R does not provide a native 3D coordinate syytem in base graphics.
Therefore, persp() is rather a hack that plots everything based on its
internal code into the device.
Labels are not in the marhings of the 2D coordinate system, hence the
related par() are not functional.
I'd suggest to add th
Dear Uwe,
I have attached the info from the parallel package
description from my Rstudio IDE:
Package: parallel
Version: 4.1.2
Priority: base
Title: Support for Parallel computation in R
Author: R Core Team
Maintainer: R Core Team
Contact: R-help mailing list
Description: Supp
Sorry to intrude in this thread but what NeedsCompilation means is that
the package contains C, C++ or Fortran native code in a directory named src.
From the documentation, Writing R Extensions, section 1.1.1 The
The ‘NeedsCompilation’ field should be set to "yes"
That item refers to the package having some compiled language (e.g. C, C++,
Fortran, etc) components. The very fact that it got installed confirms that
compilation occurred... it would not be usable otherwise.
On July 7, 2022 8:38:49 AM PDT, akshay kulkarni wrote:
>Dear Uwe,
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