R 2.14.0
OS X and Windows
I am trying to add some italicized text to a graphic using the code that
appears below.
For the italic text, kerning is not ideal -- spacing between letters is larger
than I expected.
Is there a simple solution to this?
plot(1, type="n", axes=F,
On May 15, 2012, at 2:39 PM, Dennis Fisher wrote:
R 2.14.0
OS X and Windows
I am trying to add some italicized text to a graphic using the code
that appears below.
For the italic text, kerning is not ideal -- spacing between letters
is larger than I expected.
Is there a simple
Dear friends,
I want to make the following change of R setting on a windows 7 desktop.
$R_check_force_suggests = "FALSE"
Since I have no experience using Unix, I don't how to make the
suggestions in "writing R extension" works for windows. I will
appreciate if you would hel
My data is "study.txt":
"Not A" "A"
"Mathematics" 80 15
"Physics" 32 24
"Biology" 18 29
I want to transform this data into with column names 'course' and 'A':
course A
1 Mathematics 1
2 Mathematics
My data is "study.txt":
"A" "Not A"
"Mathematics" 80 15
"Physics" 32 24
"Biology" 18 29
I want to transform this data into with column names 'course' and 'A':
course A
1 Mathematics 1
2 Mathem
You missed the point -- the issue was not the spacing between WORDS. It was
the spacing between LETTERS (as noted in the original email)
Other suggestions would be helpful.
Dennis Fisher MD
P < (The "P Less Than" Company)
Phone: 1-866-PLessThan (1-866-753-7784)
Fax: 1-866-PLessTha
For better typography, try tikzDevice, it uses LaTeX to render the text.
On 16 May 2012 07:23, Fisher Dennis wrote:
> David
> You missed the point -- the issue was not the spacing between WORDS. It was
> the spacing between LETTERS (as noted in the original email)
> Other suggestions woul
It sounds like just a simple list object will do what you want. What
you will have to specify is exactly what you thing the structure might
contain and then how you want to access it, and then possibly how you
want to update it on an ongoing basis.
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 11:33 AM, I.R. Holtman
I believe that this depends on the font in use and the graphics engine
doing the rendering, which I believe may depend on the OS. You
supplied none of this information -- it _is_ asked for in the posting
guide -- but you might try changing your fonts,font size, and/or
graphics device to see whethe
Package "mutoss" seems have Bonferroni correction.
Sent from my iPhone
On May 15, 2012, at 9:34 AM, 杨秀芬 wrote:
> To whom this may concern,
> I have been learing R software. Recently when I did the analysis of the
> associaiton of SNPs and disease, I have met one problem with Bonferroni
> cor
try this:
> x <- read.table(text = '"Not A" "A"
+ "Mathematics" 80 15
+ "Physics" 32 24
+ "Biology" 18 29', skip = 1, as.is = TRUE)
> # create the result
> result <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(x), function(.row){
+ data.frame(course = x$V1[.row]
+ , A = c(rep(1, x$V2[.row]), rep(0
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Bryan Hanson wrote:
> I see that no one has replied on this, so I'll take a stab.
Hi, Ryan!
> This is probably a matter of personal taste, but I would suggest a somewhat
> different and simpler approach. What you have done is not strictly an ANOVA,
> it's a li
Hello all,
I have a bunch of aggregated measurement data. The data describe two
different physical properties that correlate, and I want to estimate
the coefficients (slope and intercept) from the dataset.
This is of course easy, I've done it, and I got the expected result.
But here's the thing:
Dear Researchs,
It's the first time I am trying to resolve this problem. I have a TXT file
with 1408452 rows. I wish to split file-by-file where each file has
1,000,000 rows with the following procedure:
# split in two file one with 1,000,000 of rows and one with 408,452 of rows
file <- "09G001_
On May 15, 2012, at 3:23 PM, Fisher Dennis wrote:
You missed the point -- the issue was not the spacing between WORDS.
Or perhaps the point was obscured by your extraneous code.
It was the spacing between LETTERS (as noted in the original email)
Other suggestions would be helpful.
Dear all,
I hope to be the clearest I can.
Let's say I have a dataset with 10 variables, where 4 of them represent for
me a certain phenomenon that I call Y.
The other 6 represent for me another phenomenon that I call X.
Each one of those variables (10) contains 37 units. Those units are just
I was not aware of these subtleties of R, but then again I'm no expert. I
had to use isTRUE(all.equal(vec,c(0,0))), but it seems to be working now.
Thanks again.
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Sent from t
When I read excel files using the read.xlsx() command any cells that have
formulas in them come up as NA.
Is there a way to read just the numeric value of the cell without using the
"paste value" command in Excel? I need to read in hundreds of Excel
spreadsheets and compile them into one large su
It sounds like this might actually make more sense to do in VBA and
not R (gasp!) if your only goal is to have excel in --> excel out.
[UNTESTED] As far as a workaround if you really want to do this in R,
perhaps you can specify that you want character vectors everywhere and
your connection client
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Mike Smith wrote:
> When I read excel files using the read.xlsx() command any cells that have
> formulas in them come up as NA.
> Is there a way to read just the numeric value of the cell without using the
> "paste value" command in Excel? I need to read in hund
I have doubled buffered animations that I show in class.
They used to work but now flash.
The default windows() option is buffered = TRUE.
Just in case, I tried using windows( buffered = TRUE)
but this made no difference.
I am not sure when the change occurred.
An older R2.11 version in one cla
Tena koe Mike
Another alternative to those already given is to use the RODBC package.
Peter Alspach.
-Original Message-
From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On
Behalf Of Mike Smith
Sent: Wednesday, 16 May 2012 8:11 a.m.
To: r-help@r-project.
On Tue, 15 May 2012, David L Carlson wrote:
qqmath(~ rnorm(100),
panel = function(x, ...) {
panel.qqmathline(x, ...)
panel.qqmath(x, ...)
I have 130 plots to produce (30 chemicals un-transformed and three
transformations). The R console insists that I retype each of the 6
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Tue, 15 May 2012, David L Carlson wrote:
> David,
> I have 130 plots to produce (30 chemicals un-transformed and three
> transformations). The R console insists that I retype each of the 6 lines
> (adding a prepanel.qqmathline line) ea
Hi all
I have fitted a model usinf nls function to these data:
> x
[1] 1 0 0 4 3 5 12 10 12 100 100 100
> y
[1] 1.281055090 1.563609934 0.001570796 2.291579783 0.841891853
[6] 6.553951324 14.243274230 14.519899320 15.066473610 21.728809880
[11] 18.553054450 23.722637370
Given the attached plot,
how can I locate the center text with "Mean and SD" so that it can be
placed exactly under "---emp".?
The current code I have is this:
L = list(bquote(Em.Mean ==.(new_avg)),bquote(Em.SD==.(new_std)),
bquote(Th.Mean ==.(theor_avg)),
On May 15, 2012, at 8:08 PM, Francisco Mora Ardila wrote:
Hi all
I have fitted a model usinf nls function to these data:
[1] 1 0 0 4 3 5 12 10 12 100 100 100
[1] 1.281055090 1.563609934 0.001570796 2.291579783 0.841891853
[6] 6.553951324 14.243274230 14.519899320
On Tue, 15 May 2012, ilai wrote:
Apologies in advance if I misinterpret " R console insists that I retype
..." but actually makes more sense (than sourcing a script) to use the
group argument (see the last example in ?qqmath) as in 4 groups in each of
30 panels, or allow.multiple=T, outer=T if y
On Tue, 15 May 2012 20:33:02 -0400, David Winsemius wrote
> On May 15, 2012, at 8:08 PM, Francisco Mora Ardila wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > I have fitted a model usinf nls function to these data:
> >
> >> x
> > [1] 1 0 0 4 3 5 12 10 12 100 100 100
> >
> >> y
> > [1] 1.281055090 1.5
Dear List,
How can I get a logical vector as shown by a.ord.last below (i.e., it is
FALSE whenever there are subsequent equal values of an ordered vector and
FALSE otherwise)?
a <- c(1,1,2,1,3,4,3,5,6)
a.ord <- a[order(a)]
a.ord.last <- c(F, F, T, T, F, T, T, T, T)
Thanks for any help
? duplicated
!duplicated(a.ord, fromLast = TRUE)
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 9:37 PM, Axel Urbiz wrote:
> Dear List,
> How can I get a logical vector as shown by a.ord.last below (i.e., it is
> FALSE whenever there are subsequent equal values of an ordered vector and
> FALSE otherwi
Thank you,
I came up with these. Problem solve.
varValue <- data.frame(varLH2x, varLH2y, varHH2x, varHH2y, varLL2x, varLL2y,
varHL2x, varHL2y)
res<-write.xlsx(varValue, "D:\\FYP\\image\\Cropped
Images\\user61\\genuineUser61temp.xlsx", sheetName="Sheet1",col.names=TRUE,
row.names=TRUE, append=FALS
I am having trouble asking R to read individual numeric vectors for a box
plot of the residuals of a linear regression. It is performing arithmetic
addition on the 16 individual variables that I want individual box plots
I have 16 race*treatment variables that were created from clea
Hi all!
I´m using vars package to model several pairs of time series; in future I
have to do multivar with sets of dimension 10 to 30 series;
As I have to transform data (usually log and 1diff ) in order to apply
VAR(p) I wonder if there´s any function to plot or print predicted values on
Hello John,
Thanks for your response. Can you explain why it is better to use NM or nmk
instead of optim? By the way, my original model consists 24 parameters. In
this case is it still better to use NM or nmk?
John C Nash wrote
> Your function will not evaluate as coded. i.e., l
x <- 3
y <- 4
how can i get the greater variable name
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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello all,
I am having some trouble finding a good csv file or even any kind of table
with the financial ratios (i.e. P/E ratio, ROI, ROA etc.) from the Internet.
I was able to find a good source with poor information. That wouold be
Another option would be creating a XML function loop
I use these codes to read my data from the above data that I create, but how
can I get rid of the first V1, because it is row number, not one of my data
Second, how can I read row 1 and only column 1 (V2 value for example).
setwd("D:\\FYP\\image\\Cropped Images\\user61")
On May 15, 2012, at 8:42 PM, lapertem4 wrote:
x <- 3
y <- 4
how can i get the greater variable name
Option one:
> test <- function(x,y) { c("x","y")[which.max(c(x,y))]}
> test(3,4)
[1] "y"
> test(4,3)
[1] "x"
Option two:
> test <- function(x,y) { xn <- depar
Hello R/Splus users..
I am posting in R discussion group in hope of wider response compared to
what I received from Splus user groups
Was wondering if there is any function available in Splus 8.2 that is
equivalent to "reshape" of R?
Below is a sample dataset. Size [both rows and columns) of
On May 15, 2012, at 10:08 PM, diyanah wrote:
I use these codes to read my data from the above data that I create,
but how
can I get rid of the first V1, because it is row number, not one of
my data
Why do you want to get rid of it? What harm is it doing? (Dataframes
need to
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 8:08 PM, Francisco Mora Ardila
> Hi all
> I have fitted a model usinf nls function to these data:
>> x
> [1] 1 0 0 4 3 5 12 10 12 100 100 100
>> y
> [1] 1.281055090 1.563609934 0.001570796 2.291579783 0.841891853
> [6] 6.553951324 14.243
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 11:20 PM, Gabor Grothendieck
> On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 8:08 PM, Francisco Mora Ardila
> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I have fitted a model usinf nls function to these data:
>>> x
>> [1] 1 0 0 4 3 5 12 10 12 100 100 100
>>> y
>> [1] 1.281055090 1.5
On May 15, 2012, at 11:18 PM, Santosh wrote:
Hello R/Splus users..
I am posting in R discussion group in hope of wider response
compared to
what I received from Splus user groups
Was wondering if there is any function available in Splus 8.2 that is
equivalent to "reshape" of R?
Below i
Hi Keith
Of course, it doesn't necessarily matter how you get the job done
if it actually works correctly. But for a general approach,
it is useful to use general tools and can lead to more correct,
more robust, and more maintainable code.
Since htmlParse() in the XML package can both retrieve
Hmmm... So you want to fit a nonlinear model with 24 parameters??!!
I would bet that you'll need to sacrifice some chickens to the
nonlinear optimization gods to get something meaningful from that
-- Bert
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 5:26 PM, infinitehorizon
> Hello John,
> Tha
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 9:57 PM, Bert Gunter wrote:
> Hmmm... So you want to fit a nonlinear model with 24 parameters??!!
> I would bet that you'll need to sacrifice some chickens to the
> nonlinear optimization gods to get something meaningful from that
> exercise.
Nominated for a fortune.
Thank you very much.
After using dput and the easy way (> result <- eblup.mse.f.wrap(domain.data
= amigo, lme.obj = fit.lme)),
i have got the following error:
Error in `[.data.frame`(sample.data, , variabs) :
undefined columns selected
What should I do?
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I got this code below and i want to repeat the loop for 100 times..
for(j in 1:ncol(mat1))
Hello Andrea,
I don't know if I can help you (probably not, I'm a beginner myself),
but you that you should make it a lot easier for those that can if you
post a self-contained script in this forum that shows what you're
trying to do. Use dput() to dump your dataset in text form.
Good luck,
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