Thanks for your answers Arun. Unfortunately the code didn't work and I am
getting the error: arguments must have same length. Here are sample input and
Vehicle ID Vehicle Class Vehicle Length Vehicle Width
2 2 13.5 4.5
2 2 13.5 4.5
2 2 13.5 4.5
2 2 13.5 4.5
3 2 13.5 4.0
3 2 13.5 4.
Hi Folks,
Using ggplot, I've produced the following graphic:
The graphics in the plot seem to be bitmapped and not vectorized. That
is, the vertical and horizontal lines jump rows of pixels instead of
having just nice, angled lines. Any thoughts about how to get t
Off the top of my head, I'd suggest trying ggsave() with the extension
".svg" . I realize that SVG files are not recognized by some image display
apps (Microsoft Windows I'm looking at YOU), but IMHO it's the best choice
for vectorized images.
Alexander Shenkin wrote
> Hi Folks,
> Using gg
Your report sounds somewhat similar to problems I encountered with OpenBLAS on
Ubuntu Linux (which is a maintained version of GotoBLAS; I couldn't get the
latter to compile properly).
OpenBLAS uses OpenMP for parallelization. Once linked into R, other
OpenMP-based code would only use a single
Here is an example using data.table to get the proportion for the Length/Width:
> input <- read.table(text = "'ID' 'Class' 'Length' 'Width'
+ 2 2 13.5 4.5
+ 2 2 13.5 4.5
+ 2 2 13.5 4.5
+ 2 2 13.5 4.5
+ 3 2 13.5 4.0
+ 3 2 13.5 4.0
+ 3 2 13.5 4.0
+ 3 2 13.5 4.0
+ 4 2 10.0 4.5
+ 4 2 10.0 4.5
+ 4 2 10
You have mentioned nothing about the device you are writing the plot to. If to
the default and you are copying it from there as a bitmap, then what you are
describing sounds as expected. Read the R Input/Output manual (again) for other
output options.
Thanks Carl. Yeah, I can get vectorized graphics out via
ggsave("temp.pdf") too. But I need to add the graphic to a word doc on
windows. Hence the desire to use wmf, which should induce a vector
format (shouldn't it?).
On 12/1/2013 10:39 AM, Carl Witthoft wrote:
> Off the top of my head, I'd s
Thanks Jeff. I'm not sure to which manual you are referring. Nothing
like what you mention is found here: . Perhaps you're referring to
The Data Import/Export Manual, but that wouldn't make sense. Googling
"R Input/Output manual" doesn't help.
Regarding t
Dear R users,
I am running a linear regression in R. My observations are Census Tracts in
several metropolitan areas (MSAs). In my data set, each MSA has at least 50
observations. I use factor(msa_code) in the lm formula to control for
metropolitan fixed effects. But I kept getting something like
Hello R users,
I'm new to R so apologies if this question seems simple. I have a matrix which
is 35000 columns by 35000 rows and I’m wanting to work out the mean of each
row. I've tried using the code below on a smaller version of the matrix, but
receive an error:
> mat
[,1] [,2] [,
Thanks Arun! It was simple as that. You suggestion solved it.
View this message in context:
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Hi, sir i want help to develop code for outlier detection in r
language, so help me for this.
Jitendra R Chandvaniya
BE Computer,(M.TECH(Pursuing)).
RK University,
__ mailing list
Hi Halim,
I tried, but couldn't come up with a solution.
On Sunday, December 1, 2013 1:26 AM, halim10-fes wrote:
Hi Arun,
Thank you very much for your kind response. Sorry for my delayed response.
Your solutions for the first two questions are quite good for my purpose.
Hi everyone,
I am facing a problem I really do not know how to resolve about detecting
significant spatial structures in a region I am studying.
The study is about the Miombo forest (wooded savanna). I am working in a 10
ha permanent forest plot, where all trees are mapped and identified. I
You may wish to talk to a local statistician or read up on linear
models, as you appear to not understand some basics. Anyway, either
1. You have other covariates in your model that you haven't shown and
your model is overdetermined.
2. You have NA's in your data that causes 1) to occur.
As an e
Your code corrected would be
mean.matrix[, 1] <- apply(mat, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
(No need for the for loop).
Even better would be to avoid loops and use the base R function ?rowMeans.
mean.matrix[, 1] <- rowMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE)
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 01-12-2013 12:16
Thanks, Bert. It seems I got these NAs because I already had MSA population
controlled for in my model, besides the fixed effect variable, which led to
overestimation. Those NAs disappeared after I dropped the population
On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 10:27 AM, Bert Gunter wrote:
> You
On Sunday, December 1, 2013 1:15 PM, Amie Hunter
Hello R users,
I'm new to R so apologies if this question seems simple. I have a matrix which
is 35000 columns by 35000 rows and I’m wanting to work out the mean of each
row. I've tried
On 12/02/13 03:04, jeet chandvaniya wrote:
Hi, sir i want help to develop code for outlier detection in r
language, so help me for this.
I recall that Monty Python did a skit that seems relevant here. The
skit involved
instructions on how to learn to play the flute and how to solve all the
On Nov 30, 2013, at 8:45 PM, halim10-fes wrote:
> Hi Arun,
> Thank you very much for your kind response. Sorry for my delayed response.
> Your solutions for the first two questions are quite good for my purpose.
> Since nobody responded, can you please have a look at the 3rd question?
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Yes. Thank you once again. With this:
> res2 <-,lapply(lst2,
> function(x)
> rollapply(x,width=32,FUN=function(z) {z1 <-;
> if(!sum(!!rowSums( {l1 <-lm(r~F.1+F.2+F.3,data=z1);
> c(coef(l1), pval=summary(l1)$coef[,4], rsquare=summary(l1)$r.squared) }
> el
dat1 <- read.table(text="A B C D
r.1 x1 x2 x3
r.1 x4 x5 x6
r.2 x7 x8 x9
r.2 x10 x11 x12
r.3 x13 x14 x15
r.3 x16 x17 x18",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
dat2 <-,split(dat1,dat1$A))
colnames(dat2) <- gsub(".*\\.","",colnames(dat2))
I guess you wanted something like this:
res2 <-,lapply(lst2,
rollapply(x,width=32,FUN=function(z) {z1 <-;
if(!sum(!!rowSums( {l1 <-lm(r~F.1+F.2+F.3,data=z1);
c(coef(l1), pval=summary(l1)$coef[,4], rsquare=summary(l1)$r.squared) }
I've come across a problem in developing a set of custom functions to calculate
the number of hours of daylight at a given latitude, and the number of days a
date precedes or secedes the summer solstice. I discovered an inconsistency
concerning leap years between my derived values and tho
It seems that this kind of calculations are done in package 'insol'.
On 2 December 2013 15:26, White, William Patrick wrote:
> Hello,
> I've come across a problem in developing a set of custom functions to
> calculate the number of hours of daylight at a given latitude,
26 matches
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