Re: [R] Extract data from Array to Table

2015-02-12 Thread Sven E. Templer
Make use of the plyr and reshape2 package (both on CRAN): library(plyr) d<-adply(ArrayDiseaseCor, 1:2) # adply calls function identity by default d<-melt(d) d<-subset(d,value>.5) head(d) You will have to rename columns, or adjust arguments in melt/adply. Note: use set.seed before sampling for rep

Re: [R] Extract data from Array to Table

2015-02-12 Thread Sven E. Templer
see inline On 12 February 2015 at 09:10, Sven E. Templer wrote: > Make use of the plyr and reshape2 package (both on CRAN): > I forgot: library(reshape2) > library(plyr) > d<-adply(ArrayDiseaseCor, 1:2) > # adply calls function identity by default > d<-melt(d) > d<-subset(d,value>.5) > head(d)

[R] How to subset data, by sorting names alphabetically.

2015-02-12 Thread samarvir singh
hello, I am cleaning some large data with 4 million observation and 7 variable. Of the 7 variables , 1 is name/string I want to subset data, which have same name Example- Name var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 aa- - - - -- ab bd ac ad af ba bd aa av i want

Re: [R] How to subset data, by sorting names alphabetically.

2015-02-12 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Samarvir, Assuming that you want to generate a separate data frame for each value of "Name", # name of initial data frame is ssdf for(nameval in unique(ssdf$Name)) assign(nameval,ssdf[ssdf$Name==nameval,]) This will produce as many data frames as there are unique values of ssdf$Name, each name

Re: [R] [UPDATE] grofit issues with replicates - probit or logit or glmm

2015-02-12 Thread Marcelo Laia
I done a mistake when I paste the script in the message. An update: url.csv <- data02 <- read.table(url.csv, header=TRUE, sep="\t", dec=",") head(data02) timepoints <- 1:5 # 5 days time <- t(matrix(rep(timepoints, 120),

[R] apply two functions to column

2015-02-12 Thread arnaud gaboury
I am little lost between all the possibilities to apply a function to a data.frame or data.table. Here is mine: structure(list(name = c("poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "cruzecontrol", "agreenmamba", "agreenmamba", "vairis", "

Re: [R] Terminating a program using R

2015-02-12 Thread S Ellison
> I would like to query that if it is possible for R to terminate a program > such as > notepad, word, etc.? pskill from the tools package says it supports the Windows system call 'TerminateProcess'. You can get a process's ID using the windows command line 'tasklist'. I got this to work on my

Re: [R] apply two functions to column

2015-02-12 Thread Jeff Newmiller
You don't need to do these operations in pieces so the mapply is unnecessary. Neither dplyr nor data.table can go faster than (assuming your data frame is called DF): DF$dtm <- as.POSIXct( as.numeric( DF$ts ), tz="GMT", origin="1970-01-01" ) They can in this case save you from having to retype

[R] Problem Solved: optim fails when using arima

2015-02-12 Thread Prof J C Nash (U30A)
I would not say it is fully "solved" since in using Nelder-Mead you did not get the Hessian. The issue is almost certainly that there is an implicit bound due to log() or sqrt() where a parameter gets to be near zero and the finite difference approximation of derivatives steps over the cliff. Prob

[R] adehabitatHR KD ID and XY assignement

2015-02-12 Thread Gwen G. Lockhart
Hello Everyone... I am fairly new to R. I would like to use the adehabitatHR package to create kernel density and isopleths from my sea turtle GPS data. I�m running into some issues� Basically I am having trouble assigning IDs and XY fields within R to create KDs and MCPs. Thank you in advan

Re: [R] help in anova

2015-02-12 Thread S Ellison
> R-ouput > > Df Sum SqMean SqF value > Pr(>F) > treatment314015 4672 65.021 < 2e-16 > *** > variety 3 5883 1961 27.295 > 2.95e-12 *** > treatment:variet

[R] horizontal bar plots for CI visualization

2015-02-12 Thread michael.eisenring
2.50% 97.50% intercept 29787966 glands 13143611 damage 169 6144 treatment L1778 6703 treatment L4-3899 5125 Length -1817 1828 __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://stat.

[R] ggplot2 shifting bars to only overlap in groups

2015-02-12 Thread Hörmetjan Yiltiz
Hi all, I have four factors for a continuous time variable along with its confidence interval. I would like to produce a publication quality error bar chart that is clear to understand. For now, I used colors, x axis position, facets and alpha level to distinguish them. I would like to overlap ea

[R] gsub : replace regex pattern with values from another data.frame

2015-02-12 Thread arnaud gaboury
I have two df (and dt): df1 structure(list(name = c("poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "cruzecontrol", "agreenmamba", "agreenmamba", "vairis", "vairis", "vairis", "vairis", "vairis", "vairis", "xaeth"), text = c("ok", "need items

Re: [R] suggestion for optimal plotting to show significant differences

2015-02-12 Thread PIKAL Petr
Hi Rich > -Original Message- > From: Richard M. Heiberger [] > Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 10:53 PM > To: PIKAL Petr > Cc: > Subject: Re: [R] suggestion for optimal plotting to show significant > differences > > Petr, > > My first attempt i

[R] Shiny User Group

2015-02-12 Thread Doran, Harold
I found a google user group for shiny, and am curious if there is an SIG as well. Didn't see one in my searches, but looking for an active place to ask questions and share code. Thanks. [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project

Re: [R] ggplot2 shifting bars to only overlap in groups

2015-02-12 Thread John Kane
I am gettting the error" Error in rep_len(,, n)), length) : object 'N' not found Also your image did not come through. Try sending it as a pdf file. when I try to create df<- data.frame(gender=gl(2,1,N, c("male","female")), direction=gl(2,2,N, c("up","do

Re: [R] horizontal bar plots for CI visualization

2015-02-12 Thread John Kane
And? John Kane Kingston ON Canada > -Original Message- > From: > Sent: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 13:56:37 + > To: > Subject: [R] horizontal bar plots for CI visualization FR

Re: [R] ggplot2 shifting bars to only overlap in groups

2015-02-12 Thread Hörmetjan Yiltiz
You are most likely simply not running the whole lines of code: note that the first line is: N = 32 ​Best , He who is worthy to receive his days and nights is worthy to receive* all else* from you (and me). The Prophet, Gibr

Re: [R] Mixed-effects model for pre-post randomization design

2015-02-12 Thread Marco Barbàra
Thank you very much, Ben. Your answer has been very useful. __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide and

Re: [R] horizontal bar plots for CI visualization

2015-02-12 Thread Michael Dewey
On 12/02/2015 13:56, wrote: There are a number of options for doing this. You might consider using forest plots as provided by one of a number of the meta-analysis packages. See the CRAN MetaAnalysis task view for more details. -- Michael http://www.dewe

Re: [R] ggplot2 shifting bars to only overlap in groups

2015-02-12 Thread John Kane
I'm a bit blind today. I read df as a dput() . John Kane Kingston ON Canada -Original Message- From: Sent: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 23:38:01 +0800 To: Subject: Re: [R] ggplot2 shifting bars to only overlap in groups You are most likely simply not running th

[R] 32bit R303 calls external C functions

2015-02-12 Thread Li, Yan
Dear All, I build a R package which will need to call external C functions. I registered the C functions in the NAMESPACE file and include 32bit and 64bit dlls in the packages. If I load the package in 64bit R and calls the external C functions, it works fine. However if I load the package in 3

[R] Installing RStudio

2015-02-12 Thread John Sorkin
Windows 7, 64-bit. I am trying to install RStudio. Before installing RStudio, I installed R 3.1.2. During the installation or R, I installled (as per the default) 32- and 64-bit packages. When I tried to install RStudio, I received the message R does not appear to be installed. Please install R

[R] problems with packages installation

2015-02-12 Thread PIKAL Petr
Dear all I just switched to new version > version _ platform i386-w64-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32 status Under development (unstable) major 3 minor 2.0 year 2015 month 02 day

Re: [R] Installing RStudio

2015-02-12 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Ah, ask in the RStudio support area? --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... DCN:Basics: ##.#. ##.#. Live Go... Live: OO#.. Dead: OO

Re: [R] problems with packages installation

2015-02-12 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Time to (re)read the Posting Guide... questions about unreleased versions of R are off topic here. Go to R-devel. --- Jeff NewmillerThe . . Go Live... DCN:Basics: ##.#.

Re: [R] Shiny User Group

2015-02-12 Thread Hadley Wickham
Maybe!forum/shiny-discuss ? Hadley On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 9:07 AM, Doran, Harold wrote: > I found a google user group for shiny, and am curious if there is an SIG as > well. Didn't see one in my searches, but looking for an active place to ask > questions and

Re: [R] problems with packages installation

2015-02-12 Thread Richard M. Heiberger
You should install Rtools first. Then you will need to use install.packages(c(A"","B","etc"), type="source", dependencies=TRUE) Rich On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 11:40 AM, PIKAL Petr wrote: > Dear all > > I just switched to new version > >> version >_ > platform i386-w64-mingw3

[R] Censoring in R2OpenBUGS

2015-02-12 Thread arnabkm2007
Hi, I am trying to run the following model for OpenBUGS and want to use R2OpenBUGS package. The model specifies weibull distribution for censored data. weibull.model <- function() { for(i in 1:n) { exp.alpha[i] ~ dgamma(a.alpha, b.alpha) alpha[i] <- l

[R] SIMPLE question

2015-02-12 Thread CHIRIBOGA Xavier
Hi everybody! I want to do a boxcox transformation, but I got this: Error: could not find function "boxcox" What can I do? I am using R studio. Thanks!!! Xavier __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://s

[R] WG: horizontal bar plots for CI visualization

2015-02-12 Thread michael.eisenring
2.50% 97.50% intercept 29787966 glands 13143611 damage 169 6144 treatment L1778 6703 treatment L4-3899 5125 Length -1817 1828 __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://stat.

[R] Sorting Surv objects

2015-02-12 Thread Professor Bickis
It seems that Surv objects do not sort correctly. This seems to be a bug. Anyone else found this? > [1] 4+ 3 1+ 2 5+ > class( [1] "Surv" > sort( [1] 2 1+ 4+ 3 5+ An easy work-around is to define a function sort.Surv sort.Surv<-function(a){ord<-or

Re: [R] Installing RStudio

2015-02-12 Thread ARNAB KR MAITY
Dear John, I think you have to specify the directory of R in the R-studio installation process. Somehow the installation wizard is unable to find the address of R in your system. Thanks & Regards, Arnab Arnab Kumar Maity Graduate Teaching Assistant Division of Statistics Northern Illinois Uni

Re: [R] SIMPLE question

2015-02-12 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, Try the following. install.packages("sos") #if not yet Then, library(sos) findFn("boxcox") There are several hits, maybe you could start with package car Hope this helps, Rui Barradas Em 12-02-2015 16:19, CHIRIBOGA Xavier escreveu: Hi everybody! I want to do a boxcox transform

Re: [R] 32bit R303 calls external C functions

2015-02-12 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 12/02/2015 11:08 AM, Li, Yan wrote: Dear All, I build a R package which will need to call external C functions. I registered the C functions in the NAMESPACE file and include 32bit and 64bit dlls in the packages. If I load the package in 64bit R and calls the external C functions, it works

Re: [R] 32bit R303 calls external C functions

2015-02-12 Thread Li, Yan
I meant R3.0.3. I need this package working in R3.0.3. I have 32bit and 64bit dlls both included in the package. -Original Message- From: Duncan Murdoch [] Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 1:01 PM To: Li, Yan; Subject: Re: [R] 32bit R

Re: [R] gsub : replace regex pattern with values from another data.frame

2015-02-12 Thread arnaud gaboury
On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 3:40 PM, arnaud gaboury wrote: > I have two df (and dt): > > df1 > structure(list(name = c("poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", > "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", > "cruzecontrol", "agreenmamba", "agreenmamba", "vairis", "vairis", > "vairis

Re: [R] ggplot2 shifting bars to only overlap in groups

2015-02-12 Thread Hörmetjan Yiltiz
I did not know the SVG file did not come through. I thought SVG should be able to pass through the filter. Here is a PDF file along with an PNG. Guess one of them should be able to pass. 祝好, He who is worthy to receive his days and nights is worthy to receive* all else* fr

Re: [R] gsub : replace regex pattern with values from another data.frame

2015-02-12 Thread arnaud gaboury
On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 7:12 PM, arnaud gaboury wrote: > On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 3:40 PM, arnaud gaboury > wrote: >> I have two df (and dt): >> >> df1 >> structure(list(name = c("poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", >> "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", "poisonivy", >> "cruzecon

Re: [R] Sorting Surv objects

2015-02-12 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On 12/02/2015 16:26, Professor Bickis wrote: It seems that Surv objects do not sort correctly. This seems to be a bug. Anyone else found this? This is presumably about Surv() from package survival, not mentioned. There was a bug, corrected in R-devel (and I will port to R-patched before 3.

[R] Sorting Surv objects

2015-02-12 Thread Professor Bickis
It seems that Surv objects do not sort correctly. This seems to be a bug. Anyone else found this? > [1] 4+ 3 1+ 2 5+ >class( [1] "Surv" >sort( [1] 2 1+ 4+ 3 5+ An easy work-around is to define a function sort.Surv >sort.Surv<-function(a){ord<-orde

Re: [R] SIMPLE question

2015-02-12 Thread JS Huang
Hi, Maybe the following link helps. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at

Re: [R] Installing RStudio

2015-02-12 Thread Robert Baer
On 2/12/2015 10:22 AM, John Sorkin wrote: Windows 7, 64-bit. I am trying to install RStudio. Before installing RStudio, I installed R 3.1.2. During the installation or R, I installled (as per the default) 32- and 64-bit packages. When I tried to install RStudio, I received the message R does

Re: [R] suggestion for optimal plotting to show significant differences

2015-02-12 Thread Richard M. Heiberger
## The next step is to think of this in the analysis of covariance setting. ## this example is based on library(HH) demo("ancova", package="HH", ask=FALSE) item<-rep(letters[1:8], each=18) day<-rep((0:5)*100, 24) set<-rep(rep(1:3, each=6), 8) test<-data.frame(item, day, set) set.seed(111) test$

Re: [R] read.table with missing data and consecutive delimiters

2015-02-12 Thread MacQueen, Don
To which I will add, you could have tried count.fields('test.dat', sep='$' ) which I expect would have given you 3,3,2,3, and hence a pointer to where the problem is. count.fields is mentioned in the "See Also" section of ?read.table -- Don MacQueen Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 70

Re: [R] 32bit R303 calls external C functions

2015-02-12 Thread Uwe Ligges
On 12.02.2015 19:07, Li, Yan wrote: I meant R3.0.3. I need this package working in R3.0.3. I have 32bit and 64bit dlls both included in the package. So it should be fine. Maybe you compiled it for a different R version or on another OS Best, Uwe Ligges -Original Message-

Re: [R] Censoring in R2OpenBUGS

2015-02-12 Thread Uwe Ligges
On 12.02.2015 16:05, arnabkm2007 wrote: Hi, I am trying to run the following model for OpenBUGS and want to use R2OpenBUGS package. The model specifies weibull distribution for censored data. weibull.model <- function() { for(i in 1:n) { exp.alpha[i] ~ dgamma(a.alpha,

Re: [R] How to subset data, by sorting names alphabetically.

2015-02-12 Thread Greg Snow
The split function does essentially this, but puts the results into a list rather than using the dangerous and messy assign function. The overall syntax is simpler as well. On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 3:14 AM, Jim Lemon wrote: > Hi Samarvir, > Assuming that you want to generate a separate data fram

Re: [R] horizontal bar plots for CI visualization

2015-02-12 Thread Ben Bolker> writes: > > 2.50% 97.50% > intercept 29787966 > glands13143611 > damage169 6144 > treatment L1 778 6703 > treatment L4 -3899 5125 > Length-1817 1828 > plotrix::plotCI(..., err="x") ?? __

Re: [R] How to subset data, by sorting names alphabetically.

2015-02-12 Thread Leandro Roser
Hi, a solution could be: # example matrix a: a <- matrix(1:100, 10, 10) a[, 1] <- (sample(c("aa","bb" , "ab"), 10, rep=TRUE)) a <- a[order(a[, 1]), ] # order the matrix by row = 1 #subsetting a: lev <- levels(as.factor(a[, 1])) subs <- list() for(i in 1:length(lev)) { subs[[i]] <- a[a[, 1] %