Hi all.
I don't understand why R works this way:
> rm(list=ls())
> require(foreign)
> dataset <- read.dta("http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/data/ologit.dta";)
> min(dataset$gpa)
[1] 1.9
> min(dataset$gpa)>=1.90
> min(dataset$gpa)>=1.9
> min(dataset$gpa)>1.89
[1] TRUE
Shouldn't I get
Here is a solution using dplyr.
dataset <- data.frame(
region = rep(1:2, c(6, 1)),
city = rep(1:2, c(5, 2)),
town = rep(1:2, c(4, 3)),
district = rep(1:3, c(2, 2, 3))
dataset %>%
group_by(region) %>%
mutate(n.region = n()) %>%
group_by(city, add = TRUE) %>%
On 06/10/15 20:24, Neverstop wrote:
Hi all.
I don't understand why R works this way:
dataset <- read.dta("http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/data/ologit.dta";)
[1] 1.9
> On 6 Oct 2015, at 09:24, Neverstop wrote:
> Hi all.
> I don't understand why R works this way:
>> rm(list=ls())
>> require(foreign)
>> dataset <- read.dta("http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/data/ologit.dta";)
>> min(dataset$gpa)
> [1] 1.9
>> min(dataset$gpa)>=1.90
> [1] FALSE
>> min(dataset$gpa)>
Hi Val,
You can even get a graphic illustration of this quite easily:
On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 10:00 AM, Val wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a data set ( region, city, town and district). The data looks like
> region, city, town, district
> 1 1 1 1
> 1 1
On 06/10/15 21:28, Berend Hasselman wrote:
On 6 Oct 2015, at 09:24, Neverstop wrote:
Hi all.
I don't understand why R works this way:
dataset <- read.dta("http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/data/ologit.dta";)
[1] 1.9
[1] FAL
1) Please don't put rm(list=ls()) in a script you submit to this list.
This is considered as bad manner.
2) Please read
and http://stackoverflow.com/a/9508558/3710546
On Tu
Hello List, I have list of named dataframe. How can I extract all dataframes
from this list? The dataframe names should be the same of the original list.
May I use the lapply function?
Thanks for your help. Best regards,
Maicel Monzon, MD
National Center of Clinical Trials
Havana, Cuba
Hi All,
I have a time series y_t and 2 other time series x1_t and x2t as regressors. I
know that these 3 series are cointegrated via the Johansen tests. Hence I want
to implement an error correction model with 1 lag for each variable (i.e. Lag
y, lag x1 and lag x2) for projection purposes (sup
Did you verify that the correct percentages were above/below the regression
lines? I did a quick check and for example did not consistently get 50% of
the observed response values greater than the tau=.5 line. I did when I
included the nonzero intercept term.
> Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2015 21:14:04 +05
> On Oct 6, 2015, at 7:58 AM, Lorenz, David wrote:
> Did you verify that the correct percentages were above/below the regression
> lines? I did a quick check and for example did not consistently get 50% of
> the observed response values greater than the tau=.5 line. I did when I
> included the
Thank you all very much for the explanations!
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To U
Hi Ravi,
I would like come back to your offer. I have a problem which possibly is
caused by a bug or by something I don't understand:
My function to be minimised is executed even when an element in hin() is
My hin looks as follow:
--8<---cut here---start---
Hi R-users,
I am new to R. I try to code using the function in R as below:
monthly_summary <- function(dt,r)
{ tol <- 1E-6
mn <- vector(length=12, mode="numeric")
lambda <- vector(length=12, mode="numeric")
ag <- aggregate(dt[,4] > tol, list (dt[,2], dt[,1]), sum)
names(ag) <- c
Please ignore - list members - accidentally CCd.
Rainer M Krug writes:
> Hi Ravi,
> I would like come back to your offer. I have a problem which possibly is
> caused by a bug or by something I don't understand:
> My function to be minimised is executed even when an element in hin()
Thanks for the details, I suspected something like that.
I think that begs the question: what is the meaning of quantile regression
through the origin? If the tau=.5 line does not pass through 1/2 the data
how do I interpret the line?
On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 8:03 AM, Roger Koenker wrote:
> > O
> On Oct 6, 2015, at 8:32 AM, Lorenz, David wrote:
> Thanks for the details, I suspected something like that.
> I think that begs the question: what is the meaning of quantile regression
> through the origin? If the tau=.5 line does not pass through 1/2 the data how
> do I interpret the line
To wit:
> y <- rnorm(100, 10)
> x <- 1:100
> sum(resid(lm(y~x)))
[1] 1.047773e-15
> sum(resid(lm(y~x-1)))
[1] 243.0583
and replicating this should convince you that the mean residual really is not
zero in the severely misspecified model with no intercept. (This has to do with
the fact that resi
There is a simple way to get closer to how a floating point number is stored in
R with dput():
> dput(min(dataset$gpa))
> dput(dataset$gpa[290])
So you can see, the minimum is not 1.9, just very close to 1.9.
David L Carlso
I'd like to remove a leading "3" if my number is 7 digits long, if it is
only 6 I don't want to anything.
I think this should be possible with a 1-liner using sub() but I am not
sure how to define the number of characters following the leading one.
For example my vector:
a <- c(3593857,384723
Dear useRs,
A colleague of mine is having a problem with graphic devices. The goal
is to save into a vector graphic format that can be edited with
Illustrator CS4.
On my Mac (Snow Leopard), I use RSvgDevice::devSVG() and it works fine.
But on her Windows Vista computer, I cannot find an alter
Hi Johannes,
Not sure if this can be done with sub() only, but combining it with
ifelse() apparently does what you want:
ifelse(nchar(a)==7, sub("^3","",a), a)
Ivan Calandra, PhD
University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
CREA - 2 esplanade Roland Garros
51100 Reims,
> On Oct 6, 2015, at 9:38 AM, Johannes Radinger
> wrote:
> Hi
> I'd like to remove a leading "3" if my number is 7 digits long, if it is
> only 6 I don't want to anything.
> I think this should be possible with a 1-liner using sub() but I am not
> sure how to define the number of character
On Oct 6, 2015, at 7:38 AM, Johannes Radinger wrote:
> Hi
> I'd like to remove a leading "3" if my number is 7 digits long, if it is
> only 6 I don't want to anything.
> I think this should be possible with a 1-liner using sub() but I am not
> sure how to define the number of characters follow
Hi All,
I want to shade the area below "f" variable and it doesn´t draw:
plot(z$Dateh[nn:length(z$Dateh)],f,type="l",col="black", xlab="Time",
polygon(c(1, 1:st, st),c(0, f, 0), col = "blue")
st is the length of f.
But if I plot
plot(f,type="l",col="black", xlab="Time", yla
*When i tried to read a table i**n .csv or .txt format R i get the
following message and give some problem in orden to run the data o
make test, etc*
*Warning message*
*In read.table(file = file, header = header, sep =";")
*>* incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'test.csv*
*I trie
Hi all,
How can I get the monthly means from netcdf files using R? If there is any
examples already on web resources? Please share with me.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list arch
I've seen some similar threads about this question online, but not quite
what I'm looking for. I apologize in advance if someone's already answered
this and I just can't find it online.
Say that I have an array like test3 in the little example code I have below:
test1 = array(rep(1:1
On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 11:14 AM, Marco Otoya Chavarria
> *When i tried to read a table i**n .csv or .txt format R i get the
> following message and give some problem in orden to r
There are various tools available; searching for netcdf on rseek.org
or browsing CRAN will get you quite a few.
Meanwhile this might help you get started:
On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 11:31 AM, timilsina
Hi Team,
We are required to install r on a windows server
Request you to kindly help us in below queries:
1> Pre requisite for installing R if any
2> Do we have to install R and R studio both
3> Users also want to utilize shiny package ,so do we only need to install
shiny package or will have to
FYI I did try something like this:
test = apply(test3,c(1,2),lmfunc,input=t)
but that gives me an array that is 10 rows by 5 columns by 5 slices, and I
need it to keep the same dimensions as test3 (5x5x10)
On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 1:42 PM, Adrienne Wootten wrote:
> R-Helpers,
> I've seen so
Almost forgot that function lmfunc is this:
lmfunc = function(valist,input){
On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 2:41 PM, Adrienne Wootten wrote:
> FYI I did try something like this:
> test = apply(test3,c(1,2),lmfunc,input=t)
> but that gives me an array that is
Since the model matrix, cbind(1,time) is the same for all your
response variables,
you can calculate this on one call to lm, but you have to rearrange the response
values so that each x,y set is in one column. I think the following
function does it:
f <- function (time, y)
Hi all,
I am trying to calculate the variance-covariance matrix for parameter Beta
under the null (Ho) using the "prop.odds" function in the timereg package.
For the Cox PH model, I used the "vcov" function and did the following:
cox <- coxph(Surv(time, censor) ~ x, iter = 0, init = 0, d
On 06/10/2015 1:25 PM, Sharique Alam wrote:
Hi Team,
We are required to install r on a windows server
Request you to kindly help us in below queries:
1> Pre requisite for installing R if any
There are none.
2> Do we have to install R and R studio both
R Studio is a separate product; it is
Thanks a bunch that works great!
On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 2:56 PM, William Dunlap wrote:
> Since the model matrix, cbind(1,time) is the same for all your
> response variables,
> you can calculate this on one call to lm, but you have to rearrange the
> response
> values so that each x,y s
why do I get NA for the following:
cut (x, seq (0, max(x), by=1), label=FALSE)
[1] 1322 1175 1155 1149 1295 1173 1289 1197 NA 1129
dput (x)
c(1321.55376901374, 1174.35657200935, 1154.02042504008, 1148.60981925942,
1294.6166388941, 1172.45806806869, 1288.31933914639, 1196.26080041462,
> tail(seq(0, max(x), by=1))
[1] 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355
> tail(seq(0, ceiling(max(x)), by=1))
[1] 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356
and max(x)=1355.88836502166 is beyond the range
of the former.
Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com
On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Herm
> On Oct 6, 2015, at 2:20 PM, Hermann Norpois wrote:
> Hello,
> why do I get NA for the following:
> cut (x, seq (0, max(x), by=1), label=FALSE)
> [1] 1322 1175 1155 1149 1295 1173 1289 1197 NA 1129
> dput (x)
> c(1321.55376901374, 1174.35657200935, 1154.02042504008, 1148.6098192594
On Tue, 6 Oct 2015 21:20:13 +0200
Hermann Norpois wrote:
> Hello,
> why do I get NA for the following:
> cut (x, seq (0, max(x), by=1), label=FALSE)
> [1] 1322 1175 1155 1149 1295 1173 1289 1197 NA 1129
The NA comes from your max value and it's due to your seq(0, max(x),
by = 1) cr
You have a warning, not an error. The command ran but there was a problem with
the .csv or .txt file.
You should have a partial data set in R. Try using the str() function to see
what variables and what rows were read. Adding the fill=TRUE argument to
read.table() will pad incomplete rows with
On Oct 6, 2015, at 10:42 AM, Adrienne Wootten wrote:
> R-Helpers,
> I've seen some similar threads about this question online, but not quite
> what I'm looking for. I apologize in advance if someone's already answered
> this and I just can't find it online.
> Say that I have an array like
Perhaps the discussion at this link will be helpful ...
On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 9:42 AM, Ivan Calandra
> Dear useRs,
> A colleague of mine is having a problem wit
I have a matrix mat (see dput(mat))
> mat
[,1] [,2]
I want the frequencies of the pairs in a new matrix, whereas the
combination 5 and 6 is the same as 6 and 5 (see the first two rows of mat).
In other words: Wha
Dear Rainer,
This is NOT a bug in auglag. I already mentioned that auglag() can work with
infeasible starting values, which also implies that the function must be
evaluable at infeasible values. A simple solution to your problem would be to
fix up your objective function such that it evaluates
Thanks this was very helpful.
@Olivier Crouzet: Yes, round (x) would do the job but it was a principal
confusion ...
2015-10-06 21:57 GMT+02:00 Marc Schwartz :
> > On Oct 6, 2015, at 2:20 PM, Hermann Norpois wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > why do I get NA for the following:
> >
> > cut (x, seq
It's possible that you have some invisible characters in the last line(s)
of the csv file.
You can use a text editor as Davis suggested or in Excel delete a bunch of
the blank rows after the end of the data rows.
If that doesn't work cut-and paste the rows you do want into a fresh
I have downloaded the pre-compiled version of R package:
r-base-core(3.2.2-1) for i386 platform. Unzipped the package under my tmp
directory (/tmp). The directories "et"c and "usr" got created with binaries
R and Rscript under /tmp/usr/bin/.
Executing the R (/tmp/usr/bin/R) or Rscript (/tmp/u
Since order is not important to you, you can order your pairs (e.g. decreasing)
before compiling the frequencies.
But I don't understand the second part about values "that do not appear in the
matrix". Do you mean you want to assess all combinations? If that's the case I
would think about a hash
It's very likely that there is already an R package for your linux
system, and, if so, you'd probably be well-served to use that one.
You've given us the version of the kernel you're using (not a recent
one, BTW), but what linux distribution are you using?
-- Mike
On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 3:59 PM,
I have simplified your function. And I have transposed your results such
that resulting metrics are in columns rather than rows. So, it's not
exactly what you were after, but perhaps you will find it useful.
monthly_summary <- function(dt, r, tol=1E-6) {
# number of days with above tol by year
Dear all,
on one shared machine we have an older R version installed. Some packages
have known issues with that version that are fixed in newer R versions.
Since that is a production machine with many jobs running we would like to
keep things as they are. However I would also like to keep advantag
Or basically you can use for cycle. This can be as effective as lapply and if
you plan to do some operations on your data frames maybe more manageable.
> -Original Message-
> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of maicel
> Sent: Tuesday, October 0
Hello, Maicel,
if you only want to extract info from those data frames, maybe it is
enough to attach the list to the search path using attach (and afterwards
detach()); see ?attach. Otherwise the online help page of assign() might
be a starting point for you.
Hth -- Gerrit
Or basica
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