Re: [R] calling in inverted commas

2014-04-14 Thread eliza botto
Dear Arun and Frede Aakmann T©ªgersen, I am extremely grateful that you took your time out and helped me on this mind boggling issue as you guys always do. I couldn't thank you guys earlier as I was on the move. The first thing I am doing, after turning on my PC, is to thank you on your help. Th

Re: [R] mean calculations from a dframe column

2014-04-14 Thread David McPearson
On Sun, 13 Apr 2014 05:01:40 -0700 (PDT) "" wrote > Thank you very much!! > .. .. > *De :* arun kirshna [via R] > *Envoyé :* 13 avril 2014 11:23 > *À :* > *Objet :* Re: mean calculations from a dframe column > > Hi André, > > Your codes wer

Re: [R] Growth of CRAN?

2014-04-14 Thread Hadley Wickham
For finer level detail, have a look at It contains the description file of every package ever uploaded to CRAN (the cache is a few months out of date, but you can easily re-run) Hadley On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Spencer Graves wrote: > What d

Re: [R] Selecting variables in a multivariate regression

2014-04-14 Thread Bert Gunter
Well, this is your second post on the same topic, your first having received no response. So you should suspect something is amiss and reconsider before continuing, don't you think? 1. I, for one, was not able to make any sense of your query. You do not appear to understand regression, so I would

Re: [R] correlation with missing values.. different answers

2014-04-14 Thread peter dalgaard
On 14 Apr 2014, at 05:02 , Paul Tanger wrote: > Thanks, I did not realize it was deleting rows! I was afraid to try > "pairwise.complete.obs" because it said something about resulting in a > matrix which is not "positive semi-definite" (and googling that term > just confused me more). It mea

Re: [R] Selecting variables in a multivariate regression

2014-04-14 Thread peter dalgaard
On 14 Apr 2014, at 15:33 , Bert Gunter wrote: > Well, this is your second post on the same topic, your first having > received no response. So you should suspect something is amiss and > reconsider before continuing, don't you think? > > 1. I, for one, was not able to make any sense of your que

[R] Programming routine comp()

2014-04-14 Thread Endy BlackEndy
Dear R users. I am trying to program the comp() routine in package survMisc. I am reading the data below with d=read.table( "C:\\. . .",fill=TRUE,header=TRUE) Then I load the packages 'survival' and 'survMisc', library(survival), library(survMisc) and I run the commands

[R] Programming routine comp()

2014-04-14 Thread Endy BlackEndy
Dear R users. I am trying to program the comp() routine in package survMisc. I am reading the data below with d=read.table( "C:\\. . .",fill=TRUE,header=TRUE) Then I load the packages 'survival' and 'survMisc', library(survival), library(survMisc) and I run the commands

[R] Read.table mucks up headers

2014-04-14 Thread Pavneet Arora
Hey All I am trying to read in a small text file using read.table. dput(sim) structure(list(ï...X. = 1:7, Y1 = c(2.5501, 4.105, 5.4687, 7.0009, 8.5066, 9.785, 11.5167), Y2 = c(2.5501, 4.105, 5.4687, 11.0009, 8.5066, 9.785, 11.5167), Y3 = c(2.5501, 4.105, 5.4687, 7.0009, 8.5066, 9.785, 15.516

Re: [R] Growth of CRAN?

2014-04-14 Thread Hadley Wickham
Yes, because it has every version of every DESCRIPTION. Hadley On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Spencer Graves wrote: > Hi, Hadley: > > > > On 4/14/2014 5:53 AM, Hadley Wickham wrote: >> >> For finer level detail, have a look at >> It contains the descri

Re: [R] Growth of CRAN?

2014-04-14 Thread Spencer Graves
p.s. Have backup copies of CRAN been made, e.g., annually or with each new release? Or are there summaries of the tests done with each new release? I'm looking for something that could be checked to compile a more accurate and consistent database than what we have now. For me, this is idle

Re: [R] Growth of CRAN?

2014-04-14 Thread Spencer Graves
Hi, Hadley: On 4/14/2014 5:53 AM, Hadley Wickham wrote: For finer level detail, have a look at It contains the description file of every package ever uploaded to CRAN (the cache is a few months out of date, but you can easily re-run) Can that be

Re: [R] Comparing initial eigenvalues to broken stick results

2014-04-14 Thread dcarlson
It helps a great deal if you provide a small data set using dput() and indicate what packages need to be loaded for the functions you are using. This example uses random data so there are no eigenvalues above the initial broken stick values: > set.seed(42) > x <- matrix(rnorm(200), 20, 10) > requi

Re: [R] Growth of CRAN?

2014-04-14 Thread Spencer Graves
Hi, Hadley, et al.: Is anyone interested in mining the link Hadley provided below to compile a data.frame of the growth of the size of CRAN? I'll happily add it to the Ecdat package unless someone would rather put it someplace else. It would be great for a study using, e.g., Bayesian M

Re: [R] Selecting variables in a multivariate regression

2014-04-14 Thread Edson Tirelli
Bert, I am sorry for having troubled you. The double post was a mistake because gmail sent the first e-mail in html and it went into moderation queue. The second one was sent in plain text. I did not know the moderator approved my first post. 1. As I said, I am a beginner in statistics and

Re: [R] Read.table mucks up headers

2014-04-14 Thread Jeff Newmiller
You have not posted the input to your code so it is not reproducible. Also, you have posted in HTML, which is notorious for corrupting R code and data in emails. If I were to guess, though, it looks to me like you are working with a UTF-8 file with a Byte Order Mark (header). I don't know the "

Re: [R] Read.table mucks up headers

2014-04-14 Thread S Ellison
> But for some reason my first header comes as "?...X. ", instead of just "X". > Can some one please tell me why? And how to fix it? i) What were the separator characters in the original data file header row? ii) Your first character is not being decoded properly; check the file encoding and set

Re: [R] Read.table mucks up headers

2014-04-14 Thread Milan Bouchet-Valat
Le lundi 14 avril 2014 à 08:50 -0700, Jeff Newmiller a écrit : > You have not posted the input to your code so it is not reproducible. > Also, you have posted in HTML, which is notorious for corrupting R > code and data in emails. > > If I were to guess, though, it looks to me like you are workin

[R] gRain on R 3.1.0

2014-04-14 Thread Anna Eklöf
I am using the gRain package but I can't get it to work under R 3.1.0. It is no longer available in the CRAN. Does anyone have suggestions for how to get a successful installation? A [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project

[R] program

2014-04-14 Thread kafi dano
Dear Sir. I need your to help me to correct the attached R-code. when I apply this code give me the bad result Attached the program by using R Thank you    Kafi Dano Pati Ph.D candidate ( mathematics/statistics) Department of mathematical Science/ faculty of Science University Techno

[R] how to do poisson regression for a complex sample design data by svyglm

2014-04-14 Thread Hanze Zhang
Hi, I am in trouble on doing poisson regression for a complex sample design data by svyglm (survey package). I have a dataset contained these variables: caseumber, y(which is count), x1, x2, stratum, weight. It is a complex sample design with equal probability without replacement. How can I fit a

[R] How to do abstraction of the document using R

2014-04-14 Thread goodnewsformood
Hi, I have a document without the abstraction. I am tring to do abstraction of the document using R. How can I get a short abstraction. I have no any idea about this. Anyone can help? Thank you! [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help

Re: [R] PGLM Package: Starting Values for Within-Model

2014-04-14 Thread jaschwer
Does anyone found an answer to that question? I have the same problem and can't find a solution. Am Freitag, 10. Mai 2013 10:41:23 UTC+2 schrieb MaxFranke: > > I am currently using the PGLM package and I would like to implement a > within-model. Unfortunately, I do not succeed as I am not a big

[R] Trend test for hazard ratios

2014-04-14 Thread mkleber74
Hello, I have the following problem. I stratified my patient cohort into three ordered groups and performed multivariate adjusted Cox regression analysis on each group separately. Now I would like to calculate a p for trend across the hazard ratios that I got for the three groups. How can I do tha

Re: [R] R 3.0.3, Windows 7: Problem installing XML package

2014-04-14 Thread Alpesh Pandya
I have tried these sources (almost all US mirrors):

[R] I can't programe routine comp()

2014-04-14 Thread Endy
    Dear R users.  I am trying to program the comp() routine in package survMisc.                                                                                                             I am reading the data below with d=read.table( "C:\\. . .",fill=TRUE,header=TRUE) Then I load the packages

Re: [R] mean calculations from a dframe column

2014-04-14 Thread
hello, yes I will try colmeans, I thought it will not get rid of th NA's But thank you for the advice! Andre 2014-04-14 13:25 GMT+01:00 David McPearson [via R] <>: > On Sun, 13 Apr 2014 05:01:40 -0700 (PDT) "[hidden > email]

[R] hetglm() and robust standard errors

2014-04-14 Thread ChrisR
Hi everyone, I am using the hetglm() command from the package 'glmx' (0.1-0). It seems that hetglm() is incompatible with the robust standard errors estimator provided in the 'AER' package: coeftest(mymodel,vcov=vcovHC) Any suggestions how I could obtain robust standard errors for the heteroscedast

[R] X11 font -adobe-helvetica-%s-%s-*-*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-*-*, face 2 at size 11 could not be loaded

2014-04-14 Thread Florian Burkart
Hi, I am on Ubuntu 13.10, with R version 3.1.0 beta (2014-03-28 r65330) -- "Spring Dance" (64 bit). It is a new install and when trying to plot I am getting above error message Error in title(main = "Test", line = -1) : X11 font -adobe-helvetica-%s-%s-*-*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-*-*, face 2 at size 11 co

[R] problem on package "survey" , function svyglm,

2014-04-14 Thread Hanze Zhang
Hi, I want to do logistic regression based on a complex sample design. I used package survey, but when I ran svyglm, an error message came out: Error in onestrat(x[index, , drop = FALSE], clusters[index], nPSU[index][1], : Stratum (16) has only one PSU at stage 1 My code is below:<-

Re: [R] R 3.0.3, Windows 7: Problem installing XML package

2014-04-14 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, I have package XML installed on Windows 7, R 3.0.3 and I had no problem at all. Can't you try (it worked with me) install.packages("XML", repos = "";) Hope this helps, Rui Barradas Em 14-04-2014 16:24, Alpesh Pandya escreveu: I have tried these sources (almost

[R] system()

2014-04-14 Thread Doran, Harold
I need to send a system command to another program from within R but have a small hangup I'm trying to do something like this system("notepad myfile.txt") But, more generally this is happening to multiple files, so I loop over thousands of files. For purposes of an example, my code is somethin

Re: [R] R 3.0.3, Windows 7: Problem installing XML package

2014-04-14 Thread Alpesh Pandya
Thank you for response Rui. I still get the same error with this repository. Installing package into ‘C:/Users/APandya/Documents/R/win-library/3.0’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) trying URL '' Content type 'application/zip' leng

Re: [R] system()

2014-04-14 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, Try instead command <- paste(aa, fnm) system(command) And read the help page for ?paste Hope this helps, Rui Barradas Em 14-04-2014 20:02, Doran, Harold escreveu: I need to send a system command to another program from within R but have a small hangup I'm trying to do something li

Re: [R] problem on package "survey" , function svyglm,

2014-04-14 Thread Milan Bouchet-Valat
Le lundi 14 avril 2014 à 13:59 -0400, Hanze Zhang a écrit : > Hi, > > I want to do logistic regression based on a complex sample design. I used > package survey, but when I ran svyglm, an error message came out: > Error in onestrat(x[index, , drop = FALSE], clusters[index], > nPSU[index][1], : >

Re: [R] Error using the package tm.plugin.webmining "object '.Source' not found"

2014-04-14 Thread Milan Bouchet-Valat
Le dimanche 13 avril 2014 à 20:50 -0400, brian arb a écrit : > I recently had an issue while trying to use the package tm.plugin.webmining. > > I was able to get a hack to work for me and I wanted to share the diff and > bring this to someones attention. > Or what is the proper way to report a bug

Re: [R] sink() and UTF-8 on non-UTF-8 systems

2014-04-14 Thread Milan Bouchet-Valat
Suggestions, anyone? Le vendredi 11 avril 2014 à 17:49 +0200, Milan Bouchet-Valat a écrit : > Hi! > > In the series "dealing with encoding madness on hostile systems", I'm > looking for help as regards capturing R UTF-8 output on a system where > the locale is not using UTF-8, and where some char

[R] Extracting values from rows which meet a condition in R 3.0.2

2014-04-14 Thread umair durrani
Hi, I have a big data frame with millions of rows and more than 20 columns. Let me first describe what the data is to make question more clear. The original data frame consists of locations, velocities and accelerations of 2169 vehicles during a 15 minute period. Each vehicle has a unique Vehicl

Re: [R] mclogit

2014-04-14 Thread Philippe Galipeau
Hi, have you found a solution for your question 1? Le jeudi 11 octobre 2012 19:03:16 UTC-4, Katelyn Weaver a écrit : > Hello, > > I am new to R and am trying to complete a mixed conditional logistic > regression. There are two issues that I am currently having: > > 1. I am not sure how to in

[R] Plot mlogit object

2014-04-14 Thread Tim Marcella
Hi, I cannot figure out how or if I even can plot the results from a nested multinomial logit model. I am using the mlogit package. Does anyone have a lead on any tutorials? Both of the vignettes are lacking plotting instructions. Thanks, Tim -- Tim Marcella [[alternative HTML version

Re: [R] gRain on R 3.1.0

2014-04-14 Thread Uwe Ligges
On 14.04.2014 07:54, Anna Eklöf wrote: I am using the gRain package but I can't get it to work under R 3.1.0. It is no longer available in the CRAN. Does anyone have suggestions for how to get a successful installation? See: All there

Re: [R] Extracting values from rows which meet a condition in R 3.0.2

2014-04-14 Thread Jim Lemon
On 04/15/2014 06:24 AM, umair durrani wrote: Hi, I have a big data frame with millions of rows and more than 20 columns. Let me first describe what the data is to make question more clear. The original data frame consists of locations, velocities and accelerations of 2169 vehicles during a 15

Re: [R] system()

2014-04-14 Thread Daniel Nordlund
> -Original Message- > From: [] > On Behalf Of Rui Barradas > Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 12:09 PM > To: Doran, Harold; > Subject: Re: [R] system() > > Hello, > > Try instead > > command <- paste(aa, fn

Re: [R] : Quantile and rowMean from multiple files in a folder

2014-04-14 Thread arun
Hi, It is because of different dimensions of Simulation data  within each Site. Try: dir.create("final") lst1 <- split(list.files(pattern = ".csv"), gsub("\\_.*", "", list.files(pattern = ".csv"))) sapply(lst1,length) #G100 G101 G102 G103 G104 G105 G106 G107 G108 G109 G110 G111 G112 G113 G114 G

Re: [R] : Quantile and rowMean from multiple files in a folder

2014-04-14 Thread arun
Hi, Q1 solution already sent. Regarding Q2, one of the files in the new Observed folder doesn't have any  data (just the Year column alone). That may be the reason for the problem. ### Q1: working directory: Observed #Only one file per Site.  Assuming this is the ### case for the full data

[R] creating multiple line graphs

2014-04-14 Thread dila radi
Hi all, I tried to draw multiple line graphs, and this is my data: structure(list(X = structure(c(3L, 1L, 2L), .Label = c("10%", "20%", "5%"), class = "factor"), NRM = c(0.993112, 0.9757191, 0.9709928), AAM = c(0.9928504, 0.9764055, 0.9702813), IDW = c(0.9923301, 0.9737133, 0.9640287), CCM = c(0.

Re: [R] Quantile and rowMean from multiple files in a folder

2014-04-14 Thread
Hi AK, Thanks very much. I did send you another email with a larger file. The Quantilecode.R which you initially developed for a smaller did not complete the task when I used it for a larger data set. Please check to rectify the error message.

Re: [R] Quantile and rowMean from multiple files in a folder

2014-04-14 Thread arun
Hi Atem, I guess this is what you wanted. ###Q1: ### ###working directory: Observed  #Only one file per Site.  Assuming this is the case for the full dataset, then I guess there is no need to average dir.create("final") lst1 <- split(list.files(pattern = ".csv"), gsub("\\_.*", "", list.files(

[R] error when installing package after installing R-3.1.0 on windows

2014-04-14 Thread Linda Peng
Hi,   I encountered following error" Warning in install.packages("xlsx") :   'lib = "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.1.0/library"' is not writable". This is right after I installed R-3.1.0 on windows after previous R-2.15.2 which is still existing.   I checked the folder permission and it doesn't have rea

[R] a question about the output of plot

2014-04-14 Thread meng
Hi all: I met a question about the output of plot. I want to output 3 plots. Method1: by function histogram{lattice} Method2: by function hist{graphics} But method1 failed(the output is empty),and only method 2 works. I can't find out the reason,and many thanks for your help. #Method1---failed

Re: [R] : Quantile and rowMean from multiple files in a folder

2014-04-14 Thread Zilefac Elvis
Hi AK, All codes for simulation files work great. I will try the code for observations and let you know. Thanks very much. Atem. On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 12:01 AM, arun wrote: Yes, my new solution ignores such cases. On Monday, April 14, 2014 11:58 PM, Zilefac Elvis wrote: Hi AK,

Re: [R] creating multiple line graphs

2014-04-14 Thread Jim Lemon
On 04/15/2014 12:27 PM, dila radi wrote: Hi all, I tried to draw multiple line graphs, and this is my data: structure(list(X = structure(c(3L, 1L, 2L), .Label = c("10%", "20%", "5%"), class = "factor"), NRM = c(0.993112, 0.9757191, 0.9709928), AAM = c(0.9928504, 0.9764055, 0.9702813), IDW = c(0

Re: [R] a question about the output of plot

2014-04-14 Thread Jim Lemon
On 04/15/2014 11:46 AM, meng wrote: Hi all: I met a question about the output of plot. I want to output 3 plots. Method1: by function histogram{lattice} Method2: by function hist{graphics} But method1 failed(the output is empty),and only method 2 works. I can't find out the reason,and many than