present in the dataset you provided. Regards, Carlos Ortega On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 11:03 AM,

Re: [R] Color barplots with a conditional?

2011-09-15 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hello, There are some specific examples included in the help of barplot() that answer your question. Regards, Carlos Ortega On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 10:14 PM, Allie818 wrote: > I've made a barplot that has several bars. I'd like the bars to be colored &

Re: [R] Colour code y-axis labels on a dot plot

2011-09-16 Thread Carlos Ortega
nd scales variables in the panel function. Regards, Carlos Ortega On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 4:13 AM, markm0705 wrote: > Dear Carlos > > Attached is attempt at getting your scales suggestion to work (which at the > moment does not) > - I'm hoping yo

Re: [R] [r] par and complex graph

2012-06-07 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi Francesco, No, I haven't tried... But if you have some code I can try. Regards, Carlos Ortega 2012/6/7 Francesco Nutini > Oh thank you Carlos! > I wasted a lot of time formatting my xyplot by powerpoint. > Did you used a similar tips for te

Re: [R] day of the year for chron objects

2012-06-08 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi Agustin, You can check and adapt this solution to your needs: Regards, Carlos Ortega 2012/6/8 Agustin Lobo > Hi! > Is not there an standard R function to retrieve the day of the year > (sinc

Re: [R] Rose plot (like a windrose)

2012-06-08 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, Please check function radial.plot() in package plotrix. Regards, Carlos Ortega 2012/6/8 MartinD > Dear R Gurus, > I spent some time in looking for help but didn't find a way to do what I > want. > I do have a vector (in Degrees) containing of

Re: [R] Procesamiento paralelo

2011-06-14 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hola Javier, Sí, mira este detalle: Saludos, Carlos Ortega 2011/6/14 Javier Alfonso Valdés > Hola, soy nuevo en la lista y en R, disculpen esta pregunta, pero no he > encontrado infor

Re: [R] RMySQL, RODBC, dbReadTable and ISO-8859-1 (Spanish data)

2011-07-18 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hola Mario, No sé si finalmente pudiste solucionar el problema que planteaste, por si todavía lo tienes te sugiero que incluyas el correo en la lista de ayuda de R pero en español R-help-es. Puedes darte de alta aquí: Saludos, Carlos Ortega

Re: [R] bar chart issue

2011-07-20 Thread Carlos Ortega
, skip=1, = TRUE, col.names=c("Parasite", "Year", "Infected") ) barchart( Infected ~ Parasite, data=DF, groups=as.factor(Year), auto.key = list(space = "bottom"), origin=0 )

Re: [R] plotting groups via density and different colors

2011-07-20 Thread Carlos Ortega
= "bottom") ) Regards, Carlos Ortega On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Jacob Kasper wrote: > I have a data set that looks like this: > dene <- data.frame(length = > c(35,32,33,34,41,40,46,35,41,40,45,36,38,37,39,40,42

Re: [R] variable name question

2011-10-09 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hello, In R you just need to take the log of the whole whole data.frame where you have your pci* and store in a new variable. You do not need to use a "for" loop: log.df <- log(your_data_frame) Regards, Carlos Ortega On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 5:34 PM, dee

Re: [R] barplots

2011-10-09 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, Another way to do that is with function barchart() in package lattice. Barchart requires a function which relates your variables with the option to specify groups. Check the examples (are under xyplot help) to apply them to your case. Regards, Carlos Ortega On Thu

Re: [R] Multiple levelplot with title

2011-10-09 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, Use function ltext() instead, also available in lattice package. Regards, Carlos Ortega On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 6:30 PM, Richard O. Legendi <> wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm new to R and to the mailing list, so please be

Re: [R] help with statistics in R - how to measure the effect of users in groups

2011-10-10 Thread Carlos Ortega
. Regards, Carlos Ortega On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 12:48 PM, gj wrote: > Thanks Petr. I will try it on the real data. > > But that will only show that the groups are different or not. > Is there any way I can test if the users are different when they are in > diff

Re: [R] "pos" in panel.text

2011-10-10 Thread Carlos Ortega
espectively indicate positions below, to the left of, above and to the right of the specified coordinates. So, the coordinates should be "x=4, y=2" for your case. Additionally you can use ltext() function which is explained in the same panel.text() help. Regards, Carlos Ortega www.qu

Re: [R] "pos" in panel.text

2011-10-10 Thread Carlos Ortega
fied coordinates. Besides "pos" you can try "adj" which is a parameter that allows you to use two parameters (between 0 and 1). Regards, Carlos Ortega 2011/10/10 Allan Sikk > Here's the code. The problem seems to be specific fo

Re: [R] "pos" in panel.text

2011-10-10 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi Allan, Please could you send the modified code where now it should appear x and y coordinates?. I do not fully understand the error message you get. Regards, Carlos Ortega 2011/10/10 Allan Sikk > Thanks, Carlos, > > Tried that, but no success, still get

Re: [R] Background Colors

2011-10-11 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, Yes, one way to do that is by using function polygon(). Regards, Carlos Ortega 2011/10/11 Gabriel Yospin > Hi R-Help - > > If I make a plot: > > numYears = 500 > plot(x = c(1,numYears), y = c(200,300), xlab = "Time", ylab = "Vege

Re: [R] plots of correlation matrices

2011-10-11 Thread Carlos Ortega
corrplot) Regards, Carlos Ortega 2011/10/11 gj > Hi, > > I want to do a visualisation of a matrix plot made up of several plots of > correlation matrices (using corrplot()). My data is in csv format. Here's > an > example: > > id,category,a

Re: [R] high and lowest with names

2011-10-11 Thread Carlos Ortega
the smallest and build a function to calculate everything and return a list. Regards, Carlos Ortega 2011/10/11 Ben qant > Hello, > > I'm looking to get the values, row names and column names of the largest > and > smallest values in a matrix. > &

Re: [R] contouring x y scatter data

2011-10-17 Thread Carlos Ortega
s, scales = list(arrows = FALSE, just = "right")) print(, position = c(0, 0, 0.5, 1), more = TRUE) print(, position = c(0.5, 0, 1, 1)) Regards, Carlos Ortega 2011/10/17 emorway > Hello, > > I'm almost positive R can do the following, I just

Re: [R] compressing/reducing data for plot

2011-10-17 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hello, One alternative is to create some kind of contourplot/levelplot which will enhance and show clearly the spikes and will smooth the rest of the information. That perhaps will be slow in generating the plot but not with the postscript file. Regards, Carlos Ortega

Re: [R] annotate histogram

2011-11-01 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, You can use function segments() to draw them. Regards, Carlos Ortega 2011/11/1 Wendy > Hi all, > > I want to make a histogram like the one show > > here , but I did not figure

Re: [R] Creating Better Table in R

2012-04-09 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, Yes, please check package "tables". Regards, Carlos Ortega 2012/4/9 bobo > Could anyone please direct me on how to make a nicer table in R? THANKS FOR > ALL THE HELP! > > I would like to make a table with the following in it: estimate, t

Re: [R] R problem nls

2012-04-09 Thread Carlos Ortega
). And if you want to repeat that calculation for many different sets of x,y (each one of them corresponding to a different wavelength) you could do that in a loop. Regards, Carlos Ortega 2012/4/9 Karen Vandepoel > Hi, > > I will try to explain what it is I ne

Re: [R] Grabbing Column and Row titles

2012-01-27 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hello, Please check function which(). > > m <- matrix(1:12,3,4) > which(m==5, arr.ind=T) row col [1,] 2 2> which(m==9, arr.ind=T) row col [1,] 3 3 > Regards, Carlos Ortega 2012/1/27 chuck.01 > Please use dput() to pos

Re: [R] Horizontal stacked 100% bars with ggplot2

2012-01-28 Thread Carlos Ortega
.tab)<-c('pet','gender', 'Freq') library(lattice) histogram( ~ Freq | pet *gender,, groups=gender, stack=T, horizontal=T ) Regards, Carlos Ortega 2012/1/27 Mario Giesel > Hello, R friends, > > I'm trying t

Re: [R] Help required in using apply instead of for loop

2012-01-31 Thread Carlos Ortega
Hi, You can do that even without apply(): v.v<-seq(10,20, by=0.1) y<-v.v^2 But if you want it with apply... apply(as.matrix(v.v), 1, function(x) x^2) Regards, Carlos Ortega 2012/1/31 arunkumar > Hi > > I have a function > > y= x^2