Hi Francesca,
Do you want something like this?
On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 6:58 PM Francesca wrote:
> Hi, sorry for bothering again.
> I was wondering how I can reshape the data, if in your code,
> I would like to have only two panels, where in the panel with Participation
> =0, I represent de
Exactly. I was trying to remelt data in the right way, but I could not get
there yet. Can you suggest me this code?
Thanks a lot
> Il giorno 5 dic 2019, alle ore 11:11, Jim Lemon ha
> scritto:
> Hi Francesca,
> Do you want something like this?
> Jim
Hello there,
Yes, I'd tried scale as well. I mean, I could do my preprocessing
separately and it was working fine.
I was just wondering how preProcess argument in train function works. As
far as I know, when preProcess argument is set, it normalizes inputs but
not outputs.
Then I've figured we co
This is a consolation, because I cannot get it in ggplot either!
Thanks for the code!
> Il giorno 5 dic 2019, alle ore 11:17, Jim Lemon ha
> scritto:
> Sorry it's not ggplot, I couldn't work that one out.
> # using the data frame structure that Rui kindl
Hello everyone, even I'm not fluent in coding, R has become a
fundamental part of my daily work as a researcher and I'm very much
grateful for such a wonderful, open tool. However, I have faced in many
opportunities the problems associated with updates/upgrades of packages.
Frequently packages
A family of sets of letters is given. Find K for which one can construct a
set consisting of K letters, each of them belonging to exactly K sets of a
given family.
Possible solution:
For each letter, we will have a separate 'scoop', in which we will' put '
the letter. This can be done using
in some R sessions, method dispatch for objects of the (S4) class “lavaan"
fail. An example from such a “bad” session:
> library(lavaan)
> HS.model <- ' visual =~ x1 + x2 + x3
+ textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
+ speed =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '
> fit <- cfa(HS.model, data =
If you are talking about CRAN packages, like it seems you are, then
there is no general purpose solution. What is deprecated depends on each
package's team of developers/maintainer.
Since R is open source and so must be all CRAN packages, a possible
solution is to have your own packag
On December 5, 2019 3:39:07 AM PST, "Александр Дубровский"
>A family of sets of letters is given. Find K for which one can
>construct a
>set consisting of K letters, each of them belonging to exactly K sets
>of a
>given family.
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
I would second Rui's suggestion. However, as a package developer and
maintainer, I think
it is important to note that users need to be encouraged to use good tools. I
work with optimization
codes. My software was incorporated into the optim() function a LONG time ago.
I have updated
and expanded
A ggplot graph follows almost exactly my previous code. The *only*
difference is in facet_wrap(). See below.
idv <- grep("part", names(DB)[-(3:4)], ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE)
dblong <- reshape2::melt(DB[-(3:4)], id.vars = idv)
dblong <- reshape2::melt(dblong, i
I'm trying to extract a cell from all Excel files in a directory.
files <- list.files(pattern="*.xls", full.names = FALSE)
date <- lapply(files, read_excel, sheet="Sheet1", range=("B5"))
date_df <- as.data.frame(date)
trans_date <-t(date_df)
mydates <- list(trans_dat
On 04/12/2019 2:07 p.m., Nestor Toledo wrote:
Hello everyone, even I'm not fluent in coding, R has become a
fundamental part of my daily work as a researcher and I'm very much
grateful for such a wonderful, open tool. However, I have faced in many
opportunities the problems associated with update
It might be easier to implement in R if you employ the base functions
that take arrays and operate on them as if they represented sets. See
the help() for "union", "intersect", "setdiff", "setequal" and the
operator "%in%".
Best regards,
On Thu, 5 Dec 2019 15:39:56 +
Thomas Subia wrote:
> date <- lapply(files, read_excel, sheet="Sheet1", range=("B5"))
> date_df <- as.data.frame(date)
> trans_date <-t(date_df)
> mydates <- list(trans_date)
This feels a bit excessive for what looks like a one-dimensional string
vector. Why is
Here is the code of a reproducible example:
foo <- setRefClass("foo",
initialize=function(a) {
x <<- a
The best advice that anyone could give:
See fortunes::fortune("Friends") .
Rolf Turner
On 6/12/19 4:39 am, Thomas Subia wrote:
I'm trying to extract a cell from all Excel files in a directory.
files <- list.files(pattern="*.xls", full.names = FALSE)
This particular task is not a problem about R.
It is a problem n combinatorics.
Start with the obvious brute force algorithm
(1) Let S be the union of all the sets
(2) For each K in 0 .. |S|
(3) Enumerate all |S| choose K subsets C of S
(4) If C satisfies the condition, report it and stop
Here is the modified code of the reproducible example I sent previously.
Notice the .self$ prefix to funcB which is what has changed
foo <- setRefClass("foo",
initialize=function(a) {
I use R 3.6.1 in macOSX 10.15.1 (Catalina).
I cannot install the last version (3.0-7) of the package raster from
source or from binary. In both cases I get
??*** caught segfault ***
address 0x31, cause 'memory not mapped'
when I try to load it.
Same occurs when I use the development version
Just install Older R from the project R archives in a separate directory
Best Regards
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Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 1:09
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