[R] Problem on estimating fish species

2015-05-25 Thread Ivone Figueiredo
Hi I am trying to estimate the proportion of species landed by species. But I always get error messages. Can you please help me? Thanks Ivone I am trying to use R2Winbugs to skate.4 <- bugs (skateA.data, inits=skatesA.inits, skateA.parameters, model1.file, n.chains=1, n.iter=50, bugs

[R] How to extract the standardized residuals tests from the summary report of fGarch

2015-05-25 Thread w...@szu.edu.cn
I am using the Rmarkdown to produce a html slides automatically, and I want to known How to extract the standardized residuals tests section from the summary report? Here are the R-code: >library("fGarch") >N = 200 >x.vec = as.vector(garchSim(garchSpec(rseed = 1985), n = N)[,1]) >fit=garchFi

Re: [R] Vincentizing Reaction Time data in R

2015-05-25 Thread Gabriel WEINDEL
Hi John, Sorry for the response delay. I found a way to do it in a slight different way : http://www.nicebread.de/comparing-all-quantiles-of-two-distributions-simultaneously/ You're right with the application. I just put some comments in your post. Thank you for your time. I will now use the

[R] Issues with loading csv file

2015-05-25 Thread Shivi82
HI All, I am trying to load an CSV file into the R project. the code for the same is: mydata<- read.csv("Jan-May Data.csv", header=TRUE) however with this I am getting the below error message: /*Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection In addition: Warning message: In file(file, "rt

Re: [R] Issues with loading csv file

2015-05-25 Thread Kevin E. Thorpe
On 05/25/2015 08:19 AM, Shivi82 wrote: HI All, I am trying to load an CSV file into the R project. the code for the same is: mydata<- read.csv("Jan-May Data.csv", header=TRUE) however with this I am getting the below error message: /*Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection In add

[R] data for pass though OAS viewport question

2015-05-25 Thread Glenn Schultz
Attached is dput of the pass through OAS  __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide commented

Re: [R] data for pass though OAS viewport question

2015-05-25 Thread Bert Gunter
No it ain't. Most attachments don't make it through. dput() it directly into the email body -- that's the point: it's plain text. -- Bert Bert Gunter Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics (650) 467-7374 "Data is not information. Information is not knowledge. And knowledge is certainly not wisdom."

Re: [R] Issues with loading csv file

2015-05-25 Thread J Robertson-Burns
I suggest two commands to diagnose the problem: getwd() # show the working directory of R This is navigation tool #17. http://www.burns-stat.com/r-navigation-tools/ list.files() # show the files in the working directory You can copy and paste file names to avoid typing mistakes. (Not that I

Re: [R] Vincentizing Reaction Time data in R

2015-05-25 Thread John Kane
Thanks Gabriel, That new method you found looks interesting even if it is a long way from anything I am likely to be doing. Re my code below. It looks like vincentization is actually straight-forward. I used bins = 10 since it was a convenient number. I imagine if one was to actually turn

Re: [R] Issues with loading csv file

2015-05-25 Thread Michael Dewey
You could try list.files() which will tell you which files R thinks are in your working directory. On 25/05/2015 13:19, Shivi82 wrote: HI All, I am trying to load an CSV file into the R project. the code for the same is: mydata<- read.csv("Jan-May Data.csv", header=TRUE) however with this I a

[R] Trouble with SPI package

2015-05-25 Thread Miller Andres Ruiz Sanchez
Hello, I write to ask you about an error that I have when I use the script below. I'm working with monthly precipitation data for the period between 1990 and 1998. I really thanks your help. ___ > require(SPEI) > require(spi) > requi

Re: [R] Trouble with SPI package

2015-05-25 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Why are you overwriting your input file after you read it in? This seems likely to end up corrupting your input data if you make a mistake. For instance, when you read a file into a data frame that has pure numeric values in the header line, the default behaviour is to convert those numeric val

Re: [R] How to extract the standardized residuals tests from the summary report of fGarch

2015-05-25 Thread David Winsemius
> On May 24, 2015, at 7:25 PM, w...@szu.edu.cn wrote: > > I am using the Rmarkdown to produce a html slides automatically, and I want > to known > How to extract the standardized residuals tests section from the summary > report? > Probbly the easiest way is with capture.output. I looked at

Re: [R] Issues with loading csv file

2015-05-25 Thread WRAY NICHOLAS
Something you could try is to put a small csv file into a location and set the word to that and see whether it's finding it eg setwd("C:/Users/Shivi/Documents/") open this file, stick a csv doc and see whether R will read it Nick On 25 May 2015 at 13:19, Shivi82 wrote: > HI All, > > I am trying

[R] run a calculation function over time fields, ordered and grouped by variables

2015-05-25 Thread gavinr
I’ve got some transit data relating to bus stops for a GIS data set. Each row represents one stop on a route. For each record I have the start time of the route, a sequence in which a bus stops, the time the bus arrives at the first stop and the time taken to get to each of the stops from the las

[R] How do I move the horizontal axis in a plot so that it starts at the zero of the vertical axis?

2015-05-25 Thread andrejfavia
Greetings. [1] How do I move the horizontal axis in a plot so that it starts at the zero of the vertical axis? I tried using ylim=c(0, 2) but it doesn't work. I'd also like to keep the "0.0" along the vertical axis and not have it vanish. [2] Also, how do I change the data points to five-pointed

Re: [R] How do I move the horizontal axis in a plot so that it starts at the zero of the vertical axis?

2015-05-25 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi andrejfavia, You probably want: plot(x,y,ylim=c(0,2),yaxs="i") for question [1], Have a look at the ms.polygram and my.symbols help pages in the TeachingDemos package for question [2] and I haven't got a clue about question [3]. Jim On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 6:39 AM, wrote: > Greetings. > >

Re: [R] run a calculation function over time fields, ordered and grouped by variables

2015-05-25 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi gavinr, Perhaps this will do what you want. add_HH_MM<-function(x) { t1bits<-strsplit(as.character(x$tst),":") t2bits<-strsplit(as.character(x$tint),":") hours<-as.numeric(lapply(t1bits,"[",1))+cumsum(as.numeric(lapply(t2bits,"[",1))) minutes<-as.numeric(lapply(t1bits,"[",2))+cumsum(as.nu

[R] Stats course Phillip Island Nature Parks, Australia

2015-05-25 Thread Highland Statistics Ltd
Apologies for cross-posting We would like to announce the following statistics course: Course: Data exploration, regression, GLM & GAM with introduction to R When: 14 - 18 September 2015 Where: Phillip Island Nature Parks, Australia Course flyer: http://www.highstat.com/Courses/Flyers/Flyer201

Re: [R] run a calculation function over time fields, ordered and grouped by variables

2015-05-25 Thread jdnewmil
Another way: #create four columns with route id, stop sequence interval time and route start time ssq <- c( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ) tint <- c( "00:00", "00:12", "00:03", "00:06", "00:09", "00:02", "00:04" , "00:00", "00:08", "00:10", "00:10" , "0

Re: [R] How do I move the horizontal axis in a plot so that it starts at the zero of the vertical axis?

2015-05-25 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Regarding [3], you are better off not using Nabble for this EMAIL list at all... at best it does not encourage following the Posting Guide, and at worst it discourages people on the mailing list from answering your questions. ---

[R] R CMD methods and ggplot2 advice

2015-05-25 Thread Glenn Schultz
Hello All, I have two packages Bond Lab and the Companion to Investing in MBS.  Bond Lab clears the check and I am working on the on.load() to copy a needed directory per Duncan Murdoch's advise to make Bond Lab CRAN-able.  The companion passes with two notes.  The output is below: I get two

[R] Path analysis

2015-05-25 Thread Alberto Canarini
Hi there, As I'm approaching path analysis I was wondering which packages may suite a path analysis for my data. My data are on interaction of soil biotic and abiotic factor, like microbial biomass carbon, soil carbon, water content, temperature etc. Thanks in advance, Best regards. Alberto