Re: [R] Is DUD available in nls()?

2013-04-02 Thread Ben Bolker
his is not necessarily the most efficient/highly tuned possibility, but it is one reasonably quick way to get going (you can substitute other derivative-free optimizers, e.g. library("optimx") mle2(...,optimizer="optimx",method="bobyqa") (I think).

Re: [R] Deviance in Zero inflated models

2013-04-03 Thread Ben Bolker
usual definition of the deviance (there are sometimes some subtle issues about the baseline model/additive constant). It would also be helpful to say what package you're using (pscl?), since zero-inflated models are not part of base R ... Ben Bolker __

Re: [R] Plotting a curve for a Holling Type III Functional Response

2013-04-08 Thread Ben Bolker
Student> writes: > > Hey, > > So I have a scatter plot and I am trying to plot a curve to fit the data > based on a Holling Type III functional response. My function is this: > It's hard to see how 'size=DBH' could make sense; 'size' is an overdispersion parameter ... I guess it

Re: [R] Strange error with log-normal models

2013-04-16 Thread Ben Bolker
peter dalgaard> writes: > On Apr 16, 2013, at 22:20 , Noah Silverman wrote: > > > My challenge here is finding the right model for this data. > Originally it was a nice count of students. Relatively easy to > model with a zero inflated Poisson model. The resulting residuals > seeme

Re: [R] find lowest AIC of a LM

2013-04-18 Thread Ben Bolker
Fabio Berzaghi> writes: > > hello all, > > I have a simple linear model with 4/5 variables that I am trying to fit. > I would like to find the lowest AIC value with any combination of all > the variables. I would like to implement this with a while/for loop. > Possibly I would like to

Re: [R] nls: example code throws error

2013-04-26 Thread Ben Bolker
Keith Jewell> writes: > Others have pointed out that the error is probably from an unclean > environment. > Completely OT, but "an unclean environment" sounds sort of scary to me. Like it contains zombies or something. I don't know a better, short way to express the idea though

Re: [R] Hi

2013-04-29 Thread Ben Bolker
Fatos Baruti> writes: > > What is the entry code formula autocovariance and autocorrelation in R > program for these data? > > a<-c(2,3.5,3.5,2.2,2.2,3.3,2.5,2.5,3.2,2.5,2.5,2.7,1.7,2.7,2.9,2. 3,2.7,3,1.8,2.5,3.1,2.5,2.5,3.2,2.7,1.9,2.6,2.3,2.7,3.2, 2.2,1.5,2.3,2.6,2.5,2.9,2,2.5,2.6

Re: [R] cannot compile R on Cray XE6 HLRS HERMIT

2013-04-29 Thread Ben Bolker
Martin Ivanov> writes: > Dear All, I am trying to compile R-3.0 on Cray xe6 (HLRS) HERMIT, > no success so far. Here is my experience: You might be better off posting this to the mailing list (the list is for developer queries: technically this isn't "developmen

Re: [R] How to calculate Hightest Posterior Density (HPD) of coeficients in a simple regression (lm) in R?

2013-05-08 Thread Ben Bolker
Richard Asturia> writes: > > Hi! > > I am trying to calculate HPD for the coeficients of regression models > fitted with lm or lmrob in R, pretty much in the same way that can be > accomplished by the association of mcmcsamp and HPDinterval functions for > multilevel models fitted wit

Re: [R] Fwd: binomial glm and sole effect of the treatment

2013-05-10 Thread Ben Bolker
Katarzyna Kulma> writes: > > Hiya, > > I'm using simple glm binomial models to test the effect of treatment > (factor, 3 levels) on infection prevalence (infected/uninfected): > > ad3<-glm(Infection~ecs, family=binomial, data=eilb) > > but summary() function returns for each of the

Re: [R] help

2013-05-12 Thread Ben Bolker
Niloofar.Javanrouh> writes: > I want to analysis of covariance with R software. What > should I do? I would like to have the answer as soon as possible > because I have a presentation in the following 8 hours. In general the respondents on this list are not very sympathetic to "please

Re: [R] Possible bug in 'data.table'

2013-05-14 Thread Ben Bolker
Manta> writes: > > Dear R users, > > I may have found a bug in the function 'data.table'. I have a similar > question as the one in this post: > > aggregate-and-weighted-mean-in-r > [snip] > While I run the command > > temp[,list(we

Re: [R] Changing Order of Factor Levels in Mixed Model (nlme)

2013-05-14 Thread Ben Bolker
Edward Patzelt> writes: > > R Help - > > Why is that in the results below, changing the order of the factor > (trialType2: levels - DD, SD, DS, SS) changes the estimates in the fixed > effects tests? I think you're not doing what you expected. By sorting the factor, you are _not_ ch

Re: [R] glmer.nb: function not in downloaded lme4 package?

2013-05-18 Thread Ben Bolker
Alternatively you could try the glmmADMB package, on r-forge. Ben Bolker __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commen

Re: [R] Extract t-statistics from "mer" object

2013-05-20 Thread Ben Bolker
arun> writes: > > Hi, > > Check this link > > A.K. > > >i have a mer object named "model" : > > > >I want to extract  t statistics of the coeeficients from "model". > >Please help me out > > > >package used lme4 >

Re: [R] Rplot save problem after using "identify" with R version 3.0.0

2013-05-22 Thread Ben Bolker
Suparna Mitra> writes: > > Hello R experts, > I am having an wired problem to save my RPlot after I use "identify" > option. > Points are identified properly, but when I try to save that image I get > error as: > " Error: first argument must be a string (of length 1) or native symbol

Re: [R] R 3.0.0

2013-05-24 Thread Ben Bolker
quot;probit")) runs a probit regression. I'd actually be quite curious to hear how you reached this conclusion, in case there is confusing or mis-information going around that we can correct ... Ben Bolker __ mailing l

Re: [R] lmer (multinomial response variable ~ fixed + (1|random), family='"multinomial" ???)

2013-05-30 Thread Ben Bolker
Maggie Wisniewska> writes: > > Hello, > I am trying to run glmm to test the effect of the three fixed effects [AGE > (weaned vs. unweaned claf), LOCATION (zoo vs. park), MOTher's social status > (matriarch vs. nonmatriarch)] and one random effect [ID (12 different > calves of whom I h

Re: [R] GLMM in R

2013-06-01 Thread Ben Bolker
Milan Bouchet-Valat> writes: > > Le vendredi 31 mai 2013 à 22:27 -0300, Luis Fernando García Hernández a > écrit : > > Dear Friends, > > > > I am new on R so I ask you to excuse me if this question sounds fool. I > > want to see if there is a significativa relationship between the matin

Re: [R] Scale package change comma defaults?

2013-06-02 Thread Ben Bolker
John Kane> writes: > I was using the comma() funtion in the scales page and was > wondering how to chage a the defaults. comm(1000) gives me 1,000 > which is what I usually want but how would I change the output to > 1.000. Since the comma() function is just a wrapper for format():

Re: [R] Mixed effects model with a phylogenetic tree/ distance matrix as a random effect

2013-06-03 Thread Ben Bolker
Bert Gunter> writes: > > Recommendation: Post this to the R-sig-mixed-models list, not here. > > Cheers, > Bert Seconded. Alternatively you could try the mailing list, although I think I would try R-s-m-m first. > > On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 9:27 AM, Roey

Re: [R] Post hoc power analysis for mixed-effects models

2013-06-05 Thread Ben Bolker
pdf to strengthen your background knowledge ... Further mixed-model-relevant questions should probably go to Ben Bolker __ mailing list PLEASE

Re: [R] lme function cannot find object

2013-06-06 Thread Ben Bolker
Pfeiffer, Steven> writes: > I have been using the function lme() from package 'nlme' for several months > now without any problems. Suddenly, it cannot find a factor in my data. > Is this a new bug of some kind? My code and output are below. > Thanks for your help! > -Steve Pfeiffe

Re: [R] help needed! RMSE

2013-06-10 Thread Ben Bolker
mansor nad> writes: > i need HELPPP!! how do i calculate the RMSE value for two GEV > models?first GEV is where the three parameters are constant.2nd GEV > model a 4 parameter model with the location parameter is allowed to > vary linearly with respect to time while holding the othe

Re: [R] devtools: rtools not compatible with 3.0.1

2013-06-11 Thread Ben Bolker
he package from there. (Let me know off-list if you want me to pack up the package and send it to you ...) Ben Bolker __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-pro

Re: [R] package expm: matrix powers within a product of matrices: operation precedence

2013-06-18 Thread Ben Bolker
m")), who may or may not be reading this list at present ... Ben Bolker __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide co

Re: [R] subset of factors in a regression

2013-07-01 Thread Ben Bolker
Philip A. Viton> writes: > suppose "state" is a variable in a dataframe containing abbreviations > of the US states, as a factor. What I'd like to do is to include > dummy variables for a few of the states, (say, CA and MA) among the > independent variables in my regression formula. (T

Re: [R] Memory errors using lmer

2012-09-10 Thread Ben Bolker
McCall, Ken (CMG-Dayton> writes: > I'm trying to run a linear mixed effects analysis on fairly large > datasets with lmer (from the lme4 package) on a 32-bit Windows > machine running XP with 3 GB of RAM. It's not working. (details > below) > I've researched the ff and bigmemory pack

Re: [R] how to create a substraction matrix (subtract a row of every column from the same row in other columns)

2012-09-13 Thread Ben Bolker
csmeredith> writes: > [snip] > I want to create a matrix similar to a correlation matrix, but with the > difference between the two values, like this > > x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 > x1 x2-x1x3-x1 x4-x1 x5-x1 > x2 x3-x2 x4-x2 x5-x2

Re: [R] trying to obtain same nls parameters as in example

2012-09-16 Thread Ben Bolker
Pedro Mardones> writes: > > Dear R-users; > > I'm working with a a dataset that was previously used to fit a > nonlinear model of the form: > > Y ~ a * (1 + b * log(1 - c * X^d)) > > The parameters published elsewhere are: > > a = 1.758863, b = .217217, c = .99031, and d = .054589

Re: [R] Wilcoxon Test and Mean Ratios

2012-09-20 Thread Ben Bolker
with various test statistics are a way to approach that. Ben Bolker > > On Sep 19, 2012, at 8:43 PM, Thomas Lumley> wrote: > > > On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 5:46 AM, Mohamed Radhouane Aniba > >> wrote: > >> Hello All, > >> >

Re: [R] Inclusion of a countdown tool of remaining calculation time possible?

2012-09-21 Thread Ben Bolker
tProgressBar which sounds like exactly what you need. Ben Bolker __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] translating SAS proc mixed into R lme()

2012-09-22 Thread Ben Bolker
5+var3+var6+var7+var1+time-1, random=~time|subject, data=...) A reproducible example would be nice too. Ben Bolker __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-proje

Re: [R] appropriate test in glm when the family is Gamma

2012-09-25 Thread Ben Bolker
粕谷 英一> writes: > Which test is most appropriate in glm when the family is Gamma? > In the help page of anova.glm, I found the following “For models > with known dispersion (e.g., binomial and Poisson fits) the > chi-squared test is most appropriate, and for those with dispersion

Re: [R] problem with nls starting values

2012-09-27 Thread Ben Bolker
ation. > Over-parameterization creates high dimensional ridges. However, I will also point out that (from my experience and others') nls is not the most robust optimizer ... you might consider nlsLM (in the minpack.lm package), nls2 package, and/or doing nonlinear least-squares by brute

Re: [R] problem with nls starting values

2012-09-27 Thread Ben Bolker
where people (although lacking in numerical sophistication/chops) had trouble fitting with nls and were told "well, you're just trying to do something silly" -- when they weren't necessarily. > > On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Ben Bolker wrote: >> Bert Gunter

Re: [R] Unexpected behavior with weights in binomial glm()

2012-09-30 Thread Ben Bolker
y undefined (try MASS:::confint() on your results) is concerning you, then you have some bigger problems to wrestle with ... good luck Ben Bolker __ mailing list PLEASE do read the pos

Re: [R] adjust font in ggplot2 to LaTeX document

2012-10-01 Thread Ben Bolker
Jonas Stein> writes: > > Hi, > > how can i adjust the font in a ggplot2 qplot so that it will look > similar to the LaTeX font? > Computer Modern Sans Serif in the same size would be nice. > > My output device is > ggsave(filename="test.pdf", width=5.5, height=3, dpi=300) > an

Re: [R] lme help configuring random effects

2012-10-01 Thread Ben Bolker
Julie Lee-Yaw> writes: > [snip] > I am trying to run a mixed effects model in R using the lme > package. My experiment is such that I am interested in the effects > of Temperature (2 levels) and Species (3 levels) on Growth. I > collected individuals from three populations within ea

Re: [R] glm (probit/logit) optimizer

2012-10-05 Thread Ben Bolker
Dimitris.Kapetanakis> writes: > I am using glm function in order to estimate a logit model i.e. glm(Y ~ > data[,2] + data[,3], family = binomial(link = "logit")). > > I also created a function that estimates logit model and I would like it to > compare it with the glm function. > > S

Re: [R] Error in lmer: asMethod(object) : matrix is not symmetric [1, 2]

2012-10-05 Thread Ben Bolker
Olivier Blaser> writes: > I am having trouble with lmer. I am looking at recombinant versus non > recombinant individuals. In the response variable recombinant > individuals are coded as 1's and non-recombinant as 0's. I built a model > with 2 fixed factors and 1 random effect. Sex (m

Re: [R] LMMs with some variance terms forced constant

2012-10-05 Thread Ben Bolker
Erica E.M. Moodie, Dr.> writes: > I have been asked to help perform a meta-analysis with individual- > and aggregate-level data. I found a nice article on this, and the > idea is easy to understand: use a mixed effects models, but for the > studies where there is only aggregate level da

Re: [R] Error in lmer: asMethod(object) : matrix is not symmetric [1, 2]

2012-10-05 Thread Ben Bolker
Ben Bolker> writes: > PS this error message is listed in -- if you google 'lmer "matrix is not symmetric"' it's in the hits (although pretty far from the top, alas). I'v

Re: [R] multinomial MCMCglmm

2012-10-07 Thread Ben Bolker
ink a bit harder about this (a Dirichlet distribution would be the natural way to model frequencies that sum to 1) (3) have you read the course notes vignette that comes with MCMCglmm? Ben Bolker __ mailing list https://s

Re: [R] PKPD modelling in R

2012-10-08 Thread Ben Bolker
gives very nearly perfect drop-in replacements for the functions in odesolve, it seems as if bringing one or more of these packages up to standard shouldn't be hard at all for someone with the appropriate skills -- but it would a require a few hours of that person's time ... Ben Bolker _

Re: [R] "nlmnib" Package + Hessian Output

2012-10-10 Thread Ben Bolker
nserdar> writes: > > > I need a "Hessian" matrix in "nlmnib" package to discuss whether parameters > are significant or not. > > Please let me know how to obtain hessian matrix and how to evaluate the > significancy of parameters. > You can get a finite-difference approximatio

Re: [R] Contacting Delphi ??

2012-10-10 Thread Ben Bolker
Rui Barradas> writes: > It's in the source code for `?`, file src/library/utils/R/question.R, > lines 32 to 35. > See: __ mailing list htt

Re: [R] glmmPQL and spatial correlation

2012-10-10 Thread Ben Bolker
lus a couple of 100 Gbs in > virtual memory), in Windows 7 64-bit. This is not going to be easy in any case. I would look into the INLA package and AD Model Builder ... (I would also be mildly nervous about using PQL for binary data -- it might be OK, but this is known to be more or less

Re: [R] Options to extend memory limit

2012-10-11 Thread Ben Bolker> writes: > at the moment I am using R for calculations of large databases. > Unfortunately, R only manages to complete certain operations at some > times, and not at others. I usually get the error message "cannot allocate > vector of size XX" > > I am using the 64-bit version wi

Re: [R] R not finding function in installed pscl package

2012-10-12 Thread Ben Bolker
nprause> writes: > This may be such a general question that my searches are just failing. I > installed the pscl lib, all appears fine, installed it several different > ways to be sure, but I am getting: > Error: could not find function "zeroinfl" > I double checked my spelling of the f

Re: [R] Function hatTrace in package lme4

2012-10-14 Thread Ben Bolker
ingaschwabe> writes: > > Dear all, > > For a project I need to calculate the conditional AIC of a mixed effects > model. > Luckily, I found a reference in the R help forum for a function to be used: > > CAIC <- function(model) { > > sigma <- attr(VarCorr(model), 'sc') >

Re: [R] Assessing overdispersion and using quasi model with lmer, possible?

2012-10-19 Thread Ben Bolker
tion, > but it is not optimal. You should read the section in on overdispersion, and address further questions to the r-sig-mixed-models mailing list ... Ben Bolker __ mailing list https:/

Re: [R] MLE of negative binomial distribution parameters

2012-10-20 Thread Ben Bolker
Zoraida> writes: > > I need to estimate the parameters for negative binomial distribution (pdf) > using maximun likelihood, I also need to estimate the parameter for the > Poisson by ML, which can be done by hand, but later I need to conduct a > likelihood ratio test between these

Re: [R] supply methods to read.table

2012-10-20 Thread Ben Bolker
Brian> writes: > > Hi List, > > I would like to optimize some data reading as well as clean up some > code. The manual tells me to supply methods to colClasses but the manual > and the methods documentation aren't helping... > Can someone provide me an example please? > Your pos

Re: [R] help using optim function

2012-10-24 Thread Ben Bolker
tmuman> writes: > Hi, am very new to R and I've written an optim function, but can't > get it to work > least.squares.fitter<-function(start.params,gr, > low.constraints,high.constraints,,data,scale,ploton=F) > { > result<-optim(par=start.params, meth

Re: [R] Plot lmer model with Effects package

2012-10-25 Thread Ben Bolker
Marte Lilleeng> writes: > [snip] > I have a simple model that i would like to plot with 95% CIs. > It is like follows: > m1<-lmer(Richness~Grazing+I(Grazing^2)+(1|Plot),family=poisson) > > By using the effects package I get two plots, one for the linear term > and one for the squ

Re: [R] Change to daily digest

2012-10-25 Thread Ben Bolker
Mohamed Radhouane Aniba> writes: > > Which one ? :) > __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] backward stepwise model selection

2012-10-26 Thread Ben Bolker

Re: [R] Adding correlation and or variance structure in mixed models

2014-04-07 Thread Ben Bolker
ble in lme: see Pinheiro and Bates 2000 p. 163. For more information/detail you should ask this question at , but it would be a good idea to invest in a copy of Pinheiro and Bates 2000 and find out as much as you can for yourself first. Ben Bolker _

Re: [R] FW: Reading output of a GLMM run in R

2014-04-13 Thread Ben Bolker
John Kane> writes: > > Can you resend the information in plain text? > It looks like you sent it in html format and it is very close to > completely unreadable. > > John Kane > Kingston ON Canada You've also posted this question at CrossValidated:

Re: [R] Mixed models negative binomial, Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos)

2014-04-13 Thread Ben Bolker
Karina Charest Castro> writes: > > Hi! This question is more appropriate for Please repost there (I will add a few questions/comments below that you should probably address when you repost) > I am trying to do a glmer.nb but get this error: > Error

Re: [R] Extracting the names of coefficients of random effects

2014-04-20 Thread Ben Bolker
Brian Willis> writes: > > Hi All, > I need to be able to manipulate the names of the coefficients from > *ranef()*. > > If there is any missing data when fitting a mixed model using lmer, no > estimate is returned for the associated level for that random effect. Thus > if the data in

Re: [R] multiply of two expressions

2014-05-06 Thread Ben Bolker
/d(mu)) or you can make a big ugly expression where you substitute the expression for mu(b) into the expression for L. In either case you'll have to solve your link expression for mu. Wolfram Alpha might help too. good luck Ben Bolker

Re: [R] Making a package works on any R version

2014-05-06 Thread Ben Bolker
Ashis Deb> writes: > > Hi all I had made a package in R-3.0.3 , and its running well , > my issue is it is not running in other versions or R like > R-3.0.2/3.0.1 it is showing error like --- > > Error: This is R 3.0.2, package ‘xxx’ needs >= 3.0.3 > > Does

Re: [R] overdispersed zero inflated continuous data

2014-05-08 Thread Ben Bolker
xed) model to the (probably log-transformed) positive responses. Alternatively you could ignore the distribution and use a randomization (permutation or bootstrap) approach to get reasonable p-values/confidence intervals, although you'll have to be careful to do the randomiz

Re: [R] model selection for nested factorial design

2014-05-14 Thread Ben Bolker
; to determine if the DV differs significantly across conditions. This is a stats question, not an R question per se ... I would recommend posting to CrossValidated ( good luck, Ben Bolker __ mail

Re: [R] How to illustrate an interaction with plotLMER.fnc

2014-05-14 Thread Ben Bolker
reproducible example (; this will greatly increase your chances of getting an answer. Ben Bolker __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide htt

Re: [R] Why have my glmms stopped converging (lme4)

2014-06-06 Thread Ben Bolker
Heather Baldwin> writes: > > I have four sets of glmms (binomial, logit-linked) which I have run in > various incarnations with no problems over the last weeks. All converged, > data assumptions checked, reasonable goodness-of-fit (0.75-85). They are > based on three different data s

Re: [R] Convert nlme formula to nlmer

2014-06-20 Thread Ben Bolker
Roxane Foulser-Piggott> writes: > R version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10) -- "Spring Dance”. Platform: > x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 (64-bit). > I would like to convert the following function from nlme to nlmer. > I am finding it difficult to apply the documentation I can find on > this procedur

Re: [R] plot a 3-D marked point process

2014-06-25 Thread Ben Bolker
Ferra Xu> writes: > > Hello All > > I intend to plot a 3-D marked point process. > Could you please help me to find a code or a related package? How about scatterplot3d or rgl::plot3d ? Googling "r 3d point plot" gets you a lot of good starting points. (The easiest way to indicate t

Re: [R] How to extract convergence code from lmer object?

2014-07-05 Thread Ben Bolker
Juan Andres Hernandez> writes: > > Does anyone know how to extract the convergence code of an lmer object. I > am working in a monte carlo simulation with mixed model and I need to know > if a model has or not convergence. With unclass(mymodel) the following > information attr(,"optinf

Re: [R] Checking modeling assumptions in a binomial GLMM

2014-07-16 Thread Ben Bolker
Ravi Varadhan> writes: > > Dear All, > I am fitting a model for a binary response variable measured > repeatedly at multiple visits. I am using the binomial GLMM using > the glmer() function in lme4 package. How can I evaluate the model > assumptions (e.g., residual diagnostics, adeq

Re: [R] R and SPSS

2012-11-06 Thread Ben Bolker
Jeremy Miles> writes: > > I think we'll need some output to know so we can see the differences. (And > data and code would be useful too, if you could provide a small example). Definitely. > > One thought is that the programs might remove a variable that is completely > collinear,

Re: [R] LiblineaR: accept sparse matrices

2012-11-07 Thread Ben Bolker
Sam Steingold> writes: > > Thibault, > > It would be nice if LiblineaR() accepted data in the form of a sparse > matrix (it does not accept whatever e1071::read.matrix.csr returns). > > It would also be nice if there were functions to read/write files in the > native liblinear file for

Re: [R] Comparing nonlinear, non-nested models

2012-11-08 Thread Ben Bolker
Tom Shatwell> writes: > > Dear R users, > Could somebody please help me to find a way of comparing nonlinear, > non-nested models in R, where the number of parameters is not > necessarily different? Here is a sample (growth rates, y, as a > function of internal substrate concentr

Re: [R] maximum likelihood estimation in R

2012-11-12 Thread Ben Bolker
David Winsemius> writes: > > > On Nov 10, 2012, at 9:22 PM, mmosalman wrote: > > > I want to find ML estimates of a model using mle2 in bbmle package. When I > > insert new parameters (for new covariates) in model the log-likelihood value > > does not change and the estimated value

Re: [R] How to generate a random field with truncated marginal distributions?

2012-11-12 Thread Ben Bolker
Zhenglei Gao> writes: > I have asked the same question on stackoverflow but did not get a > satisfying answer. > I am trying to simulate a lognormal spatial random field but I need > the simulated value in a certain range. So I need some easy to use > functions to generate a truncate

Re: [R] How to generate a random field with truncated marginal distributions?

2012-11-12 Thread Ben Bolker
itical question will be how large a sample the original questioner needs to generate. If it's not too big, then they can just construct their own correlation matrix, and go from there. Ben > > > On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Ben Bolker <>> wr

Re: [R] Discrete trait Ornstein–Uhlenbeck in R?

2012-11-13 Thread Ben Bolker
on the mailing list ... Ben Bolker __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] confidence intervals with glmmPQL

2012-11-16 Thread Ben Bolker
Sally_roman> writes: > Hi - I am using R version 2.13.0. I have run several GLMMs using > the glmmPQL function to model the proportion of fish caught in one > net to the total caught in both nets by length. I started with a > polynomial regression full model with three length terms:

Re: [R] simple linear regression with proportion data

2012-11-16 Thread Ben Bolker
sion. It really depends what you want to do with the answers and what your audience expects. You might try this on with a bit more context. Ben Bolker __ mailing list

Re: [R] simple linear regression with proportion data

2012-11-19 Thread Ben Bolker
On 12-11-19 10:18 AM, S Ellison wrote: > >> -Original Message- >>> Can I use simple linear regression when I have proportion data >>> for both dependent and independent variables? Or, should I use >>> beta regression analysis? Or any suggestion? >>> >> >> The distribution of the indepe

Re: [R] Is it possible to be sponsored by R?

2012-11-19 Thread Ben Bolker
, which is read by some R-Core members (which overlaps with the membership of the R Foundation). These are only my guesses, certainly not definitive. Ben Bolker __ mailing list PLE

Re: [R] Ben Bolker's '‘emdbook’ Package , rbetabinom

2012-11-19 Thread Ben Bolker
arun4> writes: > I am using rbetabinom ( to generate beta binomial random variables) function > available in the "emdbook"package written by Professor. Ben Bolker for my > research study. > I have no questions with this function. However, I am looking for

Re: [R] scatterplot3d and box3d

2012-11-19 Thread Ben Bolker> writes: > > I created a 3d scatter plot and am trying to change the color of outer box > lines with box3d. > > Anybody can help me to figure out how to do this? > > My example is: > > library(scatterplot3d) > x=seq(1:6) > y=seq(7:12) > z=x*2 > scatterplot3d(x, y,z) This

Re: [R] Controlling the number of interactions of a lme

2012-11-21 Thread Ben Bolker
cleberchaves> writes: > [snip] > My model have many response variables and when i run the anova, the number > of interactions (up to six) is great and the p-values of all variables not > appear. > > I wanted to know if i could to control the number of interactions of the [snip]

Re: [R] lmer model specification

2012-11-21 Thread Ben Bolker
Roy> writes: > > I am running version 2.15.2 64 bit version on 64 bit Windows 7. I have a > data set with the following structure: > Fixed Effect: locationFact > Random Effects: datefact, timefact nested in datefact, interactions of > datefact and timefact with locationFact I th

Re: [R] Student-t distributed random value generation within a confidence interval?

2012-11-23 Thread Ben Bolker
Thomas Schu> writes: > I´m faced with following problem: > Given is a sample where the sample size is 12, the sample mean is 30, and > standard deviation is 4.1. > Based on a Student-t distribution i´d like to simulate randomly 500 possible > mean values within a two-tailed 95% confidence

Re: [R] Conjoint Analysis in R??

2012-11-28 Thread Ben Bolker
Colin Birth> writes: > > Hi all, > > are there any packages to perform a market simulation with the conjoint > analysis' results? > I don't know, but have you looked through the results of library("sos") findFn("{conjoint analysis}") ? __

Re: [R] protentially serious R error

2012-11-30 Thread Ben Bolker
Cutting and pasting from the R posting guide -- I think this advice has special force when responding to FAQ 7.31 questions (I've seen several within the last few days, and at least two were answered by three different people: When responding to a very simple question, use the following algorithm

Re: [R] Getting all possible contingency tables

2012-12-01 Thread Ben Bolker
> > > > My goal is to generate all possible contingency tables. Basically I want > > to see the distribution of Chi-squared Statistic under independence > > (NULL). > > > > So I was thinking if I can generate all possible permutation of integer > > numbers having sum equal to (8 + 10 + 12 + 6) =

Re: [R] cubic spline

2012-12-01 Thread Ben Bolker
Martin Maechler> writes: [snip] > but definitely *no* need to use a function from an extra CRAN > package .. as someone else ``erronously'' suggested. > > Note that > spline() and splinefun() > together with > approx() and approxfun() > are among the several hundred funct

[R] Spammer? [wa Re: Fitting binomial lmer-model, high deviance and low logLik]

2012-12-02 Thread Ben Bolker
rahul143> writes: > I have a strong suspicion that this person is a spammer. Evidence: 1. 24 e-mails to the r-help list in a little over an hour, which is excessive even for a real person. 2. The questions range extremely widely, especially for a beginner in R. 3. All of

Re: [R] model selection with spg and AIC (or, convert list to fitted model object)

2012-12-02 Thread Ben Bolker
ot that hard to compute the AICs yourself ... or a likelihood ratio test ... Ben Bolker __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] stiff delay differential equations

2012-12-05 Thread Ben Bolker
Suzen, Mehmet> writes: > > Hello List, > > Can you recommend me if odeSolve can handle stiff delay differential equations > with discontinuities? Or any other package? > Best, > -m > > I don't know, but I think you're probably best off trying it out for yourself and seeing how i

Re: [R] Some coefficients are doubled when I use the step() function

2012-12-09 Thread Ben Bolker
Chris Beeley> writes: > Such a strange problem, can't figure it out at all. Using binomial glm > models, and the step() function, so the call looks like this: > > sectionmodel = glm(formula = Target3 ~ S1Q12_NUM.1 + S1Q9_NUM.1 + S1Q5_NUM.1 + [snip] > But when I run step() on the res

Re: [R] Interpretation of ranef output

2012-12-11 Thread Ben Bolker
Ginnie D Morrison> writes: > I'm running a generalized linear model Note that this is a generalized linear *mixed* model, which complicates the situation somewhat (otherwise you wouldn't be dealing with random effects). Presumably you are using glmer from the lme4 package, but i

Re: [R] ggplot - adding regression lines

2012-12-12 Thread Ben Bolker
soon yi> writes: > > Hi > > I am using ggplot to overlay two regression lines on a scatter plot each > corresponding to a treatment group. > > The default plot gives a different slope for each treatment group. However, > in some cases i want the lines to be parallel -ie no significan

Re: [R] GLMM parameter estimates giving opposite trends

2013-12-19 Thread Ben Bolker
trongly correlated. Do you get a sensible sign when you fit a model with just the focal parameter? Ben Bolker __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project

Re: [R] Fitdistr and mle

2013-12-24 Thread Ben Bolker
Tia Borrelli> writes: > > Hello, i'm using R for the exploration of a time series and i'm stuck in a problem with the fitting of the distribution. > What's the difference between "fitdistr" and "mle"? Hard to say without a reproducible example. In the example below the answers are n

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