I am not seeing errors, except that you haven't posted the code for
pbivnorm. Do you have a variable named T somewhere? Don't abbreviate
TRUE to T in more complex code. Or FALSE to F.
And both functions mycdf and mycdf2 could be simplified.
mycdf <- function(q,logistic=FALSE){
# **
I have a dataset (d_vigi)with this kind of data:
behavior type duration(s) observation nr species
Non-vigilant 5 1 red deer
Vigilant 2 1 red deer
Vigilant 2 1 red deer
Non-vigilant 3 1 red deer
Vigilant 7 2 red deer
Vigilant 2 2 red deer
Non-vigilant 1 2 red deer
Unkown 2 2 red deer
Now I hav
Dear Krissie
I think you may be looking for the aggregate command.
Note that this is a plain text list so if you post in HTML we do not see
what you see. In this case we did not see any red numbers.
On 25/01/2021 13:57, krissievdh wrote:
I have a dataset (d_vigi)with this kind
Thanks, I'll check it out. I ran the simulation and I got:
t = 1, N = 20,000
t = 2, N = 40,000
t = 3, N = 80,000
t = 4, N = 160,000
t = 5, N = 320,000
t = 6, N = 640,000
t = 7, N = 1,280,000
Hence the answer is t=6.{...} but the problem is to get that
fractional value. Would be possible to
If I run this:
Y = c(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128)
X = 0:7
plot(Y~X, log='y')
model <- lm(log10(Y) ~ X)
predict(model, data.frame(Y=log10(100)))
I get a funny answer:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Try the following.
First aggregate the data, then get the totals, then the percentages.
Finally, put the species in the result.
agg <- aggregate(formula = `duration(s)` ~ `observation nr` + `behavior
data = d_vigi,
FUN = sum,
Thanks for your response.
I do get what you're doing. However, the table I sent is just a small piece
of the complete database. So for me to have to add in everything with
structure list (c ..) by hand would be too much work.
Just to give you an idea, the database is around 16000 rows and
So one thing i could manage to do was this:
d_vigi$combi <- paste(d_vigi$Behavioral.category, d_vigi$Obs.nr, sep = "-")
This created a new column with a combination of the category and the
observation number.
Afterwards I did this:
for(id in d_vigi$combi){
Dear Krissie
I think you misunderstood Rui's response. He was generating some fake
data to test the code not suggesting you rebuild your data frame.
On 25/01/2021 16:01, krissievdh wrote:
Thanks for your response.
I do get what you're doing. However, the table I sent is just a s
Michael, you're is almost right. I copy&pasted the OP's data but with so
many blank spaces I had to put single quotes around those values and
column names. Then, when I wrote the answer, I also posted the output of
so that others that might want to give it a try would hav
I've just installed R and RStudio. Opening RStudio the following appears in
the console.
R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) -- "Bunny-Wunnies Freak Out"
Copyright (C) 2020 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
R is free software and comes with ABSO
Your installation of R seems broken. Since RStudio sometimes tries to simplify
things and sometimes misses and we aren't typically up to speed with their
latest procedures, please describe what you did to install R in terms related
to the instructions on CRAN [1] and its install program. When yo
You could use a spline to interpolate the points.
(And I'd consider increasing the number of points if possible, say to 200).
Then use a root finder, such as uniroot(), to solve for
f(i) - k
Where, k (a constant), would be 1e6, based on your example.
There are a number of variations on this appro
Dear all,
my colleague posted our issue on stackoverflow:
Calling R script from Python does not save log file in version 4 -
Stack Overflow
It is about this kind of call to R:
R.exe -
14 matches
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