Re: [R] Interesting quirk with fractions and rounding / using == for floating point

2017-04-23 Thread J C Nash
For over 4 decades I've had to put up with people changing my codes because I use equalities of floating point numbers in tests for convergence. (Note that tests of convergence are a subset of tests for termination -- I'll be happy to explain that if requested.) Then I get "your program isn't work

Re: [R] Interesting quirk with fractions and rounding / using == for floating point

2017-04-23 Thread peter dalgaard
> On 23 Apr 2017, at 14:49 , J C Nash wrote: > > > So equality in floating point is not always "wrong", though it should be used > with some attention to what is going on. > > Apologies to those (e.g., Peter D.) who have heard this all before. I suspect > there are many to whom it is new. Pet

Re: [R] Interesting quirk with fractions and rounding / using == for floating point

2017-04-23 Thread J C Nash
Yes. I should have mentioned "optimizing" compilers, and I can agree with "never trusting exact equality", though I consider conscious use of equality tests useful. Optimizing compilers have bitten me once or twice. Unfortunately, a lot of floating-point work requires attention to detail. In the

Re: [R] Interesting quirk with fractions and rounding / using == for floating point

2017-04-23 Thread Richard M. Heiberger
John, I would be happy to participate in designing the test suite you suggest. About a year ago I revised FAQ 7.31, based on my talk at the Aalberg R conference. It now points, in addition to the Goldberg paper that has been referenced there for a long time, to my appendix on precision. Here is

Re: [R] Interesting quirk with fractions and rounding / using == for floating point

2017-04-23 Thread J C Nash
Thanks Richard. I've some stuff too, but I need to look it up. A few years ago I built a small test spreadsheet for Gnumeric when working with Jody Goldberg. In the early 2000s, Jody contacted R (I think Duncan Murdoch) to ask if it was OK for Gnumeric to use R's distribution function approximati

[R] Creating interactive graphs and exporting to Intranet site

2017-04-23 Thread Chris Battiston
Good evening, I’m relatively new to using R and am trying to find a way to create a series of interconnected graphs where I have a filter (either a drop down or series of checkboxes) where when an option is selected, all graphs are updated to show that group’s data. I need to keep these graphs

[R] question: mediation results are not in line with compression of glmm consisted models

2017-04-23 Thread Uri Blasbalg
hi all, I'll begin with my two question and all the related information (description of the research and the data and full output) will follow. 1. When i execute model1 (glmm with random intercept only for subjects): predictor (suppBin) and outcome (DtlsBinUp) and pre-intervention variables, it re

Re: [R] Creating interactive graphs and exporting to Intranet site

2017-04-23 Thread Bert Gunter
"I cannot seem to get them to work as i need them to" does not provide sufficient information for anyone to help you. See -- and follow -- the posting guide to get useful help. My advice would be to forget it: you need to spend (far) more time learning about the options and tools than you have. B

Re: [R] question: mediation results are not in line with compression of glmm consisted models

2017-04-23 Thread Bert Gunter
This is not a statistical help site, and your questions appear to be about statistics, not programming in R. I would suggest that you get local statistical help, but you might try posting on a for remote help. -- Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is th

[R] "Copy-pastable" output of 1000 plus variables

2017-04-23 Thread Bruce Ratner PhD
R-helpers: I'm reading "Advanced R" (Wickham), which provides his way, quoted below, of keeping variables. This cherry-picking approach clearly is not practical with a large dataset. "If you know the columns you don’t want, use set operations to work out which colums to keep: df[setdiff(names(

Re: [R] Creating interactive graphs and exporting to Intranet site

2017-04-23 Thread Jeff Newmiller
You have a lot of limitations... haven't left much room for success. Not sure how to help. I am told that Microsoft provides a cloud solution in which R can be used, but I don't think you would get much useful help in setting that up on this free mailing list... generally you have to pay to pla

Re: [R] "Copy-pastable" output of 1000 plus variables

2017-04-23 Thread David Winsemius
It would be best if you could demonstrate _with_ _code_ the sort of operation you propose. David Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 23, 2017, at 1:07 PM, Bruce Ratner PhD wrote: > > R-helpers: > I'm reading "Advanced R" (Wickham), which provides his way, quoted below, of > keeping variables. This

Re: [R] Creating interactive graphs and exporting to Intranet site

2017-04-23 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 22/04/2017 10:29 PM, Chris Battiston wrote: Good evening, I’m relatively new to using R and am trying to find a way to create a series of interconnected graphs where I have a filter (either a drop down or series of checkboxes) where when an option is selected, all graphs are updated to show

Re: [R] "Copy-pastable" output of 1000 plus variables

2017-04-23 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Coming from an Excel background, copying and pasting seems attractive, but it does not create a reproducible record of what you did so it becomes quite tiring and frustrating after some time has passed and you return to your analysis. Nitpick: you put the setdiff function in the row selection

Re: [R] "Copy-pastable" output of 1000 plus variables

2017-04-23 Thread BR_email
David: I cannot demonstrate _with_ _code_ , otherwise I would not have a problem. However, I can illustrate: In SAS, I can run Proc SQL for a dump, VARLIST_IS_HERE, showing on the computer screen the variables, e.g., ID, X1, X2, X3, ..., X1000, that I can copy and paste into the editor window (

Re: [R] "Copy-pastable" output of 1000 plus variables

2017-04-23 Thread BR_email
Jeff: Thanks, Please see my reply to David. Bruce Bruce Ratner, Ph.D. The Significant Statistician™ (516) 791-3544 Statistical Predictive Analtyics -- Machine-Learning Data Mining and Modeling -- Jeff Newmiller wrote: Coming from an Excel background, copying and

Re: [R] Creating interactive graphs and exporting to Intranet site

2017-04-23 Thread Sarah Goslee
HI Chris, You can use the R plotly library on your own computer to create the interactive graph, then upload the code to the server. I have a setup like that where real-time data is processed every hour, a Rmarkdown file is rendered using the R plotly package to make the graphs, and then the resu

Re: [R] "Copy-pastable" output of 1000 plus variables

2017-04-23 Thread David L Carlson
This might work for you: cols <- LETTERS # actually this will be cols <- colnames(df) in your example # Create a data frame to select columns choose <- data.frame(cols, select=0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) # Run the editor and replace 0 with 1 in the select column # for each variable you wish to inc

Re: [R] Creating interactive graphs and exporting to Intranet site

2017-04-23 Thread Chris Battiston
Thanks Bert - you’re absolutely right, although it’s my first post on the R Mailing list, I participate in a number of others and should’ve taken my own advice of “not posting when frustrated”. More background - I have tried multiple graphics packages (including iPlots, ggvis, ggplot2, dplyr,

Re: [R] Creating interactive graphs and exporting to Intranet site

2017-04-23 Thread Chris Battiston
Hi Jeff Thanks for the reply. Totally understand that my issue may not be resolvable; I was hoping that there was a graphics package I may have missed that I could try. Re: Microsoft product - we do actually have a full license to Power BI, but the director who is requesting the reports did

Re: [R] Creating interactive graphs and exporting to Intranet site

2017-04-23 Thread Chris Battiston
Thanks Duncan - I have 16 groups so generating one output per should be fairly easy. Unfortunately the constraints are not mine but those from the Senior VP team combined with company policy. As I said to someone else I may go with an alternative software (Access database maybe) which will be

Re: [R] "Copy-pastable" output of 1000 plus variables

2017-04-23 Thread David Winsemius
I don't have a lot of interest in trying to replicate operations in SAS. If you don't exhibit the willingness to show code in R then ... best of luck. But do read the Posting Guide to at least understand the local expectations. Good luck; David Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 23, 2017, at 5:26 P

Re: [R] "Copy-pastable" output of 1000 plus variables

2017-04-23 Thread David Winsemius
In context. Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 23, 2017, at 2:38 PM, Jeff Newmiller wrote: > > Coming from an Excel background, copying and pasting seems attractive, but it > does not create a reproducible record of what you did so it becomes quite > tiring and frustrating after some time has passe

Re: [R] Creating interactive graphs and exporting to Intranet site

2017-04-23 Thread William Michels via R-help
Hi Chris (and Sarah), Chris you've listed a lot of restrictions, but I just wanted to mention Jeroen Ooms' work developing OpenCPU: "The OpenCPU system exposes an http API for embedded scientific computing with R. The server can run either as a single-user development server within the interactiv