Dear R-list,
let us say I want to report the reliability of group means for "HRS" (ICC2):
Variable ICC1ICC2
1 HRS 0.129237 0.91713
2 LEAD 0.147462 0.92804
3COHES 0.048049 0.79008
Dear R-List
I have a date column formatted separated by points that was converted
into a number using as.integer(date). Now I wish to convert the number back into
the original date. Something like:
as.Date(dd, origi
Dear R-List,
#I have a df with the first two cols formatted as factor.
dfx <- data.frame(
group = c(rep('A', 8), rep('B', 15), rep('C', 6)),
sex = sample(c("M", "F"), size = 29, replace = TRUE),
age = runif(n = 29, min = 18, max = 54))
# now I want to format both factor VARs as character
# I
Dear R-List,
I want to have descriptive stats in a special form and cannot figure out a nice
Thank you Jim,
this is a good step in the right direction. But is there also a way to get the
output in a nice dataframe with VAR1 to VAR 1 to 9 as rows?
Best wishes
> Jim Lemon hat am 5. August 2014 um 14:35 geschrieben:
> On Tue, 5 Aug 2014 11:36:36 AM Alain D. wrote
> + - 0
> i1 10 0 0
> i2 10 0 0
> i3 0 10 0
> i4 0 9 1
> i5 10 0 0
> i6 1 9 0
> i7 9 0 1
> i8 4 2 4
> i9 7 1 2
> A.K.
> On Tuesday, August 5, 2014 5:36 AM, Alain D. wrote:
> Dear R-List,
> I want to have descrip
Hi David,
[This is a late reaction to a question I posted some time ago...]
thanks to your suggestion I found another solution which does carry out the
random assignment.
df[,2] <- as.numeric( rank(df[,2],ties.method="random") > length(df[,2])/2 )
Maybe this will be of interest to the R-List (a
Dear R-List,
I have a dataframe
area type a b
c d
[1,]11 0.45608192
Dear R-List,
I have carried out a factor analysis using fa (psych) with nfactors=2,
rotation="oblimin" and fm="pa". Now I have to report both pattern AND
structure matrix. As I have understood R-Documentation, this can be obtained
by setting the "oblique.scores" argument TRUE (structure matrix) o
Dear list,
I have a dataframe df:
df<-data.frame(x=c(5,32,18,3,17), n=c(11,200,432,20,60))
Now I want to run n=nrow binom.test() with x being the number of success and n
the number of trials and then store the results as a new VAR in df.
I tried
for (i in 1:nrow(df)){
Dear List,
I would like to determine the optimal number of latent classes (polytomous data)
using Bootstrap LRT. poLCA does not provide such a possibility and I am not
enough into programming to modify the code. Is there any other way to do this,
e.g. use a poLCA object with some other package?
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