Re: [R] Fwd: missing in neural network

2015-03-25 Thread Soheila Khodakarim
Dear Charles, I rewrote code : library("neuralnet") resp<-c(1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1)) mydata <- cbind(data24_2, resp) dim(mydata) > 20 3111 fm <- as.formula(paste("resp ~ ", paste(colnames(mydata)[,1:3110], collapse="+"))) > Error in colnames(mydata)[, 1:3110] : incorrect number

Re: [R] Why can't I access this type?

2015-03-25 Thread Patrick Connolly
On Sun, 22-Mar-2015 at 08:06AM -0800, John Kane wrote: |> Well, first off, you have no variable called "Name". You have lost |> the state names as they are rownames in the matrix state.x77 and |> not a variable. |> |> Try this. It's ugly and I have no idea why I had to do a cbind() You don't ha

Re: [R] Fast evaluation of functions in 3D domains

2015-03-25 Thread Lluis.Hurtado
Dear all, Finally I have tried three different options to integrate a function in a 3D volume. Here I show a test example. The volume is the box [0,100] x [0,100] x [0,100] and the function is nfw(d) = 4/((d/5)*(1+(d/5))^2) where d is the distance between each point in the box to the point (

Re: [R] Fast evaluation of functions in 3D domains

2015-03-25 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 25/03/2015 7:55 AM, wrote: > Dear all, > > Finally I have tried three different options to integrate a function in a 3D > volume. Here > I show a test example. The volume is the box [0,100] x [0,100] x [0,100] and > the > function is > > nfw(d) = 4/((d/5)*(1+(d/5))^2) >

Re: [R] Fwd: missing in neural network

2015-03-25 Thread Charles Determan Jr
Soheila, Set the name of the last column and remove the comma indexing the column names. It is a vector and therefore doesn't need a comma for indexing. Also, after loading your dataset I realized you also have invalid column names. The mixes between hyphens and underscores makes the as.formula

[R] Fitting a line on trellis plot

2015-03-25 Thread Frederic Ntirenganya
Hi all, I am doing analysis which involves fitting a line on trellis plot. The factor is month. As you know a year has 12 months and I expect to get 12 lines one for each month. I am getting the following results which is different to my expectation. Am I have to do anything about the data? Any su

Re: [R] Fitting a line on trellis plot

2015-03-25 Thread Michael Dewey
On 25/03/2015 12:30, Frederic Ntirenganya wrote: Hi all, I am doing analysis which involves fitting a line on trellis plot. But the commands below (or at least the output from them) are not plotting commands. The factor is month. As you know a year has 12 months and I expect to get 12 l

[R] Fwd: Fwd: missing in neural network

2015-03-25 Thread Soheila Khodakarim
I am very grateful Dear Charles. Soheila [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-projec

Re: [R] Fitting a line on trellis plot

2015-03-25 Thread S Ellison
> Call: > lm(formula = curr_data[[tmin_col]] ~ curr_data[[year_col]] - > 1 | curr_data[[month_col]]) First, this is not a sensible formula for lm; lm() does not use '|' to denote grouping. It would be a valid formula for xyplot, in which | specifies grouping variables. In lm(), '|' is sim

Re: [R] Fwd: missing in neural network

2015-03-25 Thread S Ellison
> # create formula (without comma index on column names) fm <- > as.formula(paste("resp ~", paste(colnames(mydata)[1:3110], > collapse="+"))) > > # call neuralnet > out <- neuralnet(fm,data=mydata, hidden = 4, lifesign = "minimal", > linear.output = FALSE, threshold = 0.1) Does neuralnet not re

[R] Graph with ggplot2.

2015-03-25 Thread BenedettaB24 .
Dear all, I want to run ggplot2 in one of my file. I do this: mergefile<- read.csv("path of my file/name.csv") library(ggplot2) to import my library ggplot(percent, aes(x=factor(Cell.lines), y=Percentage, vjust=-0.5, fill=Prostate )) + geom_bar(colour="black", stat="identity", position=positi

Re: [R] facets work in qplot but facet_wrap produces an error in ggplot

2015-03-25 Thread Loren Cassin Sackett
Thanks, Jeff. I tried this previously by using a header in my data file (and 'header=TRUE'), but for some reason, that did not seem to work. Creating a 'names' vector as you suggested did solve the problem, though. Thank you! Loren 2015-03-24 23:19 GMT-04:00 Jeff Newmiller : > You MUST put al

Re: [R] Why can't I access this type?

2015-03-25 Thread Henric Winell
On 2015-03-25 09:40, Patrick Connolly wrote: On Sun, 22-Mar-2015 at 08:06AM -0800, John Kane wrote: |> Well, first off, you have no variable called "Name". You have lost |> the state names as they are rownames in the matrix state.x77 and |> not a variable. |> |> Try this. It's ugly and I have

Re: [R] facets work in qplot but facet_wrap produces an error in ggplot

2015-03-25 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Perhaps you had forgotten to use header=TRUE when you read the data in. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... DCN:Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go...

Re: [R] Graph with ggplot2.

2015-03-25 Thread Jeff Newmiller
It is difficult to read your code because the HTML format messes it up, but I think your ggplot function call is missing a parenthesis between fill=Prostate and the + sign. --- Jeff NewmillerThe ..

Re: [R] Graph with ggplot2.

2015-03-25 Thread S Ellison
> i used this command three times, clearly not exactly this, if it's stopped working ... > but now is not working, the error reported is: > Error: unexpected ')' in "ggplot(percent, aes(x=factor(Cell.lines), > y=Percentage, > vjust=-0.5, fill=Prostate )) + geom_bar(colour="black", stat="identity

Re: [R] Graph with ggplot2.

2015-03-25 Thread Thierry Onkelinx
You need to define limits as defined in the data. ylim(0, 1) instead of ylim(0%, 100%) ylim(0%, 100%) is incorrect R syntax. ir. Thierry Onkelinx Instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek / Research Institute for Nature and Forest team Biometrie & Kwaliteitszorg / team Biometrics & Quality Assurance

Re: [R] Graph with ggplot2.

2015-03-25 Thread JLucke
ylim(0%,100%) is not valild. It should be ylim(0,100). Jeff Newmiller Sent by: "R-help" 03/25/2015 11:14 AM To "BenedettaB24 ." , "" , cc Subject Re: [R] Graph with ggplot2. It is difficult to read your code because the HTML format messes it up, but I think you

Re: [R] Fast evaluation of functions in 3D domains

2015-03-25 Thread David Winsemius
On Mar 25, 2015, at 4:55 AM, wrote: > Dear all, > > Finally I have tried three different options to integrate a function in a 3D > volume. Here > I show a test example. The volume is the box [0,100] x [0,100] x [0,100] and > the > function is > > nfw(d) = 4/((d/5)*(1+(d/5))^2) > > where

[R] Resizing a graph with a legend in the outer margin - wish for functionality like mtext()

2015-03-25 Thread Peter Lomas
Dear R-Helpers I am attempting to get a legend in the outer margins of a graph that has a similar flexibility to mtext(), within base graphics. This is used in a tool that will end up with graphs of many different coordinates, exported in many different sizes. I'm trying to come up with a genera

Re: [R] Fast evaluation of functions in 3D domains

2015-03-25 Thread David Winsemius
On Mar 25, 2015, at 8:45 AM, David Winsemius wrote: > > On Mar 25, 2015, at 4:55 AM, > wrote: > >> Dear all, >> >> Finally I have tried three different options to integrate a function in a 3D >> volume. Here >> I show a test example. The volume is the box [0,100] x [0,100] x [0,100] and

[R] Converting charter string to vector of numbers

2015-03-25 Thread Turgidson
Apologies for bringing up an old topic, but I am not finding working answers. I am also an R newbie, so I'm still on the steep part of the learning curve. I have a character string : "0.5 1 2 3 4" I need to convert it to a vector of numbers. I get as far as strsplit(), which gives me "0.5"

Re: [R] Converting charter string to vector of numbers

2015-03-25 Thread Jeff Newmiller
No, you don't need the commas. All data in R are vectors, and as.numeric handles vectors just fine. Keep in mind that what you see on the console is not necessarily what is in memory... the syntax you see or use to input data is just that... a tool for helping you communicate. For example, ther

[R] print and rbind within a for loop

2015-03-25 Thread Steven LeBlanc
Greets, I'm trying to iteratively find solutions to a problem given a range of options. Code is as follows:<-function(B=0.1,min=10,max=50,alpha=0.05){ result<-c(fails=0,n=0) for(n in min:max){ x<-seq(1,n-1,1) fhat<-x/n

Re: [R] Converting charter string to vector of numbers

2015-03-25 Thread David Winsemius
On Mar 25, 2015, at 10:27 AM, Turgidson wrote: > Apologies for bringing up an old topic, but I am not finding working answers. > I am also an R newbie, so I'm still on the steep part of the learning curve. > > I have a character string : "0.5 1 2 3 4" > > I need to convert it to a vector of n

Re: [R] print and rbind within a for loop

2015-03-25 Thread Steven LeBlanc
Hi Dave, Thank you, but that didn't seem to do it. This code produces the same result:<-function(B=0.1,min=10,max=50,alpha=0.05){ result<-c(fails=0,n=0) for(n in min:max){ x<-seq(1,n-1,1) fhat<-x/n se<-sqrt((fhat*(1-fhat

Re: [R] print and rbind within a for loop

2015-03-25 Thread William Dunlap<-function(B=0.1,min=10,max=50,alpha=0.05){ result<-c(fails=0,n=0) for(n in min:max){ x<-seq(1,n-1,1) ... return(result) # indent! see what's wrong? } } Make your indentation (of the return line) correspond to the braces

Re: [R] print and rbind within a for loop

2015-03-25 Thread Steven LeBlanc
Hi Dave, Bill, Thank you. That was it! Best Regards, Steven On Mar 25, 2015, at 1:11 PM, David R Forrest wrote: > I'm away from a computer that can check syntax, but make sure the return is > outside of the for loop. To my eye it looks inside. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

[R] Having trouble with gdata read in

2015-03-25 Thread Benjamin Baker
Trying to read and clean up the FERC data on Advanced Metering infrastructure. Of course it is in XLS for the first two survey years and then converts to XLSX for the final two. Bad enough that it is all in excel, they had to change the survey design and data format as well. Still, I’m sorting t

[R] including internal data in a package

2015-03-25 Thread Joshua N Pritikin
CRAN check is issuing a complaint, Found the following calls to data() loading into the global environment: File ‘OpenMx/R/MxAlgebra.R’: data(omxSymbolTable) See section ‘Good practice’ in ‘?data’. I tried placing an rda file in the package's R/ directory, but now I get a new CRAN check compla

Re: [R] Resizing a graph with a legend in the outer margin - wish for functionality like mtext()

2015-03-25 Thread Paul Murrell
Hi You can use the recordGraphics() function for this (if you are careful). For example ... x <- 1:100 y <- x +rnorm(100, 0,10) plot(x,y, xlab="", main="Shrink and Enlarge This Graph") abline(0,1 ,lty=2) recordGraphics( { legend(x=grconvertX(1, from = "ndc", to = "user"),

Re: [R] including internal data in a package

2015-03-25 Thread Uwe Ligges
On 25.03.2015 21:15, Joshua N Pritikin wrote: CRAN check is issuing a complaint, Found the following calls to data() loading into the global environment: File ‘OpenMx/R/MxAlgebra.R’: data(omxSymbolTable) See section ‘Good practice’ in ‘?data’. Which says "use a file ‘R/sysdata.rda’". So w

Re: [R] Having trouble with gdata read in

2015-03-25 Thread Anthony Damico
maybe library(xlsx) tf <- tempfile() ami <- " " download.file( ami , tf , mode = 'wb' ) ami.data2008 <- read.xlsx( tf , sheetIndex = 1 ) On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 5:01 PM, Benjamin Baker wrot

[R] y axis in a stacked bar plot

2015-03-25 Thread Michelle Simon
Hello, Below is some simple R code I have used to create a stacked bar chart. However the y-axis tick marks do not reflect the data. The minimum and maximum data values I have are 3073351 and 25329814 respectively but the graph has data from 0 and the maximum is different The data file is too

Re: [R] y axis in a stacked bar plot

2015-03-25 Thread Jeff Newmiller
I don't understand what you expect. Stacked bar charts add the values together. Perhaps that is not really how you want to represent these data? --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... D

[R] Using and abusing %>% (was Re: Why can't I access this type?)

2015-03-25 Thread Patrick Connolly
On Wed, 25-Mar-2015 at 03:14PM +0100, Henric Winell wrote: ... |> Well... Opinions may perhaps differ, but apart from '%>%' being |> butt-ugly it's also fairly slow: Beauty, it is said, is in the eye of the beholder. I'm impressed by the way using %>% reduces or eliminates complicated nested b