[R] How to calculate cumulative values for a simple Bernoulli's distribution?

2008-08-27 Thread Ana Kolar
Hi there, I have two questions and believe that there is an extremely easy solution. Being a beginner with R makes thinks a bit more complicated. This is the code: rpois(15,3) n<-15 DATA<-cbind(D,rpois(15,3)) data<-as.data.frame(DATA) colnames(data)<-c("D","X") *# 1. question: is it possible

[R] Multiple correspondence analysis and extended Burt table

2009-08-26 Thread Ana Kolar
Hi there, Does anyone know how to create extended Burt table that includes rows and columns totals and further more how to create Burt table of relative frequencies and conditional relative frequencies. Hope to hear from some of you soon! Ana [[alternative HTML version delete

[R] Three dimensional view of the profiles using 'rgl' package (example of 3 dimensional graphics using rgl package).

2009-09-21 Thread Ana Kolar
Hi there, Anyone has an idea how to put those two sets of code together so that I can get a 3-dimensional picture that includes points instead of 2 separate pictures which doesnt make that much sense at the end. #Let's say that these are the data we would like to plot: A<-c(62,84,53) B<-c(64,8

Re: [R] Three dimensional view of the profiles using 'rgl' package (example of 3 dimensional graphics using rgl package).

2009-09-21 Thread Ana Kolar
Ha. You understood my question perfectly ok and thank you for your answer. Haven't thought that this might be the case, and it is, indeed! Regards, Ana From: Schalk Heunis Cc: R Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 9:49:48 PM Subject: Re: [R] Three dimensional

[R] Runtime Error! Keep on happening while using amap, anacor and ca pckg

2009-05-18 Thread Ana Kolar
Hi there dear R users, Does anyone have any idea what the following error means and how to sort it out? Runtime Error! Program: C\Program Files\R\R-2.9.0\bin\Rgui.exe This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application’s support team

[R] how to extract data from a function printout - example provided

2011-06-26 Thread Ana Kolar
Hi there, Does anyone know how to extract data from a function that prints out two or more summaries? In the function below (the whole code is provided) we get 5 different tables of data. I would like to split each of these tables in a separate file (while the function itself shouldn't be chang

Re: [R] how to extract data from a function printout - example provided

2011-06-26 Thread Ana Kolar
Oh. Fantastic! Many thanks for this, Sarah! Have a great week! Ana > >From: Sarah Goslee >To: Ana Kolar ; r-help >Sent: Sunday, 26 June 2011, 17:06 >Subject: Re: [R] how to extract data from a function printout - example >provided >

[R] extracting data

2011-06-28 Thread Ana Kolar
Let's say I have an original data set which is called A and data extracted from this original data set, called B. Based on these A and B data set I would like to get data set C which includes all the remaining data from the data set A after we exclude data of the data set B. Any idea how to do

Re: [R] extracting data

2011-06-28 Thread Ana Kolar
la=f, data=A, method=m) B <- match.data(m.out.base) An <- nrow(A) Bn <- nrow(B) Cn <- An - Bn C <- ?? >________ >From: Sarah Goslee >To: Ana Kolar >Cc: R >Sent: Tuesday, 28 June 2011, 18:44 >Subject: Re: [R] extracting data > >

Re: [R] extracting data

2011-07-04 Thread Ana Kolar
Thanks! That works well. Best, Ana > >From: Peter Ehlers >To: Ana Kolar >Cc: Sarah Goslee ; R >Sent: Tuesday, 28 June 2011, 19:37 >Subject: Re: [R] extracting data > >On 2011-06-28 09:54, Ana Kolar wrote: >> Hi Sarah, >>

[R] sample function with different proportions

2011-07-05 Thread Ana Kolar
Hi there, I guess this is an easy one, but still:  I would like to randomly sample 0s and 1s but in a way that I end up having for example 70% of 1s and the rest of 0s and not 50:50 as this function does: sample(c(0,1), 100, replace = TRUE) Any recommendations? Many thanks! Ana [[al

[R] matching, treatment effect-ATT and Zelig package

2011-07-06 Thread Ana Kolar
Hi there, I'm wondering what Zelig in the following situation (code below) actually does. Is this considered as a so called regression adjustment after the propensity score matching? library(MatchIt) library(Zelig) data(lalonde) re78 represents the outcome variable 1. With Zelig m.out <- m

[R] MatchIt Package

2011-07-16 Thread Ana Kolar
Hi there dear R users! Anyone knows why does matchit function returns error whenever the "hull" option is used (either "hull.both", "hull.control" or "hull.treat"). Things work well with all the rest of discard options. This is the error msg. >m.out.base <- matchit(formula=f, data=d, method=m,

[R] How to estimate overlapping area of two distributions?

2011-07-17 Thread Ana Kolar
Hi there dear R users, By using the code below that plots two distributions and calculates a bootstrap hypothesis test of equality, similarity of these two distributions was calculated. What I'm interested now is to find out a size of the area where both distributions are overlapping. I know th

[R] SDMTools package - calculating overlap?

2011-07-18 Thread Ana Kolar
Dear R users, Any idea of how to calculate an area of an overlap between two functions? The only R build in function that I found is I Similarity Statistic for Quantifying Niche Overlap and I am really not sure if this function is producing exactly what I am interested in since I was plotting f

Re: [R] SDMTools package - calculating overlap?

2011-07-18 Thread Ana Kolar
(a,b) Many thanks for your response, David! Ana > >From: David Winsemius >To: Ana Kolar >Cc: R >Sent: Monday, 18 July 2011, 15:45 >Subject: Re: [R] SDMTools package - calculating overlap? > > >On Jul 18, 2011, at 9:40 AM, Ana Kol

Re: [R] SDMTools package - calculating overlap?

2011-07-18 Thread Ana Kolar
This makes sense, but any suggestion/ideas of how to do it in R? Many thanks! Best regards, Ana > >From: David Winsemius >To: Ana Kolar >Cc: R >Sent: Monday, 18 July 2011, 16:41 >Subject: Re: [R] SDMTools package - calculating overlap? >

Re: [R] SDMTools package - calculating overlap?

2011-07-18 Thread Ana Kolar
Many thanks for this, David. It is applicable, indeed! Thank you for sharing the search function as well.  Have a good day! Ana > >From: David Winsemius >To: Ana Kolar >Cc: R >Sent: Monday, 18 July 2011, 17:22 >Subject: Re: [R

[R] How to create strata out of the data.frame table

2008-06-18 Thread Ana Kolar
My data.frame table consist of 3 variables (x,y and z) where each variable has 1000 units. I need to create 5 equal size strata according to one of the variable (let's say x) whereas units of x variable with a higher value have higher probability to be selected in a strata with a higher number (max

[R] Calculating interval for conditional/unconditional correlation matrix

2008-09-21 Thread Ana Kolar
Hi there, Could anyone please help me to understand what should be done in order not to get this error message: Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)? Here is my code: determinant<- function(x){det(matrix(c(1.0,0.2,0.5,0.8,0.2,1.0,0.5,0.6,0.5,0.5,0.5,1