Re: [R] Comparison of demographics between 2 study samples

2008-08-14 Thread C.H.
Use a smaller alpha value rather than 0.05. C On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 10:14 AM, Mark Home <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear All: > > I have a clinical study where I would like to compare the demographic > information for 2 samples in a study. The demographics include both > categorical and con

[R] R and Wordpress

2010-02-24 Thread C.H.
Dear R helpers, I have a question regarding wordpress and R. I have asked this question in Wordpress support ( ) but there is no answer so far, maybe the R community can have a better answer. I followed the excellent tutorial on r-statistics-blog ( http:/

Re: [R] R and Wordpress

2010-02-25 Thread C.H.
d, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:40 PM, C.H. wrote: >> Dear R helpers, >> >> I have a question regarding wordpress and R. I have asked this >> question in Wordpress support ( >> ) but there is no answer so >> far, maybe the R commun

Re: [R] Effect Size Formaula and Calulations in R

2010-03-16 Thread C.H.
pwr package: ES.h and ES.w1, ES.w2, cohen.ES On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 1:28 PM, Jim Silverton wrote: > Hello, > I would like to find out how to use R to compute the effect size of two > samples for a two sample t test. Is there a formula for the fisher's exact > test? Any R code and/or formula w

Re: [R] Coding of categorical variables for logistic regression?

2010-03-28 Thread C.H.
?polr of the MASS package. On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Ravi Kulkarni wrote: > > How do I use the "extra" information that two of my predictors are ordinal? > (I did not know I could do that.) > > Thanks, >  Ravi > -- > View this message in context: >

Re: [R] help: forest plots

2009-12-13 Thread C.H.
This one does required the metafor package. On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 8:13 AM, Kim Jung Hwa wrote: > Hi All, > > I'm fitting a Poisson regression. And I want to plot 95% Confidence Interval > of Regression Estimates. > > After comin

Re: [R] how to specify xlim in forestplot

2009-05-11 Thread C.H.
The plot function in meta (not rmeta) can specify xlim. Regards, CH On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Waverley wrote: > Hi, > > I am using rmeta forestplot function.  The values to plot and their > 95% upper and lower are of both positive

Re: [R] Quality control and possible QC in R book?

2009-04-21 Thread C.H.
You may refer to the R News article on qcc package by Scrucca. On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 4:00 AM, Erin Hodgess wrote: > Dear R People: > > Is there a Quality Control in R book that would be accessible for > undergraduates, please? > > I'm teac

Re: [R] Do you use R for data manipulation?

2009-05-06 Thread C.H.
There is a book on data manipulation using R. Data manipulation with R. It highlighted how comprehensive the data manipulation capabilities of R can be. Regards, CH On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Simon Pickett wrote:

Re: [R] Learning to speak R: simple data processing

2013-01-10 Thread C.H.
?which.max On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 7:59 AM, ej wrote: > apply(m, 1, max) __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide comment

Re: [R] R for Card Game Modeling

2013-03-10 Thread C.H.
One approach is to build an agent to play the game repeatably and then calculate the winning odds if a particular card is played. The logical first step is to implement a playable version of the game using R. On Mon, Mar

Re: [R] Feature selection package for text mining

2013-03-13 Thread C.H.
FSelector Maybe chi-sq is a good starting point. On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Venkata Satish Basva wrote: > Hi, > I am doing a project on authorship attribution, where my term document > matrix has around 10450 features. > Can you please suggest me a package where I can find the feature sele

Re: [R] Text to Speech In R

2012-10-04 Thread C.H.
Pizza can be ordered from R (fortune 66), why not tts? Under Debian, I can tts by apt-get install the tts engine espeak and then use the simple system call under R > system("espeak", input="hello world, howdy") On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 8:31 PM, Alex Zhang wrote: > Dear all, > > Excuse me for my

Re: [R] How to handle Chinese character in R plot?

2012-10-17 Thread C.H.
I guess you are using Arch. I think it might be related to the fonts. Try to install good Chinese font such as ttf-wqy-zenhei. In my (debian) system, I have only installed this font and it plots in R without hiccups. On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Manish Gupta wrote: > Hi, > > > I also did t

Re: [R] Command line r

2013-10-02 Thread C.H.
Have a look at the littler. On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 3:36 AM, Tomek R wrote: > Hi, > I have found myself often doing simple statistical analysis using Linux > command line on a single dataset. Therefore, I put a perl script together, > which makes

[R] Hong Kong R users' group

2010-06-23 Thread C.H.
Dear R users in Hong Kong, Hello. Any HK R users in HK would like to organize a regular users' group meeting like LA, NY, London, Osaka... etc ? Maybe some demonstrations, lightning talks, beginner tutorials. Thanks. Regards, CH -- CH Chan __ R-help

[R] Simple question, name of the variable as string.

2010-09-16 Thread C.H.
Dear R users, I have a very simple question and I've tried to search for the answer. (But failed.) there should be a function (func) that work like > abc <- c(1,2,3,4) > func(abc) "abc" I would like to know the name of that function. Thank you very much for your help. Regards, CH -- CH Chan

Re: [R] Composing Music - R Package

2010-09-19 Thread C.H. On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 8:35 AM, Deb Midya wrote: > Hi R Users, > > Thanks in advance. > > I am using R-2.11.1 on Windows XP. > > May I request you to assist me for the following please. > > 1.   Is there any R-package or if any to compose music?

[R] check for item in vector

2010-12-13 Thread C.H.
Dear R users, Suppose I have an vector like this: animal <- c("Tiger","Panda") I would like to know is there any function that check for the existence of certain item in a vector. e.g. > func("Tiger",animal) # check for the existence of "Tiger" TRUE > func("Acacia",animal) #Acacia is not an i

Re: [R] forest plot

2010-08-23 Thread C.H.
The correct command for forest plot should be "plot" (instead of "forest") if you are using metagen from meta package. For help: ?plot.meta On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 11:03 AM, zhangweiwei wrote: > > Dear Sir or Madam, > > > > I am trying to plot forest plot. I extracted odds ratio and their > co

[R] OdfWeave and Locale

2010-08-31 Thread C.H.
Dear all, I have a question regarding the odfweave. I created an odt file (test_input.odt) using OO.o for WIndows XP. The code is generic. Code for odt --- \Sexpr{dim(iris)[1]} <>= odfItemize(levels(iris$Species)) @ Table 1: <>= data.frame(N =tapply(iris$Petal.Length, iris$Speci

Re: [R] Query regarding Windows based statistical software development using R as programming language

2010-09-04 Thread C.H.
Have a look at deducer. On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Soumen Pal wrote: > Hi, > > I am a beginner in R. I have a query as below: > > Is it possible to develop a Windows based statistical software > (user-friendly) like SPSS using R as a programming languag

[R] A plot similar to violin plot

2011-03-08 Thread C.H.
Dear R Users, I would like to know is there any package to create a plot like this? X axis is categorical. And the positions of the points are corresponding to the frequency. (similar to violinplot) Thank you. Regards, CH -- CH Chan

Re: [R] A plot similar to violin plot

2011-03-08 Thread C.H.
ahn wrote: > Hi, > I don't understand what is being plotted here. Can you describe what > you want in more detail? > > Best, > Ista > > On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 7:27 AM, C.H. wrote: >> Dear R Users, >> >> I would like to know is there any package to creat

[R] Dump the "source code" of data frame

2011-04-13 Thread C.H.
Dear R experts, I remember a similar function existed and have been mentioned in R-help before. I tried my best to search but I really can't find it out. suppose I have an data frame like this: > somedata <- data.frame(age.min = 1, age.max = 1.5, male = TRUE, l = -1.013, > m=16.133, s=0.07656)

[R] Recoding observations in all columns of a data frame.

2011-08-31 Thread C.H.
Dear all, Suppose I have a data frame like this: [code] var1 <- c(1,999,2) var2 <- c(999,1,2) var3 <- c(1,2,999) example <- data.frame(var1,var2,var3) [/code] I want to replace all 999 to NA in all observations in all columns. I know how to do it in each individual column. [code] example$var1[e

[R] Multiple t.test

2011-09-12 Thread C.H.
Dear R experts, Suppose I have an data frame likes this: > example <- data.frame(age=c(1,2,3, 4,5,6), height=c(100,110,120,130,140,150), > disease=c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) > example age height disease 1 1100TRUE 2 2110TRUE 3 3120TRUE 4 4130

Re: [R] R learning

2012-05-31 Thread C.H.
Learn by solving your own problem. Break down your [real or toy] problem into solvable subtasks. Find out how to solve these subtasks using R. Quick-R is a good reference for task specific information. On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 5:57 AM, arun.gurubaramurugeshan wrote:

Re: [R] Analyzing Poor Performance Using naiveBayes()

2012-08-09 Thread C.H.
I think you have been hit by the problem of high variance. (overfitting) Maybe you should consider doing a feature selection perhaps using the chisq ranking from FSelector. And then training the Naive Bayes using the top n features (n=1 to 200) as ranked by chisq, plot the AUCs or F1 score from b

Re: [R] Perform 20 x one-way anova in 1 go

2011-10-13 Thread C.H.
This is one solution ?sapply sapply(data.frame(iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Sepal.Width, iris$Petal.Length, iris$Petal.Width), function(x) (summary(aov(x~iris$Species On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Joshua Wong wrote: > Hi Guys, > > I have about 20 continous predictors and I want to do one-wa

[R] Hong Kong R user group

2012-04-19 Thread C.H.
Dear R users in Hong Kong, Please join the HKRUG and we are organizing our 1st meeting. Thank you. CH __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting

[R] tm package: problem of TermDocumentMatrix and minWordLength

2012-05-16 Thread C.H.
Dear All, The following code illustrate the problem. [R code] require(tm) exampledoc <- c("R is good", "R is really good") examplecorpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(exampledoc), encoding = "UTF-8") dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(examplecorpus, control = list(minWordLength = 1)) as.matrix(dtm) [/R code] Th

Re: [R] shapiro wilk normality test

2008-07-12 Thread C.H.
You may consider the nortest package. Regards, CH On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 11:30 PM, Bunny, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi everybody, > > somehow i dont get the shapiro wilk test for normality. i just can´t find > what th

Re: [R] eee pc

2007-12-16 Thread C.H.
You can using the default Linux (Xandros, Debian Based) and enable Debian Etch Repo in eeepc to install R via apt-get. I can install R, LaTeX. Regards, C On Dec 17, 2007 4:37 AM, Gabor Csardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > You can easily install

Re: [R] I need arguments pro-S-PLUS and against SAS...

2008-01-04 Thread C.H.
One simple reason: graphic. On Jan 5, 2008 5:23 AM, Liviu Andronic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 1/4/08, Alberto Monteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I need arguments pro-S-PLUS and against SAS for a meeting I will > > have next week. S-Plus is (90 - 99)% compatible with R, so using > > S-Pl

Re: [R] Critical values of r

2008-01-13 Thread C.H.
Not particularly R related, but r related. For pearson correlation, the test statistics is based on t distribution. ts = r * sqrt ((n-2)/(1-r^2)) with n-2 degree of freedom. I think you can solve this question, maybe a little bit of googling. On Jan 14, 2008 1:39 PM, Sanglamt <[EMAIL PROTECTE

[R] Trend graph

2008-09-26 Thread C.H.
Dear R Gurus, I have a problem related to plot. For example, I have two variables, pre and post. pre <- c(1,2,3,4,5) post <- c(2,5,7,2,3) How can I plot a line graph similar to this one? Would you please

[R] log-minus-log plot

2009-02-19 Thread C.H.
Dear experts, I would like to know how to plot the log-minus-log plot for survival analysis (to check the proportional assumption) in R. Using the AML example. fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ x, data=aml) length(fit$surv) #20 as the length of fit$surv is shorter than aml$x and aml$time. I d

Re: [R] Fisher test problem

2009-03-21 Thread C.H.
I tried the OpenEpi, the p-value of 1.25 is due to the fact that the one tailed p-value is 0.62. The two tailed p-value then is 0.62 * 2 = 1.25. OpenEpi is not clever enough to ceiling the p-value to 1. CH On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 3:43 AM, David Winsemius wrote: > Let me ask you: What degree of c

Re: [R] How to get the P-values from GLM results?

2008-03-19 Thread C.H.
abc <- glm(x~y) summary(abc) On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 11:51 AM, Alex Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello all, > > I have a question concerning how to get the P-value for a explanatory > variables based on GLM. > > I'll run multiple regressions with GLM, and I'll need the P-value for the >

Re: [R] p-value=0 running coxph

2008-10-30 Thread C.H.
Because your test statistics (z=-9.16) is too small. (well, z> 1.96 or Z < -1.96 is p=0.05) If you really want the exact p, you can try pnorm(-9.16) if I were you I will quote p<0.001 as well as the test statistics. (if you are going to submit it to medical journals) C On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1

Re: [R] Likelihood ratio test using R

2008-11-04 Thread C.H.
For the third one: ?anova.glm test=Chisq will be LRT. For the first two, you can have the answer from ordinary stat book. On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 1:11 PM, Maithili Shiva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi! > > I am working on the Logistic Regression using R. My R script is as follows > > > ONS <-

Re: [R] kruskal test in R

2008-11-06 Thread C.H.
Are you dealing with some rainfall data for your schoolwork? Few days ago, somebody asked exactly the same question. read this one to know how to calculate the H value (An Alternative Formula for the Calculation of H) You can calculate the rank by rank()

Re: [R] R help

2008-11-28 Thread C.H.
Actually, SPSS do have condition LR which can be simulate using Cox Proportional Hazards regression. For R, Conditional LR is clogit inside survival package. ?clogit may help. Regards, C On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 5:43 PM, amit nirmalkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear Sir > > I am Amit Nirmal

Re: [R] editor for MacOS X

2008-11-28 Thread C.H.
Aquamacs preinstalled ess-mode. On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 11:57 PM, Blanchette, Marco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Carbon emacs ( using the > ess-mode ( Amazingly good integration of > different buffe