Re: [R] Package 'data.table' in version R-3.5.0 not successfully being installed

2018-04-27 Thread Bos, Roger
Akhilesh, I don't know if I am adding signal or noise here, but I installed R 3.5.0 yesterday and installed data.table just fine, but I have Rtools installed. "Building packages from source" may sound intimidating, but Rtools is really easy to install and once installed, it does all the work f

Re: [R] I cannot run R.EXE or RSCRIPT.EXE

2017-05-05 Thread Bos, Roger
Dominik, Folders with spaces can be very tricky sometimes. In my case single quotes didn't work, but double quotes did (see my example below). Adding the full path to your PATH variable with eliminate the need to specify the full path, making it much easier. Thanks, Roger Microsoft Window

[R] problems reading XML type file from ishares website

2016-07-28 Thread Bos, Roger
The ishares website has the S&P 500 stocks you can download as a XLS file, which opens fine in Excel, but I am not able to open it in R due to what seems to be invalid XML formatting. I tried using XLConnect and XML as shown below. Does anyone know a workaround or can point out what I am doin

Re: [R] problems reading XML type file from ishares website

2016-07-29 Thread Bos, Roger
from your system and destroy any hard copies. You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print or copy any part of this message or any attachments if you are not the intended recipient. -Original Message- From: Jeff Newmiller [] Sent: Th

[R] problem setting default timezone

2015-04-23 Thread Bos, Roger
Dear All, I would like to learn the proper way to set the default time zone so I get the correct date for my files. The code below is non-reproducible (sorry) because it is based on a file on my system, but I hope someone will be able to help me anyway. I have a file that was last modified on

Re: [R] R convert pdf/png to html

2015-06-03 Thread Bos, Roger
Valerio, Actually htmlize works pretty well. I used it for a long time. If you want to get the most help from this forum you need to provide a reproducible example showing htmlize not working for you. Nevertheless, today I would recommend going with RMarkdown. It may be overkill for your ex

[R] as.numeric looses precision

2015-07-02 Thread Bos, Roger
I have a string that contains a number and when I convert it to a number I loose precision and I would like to know if there is a way to avoid that. Here is my example: p <- "1087.003489" as.numeric(p, digits=6) R gives me 1087.003: > p <- "1087.003489" > as.numeric(p, digits=6) [1] 1087.003

[R] advice on making HTML tables

2015-07-14 Thread Bos, Roger
This might be a little off topic, but I am starting to produce some HTML reports that contain mostly tables and they look great in Chrome but really bad in IE, so I wanted to see if anyone knows of a better way or an easy fix. One option I have used is to convert to PDF, but sometimes it is nic

Re: [R] advice on making HTML tables

2015-07-14 Thread Bos, Roger
Answering my own question, I was able to make the tables look better in IE using some simple CSS: td { padding: 6px; } -Original Message- From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Bos, Roger Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 11:36 AM To:

[R] using dcast with a function of multiple arguments

2015-07-20 Thread Bos, Roger
I am trying to figure out how to use with a function with multiple arguments. Here is my reproducible example for a simple function of one argument: require(data.table) dt <-, carb ~ cyl, value.var='mpg', fun=mean) If I instead want to

[R] Reading in an XLS (really XML) file from website

2015-02-27 Thread Bos, Roger
All, I am trying to read the S&P 500 constituents from the iShares website using the following code: URL <- ""; setInternet2(TRUE) download.file(url=URL, destfile="temp.xls") out <- readWorksheetFromFile(file="temp.xls", sheet="Holding

Re: [R] How to use multi paragraph comment like /* and */ in cpp?

2014-09-09 Thread Bos, Roger
What I do in cases like that is wrap the code in a FALSE statement so it won't get executed: its easy to add and remove as needed. If (FALSE) { ...Code to exclude } *** This message and any attachments are for the named person'

Re: [R] Copying tables from R to Excel

2014-09-23 Thread Bos, Roger
Here is a simple method I saw mentioned on this list a few years ago: toExcel <- function(x, tag=FALSE) {write.table(x, "clipboard-128", sep="\t", row.names=tag)} *** This message and any attachments are for the named person's use on

Re: [R] Workaround for RODBC asymmetric numeric data treatment

2014-10-03 Thread Bos, Roger
Andrew, I ran your code using my SQL Server database and it seems like it worked okay for me, in that I end up with "num" data types when I read the data back in. So it may be a setting on your database. I don't claim to know which one. BTW, I had to install 5 or 6 separate packages to get fP

[R] better two column output from rmarkdown

2014-11-05 Thread Bos, Roger
Disclaimer: This question is more about HTML than R, but since I am using rmarkdown, I am not sure of a better forum to ask this. The code example below produces two column HTML output. If you run the example you will see that the "" paragram starts off at the bottom of the first column an

Re: [R] Running R in Server

2015-08-18 Thread Bos, Roger
There is probably nothing that can give you a step by step guide. You are touching on a couple of different subjects. If you just want to run code automatically on a windows server you can use task scheduler to call Rscript filename.R. If you want to create Web application, that's a bit harde

Re: [R] Attaching a pdf file to an email generated with sendmailR?

2015-10-09 Thread Bos, Roger
Michael, I use sendmailR to attached a file to an email and it does work. I remember there was something non-intuitive when I was figuring it out. I use both the attachPath and the attachName. The attachPath has the full path including the filename and the attachName just has the filename.

[R] weighted regression inside FOREACH loop

2016-10-07 Thread Bos, Roger
I have a foreach loop that runs regressions in parallel and works fine, but when I try to add the weights parameter to the regression the coefficients don’t get stored in the “models” variable like they are supposed to. Below is my reproducible example: library(doParallel) cl <- makeCluster(4)

Re: [R] weighted regression inside FOREACH loop

2016-10-07 Thread Bos, Roger
riginal Message- From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Bos, Roger Sent: Friday, October 07, 2016 9:25 AM To: R-help Subject: [R] weighted regression inside FOREACH loop I have a foreach loop that runs regressions in parallel and works fine, but when I try to add the w

Re: [R] weighted regression inside FOREACH loop

2016-10-07 Thread Bos, Roger
this message or any attachments if you are not the intended recipient. From: William Dunlap [] Sent: Friday, October 07, 2016 11:57 AM To: Bos, Roger Cc: R-help Subject: Re: [R] weighted regression inside FOREACH loop Using the temporary child environment works because

Re: [R] getting data from a webpage

2016-12-19 Thread Bos, Roger
Glenn, R Studio did a webinar on Web Scraping using the rvest package that made it look really easy. I haven't gotten around to using it yet, but the video should be on their website somewhere. The link below is the PDF of the slides. It should be education and will probably give you what yo

[R] selecting colors to be used in a plot

2017-01-25 Thread Bos, Roger
My specific question relates to function charts.PerformanceSummary in package PerformanceAnalytics, but the underlying problem is probably with base plot. In this sample code we see a chart with 10 groupings. Apparently 10 groupings is bigger than the number of default colors (8), so red and bl

Re: [R] selecting colors to be used in a plot

2017-01-25 Thread Bos, Roger
Thanks Richard. That worked beautifully! -Original Message- From: Richard M. Heiberger [] Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 12:58 PM To: Bos, Roger Cc: R Help R Subject: Re: [R] selecting colors to be used in a plot This package uses a nonstandard name colorset

[R] How to remove white spaces

2008-08-15 Thread Bos, Roger
All, I am storing a string of email addresses in a table and when I retrieve them using a RODBC statement such as: test = sqlQuery(xf, "select specialist from roger_sector_specialist")$specialist 'test' is of mode list and includes a bunch of white space. As a work-around I convert 'test' to a

[R] How to send Html using SQL Server db mail

2008-08-20 Thread Bos, Roger
All, I have a variable called `go` and it has a single quote in the name column of line 47 that I am trying to get rid of. I have tried using gsub, but I cannot get the syntax correct to tell R to remove the ' (single quote). > go[47,] gvkey SymbolName Rank MarketCap

Re: [R] Transporting data in different R windows

2009-07-29 Thread Bos, Roger
I wrote simple function to copy data from/to excel using the clipboard. These should also work from one window to the next: # To read from clipboard "fromExcel" <- function() {read.table("clipboard-128", header=TRUE, sep="\t")} "toExcel" <- function(x) {write.table(x, "clipboard-128", sep="\t", ro

[R] Creating pdfs using qplot in qqplot2

2010-03-23 Thread Bos, Roger
I am trying to create plots within a for loop and output them to a pdf. Here is a working example using plot: gg <- data.frame(datadate=1:4, spread=5:8) pdf() for (i in 1:3) { plot(gg$datadate, gg$spread, main=i) } I am try

Re: [R] rpad ?

2010-03-24 Thread Bos, Roger
Erich, I use Rpad actively so I am disappointed to hear it is no longer being updated. Would you be willing to share your modifications with the list, or at least with me? Thanks, Roger -Original Message- From: [] On Beh

Re: [R] Reading SQL Server Tables using RODBC

2010-03-25 Thread Bos, Roger
Paul, I have never tried odbcDriverConnect, but I can tell you how I connect to my SQL Server 2005 db. I create a DNS entry using "odbcad32" (use start>run). You can specify everything there and test the connection. Once that tests okay, just use the following: library(RODBC) xf <- odbcConn

Re: [R] R 2.6 Support Question

2010-04-06 Thread Bos, Roger
Many others have made good comments regarding your questions, my suggestion would be this: You may or may not know that R is freely available and that you can install more than one version of R on the same PC, so I would suggest installing both R 2.6 and the latest version of R (2.10.x) and try ru

[R] Using object.size inside a function

2010-04-13 Thread Bos, Roger
When I encounter memory errors, I like to see the size of the objects in memory, so I modified one of the examples: z <- sapply(ls(), function(x) object.size(get(x))) as.matrix(rev(sort(z))[1:10]) This works fine if I run it as is, but if I try to place it inside a function, I get an erro

[R] Remove leading and trailing white spaces

2009-11-20 Thread Bos, Roger
I have a character string and I would like to remove the leading and tailing white spaces. The example for 'sub' shows how to remove the trailing white spaces, but I still can't figure out how to remove both trailing and leading white spaces because I can't find any documentation for what "+$" mea

Re: [R] Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Bos, Roger
I have not seen Tinn-R mentioned so I will mention it. Its worked great for me. Eclipse is a nice IDE, but its more complicated that what is necessary for R programming. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Martial

[R] R 3.1 changes to type.convert causing strings where I used to get numeric

2014-04-30 Thread Bos, Roger
Dear R-help, I recently upgraded to R 3.1 patched and code that ran fine previously and now giving a lot of errors because the data is coming in as strings instead of numeric. I can fix my code to wrapping each item I want to use with as.numeric(), but that seems very inefficient. I looked at

Re: [R] R 3.1 changes to type.convert causing strings where I used to get numeric

2014-05-01 Thread Bos, Roger
Roger -Original Message- From: Duncan Murdoch [] Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 4:40 PM To: Bos, Roger; Subject: Re: [R] R 3.1 changes to type.convert causing strings where I used to get numeric On 30/04/2014, 4:20 PM, Bos, Roger wrote: > Dea

[R] passing variable names to dplyr

2014-01-27 Thread Bos, Roger
All, I would like to figure out how to pass variable names to the dplyr function mutate. For example, this works because hp is one of the variable names on mtcars: mutate(mtcars, scale(hp)) Let's says I want to pass in the target variable instead of hard-coding the name, as follows: target

[R] using substitute with multiple parameters

2014-01-27 Thread Bos, Roger
Dear All, I can't figure out how to pass multiple arguments to substitute to build up a call statement. One argument works fine: >target <- "val1" > call <- substitute(select(zidx_df, datadate, target), list(target = > > call select(zidx_df, datadate, val1) Now

Re: [R] passing variable names to dplyr - SOLVED

2014-01-28 Thread Bos, Roger
essage- From: arun [] Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 5:25 PM To: Bos, Roger Subject: Re: [R] passing variable names to dplyr Hi Roger, This works on library(plyr), but not in dplyr. target <- "hp" res2 <- plyr:::mutate(mtcars,hp1= eval(parse(tex

[R] speeding up "sum of squared differences" calculation

2013-10-21 Thread Bos, Roger
All, I am using a sum of squared differences in the objective function of an optimization problem I am doing and I have managed to speed it up using the outer function versus the nested for loops, but my suspicion is that the calculation could be done even quicker. Please see the code below fo

Re: [R] speeding up "sum of squared differences" calculation

2013-10-22 Thread Bos, Roger
Thanks for the Rccp example Ken! I vaguely knew about Rccp, but I didn't realize how easy it was to use it. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Kenneth Knoblauch Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 9:13 AM To: S Ellison Cc

[R] Slightly OT: how to save Tinn-R files to open in linux

2010-06-15 Thread Bos, Roger
I use two PCs for my R programming, one Win32 and one Linux (Ubuntu 10). In Windows I use Tinn-R to save my code and occasionally I am unable to open a Tinn-R saved file in Ubuntu. If I try to open in gedit I get a message that "gedit has not been able to detect the character encoding." To correct

Re: [R] Linux-Windows problem

2010-07-06 Thread Bos, Roger
Uwe, I suspect I might be having a similar problem as the R code I generate in Windows editor (Tinn-R) doesn't always open properly in my Linux editor (Rkward), but I don't know how to change the default encoding in either one. In R on both machines, getOption("encoding") returns "native.enc",

Re: [R] Linux-Windows problem

2010-07-06 Thread Bos, Roger
I can change to make the two work more smoothly together, but I just haven't found it yet. Thanks, Roger -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Henrik Bengtsson Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 9:24 AM To: Bos, Roger Cc: Uwe Ligg

Re: [R] Saving/loading custom R scripts

2010-09-09 Thread Bos, Roger
Josh, I liked your idea of setting the repo in the .Rprofile file, so I tried it: r <- getOption("repos") r["CRAN"] <- ""; options(repos = r) rm(r) And now when I open R I get an error: Error in r["CRAN"] <- ""; : cannot do complex assignme

Re: [R] Rapache on windows

2010-12-13 Thread Bos, Roger
I asked Jeff Horner that question a while back and he said it was Linux only. He doesn't have time to create a windows version. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Santosh Srinivas Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 8:3

Re: [R] lower/upper case question

2010-12-20 Thread Bos, Roger
toupper() and tolower() -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Erin Hodgess Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 4:10 PM To: R help Subject: [R] lower/upper case question Dear R People: Is there a function to convert a charact

Re: [R] [Rd] R CMD build wiped my computer

2010-07-28 Thread Bos, Roger
Ubuntu also uses ~ as a backup file syntax, but Ubuntu has a trash can where deleted files are located, so it would be easy to restore them. I would be surprised if Fedora didn't also have a trash can. -Original Message- From: [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project

Re: [R] Linux Editor

2010-08-02 Thread Bos, Roger
I use RKWard and find it to be pretty good. It show the consol built-in and has good editing features. You can add custom shortcuts so I can make it work just like I make Tinn-R work (i.e. hit F10 to run selected code, etc.). Please note that Tinn-R is not available on Linux (to my knowledge), t

[R] Help with ddply to eliminate a for..loop

2010-08-26 Thread Bos, Roger
I created a small example to show something that I do a lot of. "scale" data by month and return a data.frame with the output. "id" represents repeated observations over "time" and I want to scale the "slope" variable. The "out" variable shows the output I want. My for..loop does the job but is

[R] Read.xls in gdata

2011-05-12 Thread Bos, Roger
All, When I use gdata::read.xls to read in an excel file it seems to round the data to three decimal places and also converts the dates to factors. Does anyone know how to 1) get more precision in the numeric data and 2) how to prevent the dates from being converted to levels or factors? I trie

Re: [R] Email out of R (code)

2011-05-19 Thread Bos, Roger
I took a look at sendmailR when I was trying to figure out how to send email a few years ago. I ended up using my SQL Server dbmail facility, which I can easily access from R using the RODBC package. In case my scenario applies to anyone else, I will paste the simple function I wrote to serve as

[R] How to speed up regressions (related to data.frame)

2011-09-06 Thread Bos, Roger
All, I have a function that runs a set of regressions (using the rlm function) and I notice that it run much slower on my 64-bit R than it does on my 32-bit R. I guess the bigger bit size slows it down. Anyway, I looked into Rprof to see how I can speed it up. I saw that 78% of the total time is

[R] How to specify a variable name in the regression formula without hard coding it

2011-09-08 Thread Bos, Roger
I have a matrix called mat and y is the column number of my response and x is a vector of the column numbers of my terms. The variable name of y can change, so I don't want to hardcode it. I can find out the name as follows: >names(mat)[y] [1] "er12.l" Then I can run the regression

[R] Variable scoping question

2011-09-08 Thread Bos, Roger
I modified an example in the object.size help page to create a function I want to be able to run: "mysize" <- function() { z <- sapply(ls(), function(w) object.size(get(w))) as.matrix(rev(sort(z))[1:5]) } mysize() When I test the lines inside the function it works fine: > z <- sapply

Re: [R] How to specify a variable name in the regression formula without hard coding it SOLVED

2011-09-08 Thread Bos, Roger
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 9:22 AM To: Bos, Roger Cc: Subject: Re: [R] How to specify a variable name in the regression formula without hard coding it have a look at ?formula and the examples 2011/9/8 Bos, Roger : > I have a matrix called mat and y is the column nu

Re: [R] Writting excel files

2011-09-12 Thread Bos, Roger
Marc's links lists many packages. Of those, I would recommend XLConnect. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Marc Schwartz Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 12:53 PM To: Damian Abalo Cc: r-help Subject: Re: [R] Writting

[R] Constrained regressions (suggestions welcome)

2011-09-19 Thread Bos, Roger
All, Could anyone recommend a package that allows the user to constrain the coefficients from a multiple regression equation? I tried using the gl1ce function in lasso2, but couldn't get it to work. I created a contrived example to illustrate my starting point. data(cars) fmla <- formula(di

[R] OT: Any reason why one of my computers is so slow?

2012-06-28 Thread Bos, Roger
This is not a criticism of R, but R runs much slower on one of my machines than it does on the others, so something is wrong with that machine, but I don't know where to look for a remedy. Here are the details: I have a 32-bit win xp machine running at 2.66Ghz and a 64-bit win 7 machine runnin

Re: [R] Rpad library

2011-07-05 Thread Bos, Roger
Please note that Rpad is not being updated and does not work (unmodified) with versions of R greater than 2.9. So if you are trying to use it and it is not working, that may explain your difficulty. I still use it because better alternatives, like RApache, don't work on Windows. -Original M

[R] foreach not recognizing functions in memory

2011-07-12 Thread Bos, Roger
All, I am not understanding the scoping used in foreach when it is used inside a function. I keep getting "could not find function" errors for functions that are in memory when I try to use foreach within a function call. I have a simple example below. "testFun" is in memory and works when call

Re: [R] foreach not recognizing functions in memory

2011-07-13 Thread Bos, Roger
example where user written function has to be exported to slave processors? Thanks, Roger -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Adrienne Wootten Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 5:49 PM To: Bos, Roger Cc:

Re: [R] foreach not recognizing functions in memory

2011-07-13 Thread Bos, Roger
Saskay, Thanks so much for that example. It worked fine on my system. I didn't realized SNOW worked on windows. I will have to read more about it. Thanks again, Roger -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of saskay Sen

Re: [R] R in Batch mode

2011-07-14 Thread Bos, Roger
Duncan's suggestion is probably the way to go, but I will just point out that R does have a facility to perform a task when an error occurs. I have my code set up to send me an email when my batch code fails. (email() is a function I wrote that executes sql command to send email via dbmail.) .Err

[R] quantstrat questions

2012-07-24 Thread Bos, Roger
Quantstrat useRs, I have a number of questions about how to use quantstrat that I have accumulated since I have begun playing with it. First, can the orderqty be dynamic? All of the examples I have seen are based on placing an order for 100 shares when a rule is triggered. Is it possible to

Re: [R] getting error in Rpad::json()

2012-07-24 Thread Bos, Roger
Dinesh, I can't answer your question, but its my understanding that Rpad is no longer being developed as the original person (Tom Short) doesn't have enough time and no one else has taken it over. So if you can find any other package that does what you need, I would use that one instead. Than

[R] Cannot create Java virtual machine (-1)

2012-08-08 Thread Bos, Roger
All, I am trying to get the XLConnect package to work on one of my servers and I am getting an error that XLConnectJars cannot create the java virtual machine. The server is a 32-bit Windows Server 2003 machine with R 2.15.1. The version of Java installed on the server is J2SE Environment 5.

Re: [R] cbind alternate

2012-01-06 Thread Bos, Roger
You could break the data into chunks, so you cbind and save 50,000 observations at a time. That should be less taxing on your machine and memory. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Mary Kindall Sent: Friday, January 06,

[R] How to use assign function within foreach

2011-10-25 Thread Bos, Roger
All, I would like to use the assign to save some data from a calculation within a foreach loop. Below is a contrived example where I cannot get output_1 ... output_100 to show up in my list when I do ls(). I have tried different combinations of pos and envir without anything showing up.

Re: [R] Odp: Remove space from string

2012-01-13 Thread Bos, Roger
I have NO knowledge of regexpr, but someone helped me out once and I put it into a function I call "trim". Here is the line I use: function(x) gsub("^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$", "", x) One more thing you can try. Hope it helps, Roger -Original Message- From: r-help-boun...@r-project.o

[R] LaTeX and Sweave on windows

2012-02-15 Thread Bos, Roger
I am completely new to LaTeX and Sweave, so I am trying to follow the tutorial in the following link: windows/ I installed MiKTeX 2.9 and TeXnicCenter, but I get a build error when compiler the example file: The two errors a

[R] Job posting for programmer with database skills

2012-02-17 Thread Bos, Roger
NYC-based equity asset management company is seeking a junior-level programmer with R, VBA, and MS-SQL skills. HTML skill is a plus. This permanent, full-time position will involve working on projects and improving our daily processes. Finance knowledge is helpful, but not necessary. We are an

[R] How to parse XML

2008-05-02 Thread Bos, Roger
I would like to learn how to parse a mixed text/xml document I downloaded from the website (see example below). I would like to parse this to get the value for each xml tag and then access it within R, but I don't know much about xml so I don't even know where to start debugging the errors

Re: [R] How to parse XML

2008-05-02 Thread Bos, Roger
: Bos, Roger Cc: Subject: Re: [R] How to parse XML Hi Roger -- "Bos, Roger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I would like to learn how to parse a mixed text/xml document I > downloaded from the website (see example below). I would like I'm

[R] Error in FUN(newX[, i], ...) : no complete element pairs in R 2.7.0 patched

2008-05-06 Thread Bos, Roger
Using R 2.6.0 patched I was able to calculate the variance of each row of a matrix without error, even if some rows had only NAs. I would just get NAs back as the variance for those rows. Now with R 2.7.0 patched I get an error "no complete element pairs" if any one row has all NAs. Can anyone te

Re: [R] R 2.6.1 & library(svIDE)

2007-11-27 Thread Bos, Roger
I get that even with R 2.6.0, but its not really a problem, just a warning. In other words, everything I have done in R has worked fine despite that warning. It would be nice if it was eventually cleaned up, but it doesn't stop you from using R. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTEC

Re: [R] Junk or not Junk ???

2007-12-10 Thread Bos, Roger
Ok, outlook may not be that great, but even in outlook you can create a separate folder called "R" and create a rule so all email with "[R]" or "[Rdevel]" etc. going into the R folder. That way you can easily scan your R mail separate from your regular mail and then delete everything you don't nee

Re: [R] how can i add a package that i want to use permanent

2008-01-10 Thread Bos, Roger
Another option is to modify the file in the etc folder of your R installation. Then you don't have to save the workspace. You add as much startup scripting as you want to the file. HTH, Roger -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECT

Re: [R] Creating GUIs for R

2008-10-10 Thread Bos, Roger
I haven't heard Rpad mentioned yet, so I will mention it. Rpad allows you to run R code inside a browser window. You can many any kind of GUI you want using html forms and then call the R function from the html page. The Apache/Rpad install works on any platform and anyone who uses it just ne

Re: [R] Creating GUIs for R

2008-10-12 Thread Bos, Roger
2008 7:24 PM To: Bos, Roger Cc: R-help Subject: Re: [R] Creating GUIs for R Hi Roger, Bos, Roger wrote: > I haven't heard Rpad mentioned yet, so I will mention it. Rpad allows you to > run R code inside a browser window. You can many any kind of GUI you want > using html f

Re: [R] How do I sign off this server

2008-10-27 Thread Bos, Roger
John, If you really do like the R-help list, you may want to see if your email program has folders and auto-rules. Since all R-help emails have [R] in the subject line, you can put all those email in a separate folder so everything doesn't get mixed up. That is what I do. HTH, Roger -Origi

Re: [R] Concatenating one character vector into one string

2007-10-01 Thread Bos, Roger
Rainer, This works: paste(x, sep="", collapse="") I would have thought this 'paste(x) would work, but it didn't. Perhaps someone else can tell us why we need collapse="". What would break if the default was collapse="" instead of collapse=NULL? Thanks, Roger -Original Message- From:

[R] How to remove non-UTF-8 characters from a string

2007-10-26 Thread Bos, Roger
All, I am trying to post text from an XLS spread to my wiki and I need to remove any characters that are not UTF-8. Is there an easy gsub command that can do this? (I previously sent this same email to r-sig-gui. That was a mistake and I apologize for the duplication.) Thanks, Roger J. Bos **

Re: [R] linking Tinn-R to a new R version

2007-10-26 Thread Bos, Roger
Silvia, Option / Main / Application then click on the 'R' tab. At the bottom of the window you can browse to the new location. HTH, Roger -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Silvia Lomascolo Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 2:31 PM To: r-help

Re: [R] linking Tinn-R to a new R version

2007-10-26 Thread Bos, Roger
That is due to some tip-server that will show you the params available in functions, so there is a lot of overhead in parsing what you are currently typing. Its a nice feature, but I turned it off because of the slowness. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTE