- Original Message -
> From: "Milan Bouchet-Valat"
> To: "Chris Evans" , r-help@r-project.org
> Sent: Saturday, 17 October, 2015 18:13:40
> Subject: Re: [R] No speed up using the parallel package and ncpus > 1 with
> boot() on linux machines
> Le samedi 17 octobre 2015 à 17:18 +0100, C
As with Milan's answer: perfect explanation and hugely appreciated. A few
follow up questions/comments below.
- Original Message -
> From: "Jeff Newmiller"
> To: "Chris Evans"
> Cc: r-help@r-project.org
> Sent: Saturday, 17 October, 2015 18:28:12
> Subject: Re: [R] No speed up using th
Dear all,
I have to compare several curves that range through different scales (x
axis) along the same time, so to make them comparable I brought all of them
to the same scale (x axis) and obviously kept the age axis (y axis) for all
of them.
As result, some variations (wiggles) simply disappeared
Thanks for the reproducible example! (Don't forget to make your email client
send text-only messages, not html, when sending to this list).
Would log scale work for you?
Capa.diss<-c(0.7261102, 0.6655960, 0.5638357,0.8585834,0.6964527,0.8434504,
Hi everyone,
A simple question, but i cannot figure this out.
I have a data-frame with 4 columns (onset, offset, outcome, mean):
onset offset outcome mean8 72071 72503 1 7244615 142598 143030
1NaN30 293729 294161 1 294080
For each 'NaN' in the mean column, i want to r
Next time send your email using plain text format rather than HTML so we see
what you saw.
idx <- is.na( df$mean )
df[ idx, "mean" ] <- df[ idx, "offset" ]
BTW there is a commonly-used function called df, so you might improve clarity
by using DF for your temporary data frame name.
Hi everyone,
Ignore my previous post, i realised that the rows and columns i typed into the
email were unreadable, sincere apologies for this.
A simple question, but i cannot figure this out.
I have a data-frame with 4 columns (onset, offset, outcome, mean):
This may seem trivial:
ls() gives me names of variables as a character vector. How can I print
the values 'behind' those character values:
> "a"
> a
[1] 5
How can I do e.g. print("unknown"(ls())) and get the variable values in
my current environment?
Christian W. Hoffmann
CH - 8915
> plot(Capa.diss,Capa.diss.age,ylim =
> rev((range)(Capa.diss.age=c(min(Capa.diss.age),
> 10500))),xlim=(c(0,30)),type="l")
> Capa.diss2<-Capa.diss*0.7
> par(new=TRUE)
> plot(Capa.diss2, Capa.diss.age, col='black',type="l",ylim =
> rev((range)(Capa.diss.age=c(min(Capa.diss.age), 10500))),
> xli
Hi, I need some advice.
I'm using the package 'texreg' to extract effects in a multinomial model.
While using the 'plotreg' command I've got a problem with the subcommand
I'm able to have this subcommand working with the 'screenreg' command.
However, when I use the subcomman
I'm new to R (and also chemometrics). I have problem using same
calibration model on spectrums obtained from two spectrometers of same
brand. There's little different in the wavelength, less than 1 nm
though and also different in their intensity level. What i understand, this
problem is a calib
Hello Friends,
I am trying to use the functions ksdrift and ksdiff both in SDE package.
Unfortunately. It does not work for my data (attached). The following code
shows how I tried to use it:
setwd("D:/Mohammad/Different/New folder")
mydata <- read.csv("Best.csv", header=FALSE)
I'm not sure I understand, but something like this?
a <- 5
See ?get
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Citando Christian Hoffmann :
> This may seem trivial:
> ls() gives me names of variables as a character vector. How can I print
> the values 'behind' those character values:
Please reply to all so the answers are seen on the mailing list, where my
mistakes can be corrected and others can learn from any valid answers I manage
to provide.
I warned you that df is the name of a common function. I used the name of the
variable that you referred to in your question, whic
You should (re-)read the intro document that comes with R, "An Introduction to
R". Pay particular attention to sections 2., 2.7, and 5.2.
The "idx" variable that I defined is a vector in the current environment (in
your case apparently a local function environment). It is not a column in your
Ok, i will do, thanks for your help.
> Subject: RE: [R] Replace NaN with value from the same row
> From: jdnew...@dcn.davis.ca.us
> Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2015 12:55:14 -0700
> To: jonathanrear...@outlook.com
> CC: r-help@r-project.org
> You should (re-)read the intro document that comes with R, "
Is this what you want::
> a <- 1
> b <- 2
> # get current objects
> x <- ls()
> # create list of values
> my_list <- lapply(x, get)
> # now add the names
> names(my_list) <- x
> my_list # print values
[1] 1
[1] 2
Jim Holtman
Data Munger Guru
What is the problem that you are trying to so
Dear R-Expertsx=c(0,0.3, 0.5,0.6)sum(sapply(1:4, function(i) {sum(sapply(1:3,
function(j){sum(sapply(1:2, function(k)
I want to restrict the condition (i>j>k) to only those cases where
i>1&j>1&k>1In other words'if i=1 then i>=jif j=1 then j>=kother wise
Hello everyone.
I installed dismo package, but I've been receiving the following loading
*Loading required package: raster*
*Loading required package: sp*
*Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'dismo', details:*
* call: NULL*
* error: 'tmpDir' It is not an exported object 'names
Learn to post using plain text format. We are seeing garbage on the screen.
Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live...
DCN:Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go...
I don't know why this is happening for you, but if you want help here the
Posting Guide asks you to update your R to the latest version first, since new
packages sometimes won't work in old versions of R.
Jeff Newmiller
Hi Jackson,
>From your description, I think you are trying to illustrate the deviation
of Capa.diss, so I will offer an entirely different method. If you do want
the primary line on the left of the plot with a big space on the right,
presumably to add more stuff there, try this:
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