Hi R users,
I am struggling to save the map with georeferenced (TIFF) that was imported
from google map. I would be very grateful with your input. How can I save this
image and reuse it when I need? I used the following code
map <- get_map(location = 'Europe', zoom
I don't know why but use an explicit nrow = nrows with 'nrows' defined as
nrows <- length(levels(X$Species))
It seems to work (remove the device pdf() code if it's more annoying
than useful):
nrows <- length(levels(X$Species))
ncols <- length(levels(X$LifeStage))
npages <- length(lev
Sorry, copy&paste did a poor job. The right code now.
X <- dget("testData.txt")
nrows <- length(levels(X$Species))
ncols <- length(levels(X$LifeStage))
npages <- length(levels(X$degC))
plotObj <- vector("list", npages)
pdf(file = 'Rhelp_test.pdf')
for(page in 1:npage
See this new vignette in dev ggplot2:
On Saturday, November 16, 2019, Rolf Turner wrote:
> I need to call ggplot() from another function with the names of the
> faceting variables supplied as arguments to the calling f
Please use search facilities before posting such questions here.
I searched on "How to save google map in R" at rseek.org and got many
relevant hits.
If you have *already* done this, you should tell us why what you got did
not suffice.
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open
See the docs: get_amp returns a ggmap object and ggmap returns a ggplot
object. So ggsave() should do what you want.
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Às 09:48 de 17/11/19, Kristi Glover escreveu:
Hi R users,
I am struggling to save the map with georeferenced (TIFF) that was imported
I want to solve the following optimisation problem:
[image: \hat{\beta} = \arg \min_{\beta \geq 0} \| y-A\beta \|_2^2 + \lambda
For that, I am using glmnet package (cv.glmnet for finding 𝜆 and
lower.limits = 0 to impose non-negativity).
I would like to modify the fdev parameter
This doesn't appear to be a question about R coding. Please review the
Posting Guide.
On 11/15/19 2:59 PM, Neha gupta wrote:
How the hyperparameter settings via adaptive resampling is different from
the one obtained from grid search or random search? Both grid and random
searches p
Yep. That worked. Thanks very much Rui.
On 18/11/19 2:12 AM, Rui Barradas wrote:
Sorry, copy&paste did a poor job. The right code now.
X <- dget("testData.txt")
nrows <- length(levels(X$Species))
ncols <- length(levels(X$LifeStage))
npages <- leng
On 18/11/19 2:28 AM, Hadley Wickham wrote:
See this new vignette in dev ggplot2:
Yes! Thank you. Bottom line: for what I want to do the syntax is
Thanks Bert. I also managed to get this work
files = list.files(pattern="*.txt")
df = ldply(files, read_csv,col_names=c("ticker","date","open","high",
"low", "close", "volume"))
On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 3:45 PM Bert Gunter wrote:
> Ha! -- A bug! "Corrected" version inline below:
The pattern argument is supposed to be a regular expression, not a file
globbing expression, so "." matches anything, and "*" is not supposed to be the
first character of the search string (read ?regex).
Also, I think you forgot to indicate where the ldply function came from.. the
plyr package.
It's dificult to tell without data. Can you post the output of
dput(head(tagSummary, 20)) # or 30
(If it's private data, something mimicking its structure.)
Rui Barradas
Às 02:06 de 18/11/19, Josh B escreveu:
Hello Rui,
I worked through your suggestion and appear to be getting an
13 matches
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