Hi Daniel,
As David said, these problems are almost always due to fancy quotes. If you
want plain old ASCII 34 (double) or 39 (single) quotes, try using Notepad
for your editing rather than Word.
On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 5:02 PM, David Winsemius
> > On Nov 11, 2015, at 6:54 PM, Dan
Could you please assist, how do I load the rpt data into R without converting
it first to csv?
Kind regards
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[[alternative H
Look at the rpart vignette "User written split functions". The code allows you to add
your own splitting method to the code (in R, no C required). This has proven to be very
useful for trying out new ideas.
The second piece would be to do your own cross-validation. That is, turn off the buil
What is "rpt data"? What source produced it? Where did you get it? Is it
associated with particular software? Is it ascii or binary?
On Thursday, November 12, 2015, Mangalani Peter Makananisa <
pmakanan...@sars.gov.za> wrote:
> Hi,
> Could you please assist, how do I load the rpt data in
On Thursday, November 12, 2015, Mangalani Peter Makananisa <
pmakanan...@sars.gov.za> wrote:
> .rpt is one of the data extension like .csv, .txt , …..
> All extensions are 'data extensions' in some sense.
Without knowing quite a bit more about YOUR rpt extension, it's impossible
to answer.
If it is really "like" csv data you can import it by
or you can use any other read.* function.
Did you try it? If yes, what was the result?
If not, why not?
> -Original Message-
> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Sarah
> Goslee
Essentially the problem is related to this problem. I am measuring the
fluorescence (flu) generated over time (clock) from 5 samples (samp)
which are grouped by two targets (targ).
I can calculate the variance of the fluorescence for each sample at a
given time (in this example, for sample 1); but
On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 7:52 AM, PIKAL Petr wrote:
> Hi
> If it is really "like" csv data you can import it by
> read.csv...
> or you can use any other read.* function.
> Did you try it? If yes, what was the result?
> If not, why not?
> Cheers
> Petr
Purely as a guess, ".rpt" really
Another possibility for .rpt files from file-extensions.org:
"The rpt file extension is frequently used for various reports - output files
of programs, often used for further analyze. Probably the most common type of
RPT format is the one exported by Crystal Reports.
Crystal Reports is a busine
Excerpts from Zahra via R-help's message of 2015-11-02 17:49:01 -0200:
> Hi there,
> I am looking for some help replacing missing values in R with the row mean.
> This is survey data and I am trying to impute values for missing variables in
> each set of questions separately using the mean of
Excerpts from Rolf Turner's message of 2015-11-06 00:34:06 -0200:
> On 06/11/15 14:31, Jim Lemon wrote:
> > The fundamental problem that has emerged in this discussion is that
> > you seem to be applying the method of post-modernist deconstruction
> > to programming in R. I see no futur
Thank you. This was helpful. I'll try it.
Daniel Wiegert
> On Nov 12, 2015, at 1:11 AM, Jim Lemon wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> As David said, these problems are almost always due to fancy quotes. If you
> want plain old ASCII 34 (double) or 39 (single) quotes, try using Notepad for
> your editin
I was trying to set up a function() that allows easely to calculate
regressions for severel dependent variables with the same independent
My function looked like this but was turned down by an error (Im quiet new
to R Studio). So here is my solution:
lm(b ~
I don't have an example file, but I think my question should be clear
without it.
I have an SPSS file. I read it in using 'haven':
spss1 <- read_spss("SPSS_Example.sav")
I created a function that extracts the long labels (in SPSS - "Label"):
fix_labels <- function(x, TextI
You may have additional scoping problems depending on where you various
variables exist, but your Trend function syntax is incorrect. You need
parentheses around your arguments to the lm call, and you left out the '~' in
your formula. In addition, don't fool yourself by your use of the names CO
On 12/11/2015 16:27, Matthias Worni wrote:
I was trying to set up a function() that allows easely to calculate
regressions for severel dependent variables with the same independent
My function looked like this but was turned down by an error (Im quiet new
to R Studio).
Here is one option if you don't want to write the explicit for loop
(there is still a loop):
tmpfun <- function(npoints) {
plot( Re(t)[seq_len(npoints)], Im(t)[seq_len(npoints)],
xlab="Real", ylab="Imaginary", xlim=c(-1,1), ylim=c(-1,
Your email is severely damaged because you sent it using HTML format. Please
adjust the settings in your email software to use only plain text when sending
to this list so we can see what you see.
While you are at it you should read about making your examples reproducible
[1]... it may seem lik
Dear Terry,
Thanks for pointing me to your vignette. I can't say that I fully
understand it however. I'd be grateful for your help with a couple of
specific questions:
* In my application, each potential split will be a function of the
outcome (y), as well as two other variables (p1 and
Hello All,
I received the following message and I think it is regarding start values or
the method.
semsem = mlogit.optim ( LL=LL*Prob[i,1] , start = c(1,1,1), method = c("bfgs"),
iterlim = 2000, tol = 1E-05, ftol = 1e-08, steptol = 1e-10, print.level = 2)
+ }
Error in as.name(f[[2]]) :
Looks like a little bug in 'haven':
When I actually look at the attributes of one variable that has no
long label in SPSS but has Value Labels, I am getting:
attr(spss1$WAVE, "label")
But when I sapply my function longlabels to my data frame and ask it
to print the long labels for each colum
I am using 'lavaan' to estimate a single indicators model.
My model itself looks like this:
sem1model <- '
Imp ~ Ux
Mem ~ Ux + Imp
AE ~ Imp + Mem + Ux
UL ~ Ux + Imp + AE
sem1 <- sem(sem1model, data = mydata)
I am getting a decent fit and want to use this model.
My unstandardized coefficient for
No function is necessary for multiple lhs's. lm() allows a matrix as
it's lhs and will fit a separate regression for each column of the
matrix. Please read ?lm carefully for details. For that matter, please
read the linked Help pages and/or spend some time with a tutorial
(there are many on the web
I have to rephrase my question again - it's clearly a small bug in
haven. Here is what it is about:
If I have a column in SPSS that has BOTH a long label and value
labels, then everything works fine - I access one with 'label' and
another with 'labels':
attr(spss1$MYVAR, "label")
I have to store (in a file) an R object that was created with is name as
a string of characters, as follows:
: nn <- "xxx"
: assign(nn, 5)
: xxx
[1] 5
I don't want to store the object nn but the object xxx. I tried the
following two expressions but none of them worked:
: save(ge
On 12/11/2015 6:41 PM, Julio Sergio Santana wrote:
I have to store (in a file) an R object that was created with is name as
a string of characters, as follows:
: nn <- "xxx"
: assign(nn, 5)
: xxx
[1] 5
I don't want to store the object nn but the object xxx. I tried the
Thanks Duncan,
I just saw another, but similar, solution for this in
and it is:
: save(list=nn, file="f.RData")
Thanks again,
On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 8:57 PM, Duncan Murdoch
> On 12
Hi Alaa,
>From the code you sent, I think that the error may be in one or more lines
preceding the call to mlogit.optim. The "+" prompt means that the R
interpreter thinks there is more to come, and when you added a right brace
("}"), it probably tried to interpret everything back to the last left
Please keep conversation on list, others may have better opinion than myself.
The attachment is not welcomed when posting to R help list, you can post error
message directly to your mail.
Anyway, you will hardly get any useful answer if you keep your cards hidden.
You shall at least show so
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