Re: [R] R command prompt newline treatment

2018-11-06 Thread Martin Maechler
> Jeff Newmiller > on Mon, 5 Nov 2018 18:47:00 -0800 writes: > Well, you may or may not have ruled out the Putty settings > (your hand waving is a bit hard for me to interpret), and > there may still be host side terminal settings involved, > or if you compiled R yours

[R] POS tagging generating a string

2018-11-06 Thread Elahe chalabi via R-help
Hi all, In my df I would like to generate a new column which contains a string showing all the verbs in each row of df$Message. > library(openNLP) > library(NLP) > dput(df) structure(list(DocumentID = c(478920L, 510133L, 499497L, 930234L ), Message = structure(c(4L, 2L, 3L, 1L), .Label = c

[R] [R-pkgs] Repost: New CRAN package: hablar

2018-11-06 Thread David sjöberg
Dear R-users, The new package hablar help R-users to convert columns to new data types. Also helps with summary functions like min and mean with vectors that contain NA, Inf, NaN or when they are empty. Three functions you may consider to use: install.packages("hablar") library(hablar) 1.

[R] jsonlite

2018-11-06 Thread JEFFERY REICHMAN
r-help Forum With a bit of r-help yesterday I was able to structure a JSON file such that I can read it within the R environment and export what I need except for one list object. So when I run location <- json.raw[["favorites"]] thead(location) # R returns something like ... [[1]] fa

Re: [R] jsonlite

2018-11-06 Thread William Dunlap via R-help
It would make helping you easier if you presented your data in a format that others could copy and paste into R. E.g., z <- list(data.frame(favoriteValue=c(23527,21837), Classification=c("","xyxy")), data.frame(favoriteValue=c(25427,21237,21997), Classification=c("","xyxy","xyx

[R] Obtain coordinates for city names

2018-11-06 Thread Miluji Sb
I have a dataframe (more than 50,000 observations), of cities in the EU. My goal is to assign NUTS-2 code to each of these cities. However, I am not aware of any direct way of achieving this, so I wanted to first assign coordinates to the cities and then use the 'over' function to match with NUTS

Re: [R] Importing JSON Files

2018-11-06 Thread Jeff Reichman
Kimmo Didn't perform exactly how I wanted but got me looking in the right area. Thank you Jeff -Original Message- From: R-help On Behalf Of K. Elo Sent: Monday, November 5, 2018 1:14 PM To: Subject: Re: [R] Importing JSON Files Hi! Have you tried to use 'fromJSON'

[R] Sum of Squares Type I, II, III for ANOVA

2018-11-06 Thread Thanh Tran
Hi everyone, I'm studying the ANOVA in R and have some questions to share. I investigate the effects of 4 factors (temperature-3 levels, asphalt content-3 levels, air voids-2 levels, and sample thickness-3 levels) on the hardness of asphalt concrete in the tensile test (abbreviated as KIC). These d

Re: [R] Sum of Squares Type I, II, III for ANOVA

2018-11-06 Thread Fox, John
Dear Nhat Tran, The output that you show is unreadable and as far as I can see, the data aren't attached, but perhaps the following will help: First, if you want Anova() to compute type III tests, then you have to set the contrasts properly *before* you fit the model, not after. Second, you can

Re: [R] Sum of Squares Type I, II, III for ANOVA

2018-11-06 Thread Fox, John
Dear Nhat Tran, One more thing: You could specify the model even more compactly as mod <- lm(KIC ~ (tem + ac + av + thick)^2) Best, John > -Original Message- > From: R-help [] On Behalf Of Fox, John > Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 8:41 PM > To: Th

Re: [R] Sum of Squares Type I, II, III for ANOVA

2018-11-06 Thread Fox, John
Dear Thanh Tran, When you start a discussion on r-help, it's polite to keep it there so other people can see what transpires. I'm consequently cc'ing this response to the r-help list. The problem with your code is that anova(), as opposed to Anova(), has no type argument. Here's what I get wi

Re: [R] Sum of Squares Type I, II, III for ANOVA

2018-11-06 Thread Thanh Tran
Dear Prof. John Fox, Thank you for your advice. I will take care in the future post. Best regards, Nhat Tran Vào Th 4, 7 thg 11, 2018 vào lúc 11:41 Fox, John đã viết: > Dear Thanh Tran, > > When you start a discussion on r-help, it's polite to keep it there so > other people can see what t

Re: [R] POS tagging generating a string

2018-11-06 Thread Robert David Burbidge via R-help
Hi Elahe, You could modify your count_verbs function from your previous post: * use scan to extract the tokens (words) from Message * use your previous grepl expression to index the tokens that are verbs * paste the verbs together to form the entries of a new column. Here is one solution:

[R] saveRDS() and readRDS() Why?

2018-11-06 Thread Patrick Connolly
>From a Windows R session, I do > object.size(rawData) 31736 bytes # from scraping a non-reproducible web address. > saveRDS(rawData, file = "rawData.rds") Then copy to a Linux session > rawData <- readRDS(file = "rawData.rds") > rawData [1] "rawData" > object.size(rawData) 112 bytes > rawData