For over 4 decades I've had to put up with people changing my codes because
I use equalities of floating point numbers in tests for convergence. (Note that
tests of convergence are a subset of tests for termination -- I'll be happy to
explain that if requested.) Then I get "your program isn't work
> On 23 Apr 2017, at 14:49 , J C Nash wrote:
> So equality in floating point is not always "wrong", though it should be used
> with some attention to what is going on.
> Apologies to those (e.g., Peter D.) who have heard this all before. I suspect
> there are many to whom it is new.
Yes. I should have mentioned "optimizing" compilers, and I can agree with "never
trusting exact equality", though I consider conscious use of equality tests
Optimizing compilers have bitten me once or twice. Unfortunately, a lot of
floating-point work requires attention to detail. In the
I would be happy to participate in designing the test suite you suggest.
About a year ago I revised FAQ 7.31, based on my talk at the Aalberg R
conference. It now points, in addition to the Goldberg paper that has
been referenced there for a long time, to my appendix on precision.
Here is
Thanks Richard.
I've some stuff too, but I need to look it up. A few years ago I built
a small test spreadsheet for Gnumeric when working with Jody Goldberg.
In the early 2000s, Jody contacted R (I think Duncan Murdoch) to ask if
it was OK for Gnumeric to use R's distribution function approximati
Good evening,
I’m relatively new to using R and am trying to find a way to create a series of
interconnected graphs where I have a filter (either a drop down or series of
checkboxes) where when an option is selected, all graphs are updated to show
that group’s data. I need to keep these graphs
hi all,
I'll begin with my two question and all the related information
(description of the research and the data and full output) will follow.
1. When i execute model1 (glmm with random intercept only for subjects):
predictor (suppBin) and outcome (DtlsBinUp) and pre-intervention variables,
it re
"I cannot seem to get them to work as i need them to" does not
provide sufficient information for anyone to help you. See -- and
follow -- the posting guide to get useful help.
My advice would be to forget it: you need to spend (far) more time
learning about the options and tools than you have. B
This is not a statistical help site, and your questions appear to be
about statistics, not programming in R. I would suggest that you get
local statistical help, but you might try posting on a for remote help.
-- Bert
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is th
I'm reading "Advanced R" (Wickham), which provides his way, quoted below, of
keeping variables. This cherry-picking approach clearly is not practical with a
large dataset.
"If you know the columns you don’t want, use set operations to work out which
colums to keep: df[setdiff(names(
You have a lot of limitations... haven't left much room for success. Not sure
how to help.
I am told that Microsoft provides a cloud solution in which R can be used, but
I don't think you would get much useful help in setting that up on this free
mailing list... generally you have to pay to pla
It would be best if you could demonstrate _with_ _code_ the sort of operation
you propose.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 23, 2017, at 1:07 PM, Bruce Ratner PhD wrote:
> R-helpers:
> I'm reading "Advanced R" (Wickham), which provides his way, quoted below, of
> keeping variables. This
On 22/04/2017 10:29 PM, Chris Battiston wrote:
Good evening,
I’m relatively new to using R and am trying to find a way to create a series of
interconnected graphs where I have a filter (either a drop down or series of
checkboxes) where when an option is selected, all graphs are updated to show
Coming from an Excel background, copying and pasting seems attractive, but it
does not create a reproducible record of what you did so it becomes quite
tiring and frustrating after some time has passed and you return to your
Nitpick: you put the setdiff function in the row selection
I cannot demonstrate _with_ _code_ , otherwise I would not have a
problem. However, I can illustrate:
In SAS, I can run Proc SQL for a dump, VARLIST_IS_HERE, showing on the
computer screen the variables, e.g., ID, X1, X2, X3, ..., X1000,
that I can copy and paste into the editor window (
Thanks, Please see my reply to David.
Bruce Ratner, Ph.D.
The Significant Statistician™
(516) 791-3544
Statistical Predictive Analtyics --
Machine-Learning Data Mining and Modeling --
Jeff Newmiller wrote:
Coming from an Excel background, copying and
HI Chris,
You can use the R plotly library on your own computer to create the
interactive graph, then upload the code to the server.
I have a setup like that where real-time data is processed every hour,
a Rmarkdown file is rendered using the R plotly package to make the
graphs, and then the resu
This might work for you:
cols <- LETTERS # actually this will be cols <- colnames(df) in your example
# Create a data frame to select columns
choose <- data.frame(cols, select=0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Run the editor and replace 0 with 1 in the select column
# for each variable you wish to inc
Thanks Bert - you’re absolutely right, although it’s my first post on the R
Mailing list, I participate in a number of others and should’ve taken my own
advice of “not posting when frustrated”.
More background - I have tried multiple graphics packages (including iPlots,
ggvis, ggplot2, dplyr,
Hi Jeff
Thanks for the reply. Totally understand that my issue may not be resolvable;
I was hoping that there was a graphics package I may have missed that I could
Re: Microsoft product - we do actually have a full license to Power BI, but the
director who is requesting the reports did
Thanks Duncan - I have 16 groups so generating one output per should be fairly
easy. Unfortunately the constraints are not mine but those from the Senior VP
team combined with company policy. As I said to someone else I may go with an
alternative software (Access database maybe) which will be
I don't have a lot of interest in trying to replicate operations in SAS.
If you don't exhibit the willingness to show code in R then ... best of luck.
But do read the Posting Guide to at least understand the local expectations.
Good luck;
Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 23, 2017, at 5:26 P
In context.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 23, 2017, at 2:38 PM, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> Coming from an Excel background, copying and pasting seems attractive, but it
> does not create a reproducible record of what you did so it becomes quite
> tiring and frustrating after some time has passe
Hi Chris (and Sarah),
Chris you've listed a lot of restrictions, but I just wanted to
mention Jeroen Ooms' work developing OpenCPU:
"The OpenCPU system exposes an http API for embedded scientific
computing with R. The server can run either as a single-user
development server within the interactiv
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