[R] books on Time series

2009-06-14 Thread Antonio Olinto
I would like to receive any suggestion of which is most appropriate for a non-statistician (I am a biologist). Reading only the index I could not evaluate it. Thanks in advance, Antonio Olinto Marine Fisheries Center Sao Paulo Fisheries Institute Brazil

[R] adding labels above bars in a barplot

2010-09-10 Thread Antonio Olinto
does not seem work. I appreciate any help or suggestions. Best regards, Antonio Olinto == CAT VAR1VAR2 Category 01 17.59 Category 02 15.220 Category 03 10.3500 Category 04 8.4 150 Category 05 20.35000 # Coping data from a

Re: [R] adding labels above bars in a barplot

2010-09-10 Thread Antonio Olinto
Thanks Greg, Dennis and John for the attention and recommendations. I did the job with par(mar=c(12,6,3,2),cex.axis=1.2,cex.lab=1.4) bp<-barplot(t(as.matrix(dat.bar)),ylim=c(0,max(dat.data[,2]*1.1)),las=2,ylab="Y label text",col="orange") box() text(bp,dat.bar[,1],dat.data[,3],col="blue",pos=3

[R] printing a variable during a loop

2010-10-21 Thread Antonio Olinto
Hello, About looping, consider the example: for (i in 1:23194) { dat.stat[i,c(2:8)]<-quantile(dat.bat[BL==block[i],2],prob=c(0,0.025,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.975,1)) print(i) } I'd like to have the value of "i" printed for each loop (step). As I could see the values of "i" are shown on screen only aft

Re: [R] printing a variable during a loop

2010-10-21 Thread Antonio Olinto
t;,i) which returns for i = 20 for example "Counter value is 20" for more check out the message help section in the html ? message Adrienne Wootten NCSU On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 2:05 PM, Antonio Olinto wrote: Hello, About looping, consider the example: for (i in 1:23194) { dat

Re: [R] printing a variable during a loop

2010-10-21 Thread Antonio Olinto
Thanks Joshua, David and Adrienne for the attention. flush.console() was what I need. All the best, Antonio Citando Joshua Wiley : On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 12:03 PM, David Winsemius wrote: On Oct 21, 2010, at 8:58 PM, Antonio Olinto wrote: Thanks Adrienne, but I still in doubt. The

[R] how do R calculates the number of intervals between tick-marks

2010-08-24 Thread Antonio Olinto
Hello, I want to know how do R calculates the number of intervals between tick-marks in the y axis in a plot. I'm making a three y-axes plot and this information would help me a lot. Thanks in advance. Antonio O

Re: [R] how to plot y-axis on the right of x-axis

2010-08-25 Thread Antonio Olinto
"n",lty=c(1,1,1),col=c("red","blue","darkgreen"),cex=1.4) Now I want to replace the number "1" by the formula used to calculate the interval between tick-marks. Why, with the range 26-33, R choose unitary intervals for the y axis (26, 27, 28 ...)?

Re: [R] how do R calculates the number of intervals between tick-marks

2010-08-25 Thread Antonio Olinto
Hi, With axTicks I did what I wanted. Thank you all for the attention. Below is the code I did to have a plot with three y axes. Suggestions to improve the routine are welcome. All the best, Antonio Olinto Data in a spreadsheet YEARL NFB NFT 200526,352158 1500

[R] mixture distribution analisys

2008-04-10 Thread Antonio Olinto
I have two questions: Is there any problem to run this package in R 2.7.0? - probably yes … And, is there any other package in R that can be used to analyze and to separate mixture distributions? Thanks for any help. Best regards, Antonio Olinto Sao Paulo Fisheries Instit

[R] label plotting on nmds diagram

2007-11-14 Thread Antonio Olinto
the labels are sometimes overlapped. Is there any way to use identify, or a similar command, to plot the row names in a given position? Identify would be perfect but it indicates the row number and I'd like to have the row name given in nmds$points. Many thanks, Antonio Olinto Sao Paulo Fish

Re: [R] label plotting on nmds diagram

2007-11-14 Thread Antonio Olinto
table to nmds but only to cca and rda. But you understood exactly what I want. Your example showed for cca what I want for nmds plot. Best regards, Antonio Citando Gavin Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > On Wed, 2007-11-14 at 11:22 -0300, Antonio Olinto wrote: > > Hi, > >