On Apr 17, 2012, at 06:23 , Francisco Mora Ardila wrote:
> Hi
> I´m trying to fit a nonlinear model to a derivative of the logistic function
> y = a/(1+exp((b-x)/c)) (this is the parametrization for the SSlogis function
> with nls)
> The derivative calculated with D function is:
>> l
Thank you to Ozgur, who gave me the hints for an easy solution.
There are the commands that work for my case:
mean(my_dataframe$Freq[my_dataframe$month == 5 & my_dataframe$day %in% c(1:7)])
mean(my_dataframe$Freq[my_dataframe$month == 5 & my_dataframe$day %in% c(8:14)])
Stefano Sofia PhD
That is a fine section of 'The R Inferno'
but I don't think it applies to your problem.
The answer to your question in the subject line
is obviously "yes". It happens when the matrix
(or more generally any array) is of mode "list".
A useful example of this is in Circle 8.1.8.
Thanks. That's a great help!
On Apr 16, 2012, at 1:08 PM, Prof Brian Ripley
Note that the answer also depends on the platform (Uwe probably has
two archs on Windows and no debug info in his DLLs), whether you
byte-compile the packages, the optimization flags you use when
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 12:23 AM, Francisco Mora Ardila
> Hi
> I´m trying to fit a nonlinear model to a derivative of the logistic function
> y = a/(1+exp((b-x)/c)) (this is the parametrization for the SSlogis function
> with nls)
> The derivative calculated with D function is:
Hi Uwe
Thanks for your answer.
I tried to install the packages "marginalmodelplots_0.4.2.tar.gz" from a local
repository "/home/bioadm/install/R_packages/120416/" using your suggestion
(i.e. install.packages(, contriburl="/home/joel/RPacks"))
I paste below the command
I'm trying to use the R Survival analysis on a windows 7 system.
The input data format is described at the end of this mail.
1/ I tried to perform a survival analysis including stratified variables
using the following formula.
cox.xtab_miR=coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ miR + strata(sex,nbligne,
On Apr 17, 2012, at 12:13 AM, Worik R wrote:
After a lot of processing I get a matrix into M. I expected each
row and
column to be a vector. But it is a list.
This behavior is not the result of limitation in how R's sapply might
have processed a purely numeric set of results, but is bec
Hi there
is it possible that pdfs generated using the pdf() function with default
settings leads to loss of information? I was plotting copy number changes from
Agilent 180k data in form of rectangles (rect()) while each rectangle
represents one region of copy number change. When plotting into
On 17.04.2012 01:26, MacQueen, Don wrote:
I believe that shell() was superceded by system(), quite a long time ago.
Not really, under Windows, shell() will start a shell while system() won't.
Uwe Ligges
However, I get this:
foo<- system('printenv',intern=TRUE) ; foo[grepl('SHELL',foo)]
> Hi there
> is it possible that pdfs generated using the pdf() function with default
> settings leads to loss of information? I was plotting copy number
> from Agilent 180k data in form of rectangles (rect()) while each
> represents one region of copy number change
On 17.04.2012 10:57, mail.bioi...@fr.netgrs.com wrote:
Hi Uwe
Thanks for your answer.
I tried to install the packages "marginalmodelplots_0.4.2.tar.gz" from a local repository
"/home/bioadm/install/R_packages/120416/" using your suggestion (i.e. install.packages(,
Thanks Petr. Unfortunately this does not help.
Am 17.04.2012 um 14:18 schrieb Petr PIKAL:
> Hi
>> Hi there
>> is it possible that pdfs generated using the pdf() function with default
>> settings leads to loss of information? I was plotting copy number
> changes
>> from Agilent
Hello Rui,
Thanks a lot for your answer.
Hou hoped that your script would help me?
I answer you: It is WON-DER-FUL!
It works very well! I had first some difficulties to adapt it to my data,
but I succeeded afterwords when I made a test between 2 stations.
It's not perfect yet (I still have to mo
On 17.04.2012 14:35, Unger, Kristian, Dr. wrote:
Thanks Petr. Unfortunately this does not help.
In that case, we need a reproducible example.
Uwe Ligges
Am 17.04.2012 um 14:18 schrieb Petr PIKAL:
Hi there
is it possible that pdfs generated using the pdf() function with
I am using glmer() from the lme4-package to run generalized linear mixed
Is there a way to extract the overall variable effects from the model output
object? For example, for linear models using lm() I use the anova() function
to extract these results, however this is not possible
Hi listeRs,
Maybe I have missed something, but I am facing a problem I don't understand
even after reading archives and manuals (
maybe not carefully enough !) :
On my PC (64-bit OS, Intel Xeon CPU , two L5506@2.13 GHz processors, 12 Go
RAM) under Windows 7 SP1,
I run both 32-bit (i386-
On Apr 17, 2012, at 7:08 AM, Unger, Kristian, Dr. wrote:
> Hi there
> is it possible that pdfs generated using the pdf() function with default
> settings leads to loss of information? I was plotting copy number changes
> from Agilent 180k data in form of rectangles (rect()) while each rectang
There must be loss of accuracy: coordinates in PDF are recorded to
finite accuracy (for pdf(), something like 0.01" as I recall). In
addition, the R plot engine assumes finite accuracy, a minimum width for
lines And as people are pointing out, so do PDF viewers.
Do not expect to zoom in
On 17.04.2012 15:21, mail.bioi...@fr.netgrs.com wrote:
I checked inside the directory but I have the PACKAGE file as you can see
ls /home/bioadm/install/R_packages/test/PACKAGES
I created them using this command
write_PACKAGES("../test/", type="win.binary" )
On 17/04/2012 14:00, Olivier Eterradossi wrote:
Hi listeRs,
Maybe I have missed something, but I am facing a problem I don't understand
even after reading archives and manuals (…maybe not carefully enough !) :
64-bit rJava needs 64-bit Java: 32-bit rJava needs 32-bit Java. You can
Thanks Uwe. Please use the following below to reproduce the problem. Also, find
the plots as I get them in my Dropbox:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/42940015/Rplot.pdf (plot as I get it when I use the
"save as..." function from the Mac GUI menu.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/42940015/test.pdf (plot using th
As far as I can see, the recommended way of using
works precisely, just zoom in far enough so that your screen is able to
display the gaps, e.g. by zooming in by 6400%
Uwe Ligges
On 17.04.2012 15:53, Unger, Kristian, Dr. wrote:
Thanks Uwe. Please use the following be
Thank you Prof.,
As always, simple things need to thing carefully :-(
I have missed that point, and also the existence of rJava forums.
ATB, Olivier
-Message d'origine-
De : Prof Brian Ripley [mailto:rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk]
Envoyé : mardi 17 avril 2012 15:32
À : Olivier Eterradossi
Cc : r
Peter Dalgaard has already given some indications. However, nls() is pretty
fragile as a
solver in my experience. I'm in the process of putting some more robust (in the
and not statistical sense) solvers in the nlmrt package on the R-forge project
I checked inside the directory but I have the PACKAGE file as you can see
ls /home/bioadm/install/R_packages/test/PACKAGES
I created them using this command
write_PACKAGES("../test/", type="win.binary" )
I retried the command but I got the same error.
Note that the partialPlot() function also returns the x-y pairs being plotted,
so you can work from there if you wish. As to SD, my guess is you want some
sort of confidence interval or band around the curve? I do not know of any
theory to produce that, but that may well just be my ignorance.
Thanks Uwe, you are right!
The reason why it works fine now might be that the borders switch of the rect()
function was set to "white" rather than NA when I sent my initial request. This
obviously led to drawing of white borders that overlaid some of the tiny blue
or red rectangles.
However, i
Hello all,
followup to yesterday's question: Part of my confusion was caused by
my embarrassing mistake of overwriting the "ppk" function with another
object, which of course broke the next iteration of the loop.
Secondly, I got exactly what I wanted like this:
aggregate.zoo <- function(series)
I wrote a function which works for one group but not for multiple groups in
several years. Could anyone help me out?
The dateset has 3 variables, year, group, and sales. I want to calculate the
annual group median adjusted sales performance for observation i in group j and
year yr, I do th
On 17.04.2012 16:16, Unger, Kristian, Dr. wrote:
Thanks Uwe, you are right!
The reason why it works fine now might be that the borders switch of the rect() function
was set to "white" rather than NA when I sent my initial request. This
obviously led to drawing of white borders that overlaid
I cannot make a reproducible example easily for my problem, so I'll
describe it as best as I can.
I merged 2 dataframes but was surprised when one line on the x
dataframe did not get a match in the y dataframe, because I knew such
a match existed. There was only one "by" variable in the merge
If I had a dataset of the following below and I want to plot colors for this
image.plot so that:
red for data above 1
black for data between/equal 1 and -1
green for data below -1
normally its:
image.plot(data) but how do I add the colors for the range of data points as
Many thanks
> image.plot(x, breaks=c(-100,-1,1,100), col=c('green','black','red'))
- Mail original -
De : David Lyon
À : "r-help@r-project.org"
Cc :
Envoyé le : Mercredi 18 avril 2012 0h00
Objet : [R] image.plot specify colors for range of data points, please help
If I h
friszuur gmail.com> writes:
> I am using glmer() from the lme4-package to run generalized linear mixed
> models.
> Is there a way to extract the overall variable effects from the model output
> object? For example, for linear models using lm() I use the anova() function
> to extract these res
Hi all,
Could anybody please point me to the solver function in R on QCQP?
The quadprog package seems to be only able to handle the linear
Thank you!
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
Thank you so much!
- Original Message -
From: Pascal Oettli
To: David Lyon
Cc: "r-help@r-project.org"
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:31 AM
Subject: Re : [R] image.plot specify colors for range of data points, please
> image.plot(x, breaks=c(-100,-1,1,100), col=c('green'
I am trying to access many .Rdata objects and do some operations with them
using a loop. I can load the files but can't access them. The files' names
are stored in a character vector called "names". After loading the objects,
I can view each one using ls() and see that two objects are present
I'm glad you have a solution that works.
Maybe you could do the same without hard-coding the values 1:7, 8:14.
dat <- with(my_dataframe, paste(month, day, year, sep="/"))
week <- cut(chron(dat), breaks="weeks")
tapply(my_dataframe$Freq, week, mean)
Hope thi
In your first call, perf(GROUP11), you're passing a data.frame, in the
'tapply' and 'aggregate'
you are passing a vector, x1$SALES, and the operator '$' is not valid.
> tapply(x1$SALES, list(x1$YEAR, x1$GROUP), perf)
Error in x$SALES : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
There's anot
Try reading ?load again.
It takes a single filename only.
Also 'n' is a character, not a symbol for a variable. I think you
need to do some reading on basic programming. Try An Introduction to R
(part of the distro) to get you going.
-- Bert
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 8:38 AM, francy wrote:
> Hi,
I'm not sure that's francy's problem. This seems to work for me:
# Some fake data
nms <- letters[1:5]
lapply(nms, function(x) assign(x, rnorm(10), .GlobalEnv))
# Make some .Rdata files
lapply(nms, function(x) save(list =x, file = paste0(x, ".Rdata")))
# Check they are there
# Bring
Looks like we need an SDP solver in R...
Any pointers?
thanks a lot!
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Michael wrote:
> Hi all,
> Could anybody please point me to the solver function in R on QCQP?
> The quadprog package seems to be only able to handle the linear
> constraints...
> Thank
On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 10:44:40 -0400, Denis Chabot wrote:
> Hi,
> I cannot make a reproducible example easily for my problem, so I'll
describe it as best as I can.
>> b=test2$date[22]
> a f
> argin-left:5px;
> [1] "2011
On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 10:44:40 -0400, Denis Chabot wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I cannot make a reproducible example easily for my problem, so
>> describe it as best as I can.
>>> b=test2$date[22]
>> a x
>> in-left: 5px;
width: 100%;">b
It seems to work!
Thanks and sorry for the personal message
On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 09:09:24 +0200, peter dalgaard wrote
> On Apr 17, 2012, at 06:23 , Francisco Mora Ardila wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I´m trying to fit a nonlinear model to a derivative of the logistic function
> >
> > y = a
I have a data.set with 7 lists, with over 7000 observations in each list. to
of the lists contain country names.
aus dnk
fra aus
usa aut
My dilemma is that I want to add an extra column/list to my data.set. If the
countries are both european it should be assi
A slightly quieter response:
Please use dput() to create a reproducible example -- for this case,
if x and y aren't too long, it seems that dput(x) and dput(y) would
comprise one. str() helps (and thank you for that -- it gave me a
place to start), but it doesn't provide quite enough to reproduce
Do you have lists or something like a data.frame? Your printout
suggests you don't actually have a list. (well, data.frames really are
lists but let's just not talk about that)
Perhaps %in% is what you are looking for...
EU <- c("UK","FR","DE") # Yes, I know there are more
countries <- c("US
It's a rather risky idea to call your function aggregate.zoo -- that's
actually a pre-existing function and it could (will!) confuse the
method dispatch system.
In short, S3 methods use the name convention generic.class (e.g.,
aggregate is the generic and zoo is the class) so when you just use
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
> project.org] On Behalf Of Michael
> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 9:31 AM
> To: r-help
> Subject: Re: [R] What functions are available for Quadratically
> Constrained Quadratic Programming in R?
> Looks
Hi all,
I'm having the same issue as in this previous post:
And as another user of Biostar:
Whereby I'm trying to output cuffdiff data into cumm
Hello I am having some trouble performing a simple ANOVA in R
I am working with 2001 census tract information regarding religion. I am
quite a rookie at this whole R experiance, but I would like to improve my
*I read in my data and subset it accordingly to select only the columns I
Hi Michael
Sorry it is a data frame where to of the columns are 22 countries arranged
in random. I now want to add and ekstra column that is 1 if the country par
for the specific row is both european countries and 0 if not.
View this message in context:
On Apr 17, 2012, at 1:03 PM, MatthewJudd wrote:
Hello I am having some trouble performing a simple ANOVA in R
I am working with 2001 census tract information regarding religion.
I am
quite a rookie at this whole R experiance, but I would like to
improve my
*I read in my data and
On 04/17/2012 10:02 AM, craigledee wrote:
Hi all,
I'm having the same issue as in this previous post:
And as another user of Biostar:
Reproducible example not provided... try this -- it should generalize
to multiple columns:
EU <- c("UK","FR","DE") # Yes, I know there are more
countries <- data.frame( country1 = c("US","CH","UK","AU"), country2 =
c( "CA", "MX", "FR", "DE"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cbind(countries, EU.Memb
On Apr 17, 2012, at 1:55 PM, R. Michael Weylandt wrote:
Reproducible example not provided... try this -- it should generalize
to multiple columns:
EU <- c("UK","FR","DE") # Yes, I know there are more
countries <- data.frame( country1 = c("US","CH","UK","AU"), country2 =
c( "CA", "MX", "FR"
I would like to run some code in parallel with each cluster reading/writing to
a different working directory. I've tried the following code without success.
The error I get is: "Error in setwd(x) : cannot change working directory"
dirs <- list("out1","out2","out3") #
I'll give it a bash, thanks!
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I'm an absolute R newbie, but my question is (or at least seems) simple:
I have a number of sensor values from different sensors, along with
timestamps, so something like this:
sensor 1:
read_at:1 2 4 5 6
value:1 15 815 23
sensor 2:
read_at:23 4
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:06:05AM -0700, David Schaefer wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to run some code in parallel with each cluster reading/writing
> to a different working directory. I've tried the following code without
> success. The error I get is: "Error in setwd(x) : cannot change wo
On Apr 17, 2012, at 2:04 PM, phibo wrote:
I'm an absolute R newbie, but my question is (or at least seems)
I have a number of sensor values from different sensors, along with
timestamps, so something like this:
sensor 1:
read_at:1 2 4 5 6
value:1 15
see below!
On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Gabor Grothendieck
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 9:50 PM, Kjetil Halvorsen
> wrote:
>> I am experimenting with rSymPy, and it seems to work nice.
>> However, I dislike the need to wrap all sympy expressions within
>> quotes, it leads to ugly c
On 04/17/2012 11:06 AM, David Schaefer wrote:
I would like to run some code in parallel with each cluster reading/writing to a
different working directory. I've tried the following code without success. The error I
get is: "Error in setwd(x) : cannot change working directory"
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Kjetil Halvorsen
> see below!
> On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Gabor Grothendieck
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 9:50 PM, Kjetil Halvorsen
>> wrote:
>>> I am experimenting with rSymPy, and it seems to work nice.
>>> However, I dislike the
I would notice this error compiling a Sweave document after I updated R from
version 2.14.2 to 2.15.0:
Error in driver$finish(drobj) : the output file 'MyDocument.tex' has
Calls: -> do.call -> ->
Execution halted
Do you have any suggestion?
Sent from iPod
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:52 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
> On Apr 17, 2012, at 12:13 AM, Worik R wrote:
> After a lot of processing I get a matrix into M. I expected each row and
>> column to be a vector. But it is a list.
> This behavior is not the result of limitation in how R's sapp
On 12-04-17 5:35 PM, Riccardo Romoli wrote:
I would notice this error compiling a Sweave document after I updated R from
version 2.14.2 to 2.15.0:
Error in driver$finish(drobj) : the output file 'MyDocument.tex' has
Calls: -> do.call ->->
Execution halted
Do you have any
I am trying to run a logistic regression to look at the risk of malaria
infection in individuals. I want to account for intra household correlation
and so want to include a household level random effect. I have been using
the lmer command in lme4 package but am getting some strange results tha
I've been following the example in the R help page:
coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + frailty(inst, df=4), lung)
Here, in this particular example they fixed the degrees of freedom for the
random institutio
I am a new to R but already love it.
I have the following problem:
I fitted arima model to my time series like this (please ignore modeling
parameters as they are not important now):
x = scan("C:/data.txt")
x = ts(x, start=1, frequency=1)
x.fit<-arima(x, order = c(1,0,0), seasonal = l
Hello all,
I was checking the newest update of my library before submitting it to
CRAN, using R 2.15.0 and Rtools for Windows 215 using Rcmd in the Command
Prompt, on my x64 Windows7 laptop. I recently heard that for checking
packages for CRAN submission one should use the option --as-cran;
df1 <- read.table(text="
County 1990 1991 1992 1993
Alachua 1 1 1 1
Baker 0 0 0 0
Bay 0 0 1 0
Bradford 0 0 0 0
", header=TRUE)
df1$Total <- rowSums(df1[ , -1]) # Not column 1
df1$Total <- rowSums(df1[ , 2:5])# Explicit column numbers
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
View this messa
On Apr 17, 2012, at 7:27 PM, Worik R wrote:
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:52 PM, David Winsemius >wrote:
On Apr 17, 2012, at 12:13 AM, Worik R wrote:
After a lot of processing I get a matrix into M. I expected each
row and
column to be a vector. But it is a list.
This behavior is not t
What exactly do you mean by "apply" it to a different data set?
Unlike regular regressions, time series models don't (generally) use
new data to make forecasts ...
By the way, this is a good guide to the time series functionality
available in R: http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/TimeSeries.html
paleotree imports phangorn which depends on Matrix, so your example
does indeed depend on Matrix.
A possible reason is that your installed Matrix was built for a
different version of R, i.e. check packageDescription("Matrix").
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 4:23 PM, David Bapst wrote:
> Hello
This is the first and last part of my data frame. There is 3465 (not 7000)
observations so the "1 or 0" column has to be 3465 rows long aswell
year country1 country2 contig comlangpop1gdp1
pop2 gdp2 rtadist avgflow
11992 AUS AUT 0
Hi everybody,
I've written a function to run an LME model on data derived from functional
magnetic resonance images. When I run the function with contrasts included I
get the following error
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'inModelFormula' not found
I think it has something do do
On Apr 17, 2012, at 9:15 PM, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
paleotree imports phangorn which depends on Matrix, so your example
does indeed depend on Matrix.
A possible reason is that your installed Matrix was built for a
different version of R, i.e. check packageDescription("Matrix").
I thought Ma
Ok, so you simply need to use the methods David or I provided -- it
looks like you don't even have to change the variable names...
Is there something that isn't clear now?
Also, reproducible examples are much better if you use dput() so they
are actually reproducible
On Tue, Apr 17,
On 12-04-17 9:21 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
On Apr 17, 2012, at 9:15 PM, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
paleotree imports phangorn which depends on Matrix, so your example
does indeed depend on Matrix.
A possible reason is that your installed Matrix was built for a
different version of R, i.e. check
Thank you both to Michael and Calum,
Your comments pointed me to the answer.
I did not succeed in making a useful reproducible example using dput(), so I'll
have to study that command further. But it is no longer necessary for this
thread to have a successful end.
Your comments about floating
My final goal is to perform forecasting in real time. My historical data that
is used for training consist of about 2000 samples. Fitting ARIMA model
x.fit<-arima(x, order = c(5,0,0), seasonal = list(order=c(0,0,1))) takes about
3-5 minutes, often I do not have so much time between rece
I participate peripherally on a listserve for middle- and high-school
science teachers. Sometimes questions about graphing or data analysis
come up. I never miss an opportunity to advocate for R. However, the
teachers are often skeptical that their students would be able to
issue commands or write
In addition to whatever feedback you may get here, you might subscribe
to the SIG-Teaching list for another interested population.
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 10:46 PM, Christopher W Ryan
> I participate peripherally on a listserve for middle- and high-school
> science teachers. Somet
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On
> Behalf
> Of Worik R
> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 4:28 PM
> To: r-help
> Subject: Re: [R] Can a matrix have 'list' as rows/columns?
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:52 PM, David Winsemius
> wrote:
> >
> > On Apr 1
Hi Chris,
I am not sure, whether introducing R to High School students would be a good
idea as I feel we should encourage students to sketch the graphs in paper to
get their concepts right. Excel is fine, but - if I write an equation on the
board, will the student be able to visualize its grap
I suggest that you look at R through Excel. This is a Springer book that
Erich Neuwirth and I wrote. It is designed as a computational supplement to any
introductory Statistics book. It uses Erich's RExcel to give either
menu access to R
from Excel (using Rcmdr embedded into the Ex
I am working on dataframe and column names are multiwords but when i read
it it become one word with space relplaced by "." How can i keep normall
spacing reading file.
for e.g.
input file
Data Test Data Out
But when i read t
Hi all-
Henrik, packageDescription informs me that I have Matrix version 1.0-6,
which is the newest version on CRAN.
Duncan, I installed R-patched from CRAN, reset my path variable,
reinstalled paleotree's dependencies and reran Rcmd check with --as-cran.
This produced a related but different err
I m working on bar chart.
*Input file:*
index -5 1
index -4 3
index -3 2
index -2 10
index -1 7
index 0 2
index 1 1
barplot(t(as.matrix(i[3])), ylab= "value", main = "testdata", beside=TRUE,
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 10:46 PM, Christopher W Ryan
> I participate peripherally on a listserve for middle- and high-school
> science teachers. Sometimes questions about graphing or data analysis
> come up. I never miss an opportunity to advocate for R. However, the
> teachers are often sk
> Hi,
> I m working on bar chart.
> *Input file:*
> index -5 1
> index -4 3
> index -3 2
> index -2 10
> index -1 7
> index 0 2
> index 1 1
> barplot(t(as.matrix(i[3])), ylab= "value", main = "testdata",
> Hi,
> I am working on dataframe and column names are multiwords but when i
> it it become one word with space relplaced by "." How can i keep
> spacing reading file.
> for e.g.
> input file
> Data Test Data Out
> 35
> 5
Not sure this adds to, subtracts from, or obfuscates this thread, but ...
> x <- list(a=1:3,b = log, c=letters[2],d=as.list(1:5))
> is.vector(x)
[1] TRUE
> dim(x) <- c(2,2)
> is.matrix(x)
[1] TRUE
> is.vector(x)
> x
[,1] [,2]
[1,] Integer,3 "b"
[2,] ? List,5
> x[2
>> I anticipate keeping things very simple:
>> --objects and the fact that there is stuff inside them. str(), head(), tail()
>> --how to get data into R
>> --dataframes, as I imagine they will mostly be using single,
>> "rectangular" datasets
>> --a lot of graphics (I can't imagine th
Wow it works :) Thank you SO much!!
I am very new at R and was thinking if you would explain what these to codes
# I know this i a vector with both my county lists but what does
stringsAsFacors= FALSE do ?. What if I wantede a
I'm using the Anderson Darling Normality test in my modelling. I'm finding
the Normality test for residuals. if the values of residuals are very high
the p-value coming out is infinity.
how to interpret this. or is there any means of calculating the normality
Thanks in Advance
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