[R] Final models from caret's train function

2017-10-31 Thread Patrick Connolly
Using caret on the Titanic data from Kaggle, I tried various models, including rfRules which produces a model, partly described as such: > caret.rfRules.cv$finalModel $model len freq err [1,] "2" "0.0368" "0" [2,] "2" "0.032" "0.05"

[R] Course in Lisbon: Introduction to Linear Mixed Effects Models and GLMM with R

2017-10-31 Thread Highland Statistics Ltd
We would like to announce the following statistics course: Course: Introduction to Linear Mixed Effects Models and GLMM with R Where:  Lisbon, Portugal When:   19-23 February 2018 Course website: http://highstat.com/index.php/courses Course flyer: http://highstat.com/Courses/Flyers/2018/Flyer20

Re: [R] run r script in r-fiddle

2017-10-31 Thread Martin Maechler
> Suzen, Mehmet > on Mon, 30 Oct 2017 16:05:18 +0100 writes: > We were talking about r-fiddle. It gives error there [*], > that's why I suggested using RCurl. >> source("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/msuzen/isingLenzMC/master/R/isingUtils.R";) > ... unsupported

[R] SamplingStrata R package

2017-10-31 Thread Chris S
Hi all I am hoping to use the SamplingStrata R package for a dataset describing a population of businesses wherein I have information on the type of business, as well as, for designated employment number bands, number of employees and business turnover information. So in this context the employmen

[R] error to run this package

2017-10-31 Thread Anima Pramanik
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘car’ in get(Info[i, 1], envir = env): cannot allocate memory block of size 2.5 Gb please help me to get a solution of this problem [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org maili

Re: [R] run r script in r-fiddle

2017-10-31 Thread Suzen, Mehmet
On 31 October 2017 at 12:42, Martin Maechler wrote: > Notably as I think it's been provided by a company that no > longer exists under that name, and even if that'd be wrong, R-Fiddle > does not seem free software (apart from the R parts, I hope !). For the record, r-fiddle is maintained by data

Re: [R] SamplingStrata R package

2017-10-31 Thread Bert Gunter
1. There is no question here. 2. In any case, this is not a code writing service, so a question about how to code models without any offering of your own attempts might not be replied to anyway. 3. For what sorts of queries you might expect replies to, please read and follow the posting guide be

Re: [R] run r script in r-fiddle

2017-10-31 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Try that source statement here -- it is running R 3.4.1: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/execute_r_online.php On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 11:14 AM, Suzen, Mehmet wrote: > Note that, looks like r-fiddle runs R 3.1.2. > > __ > R-help@r-project.org mailing li

Re: [R] SamplingStrata R package

2017-10-31 Thread Chris S
Hi Bert thank you for the reply. Not a coding query as such. Just wanted some pointers towards how to handle strata using the package in my situation, i.e. business type X business size with information for count and financial turnover. many thanks On 31 October 2017 at 14:37, Bert Gunter wrote:

Re: [R] error to run this package

2017-10-31 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Please read the Posting Guide mentioned at the bottom of this and every message on this list. Things like the following you should consider: What did you do between the time you started R and this error occurred? There is a presumption that we can reproduce your actions and perhaps get the same

Re: [R] SamplingStrata R package

2017-10-31 Thread Bert Gunter
If yours is primarily a statistics issue (I can't tell), you might do better posting on a statistics list like stats.stackexchange.com. -- Bert On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 8:15 AM, Chris S wrote: > Hi Bert > thank you for the reply. Not a coding query as such. Just wanted some > pointers towards

Re: [R] Scatterplot3d :: Rotating x tick labels by x degrees

2017-10-31 Thread Olivier Crouzet
Hi Alex, this should be related to the "las" argument of "par()" but actually it does not seem to be parametered in scatterplot3d. Searching the net for "scatterplot3d las" provides a link to: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25458652/specifying-the-orientation-of-the-axes-labels-in-scatterplo

Re: [R] error to run this package

2017-10-31 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Cc'ing back to the list... ALWAYS reply-to-all to keep the list included... I don't know all the answers and I don't reply to every request since this is volunteer time on my part. That error does not occur when I load that package. Please re-read my previous recommendations and follow all of t

Re: [R] error to run this package

2017-10-31 Thread John Kane via R-help
Since we don't know what you were doing when this happened it is a bit difficult to guess. Please supply a minimal set of code that demonstrates what you were doing that gives this error. The output of sessionInfo() would also be useful. Have a look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5963269/

Re: [R] Pass Parameters to RScript?

2017-10-31 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hello Morcus, Is your question really about language inter-operability? If so, have you checked out rJava? "rJava: Low-Level R to Java Interface" https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rJava http://www.rforge.net/rJava/ Regards, Bill. W. Michels, Ph.D. On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 8:10 AM, Morkus vi

Re: [R] error to run this package

2017-10-31 Thread Fox, John
Dear John and Anima, I didn't reply earlier because other people got to it before I did and because, given the lack of information in the original post, there wasn't anything to add. The car package shouldn't require anything near 2.5 Gb to load. Here's what I get under Windows 10 with R 3.4.2

[R] convertTime package.

2017-10-31 Thread Scott Anderwald via R-help
To whom it might concern. I am working on a project that needs the convertTime function. I am currently using version 3.4.1 and it says not available for the version. Two questions is there a work around for the function or is there another package that contains that functions. Thanks, Sc

Re: [R] run r script in r-fiddle

2017-10-31 Thread Suzen, Mehmet
Dear List, According to datacamp support team, r-fiddle.org is not supported. We asked them to put it down as Professor Maechler suggested it is a waste of time for the R-help to respond to questions on something not maintained and severely outdated. If you would like to use R from your browser, y

Re: [R] convertTime package.

2017-10-31 Thread Sarah Goslee
Hi Scott, Where did you get this function originally? I can't find anything about it. What OS are you using? What says, "not available for the version"? Where are you getting that error? What are you trying to accomplish? What does that function actually do? It's impossible to suggest a work-ar

Re: [R] convertTime package.

2017-10-31 Thread Eric Berger
If you need a function (e.g. convertTime ) from a package (unknown?) then you cannot simply instruct R to install the function. e.g. if you give the command > install.packages("convertTime") you will get an error message like "package 'convertTime' is not available (for R version 3.4.1)" I did a G

Re: [R] Scatterplot3d :: Rotating x tick labels by x degrees

2017-10-31 Thread Uwe Ligges
On 31.10.2017 00:56, Alex Restrepo wrote: Hi, I would like to rotate the x axis tick labels by 45 degrees. Using the code below, could someone please provide an example? Many Thanks In Advance, Alex 45 degree rotation is not supported in base R graphics and scatterplot3d uses that. Y

[R] Help with Nesting

2017-10-31 Thread Edward Guda via R-help
How do i resolve this? symbol <- c('RRR' ,'GGG') for(i in seq_along(symbol)) { dat <- Quandl("LLL/symbol[i]") } required solutionis a loop where Quandl is a function and it loops as flows, Quandl("LLL/RRR") Quandl("LLL/GGG") __ R-help@r-project

Re: [R] Scatterplot3d :: Rotating x tick labels by x degrees

2017-10-31 Thread David Winsemius
> On Oct 31, 2017, at 8:55 AM, Olivier Crouzet > wrote: > > Hi Alex, > > this should be related to the "las" argument of "par()" but > actually it does not seem to be parametered in scatterplot3d. > Searching the net for "scatterplot3d las" provides a link to: > > https://stackoverflow.com/qu

Re: [R] Help with Nesting

2017-10-31 Thread Jeff Newmiller
R does not look inside strings for language objects like your symbol variable. Nor does it magically figure out that it needs to keep previous values in a loop. And you need to be able to use valid syntax to ask clear questions in this list, so some more time with a tutorial should occur before

Re: [R] Scatterplot3d :: Rotating x tick labels by x degrees

2017-10-31 Thread Jim Lemon
Well, scatterplot3d might not allow it, but have a look at the second example for staxlab in the plotrix package. Jim On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 7:30 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote: > > > On 31.10.2017 00:56, Alex Restrepo wrote: > ... > 45 degree rotation is not supported in base R graphics and scatterplot3d

Re: [R] Scatterplot3d :: Rotating x tick labels by x degrees

2017-10-31 Thread Alex Restrepo
Hello, David, don’t worry about answering this question or any of my inquiries in the future. Not looking for code servants. Definitely not an expert at using the scatter plot 3D library. That being said, I plan on researching rgl as was recommended so kindly on a previous response to my que

Re: [R] Scatterplot3d :: Rotating x tick labels by x degrees

2017-10-31 Thread Alex Restrepo
Thanks Jim, I will research. I appreciate the response. On Oct 31, 2017, at 9:33 PM, Jim Lemon mailto:drjimle...@gmail.com>> wrote: Well, scatterplot3d might not allow it, but have a look at the second example for staxlab in the plotrix package. Jim On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 7:30 AM, Uwe Ligges

Re: [R] Help with Nesting

2017-10-31 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, This is cross-posted from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47042591/how-to-resolve-nested-variables-inside-a-loop-in-r And you already have the answer there. See my comment. Rui Barradas Em 31-10-2017 19:00, Edward Guda via R-help escreveu: How do i resolve this? symbol <- c('RRR

[R] beta binomial distribution installation

2017-10-31 Thread Amany Abdel-Karim
Hello, I tried to install package �TailRank� using the command install.packages (RankTail) and library (TailRank) but I got the following errors. So, how can I install TaiRank in Rstudio to have se beta-binomial distribution, CDF and inverse CDG of beta-binomal? The commands I used are: > i

Re: [R] beta binomial distribution installation

2017-10-31 Thread MCGUIRE, Rhydwyn
Hi there, It looks like you also need the bioconductor package biobase, I found instructions for downloading that package here: www.bioconductor.org/install Good luck. Cheers, Rhydwyn -Original Message- From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Amany Abdel-Kari