Inability to access a repository index is very often an indication of a failed
internet connection from R. In Windows that is often a result of incorrect
proxy settings or other internet connection settings. The R Windows FAQ, 2.19
("The Internet download functions fail") may have the answer...
please consider the following example:
#start code
level<-rnorm(18, 10,3)
group1<-rep(letters[1:3], each=6)
#same result as for group1
#same result ad fo
Hi everyone,
I want to write a list of data frames to a text file and preserve the names
given to the list elements (I am using R 3.1.0).
I tried:
setNames(myList, myNames) # myNames is a vector of char elements same length as
If your PC connects Internet via proxy server, you have to run
Rgui.exe with option "--Internet2" (i.e. Rgui.exe --Internet2).
If my suggestion doesn't make sense, please ignore.
Ryota Kawauchi
2014/10/01 13:39、Sarah Hardy のメッセージ:
> Hello,
> I have a student (running Wind
Dear all,
I am trying to open a netcdf file with size 1.2 MB contains more than
3000 variables using 'netcdf' package.
I am facing problem that it taking more than 10 minute to open this small
nc file.
Is any way to make it fast ?
I have attached one sample nc-file along with this mail.
The result of the 'lapply' is also printed, so try this:
Jim Holtman
Data Munger Guru
What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
Tell me what you want to do, not how you want to do it.
On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 6:59 AM, In
This is really a question for a package maintainer, but you don't say which
package. Potentially ncdf4 may be slow with that many vars, try the open
as an outrageously optimistic guess if that package is the one you use. We
need more details from you, as per the posting
Le 01/10/2014 13:11, കുഞ്ഞായി kunjaai a écrit :
Dear all,
I am trying to open a netcdf file with size 1.2 MB contains more than
3000 variables using 'netcdf' package.
I am facing problem that it taking more than 10 minute to open this small
nc file.
Is any way to make it fast ?
Have yo
Omit the sink() statements to see what is happening -
lapply(myList,print) prints
each item in the list and then the output of lapply is printed via the
autoprinting mechanism.
If you put this into a function or saved the return value of lapply
into a variable or wrapped
the call to lapply in a cal
Hi Bill, thanks for your suggestions.
Regarding the list elements names, your idea works well - thank you.
However, my first issue is not resolved. I omitted the second sink statement,
and R still created a text file with duplicate list elements.
Then I omitted both sink statements (keeping only
You want to put
lapply(myList, print)
inside a call to invisible
invisible(lapply(myList, print))
(or put the whole sink(file)/lapply(...)/sink() sequence into a
function or use tmp<-lapply(...)
so autoprinting is suppressed)
Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
On Wed, Oct 1, 201
Which function are you using to open the netcdf file?
Without a sample of your data it is not possible to reproduce your issue.
However, opening a netcdf file should be straightforward with 'raster' (from
raster package) or '' (from ncdf4 package).
Thiago V.
Page 53 of Robert and Casella's "Use R" book, Introduction to Monte Carlo
Methods with R, has the following code:
+ interval=c(0,1) ,max=T)$objective
This should return
[1] 2.669744
I run R from R Studio. When I enter this code I receive the
Simple question. A vector of ‘number of observations’ can be input to
power.t.test, and a vector of ‘power’ s is output. But, inputting a vector of
powers generates an error. Am I missing something?
Vector of ’n’ s
power.t.test(n=c(28,29,30), delta=2, sd=3, sig.level=0.05, type="two.sample",
On 2014-09-30 15:50, eliza botto wrote:
Dear useRs,
I have this following data
c(42.2, 45.2, 46, 48, 54, 54.1, 59.4, 61, 62.2, 63.5, 65.024, 71.9, 73.4, 76.6,
76.708, 77.5, 77.724, 78, 81.3, 84.7, 84.836, 85.09, 88.2, 91.4, 94, 95.8, 96,
97.3, 101, 101, 101.5, 102.3, 102.87, 108.7,
I was looking at the ave documentation and it seems awfully sparse. How about
we change the description from:
Subsets of x[] are averaged, where each subset consist of those observations
with the same factor levels.
Subsets of x[] are averaged, where each subset consist of those obser
Change your 'max=T' to 'maximum=TRUE'. A long time ago the '...' in
optimize's argument
list was at the end, so you could abbreviate any of its argument
names. Now the '...' is the
third formal argument, so all the trailing arguments meant for
optimize itself must be fully
spelled out. Otherwise
Is there an easy way to check whether a variable is within +/- 10%
range of another variable in R?
Say, if I have a variable 'A', whether its in +/- 10% range of
variable 'B' and if so, create another variable 'C' to say whether it
is or not?
Is there a function that is able to do that?
On 01.10.2014 14:29, Stephen Kennedy wrote:
Simple question. A vector of ‘number of observations’ can be input to
power.t.test, and a vector of ‘power’ s is output. But, inputting a vector of
powers generates an error. Am I missing something?
Vector of ’n’ s
power.t.test(n=c(28,29,30), del
On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 3:11 PM, Kate Ignatius wrote:
> Is there an easy way to check whether a variable is within +/- 10%
> range of another variable in R?
checkRange = function(A, B, range = 0.1)
A>=B*(1-range) & A<=B*(1+range);
A = c(67, 24, 40, 10, 70, 101, 9)
B = c(76, 23
On 02.10.2014 00:27, Stephen Kennedy wrote:
Thanks. I’ve been getting some nice workarounds. I was pleasantly surprised
when the function ‘threaded’ on the number of samples, but I guess that was not
really part of the design, just an accident.
One could argue that the error message could
Thanks. I’ve been getting some nice workarounds. I was pleasantly surprised
when the function ‘threaded’ on the number of samples, but I guess that was not
really part of the design, just an accident.
On Oct 1, 2014, at 6:15 PM, Uwe Ligges wrote:
On 01.10.2014 14:29, Stephen
On 01 Oct 2014, at 14:29 , Stephen Kennedy wrote:
> Simple question. A vector of ‘number of observations’ can be input to
> power.t.test, and a vector of ‘power’ s is output. But, inputting a vector
> of powers generates an error. Am I missing something?
Power.t.test was written for scalar
Tena koe Kate
If kateDF is a data.frame with your data, then
apply(kateDF, 1, function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x[2], x[1], check.attributes =
FALSE, tolerance=0.1)))
comes close to (what I think) you want (but not to what you have illustrated in
your 'eventual outcome'). Anyhow, it may be enough
Yup. And books don't rewrite themselves when the software changes, so if things
don't seem to work, check the _current_ documentation.
On 01 Oct 2014, at 21:53 , William Dunlap wrote:
> Change your 'max=T' to 'maximum=TRUE'. A long time ago the '...' in
> optimize's argument
> list was a
Apologise - yes, my 10% calculations seem to be slightly off.
However, the function gives me all falses which seems to be a little
weird. Even where both columns equal each other. Should that be
In essence I want to check whether A and B equal other give or take 10%.
On Wed, Oct 1, 20
Tena koe Kate
This is what I get:
# A B
# 1 67 76
# 2 24 23
# 3 40 45
# 4 10 12
# 5 70 72
# 6 101 90
# 7 9 12
kateDF$C <- apply(kateDF, 1, function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x[2], x[1],
check.attributes = FALSE, tolerance=0.1)))
# A B C
# 1 67 76 FALSE
# 2 24 23 T
Dear All,
please provide help with the following:
we have
a <-c(0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0)
b <-c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0)
c <-c(1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0)
d <-c(0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0)
df <-rbind(a,b,c,d)
df <-cbind(df,h=c(sum(a)*8,sum(b)*8,sum(c)*8,sum(d)*8))
df <-cbind(df,df[,8]*c(1,2,3,2))
I would like to minimize the
Hey Folks,
I’m hoping to get a general consenus on a good book for someone with no
prior experience in R that is new to data science and statistical analysis. So
far, I’ve been recommended to read “Software For Data Analysis: Programming
With R (Statistics And Computing)" by John Chambers. I
I would recommend these for the absolute beginner with R:
"A Beginner's Guide to R" by Zuur
"Data Manipulation with R" by Spector
I have not seen this, but if their pattern holds, this one coming out
from Highland Statistics will also probably be useful for a newcomer:
A Beginner's Guide to
On 10/01/2014 05:48 PM, Jason Eyerly wrote:
Hey Folks, I’m hoping to get a general consenus on a good book for
someone with no prior experience in R that is new to data science and
statistical analysis. So far, I’ve been recommended to read “Software
For Data Analysis: Programming With R (Statist
A lot of excellent suggestions! Thank you everyone for the input. I�ve
purchased via Amazon:
"A Beginner's Guide to R" by Zuur
"Data Manipulation with R" by Spector
�Introductory Statistics with R.� by Peter Dalgaard
Are there any suggestions as to which order I should read them in when they
Hi all,
I need help calculating the error rate of an optimal responder to a
multidimensional discrimination task. I have been trying to use pmnorm
to do this, but am not sure about its functionality. I'm working with a
dataset of responses (binary, attack/not attack) of subjects who were
Thanks. I only use R on occasion, but I knew I could work around it easily
(and in fact some other users were nice enough to send some code).
When it only worked when inputting n, I thought it might be just an accident,
but thought I would ask.
Thanks for the explanation.
On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 4:54 AM, Jason Eyerly wrote:
> A lot of excellent suggestions! Thank you everyone for the input. I’ve
> purchased via Amazon:
> "A Beginner's Guide to R" by Zuur
> "Data Manipulation with R" by Spector
> “Introductory Statistics with R.” by Peter Dalgaard
> Are there an
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