Re: [R] Extracting Factor Pattern Matrix Similar to Proc Factor

2015-02-23 Thread David L Carlson
Function principal() in psych takes a correlation matrix so use cov2cor() to convert: library(psych) iris.pca <- principal(cov2cor(cov(iris[,-5])), nfactors=4, rotate="none") print(iris.pca$Structure, cutoff=0) David -Original Message- From: R-help [] O

Re: [R] Extracting Factor Pattern Matrix Similar to Proc Factor

2015-02-23 Thread David L Carlson
ums of the squared values in each column sum to the eigenvalue. Alternatively, you can install the "psych" package which computes the pattern (structure) matrix directly: > library(psych) > iris.pca <- principal(iris[,-5], nfactors=4, rotate="none") > print(iris.

Re: [R] How to Deploy a 'poLCA' Model?

2015-02-24 Thread David L Carlson
Looking at package poLCA I see functions poLCA.predcell() and poLCA.table(). If these do not do what you want, you will need to be clearer and provide a reproducible example. - David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Sta

Re: [R] One column listing on wide monitors too

2015-02-24 Thread David L Carlson
6" > t(t(a)) [,1] [1,] "String 1" [2,] "String 2" . . . [15,] "String 15" [16,] "String 16" > b <- a > dim(b) <- c(16, 1) > b [,1] [1,] "String 1" [2,] "String 2" . . . [15,] "

Re: [R] Summing certain values within columns that satisfy a certain condition

2015-02-27 Thread David L Carlson
0 7 1 4 0 4 0 7 1 5 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 1 5 0 10 0 5 1 5 0 11 0 4 1 5 0 12 0 8 4 7 3 13 0 0 3 0 0 14 0 0 3 4 0 15 0 0 3 4 0 16 0 0 0 5 0 17 0 2 0 6 0 18 0 0 4 0 1 19 0 0 4 0 1 20 0 0 4 0 1 -------------

Re: [R] 2D Timeseries trace plot

2015-03-03 Thread David L Carlson
pause(1) # Draw the curve pausing between points. for(i in 1:6) { ani.pause(diftime[i]*10) # Multiply by ten to slow things down segments(pen$x[i], pen$y[i], pen$x[i+1], pen$y[i+1]) } - David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M Univer

Re: [R] sampling dataframe based upon number of record occurrences

2015-03-04 Thread David L Carlson
dframe[sample(ind, ifelse(length(ind)>2, 3, length(ind))),] } Now take the samples and combine them into a single data frame: sample <-, lapply(dta.list, smp)) sample - David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M Uni

Re: [R] Using dates in R

2015-03-04 Thread David L Carlson
time(today, "%m/%d/%y") < strptime(d1, "%m/%d/%y")) [1] 0 > as.integer(strptime(today, "%m/%d/%y") < strptime(d2, "%m/%d/%y")) [1] 1 ?strptime for details - David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M

Re: [R] subset a data frame by largest frequencies of factors

2015-03-05 Thread David L Carlson
e original data and delete the unused factor levels: sample <- merge(Dataset, g[,-3]) sample$ctry <- factor(sample$ctry) sample$member <- factor(sample$member) --------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, T

Re: [R] calculate value in dependence of target value

2015-03-09 Thread David L Carlson
cumulative VALUE? - David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Matthias Weber Sent: Monday, March 9, 2015 7:46 A

Re: [R] calculate value in dependence of target value

2015-03-09 Thread David L Carlson
6 1 1200 3 13 3 9 6 1800 4 14 2 11 9 1800 - David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840-4352 -Original Message- From: Jeff Newmiller [] Sent: Monday, March 9, 201

Re: [R] Adding Column to a Data Frame

2015-03-12 Thread David L Carlson
The merge function combines 2, not 3 files at a time. Maybe rich.stats2 = merge(rich.stats, Month, by="X.SampleID") rich.stats3 = merge(rich.stats2, Location, by="X.SampleID") Reading the manual page will help: ?merge --------- David L C

Re: [R] textplot() in wordcloud package

2015-03-16 Thread David L Carlson
eliminate the warnings. - David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Fraser D. Neiman Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 3:2

Re: [R] textplot() in wordcloud package

2015-03-16 Thread David L Carlson
does a better job of avoiding labels being chopped at the plot margins. - David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help [] On Behal

Re: [R] Again: A problem someone should know about

2015-03-30 Thread David L Carlson
benefit from spending a little time learning about R using a free tutorial. - David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help [] On Be

Re: [R] sort adjacency matrix

2015-04-06 Thread David L Carlson
=="1"), decreasing=TRUE),] or dat[order(rowSums(dat), decreasing=TRUE),] or dat[order(rowSums(dat, na.rm=TRUE), decreasing=TRUE),] Note that the order is not unique since there are ties in the number of 1s. ----- David L Carlson Department of Anthropolo

Re: [R] how to Subset based on partial matching of columns?

2015-04-09 Thread David L Carlson
>From Sarah's data frame you can get what you want directly with the table() >function which will create a table object, mydf.tbl. If you want a data frame >you need to convert the table using to make mydf.df. >Finally combine the two data frames if your x column consists

Re: [R] Convert color hex code to color names

2015-04-13 Thread David L Carlson
DC0B0 So most colors do not have names. In your example, none of the colors in rainbow(6) have names: > rain <- rainbow(6) > sum(clrs$RGB %in% rain) [1] 0 - David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 7

Re: [R] Convert color hex code to color names

2015-04-13 Thread David L Carlson
rainbow(6): > for (i in 1:6) cat(i, colors()[clrs$RGB==rain[i]], "\n") 1 red red1 2 yellow yellow1 3 green green1 4 cyan cyan1 5 blue blue1 6 magenta magenta1 David C -Original Message- From: R-help [] On Behalf Of David L Carlson Sent:

Re: [R] R studio installation

2015-04-14 Thread David L Carlson
R Studio cannot fine it. --------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Jeff Newmiller Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 7:43 AM To: John Kane; Sojood

Re: [R] Sum of some months totals

2015-04-14 Thread David L Carlson
nths) Group <- grps[rainfall$Month] aggregate(Rain~Year+Group, rainfall, function(x) c(sum=sum(x), days=sum(x>0))) } > rainstats(rainfall) Year Group Rain.sum Rain.days 1 1979 10 0 --------- David L Carlson Department of

Re: [R] Extracting unique entries by a column

2015-04-14 Thread David L Carlson
"The Elements of Programming Style" by Kernighan and Plauger: 10.0 times 0.1 is hardly ever 1.0. ----- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help [

Re: [R] Vectorizing a task

2015-04-14 Thread David L Carlson
It is not vectorized, but it is simple: EXPANDED <- unlist(mapply(":", START, END)) ----- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun

Re: [R] bar plot add space to group data

2018-08-17 Thread David L Carlson
of the space= argument useful. David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, August 17, 2018 6:56 AM To: r-he

Re: [R] [FORGED] Re: bar plot add space to group data

2018-08-19 Thread David L Carlson
'A-level grades, chemistry', beside=T, + space=c(0, 1), ylim=c(0,35)) I defined clrs so that the barplot() function would be easier to read, but it works the same your way. Now we just need legend=TRUE and we can position the legend in the top right with the args.legend= argument.

Re: [R] Request for R Assistance: Downloading Data

2018-08-19 Thread David L Carlson
The load() function is only used for binary files that R creates with the save() function. You are trying to assign the data to an object (variable) called LGG Drug. R does not allow spaces in variable names. You could try LGGDrug, LGG_Drug, or LGG.Drug. Same issue with GBM Drug. David L

Re: [R] R Codes for Introduction to Data Mining

2018-08-21 Thread David L Carlson
There are some materials at Michael Hahsler has code examples at David L. Carlson Department of

Re: [R] Transforming data for nice output table

2018-08-21 Thread David L Carlson
Another approach to adding GW_Elevation to the year value, but the table is more compact with just the year. dta <- read.csv("";) Years <- paste("GW_Elevation", dta$Year) xtabs(GW_Elevation~Location+Years, dta) Davi

Re: [R] Display time of PDF plots

2018-09-03 Thread David L Carlson
sy and you will get halos when you zoom in. You can always preserve a vector version for publication. If you have Adobe Acrobat (not Reader), you can Save As Other | Image | tiff (or png) and set the resolution before exporting. -------- David L. Carlson Department of Anthropo

Re: [R] Equal Standard Error bar

2018-09-04 Thread David L Carlson
the plot you included with your message? -------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of Ogbos Okike Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 2:35 PM To: r-help

Re: [R] For loop with multiple iteration indexes

2018-09-11 Thread David L Carlson
002371 -0.37492894 0.46477742 -0.37972866 Change sapply() to lapply() to get list output. -------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of David Disabato

Re: [R] How to vectorize this function

2018-09-20 Thread David L Carlson
instead of the loop. -------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of Lynette Chang Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2018 10:09 AM To: Subject: [R] How to vector

Re: [R] tibble question with a mean

2018-09-20 Thread David L Carlson
> xt[, 2:3] %>% colMeans y z 2.500 -0.4401625 > xt[2] %>% colMeans y 2.5 > t(xt[, 2]) %>% mean [1] 2.5 --------- David L. Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University -Original Message- From: R-help [m

Re: [R] cut{base}: is it a bug?

2018-09-24 Thread David L Carlson
[1.79,1.99)5 [1.99,2.19]6 -------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of Jose Claudio Faria Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 9:32 AM To: r-help@r-project.or

Re: [R] cut{base}: is it a bug?

2018-09-24 Thread David L Carlson
on a point of division between two intervals." -------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: Jeff Newmiller Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 10:41 AM To: r-help@r-projec

Re: [R] cut{base}: is it a bug?

2018-09-24 Thread David L Carlson
t(dat, breaks= bks, right=FALSE, dig.lab=10L)) > levels(f) <- lvls > levels(f) [1] "[0.6,0.8)" "[0.8,1)" "[1,1.2)" "[1.2,1.4)" "[1.4,1.6)" "[1.6,1.8)" [7] "[1.8,2)" "[2,2.2)" ---

Re: [R] heatmap.2, adding a legend at bottom

2018-10-04 Thread David L Carlson
ot;Legend", xpd=TRUE) -------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of Ding, Yuan Chun Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2018 1:19 PM To: Subject: Re: [R] heatmap.2, adding a

Re: [R] Scientific Notation

2018-10-14 Thread David L Carlson
You probably need to read up on the scipen= argument in ?options. What is displayed at the console is not what is stored: > x <- 1619052826499 > print(x) [1] 1.619053e+12 > dput(x) 1619052826499 > options(scipen=10) > print(x) [1] 1619052826499 --------

Re: [R] Polygon

2018-10-21 Thread David L Carlson
() to close the space between the tickmarks and their values. -- David L. Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University -Original Message- From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Steven Yen Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2018 1:47

Re: [R] Polygon

2018-10-22 Thread David L Carlson
dnorm(x,0,1), xlim=c(-5, 5), frame=F) -------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 From: Steven Yen Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2018 9:54 PM To: David L Carlson Subject: Re: [R] Polygon Thank you Dav

Re: [R] Different stack barplots - same color legends

2018-10-22 Thread David L Carlson
the xlim= argument so that the legend does not print on top of the bars. David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of P. Roberto Bakker Sent: Mon

Re: [R] Polygon

2018-10-22 Thread David L Carlson
d.y, 0), col="skyblue") axis(1,at=c(-5,z1,0,z2,5),lab=c(-5,z1,0,z2,5)) abline(v=c(z1,z2)) axis(1, at=c(-5, z1, 0, z2, 5), lab=(c(-5,z1,0,z2,5) + 5)*2, line=2) segments(.5, .1, 3, .2, lwd=2) lbl <- paste0("Area = ", round(pnorm(2) - pnorm(-1), 4)) text(3, .2, lbl, pos=4, offset=.2

Re: [R] Plot a matrix

2018-11-01 Thread David L Carlson
# 5 283 381 224 114 # 6 266 364 207 97 17 # 7 297 395 238 128 14 31 # 8 358 456 299 189 75 92 61 # 9 308 406 249 139 25 42 11 50 Now we can plot. I've attached a copy: plot(daydiff, mcdf2) You need to read the following manual

Re: [R] Plotting error:

2018-11-01 Thread David L Carlson
You should probably contact the packages maintainer about this. maintainer("WaveletComp") # Notice capitalization [1] Angi Roesch -------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Or

Re: [R] Problem with the matrix() function.

2018-11-07 Thread David L Carlson
9) Error in seq.default(x, 9) : 'from' must be of length 1 > rep(1, x) Error in rep(1, x) : invalid 'times' argument ------------ David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original

Re: [R] semiparametric manova

2018-11-12 Thread David L Carlson
of the categories in your predictor variables or increasing your sample size. Are your predictor variables coded as factors? David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message-

Re: [R] semiparametric manova

2018-11-12 Thread David L Carlson
0 10 > xtabs(~V1+V3, df) # No cells < 2 with V1, V3 V3 V1 9 16 23 200 10 10 10 350 10 10 10 500 10 10 10 > xtabs(~V2+V3, df) # No cells < 2 with V2, V3 V3 V29 16 23 8 10 10 10 16 10 10 10 24 10 10 10 David L. Carlson Department of Anthropology Tex

Re: [R] How to create gridded data

2018-11-13 Thread David L Carlson
ev(rownames(DF2)), ] > DF2 longitude latitude 110.5 111 111.5 112 46 6.1 4.5 7.8 5.5 45.5 3.2 5.0 1.8 2.0 # Convert to a data frame > DF2 <- > DF2 110.5 111 111.5 112 46 6.1 4.5 7.8 5.5 45.5 3.2 5.0 1.8 2.0 ---

Re: [R] How to create gridded data

2018-11-15 Thread David L Carlson
F3) <- c("latitude", "longitude", "Precip") > DF3$latitude <- as.numeric(as.character(DF3$latitude)) > DF3$longitude <- as.numeric(as.character(DF3$longitude)) David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&am

Re: [R] CenReg download

2018-11-26 Thread David L Carlson
just learning about R. You might find this list useful: -------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of Olofinsao Tosin S

Re: [R] help with line graphs - rather lengthy to explain need

2018-11-29 Thread David L Carlson
esn't put you on the right track, give us a .csv file of a subset of the data (e.g. 10 columns and 20 rows) to play with. You can just copy/paste it into your message. If you save it as an attachment, rename the extension to .txt so the list processor does not strip it out. David L. Carlson

Re: [R] help with line graphs - rather lengthy to explain need

2018-11-30 Thread David L Carlson
script window in R Commander if you need to do something that is not available on the menus. If you want to use R, you are really going to have to invest a bit of time understanding how the program works. There are many free resources to help you learn more about R. David L. Carlson Department of

Re: [R] Does the correlations of component makes the correlation of one phenomena ?

2018-12-02 Thread David L Carlson
of the empirical values, I can't say if this approach is wise. --- David L. Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University -Original Message- From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Fatma Ell Sent: Sunday, December

Re: [R] Help with K-Means output

2018-12-08 Thread David L Carlson
[[1]] ---- David L. Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University -Original Message- From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Bert Gunter Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2018 9:46 AM To: Cc: R-help Subject: Re: [R] Help with K-Means

Re: [R] help

2018-12-13 Thread David L Carlson
u don't seem to know the difference between R and R-Studio. -------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of Miller, Shawn Sent: Thursday, Decembe

Re: [R] [External] RE: help

2018-12-13 Thread David L Carlson
.xlsx". Have you confirmed that all of the dates you need are present in that file? -------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: Miller, Shawn Sent: Thursday, Dec

Re: [R] [External] RE: help

2018-12-13 Thread David L Carlson
(wqn.last5yrs$DATE_COLLECTED) David C -Original Message- From: Miller, Shawn Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2018 1:42 PM To: David L Carlson Cc: Subject: RE: [External] RE: help Yes I confirmed all the dates I need are in the test.xlsx table. The final.2.xlsx table

Re: [R] Dealing with special characters at end of line in file

2018-12-15 Thread David L Carlson
Each of the backslashes need to be escaped with a backslash: > ctxt <- "In Alvarez Cabral street by no. 105.\\000" > sub("000", "", ctxt) [1] "In Alvarez Cabral street by no. 105." ----------- Davi

Re: [R] Trying to fix code that will find highest 5 column names and their associated values for each row in a data frame in R

2018-12-17 Thread David L Carlson
5 8 V1:9 V6:9 V4:8 V8:8 V7:7 9 V4:8 V10:6 V9:5 V3:4 V5:3 Which seems to be what you wanted. --------- David L. Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University -Original Message- From: R-help []

Re: [R] rewrite code from Deducer to run on R-Studio

2018-12-19 Thread David L Carlson
package RcmdrMisc, Desc() in DescTools, describe() in Hmisc, stat.desc() in pastecs, or describe() in psych. Try several until you find one that formats the results the way you want. --- David L. Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University -Orig

Re: [R] Glitch in Kruskal-Wallis test?

2018-12-22 Thread David L Carlson
and the degrees of freedom. You have run kruskal.test separately on each sample. The kruskal.test is designed for comparing two or more samples. David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Orig

Re: [R] Merge the data from multiple text files

2019-01-05 Thread David L Carlson
ot; "not(D)" $C [1] "D" > TF.and <- lapply(TF.list, paste, collapse=" and ") > <- lapply(names(TF.and), function(x) paste(x, "=", TF.and[[x]])) > <-, > [,1]

Re: [R] Merge the data from multiple text files

2019-01-07 Thread David L Carlson
A and B) and not(B). David C -Original Message- From: Jeff Newmiller [] Sent: Monday, January 7, 2019 11:04 AM To: Priya Arasu ; Priya Arasu via R-help ; David L Carlson ; David Winsemius ; Subject: Re: [R] Merge the data from multiple

Re: [R] Warning message: NAs introduced by coercion

2019-01-08 Thread David L Carlson
becomes NAs which is probably not what you want. The error message is because you passed genod (a data frame) to the snpgdsCreateGeno() function not genod2 (the matrix you created from genod). -------- David L. Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M Universi

Re: [R] Warning message: NAs introduced by coercion

2019-01-09 Thread David L Carlson
Now you have pushed a numeric matrix to the function with a column of missing values. No wonder you do not get any results. David C -Original Message- From: N Meriam [] Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2019 3:44 PM To: David L Carlson Cc: Michael Dewey ; r-help@r

Re: [R] Banner using R

2019-01-15 Thread David L Carlson
tor w/ 3 levels "v1","v2","v3": 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 ... Then table (or xtabs) will work: > Data.tbl <- table(Data.stack) > addmargins(Data.tbl, 2) ind values v1 v2 v3 Sum A 2 3 5 10 B 3 2 0 5 D

Re: [R] data transformation

2019-01-20 Thread David L Carlson
atrix of correlation coefficients? If distance has different meanings between -1 and 0 and 0 and +1, getting interpretable results from cluster analysis will be difficult, but it is not clear what you mean by that. - David L. Carlson Departme

Re: [R] Opening R

2019-01-20 Thread David L Carlson
be in Start menu, not on the desktop. --- David L. Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University -Original Message- From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Eric Berger Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2019 3:00 AM To: Sy

Re: [R] calculating quintile values of numeric data?

2019-01-23 Thread David L Carlson
1 2 3 4 5 20 20 20 20 20 > z <- findInterval(x, bks, all.inside=TRUE) > table(z) z 1 2 3 4 5 20 20 20 20 20 -------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message

Re: [R] Nearest neighbors of a of 3D points

2019-02-06 Thread David L Carlson
specific. Nearest neighbor distances are also provided in several other packages, e.g. packages FNN, distances, and RANN. David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help

Re: [R] Select

2019-02-11 Thread David L Carlson
10 9 5 13 3 -------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of Val Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 4:36 PM To: ( Subject: [R]

Re: [R] Help with Cluster Tutorial Error

2019-02-15 Thread David L Carlson
I'm not getting any error on that line in Windows 10. I did not try running anything past that line. Have you tried restarting R and clearing your environment? David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 7

Re: [R] Problem with combining 2 data frame

2019-02-16 Thread David L Carlson
gsAsFactors =FALSE) df1$x2[match(df2$x1, df1$x1)] <- df2$x2 - David L. Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University -Original Message- From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Eric Berger Sent: Friday, February 15, 2019 11:43 PM To: javad bay

Re: [R] inverse of which()

2019-02-27 Thread David L Carlson
I'm not sure I completely understand your question. Would using grepl() instead of grep() let you do what you want? David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: R

Re: [R] Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) Q value (false discovery rate)

2019-03-06 Thread David L Carlson
lest by 8. Then cummin() takes the cumulative minimum so that the multiplication does not change the decreasing order of the values. In this example the last value is the same as the second to last instead of 8 times the original value (.0032). The pmin() function ensures that the adjusted value never ex

Re: [R] R Coding Help

2019-03-07 Thread David L Carlson
hat was not fatal because you were able to use library(vegan) to load it (i.e. you had already installed vegan). Based on these hints, the following code MIGHT work: phdDist <- as.dist(phdtext) phdMDS <- metaMDS(phdDist) -------- David L Carlson

Re: [R] [R-sig-eco] AIC in Biomod 2

2019-03-10 Thread David L Carlson
I searched the manual for package biomed2 and found 6 references to "AIC". Perhaps that is your answer. David L. Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University -Original Message- From: R-sig-ecology [] On Behalf Of L

Re: [R] counting unique values (summary stats)

2019-03-22 Thread David L Carlson
360 # Rape 21.232 9.366 7.3 46.0 20.10 50 480 ---- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of David Wins

Re: [R] Printing vectrix

2019-03-25 Thread David L Carlson
2 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 [3,] 21 22 23 24 25 David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of K. Elo Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 2:26 AM To: r

Re: [R] How to create gridded data

2019-03-25 Thread David L Carlson
, na.print=NA) # Print table with for missing values: longitude latitude 110.5 111 111.5 112 45.5 3.2 5.0 2.0 46 6.17.8 5.5 ------------ David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 Fro

Re: [R] Monte Carlo simulation for ratio and its CI

2019-03-26 Thread David L Carlson
tored as mcrat["v1", ] and 100 values of ratio2 are stored as mcrat["v2", ]. Now you can generate your summary statistics. David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Origin

Re: [R] Pairwise testing with pairwise.prop.test

2019-04-01 Thread David L Carlson
Inline David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 -Original Message- > From: R-help On Behalf Of Jenny Liu > Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2019 6:10 PM > To:

Re: [R] Create a sequence

2019-04-09 Thread David L Carlson
Here's another approach: > x <- c(rbind(1:100, -(1:100))) > head(x); tail(x) [1] 1 -1 2 -2 3 -3 [1] 98 -98 99 -99 100 -100 -------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4352 ---

Re: [R] Why is it not possible to cut a tree returned by Agnes or Diana by height?

2019-04-15 Thread David L Carlson
ee(as.hclust(, h=2) [1] 1 2 2 > asdf.di <- diana(asdf) > cutree(asdf.di, h=2) Error in cutree(asdf.di, h = 2) : the 'height' component of 'tree' is not sorted (increasingly) > cutree(as.hclust(asdf.di), h=2) [1] 1 2 2 Da

Re: [R] Creating Functions in R

2014-07-24 Thread David L Carlson
riting the value of "deviation" so you only get the last value recycled (page 20, "The recycling rule"). --------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840-4352 -Original Message- From: r-he

Re: [R] Turn Rank Ordering Into Numerical Scores By Transposing A Data Frame

2014-07-25 Thread David L Carlson
nred blue 2 green blue yellow red 3 green yellowred blue 4 yellowred green blue 5 yellowred green blue 6 yellowred blue green > head(mydf2) blue green red yellow 14 2 3 1 22 1 4 3 34 1 3 2 4 4 3 2 1 5

Re: [R] outputting R loop to a csv file

2014-07-28 Thread David L Carlson
have enough data to test alternate approaches. The function dput() will convert a sample of your data to text format so that you can paste it into your email or provide it as a .txt file. David L. Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University -Original Message- From: r-help-

Re: [R] Post hoc comparissons

2014-07-29 Thread David L Carlson
Look at package multcomp, particularly function cld(). - David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840-4352 -Original Message- From: [

Re: [R] Multiple plots and postscripts using split function

2014-07-31 Thread David L Carlson
;YEAR','VALUE')], type='b', main = ind[[i]][1, "NAME"], . . . other commands . . . ) } --------- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University Col

Re: [R] How to avoid the three loops in R?

2014-08-01 Thread David L Carlson
201205 28 11 DE 228 201205 28 12 AE 328 201204 28 13 CN 328 201204 28 - David L Carlson Department of Anthropo

Re: [R] color palettes

2014-08-08 Thread David L Carlson] Sent: Friday, August 8, 2014 9:03 AM To: David L Carlson Subject: Re: [R] color palettes Well I'm using 1000 colors in a pie chart and get the same color but different intensity. I can't fix myself as the number of colors are high. So what would you suggest? Thanks carol

[R] FW: color palettes

2014-08-08 Thread David L Carlson
olor palettes including RColorBrewer, colortools, colorspace, and munsell. - David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840-4352 -Original Message- From: [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-pr

Re: [R] Obtaining predicted values for glm() function

2014-08-15 Thread David L Carlson
You don't show us your function call, so it is hard to be certain what the problem is. Have you read the manual page? ?predict.glm Have you used the newdata= argument? If not, you should know that R's ability to read your mind will not be available until the 4.0 release. David Carlson -

Re: [R] Turn Rank Ordering Into Numerical Scores By Transposing A Data Frame

2014-08-17 Thread David L Carlson
idea where those occur in the or rather which of those variables were actually missing. Have I explained this problem sufficiently? I didn't think it would cause such a problem so I didn't include it in the original problem definition. Yours, Simon On Jul 25, 2014, at 4:58 PM

Re: [R] Turn Rank Ordering Into Numerical Scores By Transposing A Data Frame

2014-08-18 Thread David L Carlson
(mymelt, row~color, value.var="rank", fill=0) > head(mycast) row blue green red yellow NA 1 14 0 3 2 1 2 20 2 4 1 3 3 33 2 0 1 4 4 42 4 0 3 1 5 53 4 2 0 1 6 64 3 2 0 1 Da

Re: [R] principle component values on PCA plots do not match

2014-08-19 Thread David L Carlson
Try using scale=0 with the biplot function). David C -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Jinsong Zhao Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 7:42 PM To: Subject: Re: [R] principle component values on PCA plo

Re: [R] Euclidean Distance in 3 Dimensions

2014-08-21 Thread David L Carlson
]) - David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840-4352 From: [] On Behalf Of Don McKenzie Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 1:44 PM To: Patzelt, Edward Cc: Subject: Re

Re: [R] Euclidean Distance in 3 Dimensions

2014-08-21 Thread David L Carlson
rocess the matrices in each list to get what you want. David C From: Patzelt, Edward [] Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 2:58 PM To: David L Carlson Cc: Don McKenzie; Subject: Re: [R] Euclidean Distance in 3 Dimensions Your first description is c

Re: [R] Subsetting data for split-sample validation, then repeating 1000x

2014-08-22 Thread David L Carlson
etween predicted 30% and actual 30% cor <- cor(Atest$nat.r, predict(A.model, newdata = A[test,], type = "response")) ----- David L Carlson Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77840-4352 -Original Message- Fro

Re: [R] Subsetting data for split-sample validation, then repeating 1000x

2014-08-22 Thread David L Carlson
values. hist(Out) # for a histogram of the correlation values David C From: Angela Boag [] Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 4:01 PM To: David L Carlson Subject: Re: [R] Subsetting data for split-sample validation, then repeating 1000x Hi David, Thanks for the f

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