Yap. I did load the package "bdsmatrix"
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 8:26 AM, Pascal Oettli wrote:
> Hi,
> Did you load "bdsmatrix"?
> Regards,
> Pascal
> 2013/6/21 Tjun Kiat Teo
>> What are the possible options I have for Generalized choleksy Inverse in
>> R. I tried to use the package
I select 70% of my data and keep 30% of it for model validation.
mydata <- read.csv(file.choose(), header=TRUE)
select <- sample(nrow(mydata), nrow(mydata) * .7)
data70 <- mydata[select,] # select
data30 <- mydata[-select,] # testing
temp.glm <- glm(Death~Temperature, data=data70,
Good. But you probably didn't carefully read the help page.
The function used is "solve", not "solve.gchol". For an object of class gchol,
"solve" will call "solve.gchol".
2013/7/2 Tjun Kiat Teo
> Yap. I did load the package "bdsmatrix"
> On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 8:26
> I am trying to do some D o E. I would like to find
> the optima
> (maxima) of a 2 dimensional lm with quadratic terms.
> I'm sure there is a really simple solution but i can't find it.
At least part of this problem is solved by the rsm package; that fits a
quadratic response surface
This code is untested, since you did not provide any example data. But it
may help you get started.
mydata <- read.csv(file.choose(), header=TRUE)
library(ROCR) # ROC curve and assessment of my prediction
plot(0:1, 0:1, type="n", xlab="False positive rate", ylab="True positive
Hi guys,
I was wondering if any one is able to help me on a problem that I was stuck
with for a long time. It involves the replacement of character strings with
numbers. The character string can take on only 3 possible values, for
I would want R to replace AT with 0. Between A
You could subtract the mean from the response before fitting, then fit a
model without an intercept. That would give you four parameters (one for
each level) relative to the mean ...
summary(lm(weight-mean(weight) ~ Diet -1, ChickWeight))
On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 5:47 PM, Shaun Jackman wr
Hi all,
Currently I am working on a code that will calculate word occurrence rate
in a tweet.
First, I have 'tweets' that contains all the tweet I grabbed and I make
'words' that contains all unique word in 'tweets'.
After that I use sapply to calculate probability of a word appearing in
I have been trying to run the ComBat function for a while on my gene array
data but don't manage to make it work. I always get the following error:
Error in solve.default(t(des) %*% des) : Lapack routine dgesv: system is
exactly singular: U[34,34]=0.
I know it is an error of matrice but I d
Thanks to everyone for such nice illustrations. It will guide me for sure.
On 2 July 2013 02:56, David Winsemius wrote:
> With permission I offer this exchange. Rolf and I have different notions
> of what u %*% v should mean, but the arbiter is obviously the original
> poster:
> Begin forwa
Dear all
I try to use Google Maps to calculate travel times per transit between an
origin an destination.
The guidelines for the search can be found at:
When I submit the latitude and the longitude of the origin and desti
On 02/07/2013 13:31, Jeremy Ng wrote:
Hi guys,
I was wondering if any one is able to help me on a problem that I was stuck
with for a long time. It involves the replacement of character strings with
numbers. The character string can take on only 3 possible values, for
I woul
I am interested in applying a "classification tree" analysis where the
response variable is a censored variable (survival data).
I've discovered the package 'party' through this page:
http://www.statmethods.net/advstats/cart.html. However, as my sample is not
very big I would like to apply 'bootst
hello i have a problem since days with the heatmap function and my own
cluster function...
i try to put it like this but it is not working :
heatmap(data, hclustfun=function(x)myclust(x))
where myclust is a simple fonction
myclust= function(data){
#mclust= as.mclust
I have a dataframe of genomic positions something like below:
We have a doubt on whether we are applying a lme model correctly.
Our experimental/sampling design is as follows:
We are studying the relationship between two quantitative and continuous
variables at different sampling stations along a transect in the ocean. At each
station, we take three w
Hello everyone,
I am trying to model some data regarding a predator prey interaction
experiment (n=26). Predation rate is my response variable and I have 4
explanatory variables: predator density (1,2,3,4 5), predator size, prey
density (5,10,15,20,25,30) and prey type (3 categories). I started wi
Not sure how your data looks like. May be this helps.
dat1<- read.table(text="
vec2<- ifelse(vec1=="AA",-1,ifelse(vec1=="AT",0, ifelse(vec1=="TT",1,NA)))
On Tue, 2 Jul 2013, Vicent Giner-Bosch wrote:
I am interested in applying a "classification tree" analysis where the
response variable is a censored variable (survival data).
I've discovered the package 'party' through this page:
http://www.statmethods.net/advstats/cart.html. However, as my sam
I am trying to create a directed graph with plate notation (like the one
shown below) in R.
[image: The output image]
Could someone direct to me an example code that will get me started.
I could not see any reference to plate notations in igraph, qgraph packages
though I may be wrong.
The above
If you read the 'Warning' section of the help page for KalmanLike, it
explicitely says that
begin quote
These functions are designed to be called from other functions
which check the validity of the arguments passed, so very little
checking is done.
end quote
So, (1) these func
On Jul 2, 2013, at 1:59 AM, Franckx Laurent wrote:
> Dear all
> I try to use Google Maps to calculate travel times per transit between an
> origin an destination.
> The guidelines for the search can be found at:
> https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/#TravelModes
On Jul 1, 2013, at 9:39 PM, Ben Bolker wrote:
> Philip A. Viton osu.edu> writes:
>> suppose "state" is a variable in a dataframe containing abbreviations
>> of the US states, as a factor. What I'd like to do is to include
>> dummy variables for a few of the states, (say, CA and MA) among th
On 2 July 2013 15:34, Achim Zeileis wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Jul 2013, Vicent Giner-Bosch wrote:
> I am interested in applying a "classification tree" analysis where the
>> response variable is a censored variable (survival data).
>> I've discovered the package 'party' through this page:
>> http:
Dear Arun,
please excuse me for this late reply, we had to stop working on this
Let me reproduce here two examples of rows from F1 and F2 (sorry, but
with dput() I am not able to produce a clear example)
> F1_ex
Nome.azienda Indirizzo
17 Alterego
> How do i make a loop so that the process could be repeated several time,
> producing randomly ROC curve and under ROC values?
Using the caret package
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
Dear David
Thank you for the suggestion.
The following works fine:
or_dest <-
url_to_google <- paste(
The image did not come through as pointed out by a list member. I have
attached a pdf image file; the link is
On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Raghu Naik wrote:
> I am trying to creat
Hi R community,
What package would you recommend to download pictures and descriptions
of the pictures?
I have looked at package XML and RCurl so far. Is this what everyone uses?
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
Dear members
I am trying to apply the function kl.dist (Kullback-Leibler Distance
measure) to multiple matrixes.
I tried the following :
veckldist <- Vectorize(kl.dist)
distancematrix <- outer (matrix1,matrix2, "veckldist")
But the code is complaining that the list of the object does not mat
I am trying to understand lagged correlations.
x= 1:100;
y = c(rep(NA,40), 1:60)ccf(x = x, y = y, lag.max=100, na.action=na.pass, type =
I was hoping to see max cor at lag = 40. But I am not. What am I doing wrong?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Read the Posting Guide. The example you provide below is not reproducible [1],
so we cannot tell what you're giving to the outer() function.
I have written a function to assign the values of a certain variable 'wd' from
a dataset to another dataset. Both contain data from the same time period but
differ in the length of their time intervals: 'GPS' has regular 10-minute
intervals whereas 'xact' has irregular intervals. I attached
On Jul 2, 2013, at 10:47 AM, Santiago Guallar wrote:
> Hi,
> I have written a function to assign the values of a certain variable 'wd'
> from a dataset to another dataset. Both contain data from the same time
> period but differ in the length of their time intervals: 'GPS' has regular
> 10-
Wouldn't this be highly dependent on how the pictures and descriptions were
formatted online, as well as what you planned to do with them? I generally find
that a web browser is quite sufficient for my needs.
Jeff Newmill
Hello everyone,
I have a dataset which consists of "Pathology scores" (Absent, Mild, Severe)
as outcome variable, and two main effects: Age (two factors: twenty / thirty
days old) and Treatment Group (four factors: infected without ATB; infected
+ ATB1; infected + ATB2; infected + ATB3).
First I
I'm new to R (previously used SAS primarily) and I have a genetics data
frame consisting of genotypes for each of 300+ subjects (ID1, ID2, ID3,
...) at 3000+ genetic locations (SNP1, SNP2, SNP3...). A small subset of
the data is shown below:
SNP_ID SNP1 SNP2 SNP3 SNP4 Maj_Allele C G C A Min_A
I'm not sure I understood, but try the following.
Kgeno <- read.table(text = "
Maj_Allele C G C A
Min_Allele T A T G
ID4 _ _ _ _
If you have read in the data as factors (stringsAsFactors = TRUE, the
default), change the function to the following.
fun <- function(x){
x[x %in% c("nc", "_")] <- NA
MM <- paste0(as.character(x[1]), as.character(x[1])) # Major Major
Mm <- paste0(as.character(x
Then you are posting in the wrong forum, since this is a forum about getting R
to do things for which you already understand the theory.
As to the results you are getting, I highly recommend reading the details
section of ?ccf.
BTW The Posting Guide indicates that you should post in text format
On 03/07/13 04:21, Venkatesh Nagarajan wrote:
> I am trying to understand lagged correlations.
> x= 1:100;
> y = c(rep(NA,40), 1:60)ccf(x = x, y = y, lag.max=100, na.action=na.pass, type
> = "correlation")
> I was hoping to see max cor at lag = 40. But I am not. What am I doing wrong?
I am fitting GAMs using mgcv. My models have both linear and functional
effects, for instance:
b<-gam(y~s(x0)+s(x1)+s(x2)+s(x3) + x4 + as.factor(x5),data=dat)
I would like to extract the proportion of deviance explained by a single
term in the model, for instance, s(x1).
Having read thro
Hi Luciano
There are a number of types of ordinal regression and you need to be
specific about that.
There are a number of ordinal packages to do ordinal regression.
Each of them has specific requirements about coding of the variables
Thanks a lot Biran,
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a ton.
est wishes,
On 29 June 2013 02:51, Brian Diggs wrote:
> On 6/27/2013 12:34 AM, Suparna Mitra wrote:
> > Hello R experts,
> >I am having a problem to edit legend in ggplot using four variables.
> >
> > My da
Hi all,
I want to do the following:
a^(1/3) #get 3rd root of numbers[,1]
[1,] NaN
[2,] NaN
[3,] NaN
All I get is NaNs, what is the proper way of doing this? Would like to
retain the fact that it is a matrix if possible (not a requirement
On Jul 2, 2013, at 8:11 PM, Sachinthaka Abeywardana wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to do the following:
> a=matrix(c(-1,-2,-3))
> a^(1/3) #get 3rd root of numbers[,1]
> [1,] NaN
> [2,] NaN
> [3,] NaN
> All I get is NaNs, what is the proper way of doing this? Would like to
> retain th
dear R experts: I have a very large panel data set, about 2-8GB. think
NU <- 3;NT <- 3000
ds <- data.frame( unit= rep(1:NU, each=NT ), time=NA, x=NA)
ds$time <- rep( 1:NT, NU )
ds$x <- rnorm(nrow(ds))
I want to do a couple of operations within each unit first, and then
do some list operati
On 7/2/2013 9:24 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
On Jul 2, 2013, at 8:11 PM, Sachinthaka Abeywardana wrote:
Hi all,
I want to do the following:
a^(1/3) #get 3rd root of numbers[,1]
[1,] NaN
[2,] NaN
[3,] NaN
All I get is NaNs, what is the proper way of doing this? Wou
48 matches
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