Dear Ista,
that sos package is certainly something, didn't know there was one!
It turned out that ips is written by the same person who wrote phyloch,
so the latter must have been an alpha version of the former. The raxml
function worked from ips worked fine -- just a matter of defining the
Are there any good online classes/certifications for R programming and
Data Analytics?
Thank you in advance for any information.
Subba Rao
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I cross posted this on Stack Overflow:
I am using R to work with a large JS object (using the library rjsonio). As
such, I have a lot of nested lists, which are getting somewhat cumbersome
to work with. I hav
Hi all,
Thanks for your support. sorry for inconvenience cause due to lack of
information. here is my all r- program .
read in data
raw=read.csv(file.choose(),header = T, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
conversion from factor to numeric of xs
raw$Engine.Speed <- as.numeric(raw$Engin
Without going to deeply to your code; your data seems to be numeric, but for
some reason you read them as character. You shall consult read.csv help and
your original data. They probably have some feature which prevent them to be
read correctly.
To your question, what you want can be achiev
I get error
> ggplot(data=d.oran)+geom_line(aes(x=Tarih,y=EUROUSD))+geom_hline(,yintercept=x_bar[1]+c(-3:3)*std_sap[1],color=c("red","green","blue","black","blue","green","red"),linetype="dashed",lwd=1)
Error in get(x, envir = this, inherits = inh)(this, ...) :
object 'x_bar'
Thanks to Duncan, Hadley and Henrik.
Duncan, I used Rprof and could pinpoint the critical routine that was
doing the memory crash.
Henrik, you got it right: the culprit was a big matrix of integers,
but where some of its fields are filled with -Inf and Inf. This matrix
is global, it's used only o
On 29/12/2014 4:41 PM, Daniel Gabrieli wrote:
> I cross posted this on Stack Overflow:
> I am using R to work with a large JS object (using the library rjsonio). As
> such, I have a lot of nested lists,
I'm certain a google search will be sufficient to answer this question.
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 4:05 PM, Subba Rao wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there any good online classes/certifications for R programming and
> Data Analytics?
> Thank you in advance for any information.
> Subba Rao
I'm trying to use both these packages and wondering whether they are possible...
To make this simple, my ultimate goal is determine long stretches of
1s, but I want to do this within groups (hence using the data.table as
I use the "set key" option. However, I'm I'm not having much luck
making thi
Dear R experts, how are you?
I have a data bank in long format as below:
species monthyear plotdensity
sp1 1 2001 1 39
sp2 1 2001 1 6
sp3 1 2001 1 17
That is really helpful. I am trying to get the rmatch function to return
the position of the 'name' instead of the value. So rmatch(app, "FirsKey")
would return c(3,3,1). Then app[[c(3,3,1)]] <- 'new value' would be
On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 6:43 AM, Duncan Murdoch
> On 29/12/
To whom is may concern,
I am interested in working with R, and just downloaded the windows
installation. Unfortunately when I tried to run some demos, I received an error
(Error: could not find function "demo").
Any suggestions?
Also, if you have some tutorial packages to help gain some famili
If you entered
at the R prompt and got the stated error then I would venture that your
installation is faulty.
Another function that should work is
and the output of that function can be helpful to us in troubleshooting.
However, I would strongly consider looking into
I want to produce a three-way mosaic residual plot with survey data. I'm using
the mosaic function from the vcd package for the plot, and the svytable
function from the survey package to produce the contingency table.
Here is my code for a two-way table (that works) and a three-way table tha
I am looking for R example codes to compute age-standardized death rates by
smoking and psychological distress status using person-years of observation
created from the National Health Interview Survey Linked Mortality Files. Any
help with the example codes or references will be apprec
In case you missed it...
Ben Tupper
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
60 Bigelow Drive, P.O. Box 380
East Boothbay, Maine 04544
hi pradip hope you're doing well! these two scripts have age adjustment
calculations, but neither are specific to nhis. the nhanes example is
probably closer to what you're trying to do :)
Hi Anthony,
Thank you for sending me your well-documented R scripts that are meant for
age-adjusted rate calculations. I will keep you posted on the implementation
of these scripts in the context of my analyses.
Pradip K. Muhuri, PhD
1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 2-1071
On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, Mast, Brent D wrote:
I want to produce a three-way mosaic residual plot with survey data. I'm
using the mosaic function from the vcd package for the plot, and the
svytable function from the survey package to produce the contingency
table. Here is my code for a two-wa
This is what I came up with (to make the recursive function return the
position of the 'name' and still be able to chain the calls together). I
am not sure if this is a great way to do it... but it seems to be
rmatch.pos <- function(object, name, seq=NA, level=NULL){
##return the vec
In a manuscript, I have the following code to illustrate dummy coding of
two factors in a contingency table.
It works, but is surely obscured by the method I used, involving outer()
to find equalities and 0+outer()
to convert to numeric. Can someone help simplify this code to be more
Hi Michael,
At first I thought that as.numeric() would do it, but that loses the matrix
structure. Here are two solutions; I think that I prefer the second.
--- snip
> ( <- outer(haireye.df$Hair,
+ levels(haireye.df$Hair), function(x, y) as.numeric(x
On Dec 30, 2014, at 3:05 PM, Michael Friendly wrote:
> In a manuscript, I have the following code to illustrate dummy coding of two
> factors in a contingency table.
> It works, but is surely obscured by the method I used, involving outer() to
> find equalities and 0+outer()
> to convert to
I like this very simple version. Note that you don't need
model.matrix(Freq ~ Hair + Eye, data=haireye,
contrasts.arg=list(Hair=diag(4), Eye=diag(4)))
On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 6:05 PM, Michael Friendly wrote:
> In a manuscript, I have the following code to illustrate dummy codin
"More comprehensible" depends on context, which we don't have. You could
be simply trying to illustrate the logic of the transformation (solution 1
below) or providing a recipe which by its brevity is (perhaps?) memorable
(solution 2 below).
Solution 1:
appendDummys <- function( DF, keycol, d
On 12/30/14 7:16 PM, Richard M. Heiberger wrote:
I like this very simple version. Note that you don't need
model.matrix(Freq ~ Hair + Eye, data=haireye,
contrasts.arg=list(Hair=diag(4), Eye=diag(4)))
Thanks to all who replied to this question. model.matrix() was what I
had mi
It can handle one more simplification step
# Rich Heiberger, removing intercept, including haireye data
haireye.df <- cbind(,
model.matrix(Freq ~ Hair + Eye, data=haireye,
contrasts.arg=list(Hair=diag(4), Eye=diag(4)))[,-1]
On Tue, Dec 30, 2
Try this:
> x <- read.csv(text = "Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close
+ 2014-12-26,162.27,163.09,162.01,162.34,1912200,162.34
+ 2014-12-24,162.88,162.99,161.61,161.82,1868100,161.82
+ 2014-12-23,162.23,162.90,161.61,162.24,4043300,162.24
+ 2014-12-22,158.33,161.91,158.33,161.44,4682500,161.4
Dear all members
I have a problem with the code below when i wanted to change the continuous
random variables to mixed ordered categorical and dichotomous as follow
#transform theta to ordinal variables
yo <- array(0, dim=c(i,5,100))
for(j in 1:5){
if(v[j] < 0.25){
Hi All,
I would like to choice between these two data frame convert. which is
for(i in 1:ncol(DataFrame)){
DataFrame[,i] <- as.numeric(DataFrame[,i])
DataFrame <-,2 ,function(x) as.numeric(x)))
> On 31-12-2014, at 08:27, thanoon younis wrote:
> Dear all members
> I have a problem with the code below when i wanted to change the continuous
> random variables to mixed ordered categorical and dichotomous as follow
> #transform theta to ordinal variables
> yo <- array(0, dim=c(i,
> On 31-12-2014, at 08:40, Karim Mezhoud wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to choice between these two data frame convert. which is
> faster?
> for(i in 1:ncol(DataFrame)){
>DataFrame[,i] <- as.numeric(DataFrame[,i])
> OR
> DataFrame <- as.
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