Part of it is pasted below
2012 1 0 4.0 379. 71-8 999.9
2012 1 1 4.4 386. 71-3 999.9
2012 1 2 4.8 380. 71-4 999.9
2012 1 3 5.4 374. 71-5 999.9
2012 1 4 4.5 369. 71-9 999.9
2012 1 5 4.2 368. 71
Às 07:53 de 17/06/2024, Jibrin Alhassan escreveu:
Part of it is pasted below
2012 1 0 4.0 379. 71-8 999.9
2012 1 1 4.4 386. 71-3 999.9
2012 1 2 4.8 380. 71-4 999.9
2012 1 3 5.4 374. 71-5 999.9
2012 1 4 4.5
1 - On help(".libPaths", help_type = "text") one can read:
First, '' is initialized from 'R_LIBS_SITE'.
However, I have
> Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_SITE")
[1] "c:/Users/i.gine/AppData/Local/Programs/R/R-4.4.1/site-library"
Is this consistent?
2 - Next,
Hello Rui,
Here is the head(df1) output
Date HR IMF SWS SSN Dst f10.7
1 2012-01-01 0 4.0 379 71 -8 999.9
2 2012-01-01 1 4.4 386 71 -3 999.9
3 2012-01-01 2 4.8 380 71 -4 999.9
4 2012-01-01 3 5.4 374 71 -5 999.9
5 2012-01-01 4 4.5 369 71 -9 999.9
6 2012-01-01 5 4.2 368 71 -7 999.9
Às 09:12 de 17/06/2024, Jibrin Alhassan escreveu:
Hello Rui,
Here is the head(df1) output
Date HR IMF SWS SSN Dst f10.7
1 2012-01-01 0 4.0 379 71 -8 999.9
2 2012-01-01 1 4.4 386 71 -3 999.9
3 2012-01-01 2 4.8 380 71 -4 999.9
4 2012-01-01 3 5.4 374 71 -5 999.9
5 2012-01-01 4 4.5 369
Hello Rui,
The df1 output printed from June instead of January .Here is part of it.
4288 2012-06-27 15 6.2 420 70 -7 109.9
4289 2012-06-27 16 6.5 442 70 -9 109.9
4290 2012-06-27 17 6.3 450 70 -6 109.9
4291 2012-06-27 18 6.0 453 700 109.9
4292 2012-06-27 19 6.7 473 70
> On 17 Jun 2024, at 09:51 , Iago Giné Vázquez wrote:
> Hi,
> 1 - On help(".libPaths", help_type = "text") one can read:
> First, '' is initialized from 'R_LIBS_SITE'.
> However, I have
>> Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_SITE")
> [1] "c:/Users/i.gine/AppData/Local/Programs
Regarding .libPaths, I am asking for the call to `.libPaths()`, so I understand
there is no `new` in the call, as in the documentation I cited.
De: peter dalgaard
Enviat el: dilluns, 17 de juny de 2024 13:26
Per a: Iago Gin� V�zquez
A/c: r-help@r-
I am not going to search the sources for it (your problem, your work ;-) ), but
the wording would be consistent with a call like
.libPaths(c(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS"), Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER")))
> On 17 Jun 2024, at 13:40 , Iago Giné Vázquez wrote:
> Thanks,
> Regarding .libPaths, I am a
Thank you all very much for the answers given (Greg, Robert, Duncan,
Actually, I had tried with "#" and "#FF00" (I had a mistake in
the message). For example it works with:
numrows <- 3; numcols <- 3
a <- c(1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1)
(pattern <- matrix(a, numrows, numcols, byrow=TRUE
adjustcolor("#123456", alpha = 0.5) will return the indicated color
with an alpha transparency of 50% .
On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 11:07 AM Yosu Yurramendi
> What is the HEX code for "transparent" color?
> I've tried "" "FF00" "", but they don't work.
> Thanks
Hello. Running R 4.2.3 on Windows 10. Using survimer package version
survminer_0.4.9 published 2021-03-09.
I'm encountering an error with ggsurvplot() in the survminer package.
Email to the author/maintainer about 2 weeks ago has not yet resulted in
a reply.
I seem unable to produce a n.censor.ta
Às 09:44 de 17/06/2024, Jibrin Alhassan escreveu:
Hello Rui,
The df1 output printed from June instead of January .Here is part of it.
4288 2012-06-27 15 6.2 420 70 -7 109.9
4289 2012-06-27 16 6.5 442 70 -9 109.9
4290 2012-06-27 17 6.3 450 70 -6 109.9
4291 2012-06-27 18 6.0 45
Thanks for your reply.
It might good to document the naming convention in ?contrasts. It is hard to
understand .L for linear, .Q for quadratic, .C for cubic and ^n for other
For contr.sum, we could have used .Sum, .Sum…
Maybe the examples ?model.matrix should use names in dd objects s
Hello Rui,
Thanks for your kind and unrelenting help. The code works actually. I will
see what to do to sort things out. Please, accept my indebtedness.
*Jibrin Adejoh Alhassan (Ph.D)*
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka
On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 8:53 PM Rui Barradas
It's sorta-kinda-obliquely-partially documented in the examples:
zapsmall(cP <- contr.poly(3)) # Linear and Quadratic
.L .Q
[1,] -0.7071068 0.4082483
[2,] 0.000 -0.8164966
[3,] 0.7071068 0.4082483
FWIW the faux package provides better-named alternatives.
Dear Christophe and Ben,
Also see the car package for replacements for contr.treatment(),
contr.sum(), and contr.helmert() -- e.g., help("contr.Sum", package="car").
These functions have been in the car package for more than two decades,
and AFAIK, no one uses them (including myself). I didn'
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