The colors generated by heat.color(x)
is too saturated.
Where is there alternative command similar to that but "non-heated'
which also I can input the value 'x'.
- G.V.
__ mailing list
On 14/05/2012 23:21, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Tue, 15 May 2012, Peter Alspach wrote:
Probably highly skewed to the right, with discrete values (perhaps
due to
the limitations in the accuracy of the assessment equipment).
Most of these data are near zero or the lower detection limit.
On 12-05-15 4:00 AM, Gundala Viswanath wrote:
The colors generated by heat.color(x)
is too saturated.
Where is there alternative command similar to that but "non-heated'
which also I can input the value 'x'.
colorRamp() is very flexible.
Duncan Murdoch
Hello, I'm a new user to R and need some help coding a mathmatically simple
aggregation of normal distributions. I have three normal distributions:
A ~ N(8.51, 4.24^2)
B ~ N(7.57, 3.62^2)
C ~ N(10.84, 6.59^2)
with correlation coefficients of:
rho(AB) = 0.710
rho(AC) = 0.263
rho(BC) = 0.503
and I wa
On Tue, 15 May 2012, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 12-05-15 4:00 AM, Gundala Viswanath wrote:
The colors generated by heat.color(x)
is too saturated.
Where is there alternative command similar to that but "non-heated'
which also I can input the value 'x'.
colorRamp() is very flexible.
I have the following matrix:
> dat
[,1] [,2] [,3][,4]
foo 0.7574657 0.2104075 0.02922241 0.002705617
foo 0.000 0.000 0. 0.0
foo 0.000 0.000 0. 0.0
foo 0.000 0.000 0. 0.0
foo 0.000 0
> x<-c(1,1,1)
> y<-c(2,2,2)
> m<-rbind(x,y)
> m
[,1] [,2] [,3]
> dimnames(m)
[1] "x" "y"
> dimnames(m)[[1]]<-c("a","b")
> m
[,1] [,2] [,3]
Am 15.05.2012 um 11:19 schrieb Gundala Viswanath:
> I ha
> Oh, what is this world coming to when you can't count on laziness to
> be lazy. ;) I should probably stop reading about Haskell and their
> lazy way of doing things.
Haskell would still have to check an infinite number of potential files on
your hard disk, because it can't now when it's seen
> A = matrix(0, 3,3)
> rownames(A) = c("A", "B", "C")
> A
[,1] [,2] [,3]
On 15 May 2012 10:19, Gundala Viswanath wrote:
> I have the following matrix:
> > dat
> [,1] [,2] [,3]
That was very helpful.
I am using readLines and grep. If grep isn't powerful enough I might end up
using the XML package but I hope that won't be necessary.
Thanks again,
On May 14, 2012, at 7:18 PM, J Toll wrote:
> On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 4:17 PM, Keith Weintraub wrote:
>> F
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 7:06 AM, Keith Weintraub wrote:
> Thanks,
> That was very helpful.
> I am using readLines and grep. If grep isn't powerful enough I might end up
> using the XML package but I hope that won't be necessary.
This only uses readLines and strapplyc (from gsubfn). It scra
I see that no one has replied on this, so I'll take a stab.
This is probably a matter of personal taste, but I would suggest a somewhat
different and simpler approach. What you have done is not strictly an ANOVA,
it's a linear model (they are related). But the particular way you've asked R
If it's just a correlation matrix, see
Note that it computes the correlations between columns, the variables;
rows are observation.
So you'll need to transpose the matrices or data.frames in order to have
probesets as variables.
You'll also need to have matrices of the same dimen
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 11:15:18PM -0700, davewiz wrote:
> Hello, I'm a new user to R and need some help coding a mathmatically simple
> aggregation of normal distributions. I have three normal distributions:
> A ~ N(8.51, 4.24^2)
> B ~ N(7.57, 3.62^2)
> C ~ N(10.84, 6.59^2)
> with correlation coef
Your way is much better than to mess with the dim attribute, like I did.
"If you can create a data.frame or matrix that has the indices"
Actually, it must be a matrix, indices can't be of type list.
A way to avoid loops/apply altogether, and much faster, is the one
creating K3
On May 15, 2012, at 07:25 , R. Michael Weylandt wrote:
> The only place I know lazy evaluation really is visible and widely
> used is in the passing of function arguments. It's what allows magic
> like
> zz <- 1:5
> plot(zz)
> to know your variable was called "zz."
This is actually *not* l
Hi R-listers,
I am trying to make a trellis boxplot with the HSuccess (y-axis) in each
Rayos (beach sections) (x-axis), for each Aeventexhumed (A, B, C) - nesting
event. I am not able to do so and keep receiving:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'Rayos' not found
Please advise,
I got the following problem when trying to build a rpart model and using
everything but LOOCV. Originally, I wanted to used k-fold partitioning,
but every partitioning except LOOCV throws the following warning:
Warning message: In nominalTrainWorkflow(dat = trainData, info =
trainInfo, me
Here you got the data sets (which are also available in the txt attachment):
siruta med migr y_m y_f ydirect mediu_um mediu_rm mediu_uf mediu_rf
1 1 1017 13 3 0 301 301000
2 1 1071 30 0 0 000
I'm trying to install KEGGSOAP with bioconductor but i'm facing this
/> biocLite("KEGGSOAP")
Using R version 2.15, BiocInstaller version 1.4.4.
Installing package(s) 'KEGGSOAP'
trying URL
I'm trying to use a self-written function with the summaryBy function (doBy
I have lots of data from Monte Carlo experiments comparing different
estimators across different (combinations of) parameter values, similar to
the following form:
colnames(mydata) <- c("X", "b0", "b1", # parame
Dear All,
I have been trying to find some code to enable this matrix to be generated,
but don't seem to find one in which the tau-b and p values are inserted
into the matrix. I have found a number that seem to require two matrices,
which is a bit clumsy.
Any guidance much appreciated.
Dear users,
I want to transfer a list of results from R to some practical format, from
where I can continue manipulating, copying,... the values, e.g. :
list1 <- list("My first list", matrix(1:6, ncol=3), c(1,2,3,4,5,6) )
# Imagining I forgot something and want to add it to the list like:
I am new to R and I would like to get your help in finding
I have mvoutlier package installed in my system and added the package .
But I not able find a function from 'mvoutlier' package which will identify
This is the sample list of data I have got which has on
I can't plot legend over a Rasterlayer.
My system is MAC OS Lion.
See my problem:
### Data
> img
class : RasterLayer
dimensions : 5, 5, 25 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 0.002245, 0.002245 (x, y)
extent : -48.33875, -48.32753, -20.35756, -20.34634 (xmin, xmax,
1. Emma is performing an experiment that requires individual handling of
some animals. The sizes of the animals are lognormally distributed: The natural
logarithms of their sizes has a normal distribution with mean 3 and standard
deviation 0.4. The time (in minutes) it takes to handle each a
How can I have the corresponding counts shown on each bar?
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__ mailing
Dear all,
I am trying to do a multiple groups CFA in lavaan and I get the following
ERROR: 'x' is empty
My CFA model has 5 factors, 66 variables and a subset data of 231 cases. The
model is cleaned of 0 variance variables. There's no error in the syntaxis
like missing "+" or errors in
Dear R-team,
As an extension of my previous work ( I am now about to handle new
obtained ordinal data. Disabled students had to rank their top 5 incentives
for participating in sport activities according to their personal
(subjective) importance. Indiv
Thanks for the help, this worked great! Much appreciated.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
I ran the netlogic command (in sna package; GLM with logit link for binomial
data and QAP as the null hypothesis) and I am not absolutely sure about how
to interpret the output.
For the coefficients, I get this table:
Estimate Exp(b) Pr(<=b) Pr(
Hi I am really new using R, so this is really a beginner stuff! I
created a very small data set on excel and then converted it to .csv
file. I am able to open the data on R using the command "read.table
("mydata1.csv", sep=",", header=T)" and it just works fine. But when I
want to work on the d
Dear All,
I am new to ordinal logistic regression. Using ordinal regression within the R
Commander GUI, I have generated an independent variable that is significant,
but whose 95% confidence intervals slightly crosses "1". Is this possible?
Here is the syntax and output:
polr(formula = C
Hi: I just wanted to let the R-community know that Thomas Lumley was
elected Fellow of the American Stastistical Association.
Congratulations Thomas.
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__ mailing list
The error message is right, you have read the file have NOT assigned it to
an object, to a variable.
mydata1 <- read.table ("mydata1.csv", sep=",", header=T)
Now you can use the variable 'mydata1'. It's a data.frame, and you can see
what it looks like with the following instructions.
Please supply data using dput()
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
> -Original Message-
> From:
> Sent: Tue, 15 May 2012 03:10:45 -0700 (PDT)
> To:
> Subject: Re: [R] Error on easy way for JoSAE Package
> Here you got the data sets (which are also
You need to assign your data set to something -- right now you're just
reading it in and then throwing it away:
dats <- read.csv("mydata1.csv")
mean(dats$X) # Dollar sign, not ampersand
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 8:57 AM, jacaranda tree wrote:
> Hi I am really new using R, so this i
On 05/15/2012 03:29 AM, TEOMB84 wrote:
I'm trying to install KEGGSOAP with bioconductor but i'm facing this
/> biocLite("KEGGSOAP")
Hi -- ask questions about Bioconductor packages on the Bioconductor
mailing list.
This looks li
What was the exact syntax?
read.table> ("mydata1.csv", sep=",", header=T)
will read the data but not save anything.
mydat <-read.table ("mydata1.csv", sep=",", header=T)
give you a data.frame called mydat.
mean(mydat$X) should give you the mean of X
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
> -O
Well, dput() can do this, but if your goal is exchange with other analysis
packages then you need to decide whether transforming to XML or to a tabular
form meets your needs better. For the latter, you might consider the ldply
function from the plyr package. You may benefit from reading the Data
Hi !
You need to assign the output of read.table() into an object; this is
how R works:
mydata <- read.table ("mydata1.csv", sep=",", header=T)
mymean <- mean(mydata$var)
You should read some introductory material.
I found this useful:
A bit more information might help. How are you ploting the barplot?
Where do you want the counts. etc.
If you are using the basic graphics barplot have a look at ?text
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
> -Original Message-
> From:
> Sent: Tue, 15 May 2012 04:43:34 -0700 (P
1. There's a function anova(), which you have forgot to use.
> model <- lm(d~pos*site, data=x)
> anova(model)
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: d
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
pos1 0.05 0.050 0.0026 0.960045
site 4 636.50 159.125 8.3971 0.003084 **
Dear R users,
I have missing observations in my data that I remove in my analysis. I am able
to run my codes alright but I want the non missing values to be correctly
identified and therefore want to tag my id vector along in my results. Since
the vector of ids has no role in the analysis, I d
On May 15, 2012, at 5:58 AM, Jhope wrote:
Hi R-listers,
I am trying to make a trellis boxplot with the HSuccess (y-axis) in
Rayos (beach sections) (x-axis), for each Aeventexhumed (A, B, C) -
event. I am not able to do so and keep receiving:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos
R-help is not a homework help list. If you're having trouble, you need
to speak with your instructor instead.
Best of luck,
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Eva-Lotta Blom
> 1. Emma is performing an experiment that requires individual handling of
> some animals. The sizes
Cutting and pasting your entire homework problem verbatim into an
rhelp posting and assigning it an uninformative subject line and then
expecting a useful response is very hopeful on your part, but those
hopes are unlikely to be realized. You might spend some time reading
the Posting Gui
Please read the Posting Guide mentioned at the bottom of every message on this
list. There is a "no homework" policy. Please refer to your assistance options
available through your educational institution.
Jeff Newmiller
If this isn't homework, then you need to read the posting guide (see
link at bottom of each posting to the list), and ask a more specific
question than "can't get any further."
What have you tried? What didn't work? Where did it go wrong? What
book are you working from? Etc. Even if not an
Good plan.
Also, please notice that you need to hit "reply all" to send your
messages to the list and not just to me.
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 10:34 AM, Eva-Lotta Blom
> yes i should have done that, sorry for this i was just very frustrated and
> could not solve it. I guess i only n
newdats <- rbind(cbind(dats[rep(1:nrow(dats), dats$AEs), 1:2],
AEs=1), cbind(dats[rep(1:nrow(dats), dats$N-dats$AEs),1:2],
But the data will not be in the order you specified unless you add
newdats <- newdats[order(newdats$Study, -newdats$TX, -newdats$AEs),]
and you may want to cle
On May 15, 2012, at 6:56 AM, pannigh wrote:
Dear users,
I want to transfer a list of results from R to some practical
format, from
where I can continue manipulating, copying,... the values, e.g. :
list1 <- list("My first list", matrix(1:6, ncol=3), c(1,2,3,4,5,6) )
# Imagining I forgot some
To generate multivariate normal distributions, you will want mvrnorm in
package MASS.
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
>] On Behalf Of Petr Savicky
> Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 7:14 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re:
Hi Jim,
thank you very much for your answer!
I solved the problem in another way now, though, because I think with this
function from the package plotrix I would have had to change my whole
function (and all the other similar ones I had written). As far as I
understand it up till now, there are a
Here is an R problem I am struggling with:
My dataset is organized like this...
subject sessionvariable_x variable_y
01 11
01 12
01 13
01 2
I solved my problem with the uneven numbers of legend elements, which
should be put into more than one rows, in the following way:
I added another legend element which is empty ("") and is filled with
Your function will not evaluate as coded. i.e., llfn(start.par) doesn't "work",
as there
are unequal numbers of arguments. Also, while R allows you to use variables
that are not
explicitly defined for a function, I've almost always got into trouble if I
don't pass
them VERY carefully.
If you use simple barplot graphic try this, e.g.:
The "text" command needs x and y coordinates, by assigning your barplot to
"a" (here), you have the x coordinats and by using the y-values of the
barplot, the values will be written ontop of the
Does anyone know a package that will conduct Vuong and Clarke tests to
compare non-nested rare-events logit ("relogit") models via Zelig? I know
the pscl package can conduct a Vuong test, however, it doesn't seem to work
with relogit. I haven't been able to find a package that can implement the
Thanx for your effort answering by phone!
dput (list, "list.txt") does write something to a text doc but in a
confusing manner. All previous commands that created the list seem to
appear. However, I will check out the pack you mentioned.
Guess my aim would be to read the list into a simple .txt f
I'm creating my own shared lib that depends on LAPACK. It works fine on my mac
(R version 2.15.0). It is compiled as such:
> R CMD SHLIB estfit.c
It's loaded in R with
> dyn.load("")
When doing this on Kubuntu (with r-base and r-base-dev, version 2.15.0 of R),
it results in:
> dyn.
Dear useRs:
Is there a way I could predict the terminal node associated with a new data
entry in an rpart environment? In the example below, if I had a new data
entry with an AM of 5, I would like to link it to the terminal node 2. My
searches led to
To all moderators i guess, my question was probably not clear this is not a
homework, i am trying to understand R by doing some exercise in my book.
I will however participate a course in R in august and thought it could be good
to have some
knowledge before. I hoped for help from you since i hav
Yup, “rapply“ does the magic. Thank you very much, this command is new to me!
My “glaringly obvious error” is indeed very obvious and was a result of
constructing an example here and copying my “lapply” command into the text.
So don't worry, when the question arose both names were identical
To whom this may concern,
I have been learing R software. Recently when I did the analysis of the
associaiton of SNPs and disease, I have met one problem with Bonferroni
correction. Is there a package I should download? What is the command I
should use? I have been learning it for a long time how
I want to label each bar with the values of each bar (counts) on top of each
of them.
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got it, did it, worked ! thanks a lot !
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__ mailing list
Hey David,
i tried all this - it doesn´t work :(
file<-read.csv2(tmp,sep=";",skip="5") # or
clean <- as.numeric(levels(a))[as.integer(a)]
i often use noquote and strsplit and
Dear sir/madam,
I have been using R for a while now for microarray analysis, and I would
like to make a "master" data frame in which I can combine information from
many different sources. The basic list a genelist with 25.000 probes, then I
would like to have a subcompartment with the statistical
Consider the following code:
test <- function(n)
for(x in 1:n)
for(y in 1:n)
for(r in max(x-1,1):min(x+1,n))
for(s in max(y-1,1):min(y+1,n))
vec <- c(x-r,y-s)
print(c("vec = ", vec))
I have a time series with intraday datas, sampled every 30'; I would need to
aggregate them in this way: summing up all datas within a day.
I tried to use *aggregate(...)* function to get my goal, but it aggregates
in wrong way (I did not understand how so far); what I need is like
There are many good R tutorials on the Web, including An Introduction
to R, which comes with R. IMHO, that's where you should start, not in
doing statistics texts exercises.
CRAN also maintains a list of R texts, some on statistics, some not.
-- Bert
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 7:17 AM, Eva-Lotta Bl
If that's your aim, I might suggest you start with a text that is
aimed at teaching R specifically and should help you work up to the
level of questions you posted earlier: and
then the "Contributed" link in the bottom left gives you a wide
variety of options to start fro
How are you using aggregate()? It seems to sum for me...
z <- zoo(1:50, seq.POSIXt(from = Sys.time(), by = "30 min", length.out = 50))
aggregate(z, as.Date(time(z)), sum)
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Cren wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a time series with intraday datas, sampled
I believe it's coming down to the difference between integers and
doubles (the computer data types, not the math-y meaning of those
terms) -- e.g.,
identical( c(0L, 0L), c(0,0) )
Note that sequences made by `:` provide integers when possible: is.integer(1:5)
You may want to use all.equal() inste
Version 2.2-3 of the coxme package has been posted to CRAN. It should
propogate to the mirrors over the next 1-2 days.
Version 2.2-2 had a serious bug in the lmekin function. If the variance
matrix of the random effects was not diagonal the answers were wrong: at
one spot an upper triangular
On 2012-05-15 08:36, Melissa Rosenkranz wrote:
Here is an R problem I am struggling with:
My dataset is organized like this...
subject sessionvariable_x variable_y
01 11
01 12
01 1
The data frame has 61 columns and one column name needs to be changed. The
colnames() function can be used to change all of them when passed a vector
of names, but can it also change a single name? If not, is there a way to
change just the one column name?
I'm a bit late to this party, but why not just plot with labels=FALSE
and add the labels with text(x,y,labels,cex)?
The values of x are given by the h$mids in the
h <- hist() object and the values of y are essentially h$counts
(add a bit to move the labels up). Might need to set ylim to
x <- data.frame(a = 1:5, b = rnorm(5))
colnames(x)[2] <- "Cow"
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:30 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> The data frame has 61 columns and one column name needs to be changed. The
> colnames() function can be used to change all of them when passed a v
I would be very grateful if someone answers my question. I am using garchFit
function to model my data, and by summary of the model are given
characteristics of standartized residuals. But to get I can only simple
residuals (with model@residuals). How to get the standartized residuals or
Thank you for your help, Michael.
I used *aggregate(x, by = timeSequence(by = "day"), FUN = sum)* but the
results is very different from *sum(x[1:13])*, where 13 is the number of
daily observations I've sampled.
Michael Weylandt wrote
> How are you using aggregate()? It seems to sum for me...
Thanks in advance for any help!
How do I pass an unknown number of objects into the "..." (dot dot dot)
parameter? Put another way, is there some standard way to pass multiple
objects into "..." to "fool" the function into thinking the objects are
passed in separately/explicitly with commo
Can you provide a reproducible example? use dput() to send your data
in a reproducible and user-friendly format. (It might not look user
friendly, but trust me, it is) If x is really long, perhaps just
dput(head(x, 25)) will suffice.
Just a guess as to your problem: I'm not familiar with the
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:46 PM, Ben quant wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks in advance for any help!
> How do I pass an unknown number of objects into the "..." (dot dot dot)
> parameter? Put another way, is there some standard way to pass multiple
> objects into "..." to "fool" the function int
On Tue, 15 May 2012, R. Michael Weylandt wrote:
colnames(x)[2] <- "Cow"
Thank you.
__ mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide
Dear all,
I am using the
save(moransI,file=saveString) to save a variable called moransI to a file.
This works well but unfortunately I have to open R every time I want to look to
the contents.
Would it be also possible to have a second line that saves the contents of the
moransI variable in
Your data.frame has some noise in the last two rows.
See if this works.
#--- this is your code ---
spec <- "EU2001"
part1 <-
part2 <- "&csvforma
On 15.05.2012 17:38, Marion Wenty wrote:
I solved my problem with the uneven numbers of legend elements, which
should be put into more than one rows, in the following way:
I added another legend element which is empty ("") and is filled with
capture.output(moransI, file="moransI.txt")
David L Carlson
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4352
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
> projec
Thank you for that. Sorry, I don't know how to use that to solve the issue.
I need to pass a handful (an unknown length) of objects into "...". I see
how you can get the count of what is in "...", but I'm not seeing how
knowing the length in "..." will help me.
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 10:53 A
The data are not normally distributed when untransformed and I'm trying
various transformations to see if any would be appropriate to use. The
lattice book (fig. 3.10) shows a 2-sample Q-Q plot with an abline but the
code for the figure does not include the line.
I'd appreciate a pointer to a
On May 15, 2012, at 11:13 AM, barb wrote:
Hey David,
i tried all this - it doesn´t work :(
Sadder and less informative words were never written!
Learn to express in natural language or in code what you were
expecting rather than use the phrase "doesn't work" which can mean one
of an alm
Are you perhaps looking for the construction?
z = Intervals(c(1,10))
y = Intervals(c(5,10))
x = Intervals(c(4,6))"interval_intersection", list(x,y,z))
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:46 PM, Ben quant wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks in advance for any help!
> How do I pass an
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Ben quant wrote:
> Thank you for that. Sorry, I don't know how to use that to solve the issue.
> I need to pass a handful (an unknown length) of objects into "...". I see
> how you can get the count of what is in "...", but I'm not seeing how
> knowing the len
Dear all,
I am using glmnet + survival and due to the latest
release of glmnet
1.7.4 I was forced to use the latest version of R 2.15.0.
My previous version of R was 2.10.1. I changed glmnet version and R
version and when I started to get weird results I was not sure where the bug
Yes! Perfect! Thank you very much Michael! I need to get my head around
that I'll read up on it
Thanks again!
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 11:48 AM, R. Michael Weylandt <> wrote:
> Are you perhaps looking for the construction?
> z = Intervals(
You can also just pass the ... to the next function. E.g., the following
two functions do the same thing:
> myPaste1 <- function(...) paste(...)
> myPaste2 <- function(...), list(...))
> myPaste1(1,2:3,4)
[1] "1 2 4" "1 3 4"
> myPaste2(1,2:3,4)
[1] "1 2 4" "1 3 4"
Take a look at section 3.3.6 qqmath
You need to create a panel function. See sections 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 in the
second chapter of the Lattice book
( available on Deepayan
On Tue, 15 May 2012, David L Carlson wrote:
Take a look at section 3.3.6 qqmath
You need to create a panel function. See sections 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 in the
second chapter of the Lattice book
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