> On 13 Feb 2017, at 16:54, Algeri, Sara wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have been trying to load the package 'largeVis' but despite I do not
> receive any error message when installing it, I keep getting the following
> error when loading it in my working directory:
>> require("largeVis")
> L
How about this?
foo <- merge(df1, df2, all=TRUE)
is.new <- !is.na(foo$v11)
foo$v1[is.new] <- foo$v11[is.new]
foo <- foo[, names(df1)]
> foo
time v1 v2 v3
11 2 3 4
22 5 6 4
33 112 3 4
44 112 3 4
55 2 3 4
66 2 3 4
Don MacQueen
Lawrence Livermo
Dear all,
I have been trying to load the package 'largeVis' but despite I do not receive
any error message when installing it, I keep getting the following error when
loading it in my working directory:
> require("largeVis")
Loading required package: largeVis
Loading required package: Matrix
Hi everyone,
How to get "0" after init?
aa<- seq(2,7,0.5)
[1] 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
bb<- paste("why no dot zero",aa,"after init",sep="")
the output are:
[1] "why no dot zero2after init" "why no dot zero2.5after init"
[3] "why no dot zero3afte
I want to plot segments deleted from mitochondrial DNA of patients with
neuromuscular disorders. I generate the plot on a linear chromosome using a
code similar to as shown below
Is there an equivalent for R of the Matlab function wrapTo360?
Many thanks
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First, use plain text emails. Look that what conversion from html did to your
aa <- seq(2,7,0.5) became aa<- seq(2,7,0.5)
You need to format your numeric values with sprintf():
paste("why no dot zero", sprintf("%3.1f", aa),"after init",sep="")
?sprintf for details
See the help page for ?sprintf.
sprintf("why no dot zero %1.1f after init", aa)
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 13-02-2017 16:27, vod vos escreveu:
Hi everyone,
How to get "0" after init?
aa<- seq(2,7,0.5)
[1] 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
bb<- paste("
The key function is '%%' (remainder), but its result needs to be
tweaked at mulitplies of 360 because Matlab's definition of wrapTo360
lonWrapped = wrapTo360(lon) wraps angles in lon, in degrees, to the
interval [0 360] such that 0 maps to 0 and 360 maps to 360. (In
general, positive multiples
You can do this easily with the DrawCircle() function in package DescTools. It
is easiest to use geometric coordinates (0 is at 3 o'clock and moves
counterclockwise around the circle), but it could be converted to 12 o'clock
and clockwise:
# Convert begin/stop to radians
If you don't get a reply here:
1. Search! (try rseek.org as an R search engine).
2. Try the Bioconductor list. As this appears to be closer to their
realm, they may have what you're looking for.
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
Well, I am not trying to print anything. I just would like to get the dimension
information for all the dataframes I created. Could you please help me to
develop the script?
On Saturday, February 11, 2017 7:53 PM, Duncan Murdoch
On 11/02/2017 1:33 PM, Fix Ace via R-
Dang, i should notice that forecastS and forecast thingy. Now it works like a
charm. ThANKS
On Monday, 13 February 2017, 3:56, William Dunlap wrote:
> Error in forecast[[d + 1]] = paste(index(lEJReturnsOffset[windowLength]), :
> object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
A 'closure
Hi. Not sure why this code produces the error like this. This error appears
when i run the code of print "Hurst(GBM): %s" % hurst(gbm):
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in
print "Hurst(GBM): %s" % hurst(gbm)NameError: name 'hurst' is not defined
Here is the full code
The MWE (below) shows what I'm hoping to get some help with:
step 1\ specify the likelihood expression I want to evaluate using a
brute-force grid search (not that I would do this in practice, but it is
a convenient approach to explain the idea in a class...).
step 2\ want to evaluate the lik
Correction, it should look like this:**def hurst(ts): lags = range(2, 100) tau
= [np.sqrt(std(subtract(ts[lag:], ts[:-lag]))) for lag in lags] poly =
np.polyfit(log(lags), log(tau), 1) return poly[0]*2.0
On Tuesday, 14 February 2017, 0:06, Allan Tanaka
Hi. Not sure why this cod
The apply() family of functions **are** loops (at the interpreted
level). They are **not vectorized** (looping at the C level). Their
typical virtue is in code clarity and (sometimes) the utiity of the
return structure, not greater efficiency. Sometimes they are a bit
faster, sometimes a bit slower
Note that in your likelihood function, N can be a vector of values, so
you can compute the likelihood for all values of N and just access the
value you want via subscripting rather than repeatedly computing it
for different N's.
OK -- that is the part I'm stuck at - pointers to how to do preci
The reason you are having trouble with using an *apply function is
that f_like does
not have an argument 'N', so the N it uses is the N from the
environment in which
f_like was defined, .GlobalEnv, not one you might set in *apply's FUN argument.
Hence, make N an argument to f_like and use it in *ap
Thank you David, I could get the circle at 12 and clockwise however I
believe my solution is not the optimal one, could you help me out with the
best way to generate the circle clockwise at 12 and then convert the
begin/stop to radians
Here is what I tried
Hi Swaraj,
As David pointed out, you can get the arcs without too much trouble:
This question is off topic here.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On February 13, 2017 9:08:18 AM PST, Allan Tanaka
>Correction, it should look like this:**def hurst(ts): lags = range(2,
>100) tau = [np.sqrt(std(subtract(ts[lag:], ts[:-lag]))) for lag in
>lags] poly = np
> On Feb 13, 2017, at 8:50 AM, Fix Ace via R-help wrote:
> Well, I am not trying to print anything. I just would like to get the
> dimension information for all the dataframes I created. Could you please help
> me to develop the script?
You should post R code that builds objects of similar
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