Re: [R] Converting chr to num

2018-08-20 Thread Spencer Graves
  Have you considered "Ecfun::asNumericChar" (and "Ecfun::asNumericDF")? DF <- data.frame(variable = c("12.6% ", "30.9%", "61.4%", "1")) Ecfun::asNumericChar(DF$variable) [1] 0.126 0.309 0.614 1.000   If you read the documentation including the examples, you will see that many of the

Re: [R] Using rmarkdown with many plots created in a loop

2018-08-20 Thread Thierry Onkelinx
Dear Don, Have a look at the knit_expand() function. Then you can create two Rmd files. One main file and one template file for the subsets. knit_expand() will find and replace anything between double curly brackets ("{{x}}" in the example below) with the value of the variable. The main file: --

Re: [R] Using rmarkdown with many plots created in a loop

2018-08-20 Thread Richard M. Heiberger
## Don, ## This is how I would approach the task of a set of coordinated plots. ## I would place individual plots inside a table. The rows would index the ## datasets and there would be one or more data or description columns ## in addition to the column containing the graphs. ## I use the micro

[R] Transforming data for nice output table

2018-08-20 Thread David Doyle
Hello everyone, I'm trying to generate tables of my data out of R for my report. My data is setup in the format as follows and the example can be found at: LocationDateYear GW_Elevation 127(I)5/14/2006 2006 752.46

[R] download.file() problems with binary files containing EOF byte in Windows

2018-08-20 Thread Scott Sherrill-Mix
Hello, I'm trying to get a package to pass win-builder and have been having a bit of trouble with Windows R and binary files (in my case a small .tar.gz used in testing). After a little debugging, I think I've narrowed it down to download.file() truncating files to the first '1a' byte (often used f

Re: [R] Transforming data for nice output table

2018-08-20 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, This is a very frequent question. I could rewrite one or two answers taken from StackOverflow: But there you will have more options. Hope this helps, Rui Barradas On 20/08/2018 20:17, David Doyl

[R] plotmath and logical operators?

2018-08-20 Thread MacQueen, Don via R-help
I would like to use plotmath to annotate a plot with an expression that includes a logical operator. ## works well tmp <- expression(x >= 3) plot(1) mtext(tmp) ## not so well tmp <- expression(x >= 3 & y <= 3) plot(1) mtext(tmp) Although the text that's displayed makes sense, it won't be obvi

Re: [R] Request for R Assistance: Downloading Data

2018-08-20 Thread Spencer Brackett
Please ignore my last post/inquiry... I have solved the problem. Thanks again for the help! On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 5:43 PM Sparks, John wrote: > I agree with Jeff. The data type is the problem. I wrote what I wrote > without looking at the problem very carefully. > > > --JJS > > > --

[R] Fwd: Computing the density of a median

2018-08-20 Thread Dioggban Jakperik
Dear all, I have the following function kdenor <- function(aa,q=NULL){ a=sample(aa,500,replace=F) ab=quantile(a, p=0.75)-quantile(a, p=0.25) h=(0.9*min(var(a),ab))/(1.34*n^(1/5)) if(is.null(q)) { q = seq(min(a)-3*h, max(a)+3*h, length.out=length(a)) } nx = length(a) nq = length(q) xmat = matrix

Re: [R] Transforming data for nice output table

2018-08-20 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi David, As you want the _values_ of Year from the initial data frame appended to the _names_ of GW_Elevation, you can't do it the easy way: dddf<-read.table(text="LocationDateYear GW_Elevation 127(I)5/14/2006 2006 752.46 119(I)5/14/2006 2006

Re: [R] plotmath and logical operators?

2018-08-20 Thread Bert Gunter
This is clumsy and probably subject to considerable improvement, but does it work for you: left <- quote(x >= 3) right <- quote(y <= 3) ## these can be anything ## the plot: plot(1) eval(substitute(mtext(expression(paste(left, " & ",right))), list(left = left, right = right))) ## Expression eval

Re: [R] Transforming data for nice output table

2018-08-20 Thread Jeff Newmiller
If departing from base R into contributed territory, tidyr::spread is well-suited to this. library(dplyr) library(tidyr) dta <- read.csv( ""; , header = TRUE , = TRUE ) result <- ( dta # starting with

Re: [R] plotmath and logical operators?

2018-08-20 Thread MacQueen, Don via R-help
Thanks Bert! It certainly works for the example (and shows a much deeper understanding of eval, substitute, etc. than I have). But it doesn't appear to generalize very well in the way I need (which of course I didn't think of mentioning until after I sent the email -- sorry). Suppose subs is a

Re: [R] plotmath and logical operators?

2018-08-20 Thread Bert Gunter
As I understand it, the problem is: "A mathematical expression must obey the normal rules of syntax for any *R* expression, but it is interpreted according to very different rules than for normal *R* expressions." I believe this means that you cannot do what you wanted to using plotmath. Cheers,

Re: [R] plotmath and logical operators?

2018-08-20 Thread William Dunlap via R-help
A generalization of Bert's suggestion is plotSubset <- function (data, subset, qsubset = substitute(subset)) { sdata <- data[eval(qsubset, data), ] with(sdata, plot(x, y, main = subsetToPlotmath(expr = qsubset))) } subsetToPlotmath <- function(expr) { # Argument 'expr': an expression

Re: [R] Transforming data for nice output table

2018-08-20 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, One of those would be with package reshape2. dta <- read.csv( "";) subdta <- dta[, c("Location", "Year", "GW_Elevation")] res <- reshape2::dcast(subdta, Location ~ Year, value.var = "GW_Elevation") names(res)[-1] <- paste("GW_Elevation", names

Re: [R] Transforming data for nice output table

2018-08-20 Thread Rui Barradas
Sorry, there is no need to subset the data frame, reshape2::dcast(dta, etc) will do the same. Rui Barradas On 21/08/2018 05:10, Rui Barradas wrote: Hello, One of those would be with package reshape2. dta <- read.csv( "";) subdta <- dta[, c("Locat

Re: [R] plotmath and logical operators?

2018-08-20 Thread Richard M. Heiberger
## I would use microplot in this situation. ## This example produces a pdf file containing the graph. library(lattice) library(microplot) ## Hmisc options for pdflatex ## graphics files are .pdf latexSetOptions() RtoLatex <- function(subset , subset.char=substitute(subset)) { ## you might need

[R] (no subject)

2018-08-20 Thread Giuseppa Cefalu
Hello, I have a list of lists. The lists in the list of lists are file names. I use lapply to read and merge the contents of each list in the list of lists (3 merged contents in this case which will be the content of 3 files). Then, I have to change the name of the 3 resulting files and final