[R] creating tables with replacement

2017-10-18 Thread Marna Wagley
Hi R User, I am new in R and trying to create tables with selecting rows randomly (but with replacement) for each group but each group should have same number as original. Is it possible to create it using the following example data set? Your help is highly appreciated. dat1<-structure(list(Regio

Re: [R] creating tables with replacement

2017-10-18 Thread PIKAL Petr
Hi maybe there is another more elegant solution but something like this > idx <- 1:nrow(dat1) > lll <- split(idx, dat1$group) > dat1[unlist(lapply(lll, sample, rep=TRUE)),] gives you selected rows. You could use for cycle or save those data frames manually Cheers Petr > -Original Message-

Re: [R] creating tables with replacement

2017-10-18 Thread David L Carlson
Building on Petr's suggestion, you could modify his code to get all 10 samples at once in a compact format: > Samples <- lapply(lll, function(x) replicate(10, sample(x, rep=TRUE))) # Samples is a list containing 3 matrices, one for each group # Each column gives the index (row) numbers for a part

[R] Problem with tq_mutate_xy() from the tidyquant package

2017-10-18 Thread Eric Berger
I was able to reproduce the problem with this self-contained example. Maybe it could be reproduced with an even smaller one ... library(tidyquant) # Loads tidyverse, tidyquant, financial pkgs, xts/zoo library(xts) dtV <- as.Date("2017-01-01") + 1:100 locL <- list( foo=xts(rnorm(100), order.by=d

Re: [R] creating tables with replacement

2017-10-18 Thread Marna Wagley
Dear David and Petr, It worked and I think now I can modify the code little bit to fit my requirement. Thank you so much for your help. Thanks, MW On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 7:15 AM, David L Carlson wrote: > Building on Petr's suggestion, you could modify his code to get all 10 > samples at once

[R] 2018 ASA Computing/Graphics: Chambers Software Award and Student Paper Competition

2017-10-18 Thread Yan, Jun
Dear R-help Listers, The following two student competitions are of interests to the now many student R package developers. I'd appreciate your help in spreading them. #1. John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award 2018 The Statistical Computing Section of the American Statistical Association

[R] Error messages using nonlinear regression function (nls)

2017-10-18 Thread Wall, Wade A ERDC-RDE-CERL-IL CIV
Hi all, I am trying to use nonlinear regression (nls) to analyze some seed germination data, but am having problems with error codes. The data that I have closely matches the germination dataset included in the drc package. Here is the head of the data temp species start end germinated TotS

[R] dygraphs, multiple graphs and shiny

2017-10-18 Thread Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal
Hi All: This is really getting into the weeds, but I am hoping someone will have a solution. I am trying to use dygrahs for R, within Shiny. The situation arises when I am combining a number of dygraphs into one plot. If I am just in an RNotebook, if you look at: https://stackoverflow.com/q

Re: [R] dygraphs, multiple graphs and shiny

2017-10-18 Thread Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal
Answering my own question. It took a lot of trial and error, but the code below will work. The trick is to do form the lis to plots, create the html tag, and use renderUI() for that, and then in the UI.R part use htmlOutput() to output the result. -Roy > library(shiny) > > # Define UI fo

Re: [R] ROC curve for each fold in one plot

2017-10-18 Thread PIKAL Petr
Hi I did not see any response but what about par(mfrow=c(2,2)) before plotting? Cheers Petr > -Original Message- > From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Elahe chalabi > via R-help > Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 2:26 PM > To: R-help Mailing List > Subject: [

Re: [R] Error messages using nonlinear regression function (nls)

2017-10-18 Thread PIKAL Petr
Hi Thanks for the code but where is Prop? It is not a variable in germination data set so we do not know how you did the computation. My wild guess is, that your Prop do not follow logistic curve and therefore no results from nlsList Cheers Petr > -Original Message- > From: R-help [