I would like to receive any suggestion of which is most appropriate for
a non-statistician (I am a biologist). Reading only the index I could
not evaluate it.
Thanks in advance,
Antonio Olinto
Marine Fisheries Center
Sao Paulo Fisheries Institute
does not seem work.
I appreciate any help or suggestions.
Best regards,
Antonio Olinto
Category 01 17.59
Category 02 15.220
Category 03 10.3500
Category 04 8.4 150
Category 05 20.35000
# Coping data from a
Thanks Greg, Dennis and John for the attention and recommendations.
I did the job with
label text",col="orange")
About looping, consider the example:
for (i in 1:23194) {
I'd like to have the value of "i" printed for each loop (step). As I
could see the values of "i" are shown on screen only aft
which returns for i = 20 for example
"Counter value is 20"
for more check out the message help section in the html
? message
Adrienne Wootten
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 2:05 PM, Antonio Olinto
About looping, consider the example:
for (i in 1:23194) {
Thanks Joshua, David and Adrienne for the attention.
flush.console() was what I need.
All the best,
Citando Joshua Wiley :
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 12:03 PM, David Winsemius
On Oct 21, 2010, at 8:58 PM, Antonio Olinto wrote:
Thanks Adrienne, but I still in doubt. The
I want to know how do R calculates the number of intervals between
tick-marks in the y axis in a plot.
I'm making a three y-axes plot and this information would help me a lot.
Thanks in advance.
Antonio O
Now I want to replace the number "1" by the formula used to calculate
the interval between tick-marks. Why, with the range 26-33, R choose
unitary intervals for the y axis (26, 27, 28 ...)?
With axTicks I did what I wanted. Thank you all for the attention.
Below is the code I did to have a plot with three y axes.
Suggestions to improve the routine are welcome.
All the best,
Antonio Olinto
Data in a spreadsheet
200526,352158 1500
I have two questions:
Is there any problem to run this package in R 2.7.0? - probably yes
And, is there any other package in R that can be used to analyze and to separate
mixture distributions?
Thanks for any help. Best regards,
Antonio Olinto
Sao Paulo Fisheries Instit
the labels are sometimes overlapped.
Is there any way to use identify, or a similar command, to plot the row names in
a given position? Identify would be perfect but it indicates the row number and
I'd like to have the row name given in nmds$points.
Many thanks,
Antonio Olinto
Sao Paulo Fish
table to nmds but only to cca and rda.
But you understood exactly what I want. Your example showed for cca what I want
for nmds plot.
Best regards,
Citando Gavin Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wed, 2007-11-14 at 11:22 -0300, Antonio Olinto wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
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