Please help and guide. I want to cbind dataframes within the list object:
List object 'post_data' contains below sampled data frames:
from_id user_name post_msg
comm_id from_id message
username like_id
*Note: The columns in each data frame
There are several options e.g.
but maybe you want to do actually merging
> -Original Messa
Ajay Andrews wrote :
You certainly _can_, whether you _should_ depends on the scientific question. I
think you may need to consult someone familiar with your field of study for
> I have a set of independent variables that are all BINARY, and my dependent
> variable is also BINARY. Shou
Thanks Petr,
I'm going through the link that you have provided. Merge won't be useful in
my case. Let me give the complete picture of what I'm trying to achieve.
I'm extracting data from fb pages. I have the data frame 'pages_df' which
has all the details of the fb pages. 'Page_id' is the importan
From: Sunny Singha [mailto:sunnysingha.analyt...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 10:37 AM
To: r-help; PIKAL Petr
Subject: Re: [R] Please help -- Cbind data frames within LIST() in R
Thanks Petr,
I'm going through the link that you have provided. Merge won't be useful in my
case. Let m
That would be my recommendation. You can use glm() with the argument family
= binomial().
- Jordan
On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 6:42 PM, Ajay Andrews
> I have a set of independent variables that are all BINARY, and my dependent
> variable is also BINARY. Should I use the logistic regression f
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to harness the power of neural networks for image classification of
big rasters using the `RSNNS` package in `R`.
As for the data preparation and training of the model, everything works
perfectly fine and the accuracies look quite promising.
Subsequently, I'm try
Dear all,
with the below 2 files I would like to to the t.test and var.test
but it does not work.
Can you help me ?
On 3/13/2016 6:42 PM, Ajay Andrews wrote:
I have a set of independent variables that are all BINARY, and my dependent
variable is also BINARY. Should I use the logistic regression for this -
using the glm function?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
glm(..., family=binomial) will gi
> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Damjan /
> Subject: [R] please help
> Dear all,
> with the below 2 files I would like to to the t.test and var.test
> but it does not work.
> Can you help me ?
Dear Damjan
The posting guide at http://www.R-project.or
Hello everyone
here is the code that implements bagging using ipred package :
# Test set error (nbagg=25, trees pruned): 3.41 (Breiman, 1996a, Table 8)
mod <- bagging(medv ~ ., data=BostonHousing, coob=TRUE)
pred <- predict(mod)
Also you can specify the upper left/lower right coordinates of the legend box:
# Get the default positions/sizes
plot(1, 1)
a <- legend(x="topleft", legend = x, title = "L 1")
b <- legend(x="bottomleft", legend = y, title = "L 2")
# Use those to change the box size
plot(1, 1)
Forgot that I had changed the original example code:
You need this first to get the example to work:
x <- LETTERS[1:10]
y <- paste(LETTERS[1:10], letters[1:12],LETTERS[1:10])
David C
-Original Message-
From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of David L Carlso
David L Carlson writes:
> Also you can specify the upper left/lower right coordinates of the legend box:
> # Get the default positions/sizes
> plot(1, 1)
> a <- legend(x="topleft", legend = x, title = "L 1")
> b <- legend(x="bottomleft", legend = y, title = "L 2")
> # Use those to change the
I'm having a really odd problem with rstan (and in fact shiny), which is I
can't actually load the package:
> ls (all=TRUE)
> library (rstan)
Loading required package: ggplot2
Error : .onAttach failed in attachNamespace() for 'rstan', details:
call: pkgdesc$Packaged
error: $
... also, **if** this is homework, this list has a no homework policy.
-- Bert
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
and sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 1:43 AM, Dam
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
> -Original Message-
> From: damjanfaks2...@gmail.com
> Sent: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 09:43:45 +0100
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: [R] please help
> Dear all,
> with the below 2 files I would like to to the t.test and var.test
> but it does not wor
In line
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
> -Original Message-
> From: bgunter.4...@gmail.com
> Sent: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 07:45:28 -0700
> To: damjanfaks2...@gmail.com
> Subject: Re: [R] please help
> ... also, **if** this is homework, this list has a no homework policy.
Very true but it doe
I'm fairly new with R and shiny and I am trying to make an application
where users can select various variables from a data set and plot the
ratios of the variables in one graph.
Basically: - The user selects the number of ratios they want - The
user then selects which variable will be the numerat
1. I don't use Shiny, so I may be wrong about this, but--
2. Shiny is an R-Studio product. I believe they have a user support
forum on their website, and you might therefore get a faster and
better answer by posting there (e.g. at Rstudio.com ).
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having
I am looking to find the first principal payment date on structured MBS cash
flow. I am testing the below to make into a function the correct index is
returned. I am a little unsure. Is this the correct way to think about this
problem or is there something already in R that can help?
1.Avoid using the name "data" -- it's already a commonly used function in R.
2. Why do you want it to be a list instead of a vector? Is there a
good reason for this?
> d<- c(rep(0, 20), rep(1, 340))
> which(d>0)[1]
[1] 21
3. If you haven't already done so, spend some time with an
I am trying to calculate trends in my climatic time series, using the "Zyp"
package. Initially, I tried with my daily data (I have daily rainfall data
of 30 years) but then both the Zhang method and Yue-Pilon method yielded
unrealistic results. The trend estimates were zero and so were the
Dear R users,
The new package lazysql has been accepted on CRAN
It includes helper functions to build SQL statements under program
control for use with dbGetQuery or dbSendQuery. They are intended to
increase speed of coding and to reduce coding
Dear group
I have two R sessions running on Ubuntu 14.0x server , and I found that my
program will take too long time to be finished( months...!), I used top command
and found that cpu usage is 21.3%.
the server is Enterprise SP-64 - 64G E5-1630v3 SoftRaid 2x2 TB Server . 6 core
how can
Hi Ragia,
Improving the efficiency of a program usually requires detailed
analysis of what it is doing and how those operations can be performed
more rapidly. That is to say, without knowing what the program is
supposed to accomplish and how it is doing it now, very little help
can be provided. One
thanks for answering
the program is simulation it runs on data ( wish is taken from file to memory
once) but it runs about 10k times and in each mad some calculations ?
hope this clear the problem,
> Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 08:45:56 +1100
> Su
There's no way for anyone to be sure without looking directly at the code. As
Jim said, the prime suspect is inefficient use of memory and excessive use of
virtual memory.
The book "Advanced R" by Hadley Wickham has a very detailed and easy to
understand section on how to benchmark and optimize
Nobody can help you without a lot more information, though there are
some obvious places to start, like pre-allocating objects rather than
growing them inside a loop.
You can get a good discussion of how to profile your code here:
On Mon, Mar 14, 2016
i got an error while i am running a big data. Error has explained by the
following sample sample
## Load data
mdata <-
header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE, sep = '\t'))
## Install and load
This is not the place for a statistical discussion; it *is* the place
for R programming help.
However, you seem to be confused about confidence intervals and
significance, i.e. P values. You and others may wish to read about why
the "magic" P = .05 significance level is a **bad idea**, contributin
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