Dear Amir,
There are a couple of panel functions in loa, a package of lattice add-ins,
that might be of help:
# Use a subsample of lat.lon.meuse dataset in loa
temp <- lat.lon.meuse[sample(1:155, 15),]
# plot Cu/Pb/Zn pie plots at sampling locations
On 15/06/2014, 1:15 AM, Marius Hofert wrote:
> Hi,
> If I use invisible(Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "C")) in ~/.Rprofile, then
>> sort(c("L.Y", "Lu", "L.Q"))
> [1] "L.Q" "L.Y" "Lu"
> whereas using invisible(Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "en_US.UTF-8")) results in
>> sort(c("L.Y", "Lu", "L
On 15/06/2014 12:16, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 15/06/2014, 1:15 AM, Marius Hofert wrote:
If I use invisible(Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "C")) in ~/.Rprofile, then
sort(c("L.Y", "Lu", "L.Q"))
[1] "L.Q" "L.Y" "Lu"
whereas using invisible(Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "en_US.UTF-8")) results
Dear David and Dan,
Yes, the column labelled "bootMed" is the median of the bootstrapped values. As
it turns out, this isn't documented in the help for the car package, nor in the
on-line appendix on bootstrapping from the CAR book. It's easy, however, to
print car:::summary.boot to see the str
Relatively new user with a question regarding abline.
I want to draw a st. line fit to some data but I want the line to span the
range of the x-data and NOT the plot limits.
In short the line spans xmin to xmax(of plot axis) but I want it to span
xmin to xmax (of x data).
Can this but done with ab
Hi Jim,
Very great help.
Bunch of thanks.
On Sun, 6/15/14, Jim Lemon wrote:
Subject: Re: [R] How to draw Bubble chart with mini pie charts as bubbles in R
Date: Sunday, June 15, 2014, 5:10 AM
On Sat, 14 Jun 2
hi. i'm doing some statistical analysis on image files. the pixmap
package is great, but has the limitation that it is only able to read
(and write) data in PNM format.
there's a nice unix/linux/... library known as imlib2 that is able to
read and write image data in many different formats.
For a spatial analysis (its visualization) I need to produce a map of
conditions and traits.
When I used SpatialPixelsDataFrame (sp package) my grid cells were regular
and between each row was a small gap, which is not only messy but incorrect.
So I generated the coords of each grid from the
On 14/06/2014, 11:34 PM, Paul Rydelek wrote:
> Relatively new user with a question regarding abline.
> I want to draw a st. line fit to some data but I want the line to span the
> range of the x-data and NOT the plot limits.
> In short the line spans xmin to xmax(of plot axis) but I want it to s
Thanks for you help. I use R-devel under Ubuntu 14.04, here is the output of
> sessionInfo()
R Under development (unstable) (2014-06-02 r65832)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
On 15/06/2014 17:34, Marius Hofert wrote:
Thanks for you help. I use R-devel under Ubuntu 14.04, here is the output of
R Under development (unstable) (2014-06-02 r65832)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
... so something like this? [in foo.R]
old.coll <- Sys.getlocale("LC_COLLATE")
Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", locale="C")
Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", locale=old.coll)
__ mailing list
You can also use clip() before abline():
> x <- rnorm(25)
> y <- rnorm(25)
> plot(y~x)
> clip(min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y))
> abline(lm(y~x))
But the clipping region will affect anything else you add to the plot after the
clip command. In package plotrix, ablineclip() sets and resets the clipp
Goal: get time series data interpolated on to desired time stamps.
I have two or more data sets that have time stamps that vary from 5 mins to
3-5 hours.
I want to get all the data put on common time stamps e.g. "00:05:00"
I asked Gabor and got some very good code ( zoo aggregate, na.sp
index = 1:2 is missing.
On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Henry wrote:
> Goal: get time series data interpolated on to desired time stamps.
> I have two or more data sets that have time stamps that vary from 5 mins to
> 3-5 hours.
> I want to get all the data put on common time stamps e.g. "00:05:
On 15/06/14 15:34, Paul Rydelek wrote:
Relatively new user with a question regarding abline.
I want to draw a st. line fit to some data but I want the line to span the
range of the x-data and NOT the plot limits.
In short the line spans xmin to xmax(of plot axis) but I want it to span
xmin to xm
On Mon, 16 Jun 2014 08:54:41 AM Rolf Turner wrote:
> On 15/06/14 15:34, Paul Rydelek wrote:
> > Relatively new user with a question regarding abline.
> >
> > I want to draw a st. line fit to some data but I want the line to span
> > range of the x-data and NOT the plot limits.
> > In short th
On 16/06/14 12:35, Jim Lemon wrote:
On Mon, 16 Jun 2014 08:54:41 AM Rolf Turner wrote:
On 15/06/14 15:34, Paul Rydelek wrote:
Relatively new user with a question regarding abline.
I want to draw a st. line fit to some data but I want the line to span
range of the x-data and NOT the plot
Dear all,
I used "sem" function from the package SEM to fit a model. However, I cannot
say if the model is correspondent to the data or not (chisquare test).
I used the commands:
model1 <- specifyModel()
estadio -> compflora, a1, NA
estadio -> compfauna, a2, NA
estadio -> interacoesobs, a3, NA
Hi, I am using clogit() from survival package to do conditional logistic
regression. I also need to make prediction on an independent dataset to
calculate predicted probability. Here is an example:
> dat <- data.frame(set=rep(1:50,each=3), status=rep(c(1,0,0),50),
> x1=rnorm(150,5,1), x2=rnorm
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